Forbidden Fruit Ch. 21-25

Story Info
More fun for Brad. Dean wants some side action as well.
8.5k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/25/2020
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Ch. 21

Brad was in the library and just finishing an assignment. His phone buzzed and he smiled as he read a text from Colleen saying how much she wanted and needed him again. He replied telling her how much he wanted to be with her again as well and if she wanted to go parking again. "Oh shit. I was supposed to text Lisa!" he muttered to himself and did immediately. Hi. How are u. U at school now?

He had just finished his assignment when both texted back. "Oh yeah!" he whispered to himself as he read Colleen's reply that she could meet him tonight, "Going balls deep into tight little blonde pussy again!" he grinned as he finalized the meeting time with her.

"Now, Long Legs," he said as he tapped her name. "Let's see what you have to say."

Hi Brad. I'm good. Nice to hear from you. I'm in the library doing some work.

He smiled as he saw how she spelt out all her words in the text and used punctuation.

I am too U want to grab a coffee now at low beans? Take a break?

Sure. Should I just meet you down there?

Great! Ill meet u at the entrance. Leave now?

See you there. She added an emoji of a girl smiling.

He scooped up his things and went down to the basement of the library which among other things housed a huge coffee shop called Low Beans. Besides the emergency fire exits there was just one entrance and exit and the shop always had a staff on by the door to ensure no one left with coffee. Lisa was already there in her favourite faded jeans and certainly fit his new nick name for her. Her legs looked like they were a mile long and she had one foot cutely turned inwards. All he could see from the neck up was her curly brown shoulder length hair but then she turned around and saw him. She smiled and blushed at the same time.

"Hi, Cutie," he gave her his ladies grin.

"Hi, Brad," she looked down at her toes and then up again, her face red.

"Let's grab a coffee and a table?" They went in went to the self-serve line. There was a multitude of different types and they both poured and mixed a paper cup. "Two," Brad told the checkout and passed over his card.

"Thanks," Lisa said softly.

He found a table and they sat. "What were you working on?" he initiated the conversation and kept it flowing expertly. He started to get to know her a little bit and liked what he was discovering. She was still quite nervous and fidgeted in her seat and blushed a lot.

"You're a little bit nervous with me?" he asked gently after a bit.

"Yeah, I guess," she looked down at her cup and blushed more.

"The blonde All-American quarterback type?"

"Something like that."

"I'm just another guy, Lisa."

"Well I haven't really dated a whole lot, Brad," she informed him as she took a sip of coffee to try and cover up her embarrassment.

"Why is that? You have strict parents?"

"No. I was just, you know, never really very popular. I wasn't asked out a lot."

"See? I knew it! That explains it!" he exclaimed as if discovering a secret.

"What?" she looked at him with dark brown eyes, a mixture of curiosity and embarrassment.

"See, that explains a lot about the MacPherson football team! All those guys were so fucking stupid!"

She looked at him in shock, and then she started laughing. It was a genuine laugh and he smiled back warmly at her. "Thanks, Brad, you're really a sweet guy. But you are the All-American quarterback and I always feel a bit like the geeky, nerdy ugly duckling."

He laughed, "Jesus, Lisa. I don't know you enough yet to say if you're geeky. Ok, you're maybe a little bit girlie-nerdy, but you're nowhere close to ugly, that's for damn sure."

"I know," she absently brushed a lock of hair away from her face, "Just sometimes I feel like it. So it's just, you know, easy to feel a bit uncomfortable around you. Sorry."

"You just need to get to know me a bit." He looked at her hoodie, which had Western University Lady Riders Volleyball emblazoned across the front. "Say, do you think they will actually change our nickname?" he asked to change the subject. It was a common topic of conversation around the sports teams. Western had had the name, Stallions, for years but back in the early seventies someone coined the name Lady Riders for the women's team. The logo featured a clearly female rider on a galloping horse. Of course the sexual conations and jokes started immediately.

"I don't know. Apparently it's been talked about for years and years now."

"Maybe just change Stallions to Riders but the old guard and University sponsors won't like it much."

"They should try and do it gradually."

"Hey, that's a really good idea."

"Hey, Golden," a huge black guy wearing a Stallions football jacket that looked like it could double as an auto cover walked by.

"Hey, One-Block! What's going on, dude?"

"Got a biology test this afternoon. Hi," he smiled warmly at Lisa.

"Hi!" she said in a high pitched but little voice.

"That sucks. Good luck with it, hey."

"Gonna need it. Later, dude."

"Golden?" Lisa whispered in amusement, "That's what they call you?"

"It's, ahhhh, the blonde hair," he replied.

"Yeah right, Golden Boy!" she had forgotten her shyness temporarily; "Brad Sterling's nickname is Golden!"

"You guys got nicknames in volleyball?"

"Not really. Golden."

"Yeah, yeah!" he laughed and she joined in. "So when's your next game?"

"Well, we're playing Highland Community College next week. The reserves are, that is."

"I'll have to try to check that out."

"You don't have to Brad," she found her shyness again.

"You were at my last game."

"Well, ahhhh, that wasn't because you were playing. No offense," she smiled. "I go to all the football games I can, friendlies and pre-season included."

"Well, I should be supporting other sports as a varsity athlete, myself."

"We get lots of support. We don't even fund raise, the gate takes care of everything, travel, clothing, everything."

"Really? Volleyball draws that good?" he was a bit surprised.

"Lots of guys. Ask them the score after the game and they probably wouldn't be able to tell you!" she laughed.

"Ahhhh, the shorts?" he surmised.

"You got it. Oh! Look at the time! I have the four o'clock class!"

"Oh yeah. Jesus, you better hurry, Lisa."

"See you in lab!" she grabbed her backpack and took off.

He watched her go. "Now what do you look like in short shorts?" he mused as he watched her hurry out of sight.

Ch. 22

"Hey, Cutie!" he grinned as Meili approached him in the deserted library wearing her plaid mini skirt again. "Wow! You look amazing!" he remarked as he surveyed her. She had sheer black socks on up just past her knees allowing a delectable glimpse of bare legs up to the pleated mini-skirt. He gathered her in when she got close enough and slipped a hand around her to squeeze her ass as he kissed her deeply, immediately pushing his tongue inside her mouth.

"Oh!" she was a bit taken back.

"I could just eat you up," he whispered into her ear and she tilted her neck for him.

"You got condoms this time?" she whispered.

"Oh yeah. You wanna go for a ride in my Ford Mustang?"

"Your car?"

"Yeah! Go parking. Have sex with the football player in the back seat of his car? Just like the movies!"

"That sounds like fun but it also sounds dangerous. I don't want to get caught. I'm not a citizen remember?"

"I don't think having sex in the back seat of a car is illegal, Meili. Like half this country were probably conceived in the back seats of vehicles! It's the American way!"

"Do you have a thing about impregnation?" she asked suspiciously.

He laughed, "Ok, probably not the best choice of words. And, no. I have a thing for beautiful women. And you look amazing tonight," he slipped a hand on her smooth warm skin and moved it up her leg. He kissed her neck more. He felt her silk panties under her skirt. "Mmmmm, I want to go down on you, Meili. Do you know what that means?"

"Oral sex," she whispered.

"Would you like that?"

"Very much."

"And then use up a couple of the condoms in my pocket."

"We won't get caught?" she asked looking at him with her big glasses.

"Of course not. Come on," he grabbed his things and then took her by the hand.

"I can't be seen with you, Brad," she told him a bit panicked.

"I'll just hold your hand when I know we can't be seen. We can leave separately down on the main floor. Meet outside. I'm just parked on the adjacent lot. We won't be seen, Meili, and I know the perfect place to go."


It all went according to plan and soon he was driving them up to Lover's Lookout. He looked over at her grinning as he rubbed his thumb over the seven scratches on his steering wheel, knowing number eight would be on before the night was done.

"Nice car," she complimented him.

"Thanks," he grinned as he negotiated the windy road that led to the lookout. "I just love the knee-highs, Meili, by the way. Really turns me on." He got lucky at the first spot, finding it unoccupied. "Come on!" he jumped out and went over to open her door, pushing the seat ahead and helping her back.

"I like how you seem so excited," she giggled.

"Jesus! What guy wouldn't be!" he put his hands on the side of her face and kissed her tenderly.

"You want to put my glasses in front?"

"Mmmmm, I like you with them on. Ahhhh, you wanna just lie back there? Just put my jacket behind you to be more comfortable." she did, reclining across the seat, "I'll just take these off," he pulled off her shoes and tossed them over the seat.

"I think this is not the first time you have been here with a girl," she giggled.

"Well," he laughed, "Well no, it's not. And I'll just take these off, too," he reached up inside her miniskirt to find her silk panties and she lifted her bum up and he pulled them down over her legs. "Oh yeah. So nice," he murmured as he examined the tiny warm black silk panties and put them to his nose to inhale deeply.

"That is so hot," she whispered, looking up at him.

"You are so hot, Meili," he grinned as he delicately took the hem of her skirt and pulled it slowly up over her hips, revealing a tangle of black hair in the dim lit car. He pulled off his tee shirt and tossed it over the seat, vainly pausing briefly so that she could admire his muscled torso. Her gasp just further fanned his already massive ego. "I've been waiting to do this for a while, Meili," he told her as he managed to find the room to go down on her. He ran his nose and mouth softly and slowly, back and forth, in her mound before slowly licking up her crack.

"Ooooo," she gasped into the car and her hands went to his hair and shoulder. He felt her legs go around his shoulders and hang down over his back.

"Mmmmm," he started licking her as her musty flavour filled his mouth.

"Brad! Ooooo," she squirmed under him as he licked and sucked, flicking his tongue expertly. He paused briefly to kiss around her thighs and then started eating her again. "You so go! Ooooo!" she arched her back. "OH! OHHHHH!"

"Yeah, Baby!" he said into her crack as he held open her lips with his fingers and licked the smooth wet insides of her pussy. When he started flicking his tongue over her clit, she started squirming and gasping. He sucked on her then and she arched her back and called out into the confines of the car. "OOOOO! OOOOO!" She took his head in her hands and jammed it between her legs as she came on his face. He took his time after she had subsided a bit and continued slowly to lick her and rub his face against her smooth thighs.

He got up then and started to unfasten his jeans.

"I can do that," she said and pushed him back into the seat. She pulled open his jeans and pulled out his rock hard cock in her small hand. "You so masculine, Brad," she whispered as she squeezed and lightly stroked his cock.

"Mmmmm, that feels good," he whispered.

"I can make it feel better for you," she smiled and she shifted back and then lowered her head, onto him.

"Yes, Meili!" he exclaimed excitedly as he looked down and watched as her little tongue emerged and she licked his dick head daintily. He put a hand lightly on her back and looked as she looked up with her glasses still on, holding his cock in her hand, and rubbing the tip on her tongue. "Oh God!" he gulped.

"You like this?" she giggled.

"God, yes. Haven't had it done in a while, though."

"Why not?" she asked before slowly licking up his shaft.

"My ex-girlfriend didn't like doing it too much."

"It's not about liking it it's about making your lover feel good."

Ok, fuck off with the conversation and suck it! He thought. "I'd say you are just a better lover than she was." He whispered.

"Hmmmm," then she took it into her mouth and slowly went down on it before even more slowly pulling her lips back up all the way to the tip. Slowly she did it again, and again.

Brad groaned and laid his head back, mouthing "fuck" slowly, up at the ceiling. He looked down again with his mouth hanging open as she slowly ran her mouth again and again over his iron hard cock. "Oh my God, Meili!" he gasped.

"When you are about to cum put on a condom ok?" she told him as she came off his and massaged his slippery cock with her hand. "Don't cum in my mouth without a condom on."


"Really, Brad. I'm serious. I can be a good lover if you are. We can make our bodies feel really nice. But respect me, please."

"I will. I swear. Here, I'll get one ready," he fished one out of his pocket, "See?"

"Ok. You don't have to rush it. Take your time just tell me."


She went down on him again and he groaned in pleasure, "Oh my God!" He remembered the blow jobs he had received in the past. He remembered Emma Thompson bobbing her head furiously or Jan's blowjobs that were ninety percent handjobs. Carol did it fine of course but Meili was just so slow and sensual, so much more enjoyable and sensual that he was soon moaning in ultimate pleasure. "Ok Meili ... I'm close ... Oh God ... so good." She came off him and fixed her glasses and gently brushed back her hair while he ripped open and rolled on a condom.

"They lubricated?"

"Lubricated?" his mind was in a blissful spin, "Oh yeah, they are."

"Can I kiss you?" she smirked as she took his cock in her hand again.

"Jesus, of course you can."

She kissed him slowly as her hand worked to wipe off as much lube from the condom as she could, wiping her hand on his jeans. He opened his mouth and her tongue found his. "You don't mind? Tasting yourself on me?"

"Mmmmm, not at all."

"I think it's so hot. I love tasting myself off a boy. I don't like a boy to cum in my mouth, though." She went down on him again and sucked his cock with the condom on, now working faster and taking more and more of him in.

"OH GOD!" he yelled out, "OH YEAH!" he put his hand into the hair at the back of her head as pleasure buzzed in his cock and made his legs tingle. Then he erupted and gasped and enjoyed one of the best orgasms of his life. "FUCK YEAH! "OH FUCK YEAH!"

She came off him laughing and squeezed his tender cock softly as they kissed again.

"Meili, that was incredible. Oh my God."

"I like to make someone feel good when I'm with him. But I don't do things like this with my boyfriend. Our families got us together and it's not an arranged marriage but it's strongly encouraged. It's expected now that we'll marry so I pretended I was very inexperienced when we were together the first time. Now it's a part I play and he's not a good lover. When we're together it's always missionary with little foreplay. Most times I don't climax."

"Watch your glasses while I take this off?" he had pulled her shirt free of her miniskirt and she smiled as she took them off and he pulled her shirt over her head revealing ivory skin and a black lace bra with a nice swell of breasts.

"That's why I wanted to be with you." She smiled. "I knew you'd be a good experienced lover. Well, one of the reasons."

"Put your glasses back on? You look so cute with them on," he looked at her after she had put them back on. "I want to fuck you with them on," he whispered.

"Oh yes, Brad," he leaned his head and kissed her and then expertly unclasped her bra and leaned back again to pull it off.

"I am experienced, Meili," he grinned as he put her bra over the seat. "Sorry, again, about the library. I feel bad about that."

"It's ok."

"And look at these gorgeous little things!" he grinned as he cupped a round shapely breast.

"They are not that small!" she laughed.

"Mmmmm," he didn't answer but leaned down to take a hard small brown nipple in his mouth.

"Yes," she breathed and explored his torso with her hands as he sucked on her breasts, going back and forth as his cock started to get hard again. He reached down and pulled off the old condom. He kissed her shoulders as he massaged her breasts, listening to her breath getting heavier. When he was ready again he got another condom and rolled it on.

"You are so much a man," she whispered as she reached to run her fingers idly over his latex encased cock. He pushed her back down and fixed her skirt up around her waist again.

"Guide me in, Baby," he whispered as he mounted her, her hand on his cock, pulling him forward.

"There," she whispered.

He pushed and penetrated her slowly, looking at her eyes go wide and her mouth open as he sank in fully.

"Oh Brad!"

"Wanted to do this the second you turned around and asked me for a pencil," he whispered as he started fucking her.

She looked at him and said something in Mandarin.

"Well, that was hot!" he exclaimed as he fucked her with steady strokes. "What does it mean?"

She gasped as he went balls deep and held it there for a second, pushing her into the seat before starting to fuck again.

"It mean fuck me hard, you stallion." She gasped.

"Holy fuck," he grunted and increased his pace, "More!"

Her hands clutched onto his back and she yelled out in Mandarin again. He started slamming into her and she squealed out and bit into his shoulder as she came. He kept fucking her furiously, driving into her again and again until he grunted and the delicious feeling of orgasm grew in his cock and then overwhelmed him as it flowed down his legs. He panted and continued to fuck her a while until he pulled out, panting, trying to take some of his weight off her.

"Wow," she whispered.

"That the way you wanted it, Babe?"

"Oh my, yes." She panted as he got off her and pulled off the condom. He pulled up his jeans and then smiled as he pulled her back into his arms, sighing in contentment, "Cuddle time my Meili."

"You so good, Brad. You know how to be with a girl!" she cuddled into him and they kissed softly.

"You good from here?" he asked her a he dropped her off back at campus.

"Yes," she smiled, "The door to the residences is just there. I had a lovely time."

"Me too. See you in class, ok?"

"Good bye," she smiled and got out.

He waited gallantly until she got into the door and he drove away, down University Avenue which ran through the campus and then into a side lot and around another building before stopping and quickly calling Dean.


"Dude! Holy fuck, dude! Blowie!!"

"No shit!! You dog! Who? One of Vickie's friends? The old doll again?"

"No dude! That Chinese chick in my math class!"

"No shit! Thought she was pissed with you for the library cream pie?"

"She got over it!" he smirked. "Holy fuck, dude! Incredible! I mean she was so good at it!"

"She swallow?"

"She blew me until I was ready then had me put on a condom and then she finished me off."