Forbidden Lesson Plan (Reschooled)


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"Listen," Ava got serious, "I don't want to ruin what just happened or overwhelm you. I wish I had done this whole thing differently. It made sense at the time. But- anyway... I need you to understand that what just happened between us - That is the only thing that really matters to me. It's us that matters to me. Only you are truly important to me. And I would never do anything that I think would hurt you. And I want you to know that when a woman chooses to have sex with a man has no bearing of any kind over how much she cares for a man. Sometimes the best things are the scariest and take the most time to work out. Sometimes it takes a while to realize what will truly make you happy."

"Okay," Ethan nodded in understanding. He was still apprehensive.

"I'm just going to come right out and say it. Before I knew I wanted you this way, some other players on the team had, um, come to my office. And-"

"I know."

Ava snapped her head. "What?"

Ethan shrugged. "I know about Trey, and Charlie and David. And I know you made some sort of plans with some other guys. Right?"

"Wait, what? How- Ethan, you knew the whole time?"

"No, I didn't," he explained. "I picked up on things in the locker room. And some players were making little jokes to me about you being hot and 'supportive' and stuff like that. They were saying all sorts of stuff and mentioned some things about you and Trey and others. And... yeah. After what you said earlier today and once we started doing this," he briefly smiled, "I knew what was going on."

"Okay..." Ava gulped. "And, what do you think about it? I thought you'd like it. You know, me being like that."


"Hmm. Without getting into detail right now, I know about you and Tatiana Wilson texting. I saw what you said to her."

That certainly surprised Ethan. He stammered, "You did? How?"

"Like I said, it's too long of a story to tell you now. But you'll be happy with what I did when I tell you about it later. Anyway, I saw what you said about her being a hot mom for fucking his friends. So, part of that made me want to do it. What do you think?"

Ethan's face was blank. But then his lips slowly curled and grew into a wide smile with grinning teeth. "I think it's really hot," he snickered.

"Yeah?!" Ava was relieved and her heart could rest. "You do?!"

"Yeah! That's crazy! You didn't need to hide it from me. That would've been so cool!"

Thank god! "Believe me, sweetie, I wasn't trying to hide it, per se. I was just going through a lot. I'll have to explain it to you. But now I wish you had been with me every one of those times, I promise."

"I believe you," Ethan nodded. "I can't believe you're actually like this! How long have you been doing it? And what's going on with this game? You being like this is so cool!"

Ava was giddy with acceptance and love from the person she cared about the most. "Yeah? Does me being your slutty mom turn you on? I have to tell you, I feel pretty cool! Haha."

"Yeah, I love it! This day is awesome, haha!"

"I know!" Ava gushed. "You should really get to the field. I'll tell you everything you want to know later. I love you! Thank you so much for not hating me!"

"I love you too!" Ethan tried to kiss his mom goodbye, and she happily let him.

"Bye! Good luck!"



"Coming back? They held Ethan in the locker room for few mins. Maybe he was injured? Looks better now. Caught a pass! Still 27 all."

"Great! Be back in a few." Ava put her phone back in her pocket as she strode across the basketball court to the giant metal doors of the men's locker room. Using her key, Ava swung open the creaking metal door. Are you sure you're gonna do this?

In hindsight, everything about her initial plan was crazy. It only could have made sense to a woman too aroused and longing to think clearly. For more reasons than one, Ava was thankful she had the idea to have sex with her son at halftime. How bizarre it would have been to go forward with her plan without having that experience and talking to him first?

Realizing she still hadn't entered the doors, Ava checked her gut one final time. She was already happy beyond her wildest dreams. She had already done something incredible today. The truth was, though, while fucking her son had finally set her mind right, but her desire for naughtiness had returned as soon as he left.

The air inside the locker room still hung thick with the scent of stale male sweat. She used the flashlight on her phone since she didn't know who would notice the lights turning on through the ventilation windows.

There we are! Just as Benner had promised her on the phone earlier, each player's name was listed on masking tape above each blue locker. From deep in her purse, Ava retrieved all eleven white envelopes she had made. She smiled nostalgically and placed one back inside her purse. It was unnecessary, now.

Hurrying around the room, Ava slid each envelope into the door gap of the appropriate locker. She made sure the "For your eyes only!" label was face-up.

On her walk back down the brick path to the football field, Ava felt thrilled and liberated yet also vulnerable. It's done... You can't undo that. Standing back in the bleachers with Garret, she was able to take her mind off of it by watching the rest of the game. Still, whenever Ethan disappeared onto the crowded sideline, her mind couldn't help wandering to the other masculine players on the field. Ava was teaching some highly physical studs, and she realized how spoiled she was to share a remarkable love with her son and also have his attractive teammates lusting after her.


The third quarter was slow to where even Ava was sitting down and having a hot chocolate mixed with some bourbon a junior's mother had generously snuck in to share. As for the fourth quarter? It was a barnburner, a shootout, a defensive nightmare. It was the most entertaining and stressful game to watch as a fan.

With under two minutes remaining, Estes Springs was driving for a touchdown to take the lead. Hillside was clinging to a 48-44 lead after scoring a touchdown on the last drive that included a key catch by Ethan.

"C'mon, just stop 'em here!" Garret yelled in support.

Ava was torn. Crap. "I gotta go!" she shouted over the crowd noise.

"What?!" Garret asked back.

"I gotta go! I volunteered to help clean up the locker room after the game. The janitors don't work on weekends and normally the coaching staff does it. But Benner allowed his players to miss practice for me to help them in class, and this is my way of paying him back."

"What?" Garret had no idea what she was talking about. Ava's planned diversion was too complicated. But it worked. "I don't care, Ava! I'm trying to watch the game. There's a minute left! Go do whatever. I wanna watch!"

Okay. Ava ran down the bleachers and out of the stadium. On her way back from the car, Ava heard a loud eruption. The stands were going nuts. "That's an interception by number twenty-one, Charlie Walker!" The PA system echoed.

"Yes!" Ava jumped up and pumped her fist. She was ecstatic for her son and his team. She was tempted to run to the stadium to watch the final plays and watch them lift the trophy, but she already had plans.


Leaning against the whitewashed brick wall of the women's locker room, Ava could hear all of the fanfare outside - the fans cheering, cars revving, and music blaring from the stadium. There wasn't much left to do but wait. Well... that, and be glad she had packed another bra and panties in her car for the ride home. Because after how her lingerie had looked when Ethan was done with her, Ava ended up just shoving them into a plastic bag in her desk.

Besides, her underwear wasn't what made her current outfit. In the mirror, Ava grinned brightly. From her gray-striped miniskirt going down to her upper thigh, to her black thigh highs stretching over her knees, to her black heels, and to her half-buttoned white blouse that her tits were popping out of, Ava rocked the hell out of her "slutty teacher" costume.

Adjusting her square glasses and tight blonde bun again and again, Ava impatiently waited for the text message from Coach Benner. She kept wondering if her students in the locker room had read her note yet...

"Hey sexy,

I certainly hope you know who this is. After what I've already done to your cock, you better ;)

I've already decided that no matter how this game ends, we are going to celebrate together in a very special way. This is your invitation. Your "entry ticket" is in the letter. Don't worry about a thing. Just listen to Coach Benner.

Now get that big sexy cock of yours nice and hard for me.

Your favorite teacher,



The faux slate floor tiles of the men's locker room were littered with white towels, empty Gatorade bottles, and other random objects. It was like a tornado had swept through. The players were still hooting and hollering in celebration.

When all of the teary-eyed speeches, trophy lifting, heartfelt moments, and showering off had passed, Coach Benner announced, "Alright boys, everybody go home and spend some time with family. Let's plan to go out for pizza tonight and keep the party going. My treat!"

"Woooh!" "Yeah, Coach!" The elated highschoolers gathered their belongings and dropped their uniforms in large bins as they filed out of the locker room.

As Ethan grabbed his bag and got up to leave, Benner held his shoulder. "Stay here for a while. You may just be the luckiest bastard alive."

Hmm? Ethan pondered what he had done during the game. He couldn't have won MVP. He sucked for half the game.

When the horde of players funneled through the exit, the room was quiet. Ten of Ethan's teammates were also waiting in the locker room. He could see the rubbing hands and sneaky excitement written on their faces. They all seemed amazed to see him there with them.

Wait... No...

In his black tracksuit and ballcap, Coach Benner was standing at the locker room door. "Hey!"


As the metal door opened wider and a grinning Benner stepped aside to hold it open, Ava closed her eyes and took a final breath. You got this! Her black heels clacked into the musty, shiny room.

The response was priceless. Seated on the benches and leaning on the lockers, all eleven young men gawked in elated shock - Ethan especially. The players turned to each other to make sure the others were seeing what they were.

Ava smirked. She knew they were expecting to fuck her. After all, she gave each of them a condom in their letter as an "entry ticket." What they didn't expect though was the sexy, "slutty teacher" costume. Ava could tell they appreciated her sense of humor - and probably also her curves.

Reminding everyone of whose locker room it was and explaining his involvement, Coach Benner placed his hand on Ava's shoulder. "I know all of you have been dreaming about the title for a while. That's why I worked with Ava to help motivate you. And I have to say, after years of you playing well for me and working your asses off, I can't think of any other young gentlemen who better deserve to call themselves champions. Enjoy the spoils of going out on top."

The players erupted in applause. Ethan and Ava made infatuated eye contact while Ethan clapped and cheered with his stirred teammates.

"Do we have to go out on top? I'd like to see her on top," Matthew joked, as if he could say whatever he wanted.

The other players laughed at him. Ava heard the joke and released a throaty chuckle. About time. The boys had been so afraid to flirt with her and talk dirty.

Ava walked to the back of the room and stopped just shy of a low wooden bench, which was just a two-foot-wide glazed plank of oak with two metal poles screwing it down to the floor. She could sense every lustful set of eyes running up and down her body and her generous amount of cleavage. She rolled her ankles. "Well, Matthew, I'm soaking wet, my panties are off because I was just masturbating for ten minutes before I walked in here, and I'm looking for a brave man to be the first one to fuck my brains out. So, if you want me to ride your cock like a slut, now is the time."

Within seconds, Ava had the long snapper's cock buried deep in her drenched cunt. While his hands tugged and clawed at her white dress shirt and bra, Ava unmangled her hair tie and forced his t-shirt over his head.

Once he got her top off, Ava straddled his body on the wooden bench and reached around her back to get out of her bra. As she fucked and ground his cock into her swollen pussy, she noticed other men moving toward her to help her with her bra.

She gasped from the feeling of her neck being kissed while a pair of hands unhooked her pink bra. It felt great for her tits to bounce freely while she was getting fucked. But it was also a recipe for things to get out of hand quickly. "Boys," she panted, "let's not all go at once. Ahh. I wanna give each one of you some special attention."

Seeing Matthew's strained face while he writhed in ecstasy below her, the blonde teacher fell forward onto his body so her tits pressed into his heaving chest. In a sultry tone, she whispered, "I don't want anyone else bothering me. I just wanna dance on your sexy cock like a fucking slut."

"Fuuuuck! You're so fucking hot. You're such a slut!" Matthew wailed. He was close.

Ava clenched her vaginal muscles and moaned again. Fuck, this is hot. She pressed her lips back into his ear. "You have me where you fucking want me. I'm your dirty slut right now. You have no idea how bad I want you to cum in my pussy. Do it for me."

The nineteen-year-old couldn't take it. He ejaculated with a loud cry, pumping his sperm into his translucent condom. Ava kept fucking him until he was done. She turned her head back and spotted Ethan. He, like everyone else, had his cock out. And his smile of unbridled joy made Ava feel like an invincible sex goddess. He made her feel free.

Matthew's arm dangled to the floor, and his eyelids were half-closed. Ava stopped moving and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for that, babe."

"Thanks, Mrs. Dawson," he deliriously mumbled.

Standing up again and taking stock of her life at the moment, Ava saw that every young man was masturbating to her. In her fantasies, she had never imagined being so disoriented by the stimuli around her. She felt happy to drown in the lust directed at her.

"So," she smiled with energy, "who's next?" Several desperate hands went into the air, but it was Sam who requested, "Take your skirt off. We wanna see you naked."

It wasn't long before Sam and Ava were making out and getting rid of each other's clothes. The large lineman took off Ava's miniskirt and squeezed her butt cheeks. "Ahh-ahh!" Ava gasped from her warm breasts and flesh being pushed into the cold, metal lockers.

"Mmm. Give it a smack." Ava winced and laughed. "Yeah!" She arched her back and rubbed her firm ass into the heavy student behind her. His dick, fortunately, was proportionally large. When his tip slid into Ava's pussy from the back, she started to orgasm. The pounding cock didn't slow down while her eyes rolled in her head.

Ethan marveled at his mom. His penis was painfully hard from her display. It was unbelievable. He shook his head in delighted exasperation when she finally opened her eyes again. Ava incredulously shook her head back at Ethan before winking at him and giggling.

The mom and son locked eyes and playfully communicated with small facial gestures, all while she was humping the student behind her. With a wicked smirk, Ava exaggerated her high-pitched moans and lip biting. Ethan muffled his laugh, enjoying a funnier side of his mom he had only ever seen in small doses before.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Yeah! Yeah, Sam baby! Take it all. Fucking pound me. Make me cum on your big cock again. Ahhh!" She thrust her hips more sensually.

Sam went red trying to deliver. He loudly smacked his hips into her ass as rapidly as he could. "I'm almost there, Mrs. Dawson!"

Ava reached behind her and wrapped her hand around his neck. Suddenly, his hips were thrown out of rhythm. The throbbing pumps and loud gasps lasted for a minute before Sam's penis slipped out.

"You made me cum!" Ava smiled. Sam looked happy for her and himself, but he was sweating profusely and speechless.

The same erotic fun continued with Marcus and then with Mike. Neither managed to last long. To Ethan, it seemed that none of his teammates knew how to properly fuck his mom. And he included himself in that category. She was just way out of their league, and they had little experience. But looking at the pure joy and ecstasy in her gaping mouth and squinting eyes, it seemed that she was getting off on more than the quality of sex.

It was what happened next that truly blew Ethan's mind. For over five minutes, he closely witnessed his mom manage to satisfy Charlie and David at the same time. Her agreeing to their request was one thing, her allowing them to put towels on the ground so she could get on her hands and knees comfortably was amazing, but what really made Ethan's mouth go dry was seeing his gorgeous mom naturally bob back and forth between them. Her lips and tongue licked and sucked Charlie's tall shaft while her pussy and ass thundered into David's thick one.

"Can we cum in your pussy?"

"Of course," Ava bit, gazing up at Charlie. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"No," he explained, "I mean, really do it. Not in the condom."

Ava's eyes went wider. She had already let them do it before, but that had been reckless. And she also didn't want to set that expectation. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Ava studied her son's face. Ethan was entranced and masturbating at her every hot move. "You can't take the condom off. But I can," Ava seduced Charlie. "Then I'll fucking help you cum somewhere nice and fun."

Charlie nodded clearly. Ava pulled her head away and slipped her pussy from David's animated erection. After directing them in front of her, Ava pinched the cum reservoir in each of their condoms and slowly plucked them from their beating shafts. With a cocky smirk, Ava winked at Ethan and then masturbated her two students.

Ethan forced himself to let go of his own body because when he watched his mom aim his friends' cocktips at her bare tits and let them shoot their cum all over her, he nearly lost his load.

"Ohhhh! Ahh, nah!"

Ava, Ethan, and others in the room whipped their attention to the corner where Connor was frantically holding his palm out in front of his uncircumcised rod. He was staring down in terror, wishing the spurts of cum would stop squirting out of him. Ava winced from the disappointing news. Still, she hurried over to Connor and took his cock in her hand.

Jerking and stroking like crazy, Ava wanted to deliver as much pleasure as she could in the moments he had left. She felt terrible he couldn't be more involved. "Yeah. Cum for me, Connor baby! I love your hung cock. You want it so bad, you can't even wait for me. Do you know how horny that makes me?"

Connor's painful embarrassment gave way to bashful embarrassment. Ethan was even getting more turned on by his mom's words. It impressed him how good she tried to make Connor feel even though he had just done something catastrophic. Ethan admired his mom.

"You done?"

"Yeah," Connor breathed.

Ava pinned him to the lockers and hotly kissed him, transferring melting cum to his chest. "Next time you come to my office, we're locking the fucking doors, and we're gonna fuck for as long as I say. You got away with it today, but I'm not letting you hide from me next time."