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"My sister is a very complex woman. She desperately needs someone to really care about her, but she also needs someone to be in control, so she can let go and give that person everything. I've been her only real confidante for a long time, and I know how depressed she's becoming without anyone to turn to. Other than me, that is, and I can't be there all the time.

"On the down side, your mother is desperately afraid that she will be seen as wicked, depraved and maybe even insane. She's obviously not, and she loves you very much, but I think she is having difficulty expressing her feelings towards you. For her, the worst thing that could possibly happen is that you would think she is some sort of freak and walk out on her."

"I see. So now I'm staying with her, she's starting to look at me as a potential lover. Do you think she understands the implications of the word 'incest'?"

"Oh yes, Ash; we talked about that at length. You can't have children, so that closes out one objection. So far as legality is concerned, she believes that there is only an issue if someone complains. She certainly won't and I just want her to be happy."

Here, my aunt's smile returned in a blaze of glory.

"Okay, Aunt J, but what about the moral issue?"

"She was even more certain about that. 'If two people really love each other, then who cares if they demonstrate it physically?' Her very words. Now, tell me, do you love your mother?"

"I'd take a bullet for her, Aunt J, and if truth be told, I've always seen her as a beautiful if rather fragile woman and I know that she has repressed much of her lighter and more sensual nature. She's always been a wonderful, supportive mother, but there has also been a rather defensive edge to her, as if she was trying to protect herself. And, alright, seeing as we're being honest, I have had fantasies about her as well."

My aunt giggled. "So what are you waiting for, stud. Get home and get into her panties and you'll have a slave for life."

"Aunt Julia, sometimes I almost despair about you—but I like the theory."

"Good boy, but don't focus too strongly on fragility. If she's shown love and compassion, she'll blossom into a hot, willing, enthusiastic partner. And she will be able to let herself go and give herself to you, letting her submissive side come into play. Trust your old aunt, Ash, I know her really well."

My aunt rose to go and I gave her a fond hug. "Thank you, Aunt J. I know—you can dance at our wedding."

"What a lovely thought; I'll hold you to that." And she walked out, leaving me with a lot to think about.

"Betty, what does my diary look like for the rest of the day?"

"Well, Mr M, your 2.30 client has cancelled and rescheduled, but after that, you're free. If you remember, you were going to catch up on paperwork," she commented hopefully.

"Hmm. Well, I think I'm going to take an early minute instead, Betty, but I'll be in on time tomorrow."

I packed up and headed for home, my head in a buzz, and my cock trying to force its way out of my pants. Mum and I were going to have a talk—first, and then maybe, let nature take its course.

"Hi mum, I'm home," I yelled as I walked through the door.

"Hi honey, I'm in the kitchen preparing tonight's meal, one of your favourites. You're home early; I hope nothing's wrong."

I ambled up to mum and wrapped my arms round her waist and she leaned her head back into my shoulder. "Mmm, smells great. And so does the food."

"Thank you, sweetie, now scram while I finish the meal."

"Yes, mummy." I teased and deposited myself untidily in the lounge.

A little later, mum came into the room, wiping her hands on an apron and asked, "Okay, Ash, so what are you doing home at this time?"

"Mum, I need to talk to you, maybe the most important talk I've ever had with you."

Her hand went to her mouth in dismay. "Oh god, Ash, is there something seriously wrong? Are you in trouble? How can I help you? Please, my dear, don't hold anything back, I need to know."

"Well, mum, it all depends on how you look at it. I had a long talk with Aunt Julia this morning."

Now mum looked puzzled. "Okay and ..."

"She told me, in considerable detail, about a talk you two had when you were out on the razz a few nights ago."

"Yes, I remember that evening. We had a great time and talked almost non-stop about all sorts of things, so what ..."

Mum stopped and the colour drained from her face. "Oh my god. Did she tell you about my ... about my fantasies?

"She did, mum."

"Ash, these were just fantasies. Don't tell me you've never fantasised about an affair with a film star or something like that."

"No, mum, but that is so far removed from reality that it would never amount to anything. But this is different—isn't it?"

She hesitated, sitting heavily in a chair opposite me, her face turned to the floor. After a short while, she looked up, apprehension written across her face.

"Ash, I need to be completely honest with you because you knowing about my fantasies has ripped away all the defences I've built up over the last few years. Now I'm having to put my life in your hands." Her vulnerability showed through in her hesitant, diffident words and her shallow, rapid breathing.

"Before you start drowning in guilt, mum, hear me out. Do you really think that if I was offended, embarrassed or angry I'd be here talking to you like this?"

"Probably not, honey, but this is so dangerous, so abnormal, so depraved, it may be difficult for me to get through it all."

I was still curious about how all this had developed. "Mum, how did this happen? What caused you to develop this fantasy about you and me? Where did it all come from?"

A cloud of emotions sped over her face—fear, uncertainty, anxiety, excitement; she might have been a parachutist about to make her first jump, and by no means certain the parachute was properly packed.

"It all started when you were eighteen. Do you remember, your father and I took you out for a big meal at the Excelsior?"

"Remember? I'll never forget that evening."

"Me either. I could hardly believe how handsome you looked, and how you treated me like a princess. I was stunned that my son could be so charming and mature. And then we danced, especially the tango, and I felt like a real woman for the first time in my life. That night I had my first erotic dream about you. It was really quite tame, but you held me and kissed me, and I just melted."

"Hmm, I see."

"Those dreams became more frequent and more explicit. You were always in charge, making me do things that I would never have dreamt of doing with your father, but you were so dominant and so in control that I had no option. What was more important to me was that I loved being with you in that way. I came to crave that feeling of being able to lose myself with you and not be in control. And the things you did with me and to me became almost like an obsession.

"One night, I dreamed you had instructed me to masturbate in front of you, working myself up to a devastating orgasm. I woke with my hand between my legs and my panties soaked in my juices.

"Another time I dreamed you were taking me doggy style and it was so real and so intense that I screamed just as I woke up. It woke your father, but I persuaded him that I'd had a bad dream; the reality was that I'd had a wonderful dream."

"I see, mum; something must have had a profound effect on you."

"I know; I think the biggest effect of all came on the night of your wedding. I dreamed that I had been your bride and we went to the honeymoon suite. I was dressed in a tight, white bustier, with white seamed stockings attached, four inch white patent leather pumps and a bridal veil. I can remember as if it was yesterday; you removed the bustier and pinched my nipples hard. I squealed with erotic pain and threw my arms round your neck, kissing you deeply.

"Then you pulled me across your lap and spanked me, saying, 'This is how our life will be in future.' God help me, I sobbed with desire and demanded that this was how you would always treat me to show you were my master. I woke the next morning feeling drained, but completely fulfilled. It was such a beautiful sensation."

I laughed. "The funny thing is, mum, that when Sarah and I reached the honeymoon hotel, we were both exhausted, so we postponed our lovemaking until the next day. What you were dreaming of hadn't happened."

"Okay, smartypants, but in my fevered mind, it had."

She conceded that the dreams were still happening, and had become more vivid since I had moved back home. She told me that a recent dream had been especially potent. "You took me into the shower and soaped every inch of my body. Then you made me assume the submissive position, on my knees with my back straight and my tits thrust out. And then ... and then you pissed on my tits, aiming straight at the nipples. Oh god, it was wonderful; I felt so totally humiliated, but that was what I needed, to show you my true role as your sub, willing to do absolutely anything for you. Once again, I woke with my panties soaked in my juices and feeling really horny."

"Mum, you do realise that we need to resolve this issue and find out what's been going on in your head, don't you?"

"I guess so, honey."

"So, what do you think has caused all these dreams about you and me together in increasingly hot sexual encounters?"

"I ...I... don't kn...know."

Mum was trembling, her body vibrating with powerful emotions, and I suddenly realised she was deathly afraid. I needed to know why.

"Okay, mum, I know you're really scared of something; please tell me about it.'

Not a sound from my mother, who stared at me like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

"Mother," I snapped, "tell me about it NOW."

She gasped and sobbed, "Ash, I'm so afraid I'll lose you. I'm so scared that now you know how I feel about you that you'll think I'm completely depraved, you won't want anything more to do with me, that you'll pack your things and walk out in disgust, that you'll never speak to me ..."

I looked deeply into her eyes. My mother's soul was stripped bare, and she had put herself, her happiness and her future completely into my hands. She desperately needed the certainty of a caring master, and believed that it had to be me, but the underpinnings of her conventional upbringing remained in place.

"Tell me, mother, what do you most want to happen? Forget the conventions, the moral limits and the potential problems. Right this minute, what is your deepest desire?"

Her voice trembled as she stammered out her deepest needs, and I took both her hands in mine as a sign of support.

"I ... oh god, this is so difficult. I ... can't escape from the desire to be with you ... in every possible way. To be ... your lover ... to be your ... your slave. To obey you in everything you demand. For you to own me. There would be no limits, Ash, anything your heart desires I will provide."

The silence was almost tangible until I broke it. "First of all, then, mother, kiss me as if doing so will save your life."

Wrapping her arms around me, she drew my mouth to hers and we kissed, a long, sweet, hot kiss. Our tongues leapt to each other, swirling and tumbling around each other's mouth in a passionate dance of love and lust. She tasted delicious and sinful, and I could hardly get enough of her sensual, forbidden mouth. My mother shuddered as I stroked down behind her ears and along her back, and moaned as I broke the kiss.

"Oh god, Ash, I'm falling into an abyss of lust and desire. Please, my love, please be with me and I'll be whoever you want me to be and do anything you say."

"Very well, mother. Take off your panties and give them to me."

Her eyes never left mine as she lifted the hem of her dress and slid her serviceable white cotton briefs to the floor, then picked them up with trembling hands and gave them to me. They were warm and damp and I held them to my nose, stimulated by the potent aroma of her arousal.

I growled deep in my throat, and my mother again demonstrated her impression of a rabbit in the headlights.

"Now, mother, take off the rest of your clothes and stand in front of me with your arms at your sides."

She obeyed, hesitantly at first, but with an increasing sense of inevitability, tinged with desire.

For a forty four year old woman, my mother's body was truly amazing, and feeling its soft smooth warmth under my hands was an erotic sensation in itself. I moved to her slipping an arm around her waist and then tipping her head back, bringing my lips to hers in a long, lingering and wholly sensual kiss. This had a surprisingly warm, gentle quality, without urgency, without being in a hurry to go any further. As this intimate physical and emotional contact grew, the kiss became both more intense and more exploratory.

I briefly broke the kiss in order to renew it again and again, nibbling at my mother's lower lip in a way that had her gasping for breath.

My hand moved round to cup her breast and she moaned, thrusting herself into my hand.

"Oh god, honey, it feels so good to have you play with my breasts. Your father used to just maul me, and although I love having my tits played with, the way you do it is so arousing and makes me feel so horny. It's so very hot and they respond to your touch in ways that make me start to lose control. You make me feel as if you love and care about them. Do it some more and ... oh god, please kiss my nipples."

"Sit down, mother," and as I said this, my kisses moved to her neck, behind her ears and then I bit firmly but gently into a lobe, all the while caressing her breasts with my hands. She quivered and shook, whispering my name as my hands moved over her body.

I knelt on the floor between her legs and flicked at her nipples, which were erect and seemed to be almost painfully hard. I licked one, and then gently bit into it and she screamed, the wanton sound of a woman who was losing all control.

"Do you like that, mother? Do you like your son biting your delicious nipples?"

"Oh god ... I can't ... I've never ... Please don't stop ..."

"I asked you a question, mother, did you like that?" and to emphasize my point, I took a nipple between the finger and thumb of each hand and twisted them, pulling them out until her breasts formed smooth, full cones.

She shook as if having a seizure and screamed her release as an orgasm, obviously unexpected, overtook her, taking her to places she had only ever dreamed about.

I breathed deeply, entranced by the potent aroma of her arousal.

"What do you want, mother?" I was firm and clear, demanding an answer.

"You," she gasped.

"Mmm, well, mother, you need to know there are some limits. You must have a safe word so if anything I do becomes intolerable, you can use it and I will stop. That word is 'wombat'. I don't do animals or under-age sex, I don't do punishments that will cause lasting harm and I don't do piercing. I do want to spank you and maybe bind you. I want to get a whole range of toys; vibrators, butt plugs and dildos, nipple clamps and other toys.

"I may humiliate, punish or discipline you according to my needs and my preferences. On the other hand, I shall require you to dress as I see fit, and we will get you a wardrobe of slutty, revealing outfits, lingerie and heels. I may require you to have sex with women, and I shall call you 'slut', 'whore', 'bitch' or any other term that takes my fancy. Oh, and please don't call me "master"; I don't think I've earned that title yet. Stick with "Sir" in future. Is all that clear, mother?"

Her breathing had altered and was coming in short fast gasps, with her breasts heaving and flushing almost as if she was coming close to a climax. "Oh yes, Sir, yes, please treat me that way. It is what I've always dreamed of; call me slut, call me whore; it makes me feel naughty, it makes me feel nasty and it lets me know I truly belong to you, which I want so much. And, yes, I want you to fuck me, hard and forcefully."

I held her close, nipping quickly at each nipple, and then started kissing my way downwards. She gasped, knowing where I was heading, and trembled with anticipation and excitement. I knew, now, that I was in full control of my mother's body, and she would do nothing, could do nothing to prevent me from doing whatever I liked.

She told me later that it seemed as if her physical body had disappeared and been replaced by a trembling collection of feelings, desires, needs, demands that silently screamed inside her, but could only make themselves heard by a jumble of incoherent gasps and moans.

"Ooh Ash. Please ... please kiss me ... kiss my pussy. Take me to paradise. Please, my darling son, kiss my cunt."

"I want to drive you crazy with lust, mother, to have you quivering on the brink of a major orgasm, then I'm going to fuck you, hard, fast and send you blasting into orbit. First of all, though, take me to your bedroom."

Her only reply was a deep ecstatic moan. But she hurried out of the room and I followed, watching her entrancing globes wiggle and sway.

I pushed her onto her back on the bed, and she sprawled in a posture so inelegant but at the same time, so lascivious that my already hard cock seemed to become a steel bar.

I joined her on the bed and kissed her as she greedily tried to trap my mouth with hers. Then I kissed, licked and nibbled my way down, behind her ears, into the soft, smooth scoops at the base of her neck, then down towards her breasts.

I took her hands and held them above her head, telling her to hold onto the rail. That had the effect of pushing her breasts up, making them look even more enticing. "Do not let go of the rail, mother, or I shall walk out of here." She gave a deep moan but held on as I had instructed her to do.

She whimpered and begged me to take her and make her my woman. I continued the tease, making her writhe and shudder as I worked around each breast, nearing the hard, sensitive tip while she squeaked with passion, the squeaks turning to screams as I bit each nipple.

I kissed down her stomach, making her skin jump when I passed over the sensitive nerve endings and approached her perfumed sex. I licked down along her slit, now well lubricated with her juices and tasting delicious. This really started her motor running and she twisted and squirmed, trying to get me to penetrate her overheating pussy.

How could I resist? I rolled my tongue sideways and pushed it into her to the accompaniment of squeals and demands for more, then licked upwards running my tongue firmly across her clit. Her squeals turned to screams of pleasure. Her enthusiasm became greater when I bit lightly on her clit.

"Oh god, Ash, you've made me so wet with excitement, your cock should have no difficulty in filling my pussy. Please, my darling son, please mount me from behind. Fuck me like a bitch on heat, because that's what I am."

I didn't need to be asked twice and as my mother positioned herself in the middle of the bed, head down and her curvy bottom high in the air, I moved up behind her, first slapping each cheek firmly.

"Oh, god—you're making me even hotter, and I'm so ready for you."

With that, I first stroked my rigid cock along her drooling slit, causing her to moan and cry out with pleasure. Then I inserted first the head of my cock into her pussy, and then with one long, slow thrust, impaled my mother on my rampant organ. She screamed with a mix of excitement, lust and erotic pain.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard you incestuous motherfucker. Do me properly. Use that gorgeous cock on my needy pussy. Ride me until I cum."

My mother thrashed and moaned, continually begging for more and screaming her bliss as I ploughed remorselessly into her clinging, receptive cunt.