Forbidden Love 04


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Belle looked at him in shock. This was simply...astounding. It was the headiest feeling ever. This was the hardest, and fiercest she had ever come. And she had just tasted her blood on his lips, and felt his fang. All without being repulsed. Honestly, she felt she was more in love with him than before. Both of them stared at each other for what felt like hours but were actually minutes. Then he smiled slowly. His fangs had been put away again. She smiled back. Then he lay back on the bed and slid out of her before spooning her.

'I wish you could spend the night and we could wake up together. But you can't can you?' she asked.

He turned her head to face him and sadly shook his head. 'I could spend a few hours though. If that's okay? It's just no one knows I'm out of the house, except may be my father. It''s complicated.'

'Tell me' she said and he shook his head.

'I don't want to spoil this mood. But I promise to tell you one day. Just not tonight. Please' He pleaded and she nodded and kissed his nose. He smiled and closed his eyes for a second. 'Tell me about yourself. How it was growing up. Your parents. Have you other siblings?'

She laughed at his barrage of questions. 'Slow down, tiger. Firstly, there's not much to say about myself. I'm the only child which answers the last part of your questions as well. My parents are lovely people and they live in London. City people, urgh! I hate the city. father's English and my mother's Nigerian although she's more English than any person I know. I went to boarding school and met my best mate, Claire there. I've had a few boyfriends.' At that he narrowed his eyes as he gave a mock growl and she laughed. 'You didn't actually think I'd never had a life before you Aleksander?' She mock-tutted. 'Anyway, long story short; I work in a law firm now and it's amazing although challenging and my life is beautiful. More so now.' She smiled shyly at him as she made the last statement.

He grinned back at her. 'Well, seems you've had a lovely life. Especially now that I'm in it,' and ducked as a pillow came sailing his way.

'What about you?' Belle asked trailing a finger down his arm as she stared at him, 'How's your child hood been?'

'Well, honestly, I'm still living my childhood.' He sheepishly muttered.

'No way,' she gasped.

'Yes way. In the human world I'm three hundred and twenty two years old, but in the vampire world I'm about twenty.'

She gasped again. 'Oh my, so that makes you like, my great-great-great-infinity great grandfather's mate. And at the same time, my toy-boy.' She stared at him in shock then they both started laughing at this.

'Wow, and people think the world isn't messed up,' she giggled, wiping a tear from her eye. 'So how old are your parents? Don't tell me a thousand.' She asked half-joking.

He shook his head, 'Actually, they're more like five hundred and I have twin sisters too. Three hundred and seventy two.'

She shook her head in amazement, then widened her eyes as a though occurred to her, 'Hang on. Does that mean you guys, I mean you and your sisters weren't like turned or anything? You know, bitten then drained, or is it the other way round? Crap, can't remember my Bram Stoker, Anyway, so you guys were actually...' She trailed off as he nodded.

'Yeah, our generation's the first that this is happening. Born as vampires. We are pure-breds.' He couldn't keep out the smug tone from his voice and, for the first time since Belle had met him, she heard the aristocracy in his voice.

'Wow, that is so amazing.' Belle said in awe. Not only was she sleeping with a vampire but he was actually born one. Was she really living this or imagining it? She questioned herself not for the first time.

He laughed and nibbled on her knuckles, 'Don't think you're imagining it, darling. This is realer than anything.'

Then he looked at her seriously and she held her breath wondering why the playful undertones had been discarded. 'You don't just think this is sex, right? We aren't just sleeping together. We are know, a relationship?' He looked unsure as if he needed her reassurance and she smiled to herself noticing that he truly was a young boy no matter the literal age.

'Yes we are in a relationship, Aleksander, though it would be helpful to know your last name at least.'

He laughed at this, 'Romano.'

'Hemmingway. Mine that is,' she replied and they kissed once more. After thirty minutes of them cuddling, she reluctantly said, 'I suppose you ought to go now. It's gonna be dawn in an hour or so.'

He started and looked at the bedside clock. It was five am. 'Wow, I can't believe I forgot that. I've never forgotten anything this important. Or stayed out of the castle for this long.' He got up and hurriedly donned his clothes. He looked back at the bed as she stared at him with longing. He smiled gently as he kissed her softly.

'No point talking about meeting the parents or any of that, hunh?' She joked. He laughed at that. 'Yours would have a coronary and mine...' He trailed off as his smile faded.

'What's wrong? What is it?' She asked surprised and a bit scared.

He shook his head and kissed her forehead. 'Don't worry it doesn't matter. Just remember, think of me and I'll be here as soon as I can. I'll try to come again tonight. I just's complicated.' He sighed once more and she nearly punched the bed in exasperation.

'If you know you aren't going to tell me what's so complicated, I think it's best you stop referring to everything that way because it's really difficult waiting for you to explain in your own good time.'

He shook himself out of his reverie at her outburst and apologized, 'I am so sorry, my darling and I promise I shall tell you. It's just too soon to say anything now.'

'I know,' she quickly jumped in. She did not want him to say that they were rushing things because they were. They had only met three times and there were talks of love and they hardly knew each other and there were doubts that they ever really would as this was not a typical relationship. She quickly stopped all her thoughts so that he would not be able to read them and pasted a smile on her face. She lifted her face for one last kiss and he smiled at her softly before flying out the window.

Watching him fly till he became a speck did not seem absurd to her and she wondered when exactly her heart stopped skipping when she thought of how unnatural he and everything was. She was bursting to tell Claire about it because she did not think she was able to keep all this to herself but how exactly was she going to start explaining it to her? Without seeming nuts as well. Plus even if she could, and that was a big IF, how would she explain further how they had started declaring love for each other so quickly? She could not even explain it to herself save the fact that she was definitely certain that she loved him more than anything and she was sure he felt the same way too. Why else would he have to sneak out of the house to see her when she was sure it was against some unwritten rule to do so?

Were they even allowed to have anything to do with humans, well except eat them? She laughed bitterly at that. What a conundrum she was in. She sighed and looked outside as the sun slowly came out of its hiding place and hoped that he had gotten home, wherever that was, safely.

Thank God, it was Saturday. At least she would be able to sleep the whole day assuming Claire did not barge in. And speaking of God, was it not against religious rules to have anything to do with vampires? Or did the Church believe they were real too?

Even if they did, was he not an exception since he was Catholic?

Oh bugger!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Love it!

There's an element of reality with him having to sneak around and all. I love the introduction of the pure bloods as this could be a problem for them. I'm really loving this story and how its developing. Oh and I'm one of those avid readers of Silver eyes as well. I love your writing so thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
awesome cant wait for the next one

kick ass

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