Forbidden Fruit Ch. 26-30

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More fun with the co-eds at Western University.
7.2k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/25/2020
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Ch. 26

"Got practice! Gonna take your car mom!" Dean yelled.

"Sure Honey. Drive carefully and practice carefully."

"Sure!" He grabbed the car keys and left wearing sweats and toting a gym bag with some fresh socks, boxers, and towels. When he left he looked over next door to see Holly in front stretching. She was wearing a tee shirt that was tied up and soccer shorts with flashy runners. Her blonde hair was braided as usual and down her back. He admired her shape as he tossed his bag in the car. "Fuck it," he said to himself, "If I'm late, I'm late," and he went over to where she was leaning against her parent's SUV, stretching out her hamstrings.

"Hey, Holly. Lookin' hot!"

"Glad you're finally noticing."

"I wasn't allowed to notice last week. They're some powerful looking legs, girl!" he surveyed her soccer player legs, thick and muscular up top but still feminine and tapering nicely below the knee.

"Playing soccer means a lot of running. Not like football," she grinned.

"Good that you'll be getting a bit of sun on them instead of looking like some kinda freak."

"You weren't minding too much yesterday when I was on top of you, Dean," she replied smugly and sweetly.

"Did you enjoy your birthdaygasm?"

"It was ok," she sniffed nonchalantly.

"Ok," he scoffed, "I seem to remember your being a bit more enthusiastic."

"Well, I wanted to get laid."

Dean laughed again, "You didn't even want to get on me first 'cause Mom was upstairs and then you got spooked again when I tried to take off your shorts."

She shrugged and then grinned at him, "Maybe you should have tried harder."

"You want it, do you?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you're gonna get your wish, Holly."

"You should break up with your girlfriend."

"Now, why would I do that?"

"So you don't have to go sneaking around. Jesus, Dean, you've been with her since high school."

"She's a great gal."

"You could do better."

"Like you?"

"I won't be waiting for you forever, Dean."

"You're just eighteen, Holly. Be single awhile. Enjoy yourself."

"Like fool around with you on the side a bit, you mean?"

"That works for me!"

She laughed and slapped him on the hip. "I bet it does."

"Why don't you come over tonight?"

"Maybe. You still owe me a few kisses, I think I only got, like, fourteen."

"And gave, like, four thousand."

"Did I? Well I wanted to kiss you ever since I hit puberty so I guess I had some catching up to do."

"See you tonight!"

"I said maybe!"

"Yeah, right," he grinned, "See you tonight, Holly!"

Ch. 27

"There you are!" Victoria exclaimed impatiently when she finally found Brad down on the couch watching a football game.

"No time to play now, Vik. I'm watching this game."

"I have something serious to discuss," she stamped over in a snug long sleeved tee shirt and grey yoga pants.

"No seriously, fuck off, I'm watching the game." He attempted to look around her.

"Brad!" she stamped her foot.

"Lookit, Brat. As nice as you are to look at this is an important game. So move those delectable little titties over a couple of feet will ya?"

"Brad, I'm serious!"

"So am I. Fuck off."

"I need to talk to you about something important!"

"Jesus. Alright. Just come over and sit down. I can watch and listen at the same time."

Vickie went over and hopped on the couch next to him, sitting crossed legged and looking at him.

"Well what is it? You pregnant?"

"Fuck no! Hardly."

"What is it then?"

"How come Nathan won't call me?"

"What?" he looked over incredulously, "That's it? You're interrupting the game for that?"

"Like, we hit it off! There was real chemistry! I mean he was really nervous around me but that was just because he liked me, right? So why hasn't he called me? Is there something wrong with me?"

"YEAH!" he exclaimed.

"There is! What is it?!?!"

"No dummy. Touchdown!"

"Holy fuck, Brad! You asshole! This is my life! I thought you loved me!"

"I do but you won't let me fuck you."

"You're my brother!" she hissed and spat like a cat.

"Ok, look. If he didn't call it's just because he's chicken shit. He's a nerd, Vicky."

"Don't call him that, Brad! I like him!"

"But he's still a nerd, Vick. He's a math major. Straight as an arrow. I bet he's never even had a girlfriend before. And you're mega-hot. So he's intimidated. And it should be obvious that you like him but he probably got himself convinced that he has it all wrong. There's no way, Victoria Sterling, cheerleader and all round smokin' hot babe could like him. Not romantically. So he thinks that you were just being nice"

"Like, he's a math major and has a 4.0 grade point average. He can't be that fucking stupid."

Brad laughed, "Well he has himself convinced, I'd bet anything on it. That and he's afraid of you."

"No one's afraid of me!"

"Some guys are intimidated and afraid of hot girls. Guys like Nate. Shit, he's probably afraid of a regular girl. When you walked into the kitchen there on Saturday, his jaw literally hit the floor."

"Can you talk to him?"

"What do I get?" he grinned at him.

"Come on Brad! I showered with you and you didn't live up to your end with Dean. So you owe me one."

"Yeah, yeah, ok. I'll talk to him. Just fuck off and let me watch the game."

"Hey, Square Root!" Brad called as he looked into the lab and saw Nathan there with a few other geeks staring into the screen of a computer.

"Oh! Brad." Nate looked at him in surprise, "How's it going?"

"Can I have a word, man?" he looked at the other guys who immediately started grabbing their stuff.

"No, guys!" Nate stopped them, "I'll talk to him outside. He's the quarterback assigned to me for the sports metrics project." Nate got up and went over to Brad and they stepped out to the hallway which had sparse traffic. "What is it, Brad? Did you get injured?" he asked in concern.

"No, man. I'm not 'sposed to tell you but Vickie sent me. She's fuming 'cause you haven't called her yet."

"Vickie?" Nathan gulped and blushed with just the mention of her name, "She wasn't expecting me to call her."

"Sure she was."

"You're just joking with me or you have it wrong, Brad."

Brad rolled his eyes, "Man, you can't tell she likes you?"

"She was very nice to me but ... ahhhh, seriously? She can't like me like that."

"Why not?"

Nathan looked around, "I'm no where even close to the kind of guy she'd be interested in."

"Ok, listen Nate. Cause I don't have time to fuck around with this. I have my own shit to do, ok. So no offense, dude, but I think I'm a bit more experienced with women than you are. Would that be a fair assessment?"

"Well, yeah. Obviously."

"So she comes into the kitchen half-dressed and is surprised you are there. Does she leave? No, dude, she cooks you fucking bacon and eggs. Invites you to her party. Bugs the shit outta me whenever my phone buzzes asking if it's you. Man, she didn't leave your side once at that party."

"She was just being nice," he gulped.

"Nate. Buddy. Look at me. She told me she likes you. She's furious you haven't called her. She thinks there's something wrong with her."

"There's nothing wrong with her," Nate managed as if there were something stuck in his throat.

"Call her then. Ask her to a movie. She loves movies."

"This isn't like some football initiation rite is it?"

"Nate, the absolute worst thing that could happen is that she says no and that's not going to happen. So give me your phone."

"Brad, ahhhh, I'm not sure."

"Phone. Now." Nate complied with a shaking hand and Brad punched Vickie's digits and then handed it back.

Beads of sweat formed on Nate's forehead as he held the phone up to his ear, "Ahhhh, Victoria Sterling, please?"

Brad rolled his eyes.

"Oh, hi, Vickie. It's Nathan Hogan. I was, ahhhh, wondering if you were free this weekend that perhaps we could go see a movie together?" He looked relieved that he had managed to get it out. "Oh. Ok, sure." He looked at Brad, "She's checking her schedule."

"Oh, gimmie a fucking break!" he rolled his eyes again.

"Friday night? Yeah, Friday night would be great. I'll, ahhhh, pick you up at seven? OK. Thanks, Vickie. Oh, whatever you want to see. No, seriously, whatever you want to see. Ok. See you then!" He hung up and a big grin split his face.

"See?" Brad asked, "And that whole checking her schedule thing was a female mind game. Just so you didn't think she was actually waiting by her phone for you to call." He slapped Nate on the arm and left.

Ch. 28

The girls walked into the bagel shop that bordered campus, laughing and joking. There was just one guy at the counter and he hustled to fill their orders. Carla was the last in the line. "Toasted multi-grain bagel with strawberry cream cheese and a medium fruit explosion smoothie." As the guy cut the bagel and started on the smoothie as the bagel went through the toaster, Carla looked at his book and Western University backpack close by. He was tall and slender with brown hair and hazel eyes. "All by yourself?" she asked.

"Ahhhh, there's two of us but the other guy is just on his break." He looked over and smiled weakly. He went back to the counter and keyed the order into the register, "That's six fifteen."

Carla looked at him for a second with her deep chocolate eyes. With a finger she reached up and pulled her long front bang back. "How much?" she smiled, showing her white perfect teeth.

"S-s-six fifteen," he guy gulped.

Carla smiled and paid and then took her order over to the table the girls had chosen. She had tight worn jeans on, more silver than blue and ripped in a few places to give the viewer a hint of smooth tanned skin. She also wore a snug black long sleeved shirt.

"So what do you guys think of that guy that served us?" she asked after she had finished her bagel.

"What guy?" Alyson asked and looked over.

"There's just one guy there, Ally," Vickie rolled her eyes as she took a glance.

"Try not to make it look so obvious!" Carla laughed as Janette and Colleen looked as well.

"He's ok, I guess," Janette replied.

"He's not very studly," Alyson said.

"Neither is Gary," Vickie informed her.

"He's kinda cute," Colleen added.

"I vote for cute, too," Vickie added, "You like him?"

"I think he's cute," Carla told them. "But you know, there's something about him, he has that thing, you know?"

"Really?" Janette said as she looked over again as if trying to understand.

"Any one got a pen?" Carla asked as she took a napkin and put it out on the table.

"You're not!" Colleen exclaimed in glee.

"Sure," Carla grinned, "Why not? Like he's not going to ask me out without some urging."

"You go, girl!" Vickie laughed as she handed her a pen, "Why can't the woman take the lead. And really, he probably thinks you're so hot that you'd never say yes in a million years if he asked you."

"Like Nathan?" Colleen smiled.

"Exactly!" Vickie said truthfully.

They all craned their necks as Carla wrote her name and number on the napkin and finished with a little heart.

"Nice touch!" Colleen giggled.

"Not too much?"


"Ok, you know I love ya'll but I don't need a cheering section on this one?"

"But we're all trained at that!" Janette laughed.

"Come on, girls," Vickie stood up, "See ya ourside, C."

"I'm just gonna give it to him and haul ass outta here, too!" she grinned.

The girls all filed out but not without a good gawk on the way out.

"Good thing Carly Rae Jepsen wrote a song for this kinda thing," Carla giggled to herself and she got up and went to the counter.

"Hi," the guy said a bit nervously as he went over. "Was everything alright."

"Everything was fine. Delicious. So," she smiled and looked down a bit with feigned shyness before looking up again, "I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number," she smiled as she passed him the napkin. He looked in shock but took the offered napkin. "So, call me, maybe?" She gave him a big smile as she looked into his shell-shocked eyes and turned to walk out.

"Ya did it?!" the girls greeted her outside.

"Yup!" she grinned and they all laughed then hopped and skipped to their cars.

Jeff dried himself off after stepping out of the shower. It wasn't just the bagel shop smell that he was anxious to wash off but the opportunity to masturbate after that really cute girl had gave him her number. He had thought of her constantly, Carla, since she had passed him the serviette and was starting to have some medical concerns. Those boner pill ads on TV always said that if you had an erection lasting several hours you should go to the emergency room. It was alright now though, with several million of his sperm all unfortunately swimming happily in the drain pipes as they all travelled to an unhappy ending at the city's waste treatment plant. He wrapped up in his bathrobe and went to his room when he plopped down in bed and looked at the serviette again. Even her writing looked pretty. Her name was pretty. He couldn't believe the little heart. "I'm surprised you took so long," he told his cock as his house coat started to rise.

When his second load of sperm was safely wrapped in a wad of tissue and at the bottom of his garbage bucket he got comfortable in bed and looked at the serviette again. He imagined his sperm all bumping heads together as they tried to swim out of the wad of tissue. Was this legit? Or was she dared to do it by her friends only to laugh in his face if he ever had the guts to call her. He got his acoustic guitar and picked at it a bit to try and expel some of the emotion and confusion he was feeling. He had dated a few times but this was different. Carla was as beautiful as a girl was allowed to be and still be wingless. He certainly couldn't believe that she was interested in him, but yet the serviette. With a sigh he got up and went to his desk and got a pencil and paper. Words started to flow.

The next morning Jeff read the poem again. Probably for the fiftieth time. What would she think? Would she think it corny? Stupid? His heart raced as he typed it into the messaging function of his phone and even more when he put in Carla's number. He almost chickened out but then some interior force took control of his body and before the sensible logical Jeff could intervene, he watched in almost detachment as his finger hit the send button. "Jesus, I did it!" He whispered to himself before going downstairs for breakfast.

Carla was at Western the following morning with the rest of the posse, doing their early morning coffee and huddle before classes when her phone buzzed. "Unknown number," she grinned at her friends.

"Bagel Guy?" Alyson asked.

"Don't call him that, Ally!" Carla laughed.

"Is it him?" Vickie asked as they all huddled around.

"It's him!" Carla exclaimed as she read the first line of the text, "It's awful long winded," she said with some confusion as she started to read.

"It's a poem!" Janette exclaimed excitedly, she planned on applying to the faculty of English and loved poetry and literature. They all started reading.

"It's cheesy as fuck," Alyson snorted.

"It's romantic as fuck!" Carla snapped back.

"It's actually very good," Janette informed so they all deferred to her expert judgement. Carla stuck out her tongue to Alyson who grinned back. "But he doesn't think that you are real."

"What? Of course I'm fucking real!" Carla squealed and they all started laughing.

"No! Look!" Janette said when she was able. "Look at the word selection. Wisp of smoke. Fairie. Phantasm. All things that are either unreal or just a quickly passing or fading thing. The leaf in the fast flowing stream, see. He's saying that he can't believe you did what you did, that he doesn't think it's real, or really that it can't be real. Then he goes on to reference dreams. It's really very good! Can I date him if you don't wanna?"

"Of course I wanna! Say, don't y'all have class to get to?"

"Not without seeing how you reply!" Vickie chirped, "Fuck, it's another Nathan situation isn't it?"

"We're all just too damn hot for our own good!" Alyson laughed.

"Absolutely beautiful, mystery man," Carla said as she typed.

"Mystery Man?" Colleen asked confused.

"He never did give his name in the message," Janette laughed.

"Maybe we can meet for coffee today at Western and you can pinch me to see if I'm real. I can meet you at Low Beans? 10 or 2-4?"

"I never saw you type out 'you' before," Colleen remarked.

"Well if he took the time to write me a poem the least I can do is spell out a three letter words," she replied. "Say, how do I look today, anyway?" She had on tight black jeans and a crisp white dress shirt, worn out over the jeans with sleeves that you could run a dime down.

"Scorchin'," Vickie told her.

"Maybe undo another button if you meet him," Alyson suggested, "Give him a hint of those little titties."

"Alyson!" Carla's mouth dropped open before they all exploded in laughter again.

"JEFF!" his mother exclaimed as he poured orange juice into his Rice Crispies, "What are you doing!" she asked shocked.

"Shoot! Damn," he blushed, "Ahhhh, sorry, my mind was a hundred miles away."

"So what's her name?" his father laughed as Jeff went over to the sink to discard the ruined cereal. His phone buzzed on the way over.

He set down his bowl into the sink and his heart leaped as he looked. He had already coded Carla in, part of him really hoping that this impossible dream could come to pass.

"Jeff?" his father chuckled.

"Oh; Carla," he muttered as he walked out of the room, not even thinking that he had actually answered his question.

"Oh my God, it really is a girl!" his mother hissed when he had left.

"Of course it's a girl!"

Jeff read the text in continued disbelief. With shaking hands he texted that he would meet her at two as he had all morning classes. He went back into the kitchen.

"So, does Carla go to Western?" his father asked.

"What? Well, yeah," he looked at his dad curiously. "How did you know her name?"

"You just told me," his father grinned as he took a sip of his coffee. "She must be pretty to have your head all mushed up like this."

"She's pretty, alright," Jeff grumbled as he went and got a banana from the fruit bowl on the table.

"Prettier than Emily?" His mother asked. Emily was a girl from high school he had dated casually a few times and went to high school graduation with. He didn't know what base 'hand job,' was but it was the farthest he had ever got around the bases. After high school, though, they had gone their separate ways. It was the closest he ever had to a girlfriend.

"Well if you use the traditional one to ten scale, Emily was like somewhere between a six and seven. Carla is like the thousand." His father laughed and his mother even smiled a bit. "It's true," Jeff continued, actually kind of glad to get some of his feelings released even if it was his parents, "There's like a thousand really ugly women out there 'cause Carla was hogging all the good looks that day."

"Jeff that's not nice. Looks is just on the outside, it's what's on the inside that matters," his mother told him while his father laughed. "How did you two meet?" His mother tried a question.

"Gotta head off to class," he told them and took off.

Ch. 29

Dean grinned as he looked at his phone which had just buzzed. U gonna let let me in?

"Oh yes, Baby Girl Holly," he grinned as he got off the couch, "I'll let you in if you let me in!" He first went into his bedroom to get a few condoms to stash out by the couch and then went up to let her in. His parents were gone to their room early and Brad rolled his eyes as he could hear their TV on loudly. He went to the side door and unlocked it. Holly slipped in wearing black yoga pants and a long sleeved black dry fit shirt. Her blonde hair was in braids as usual and the tight cloths displayed her youthful body. She smiled at him.