Forbidden Lovers: A Second Chance


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Soon he felt the heat rise up through his loins as he released a huge load of hot sperm inside of her ready and willing pussy. His whole body shook in waves with his orgasm just as hers had. They rode those waves and then together came down and back to reality. She crawled off of him and lay beside him and they just held each other there for the longest time. Then soon enough Christopher drifted off to sleep. MaryBeth laid with him for awhile longer and then got up, dressed and headed back out to her car and then home. She covered herself up again and walked fast along the pathways to the visitor parking lot. Back at her cottage she curled up with a blanket and a good book enjoying the good feeling she held with her from her evening with Christopher.

In the following weeks Christopher continued his studies and his therapy. He was quite busy between the two as papers were coming due and finals were fast approaching. In his therapy sessions he showed a new drive for recovery that pleased the therapists who worked with him. He pushed himself and became stronger and more stable everyday. Soon enough he was able to walk good distances without a cane. The therapist recommended he carry one for awhile even after the end of his sessions. Just as a precaution incase he got tired or tripped over something.

MaryBeth continued to come and see him when she could. She noticed how he was getting stronger and feeling better. He would come to the door and pull her inside and into his arms as he kissed her passionately. She also noticed that she didn't have to be as careful with him when they made love. He would sometimes get on top for awhile and take control until he tired and then she would ride him the rest of the way. She loved the feeling of him on top thrusting deeper and deeper inside of her.

They missed each other so much when they were apart, but it made the anticipation and excitement of their nights together that much greater. MaryBeth wished they could have had a more relaxed and private setting then the dorm. Yes Christopher had his own room, but it was surrounded by other rooms filled with other people. The walls were not all that thick and they had to keep quieter than they would have liked. Plus she wanted to avoid seeing Brad and letting him know she had not waited until after graduation to make contact. She would have preferred they go back to her cottage, but getting him there and back was difficult and she didn't always know when she would have a night free.

Soon enough the last two weeks of the semester had arrived. Christopher was busy finishing up papers and studying for exams. He was also looking into employment opportunities. He had applied for several jobs and had some promising interviews. He was sure he would find something soon. He felt that by the time he was hired on he would be in good enough physical shape to work. He had not seen much of MaryBeth as she was bust finishing up her semester as well. His parents had been calling him and making plans for graduation. They would be coming up to see him and stay for couple of days. A good friend of him and Brad had an apartment off campus and had invited them over for an after graduation party that night. Christopher thought maybe that would be a good opportunity for MaryBeth to meet some of his friends. He also figured she would have to meet his parents and that weekend was as good as any to do so.

One night they talked on the phone and she apologized for not coming to see him. They both knew they needed to get their work done and decided that graduation day they would have their time. She would come with him to the party and afterwards they would have their own celebration. She invited him back to come to her cottage that evening and to stay as long as he liked.

The night before graduation parents were arriving in the college town in large numbers. The campus was busy with families celebrating the happy occasion. Chris and Brad and some other friends gathered with their families for dinner and enjoyed the evening. The next morning Christopher awoke feeling refreshed and strong. He was excited about finishing school and moving on to the next phase of his life. He would miss times with his friends, but he knew that good days lie ahead. He would now be able to start his life with MaryBeth.

He put on his cap and gown and met up with Brad and some others to walk to the quad where the stage and chairs were set up. One by one the names were called and everyone cheered for their relatives and friends. MaryBeth stood in the back of the crowd under a tree trying her best to blend in the sea of people. She was proud to see the young man she loved being rewarded for all his hard work. She knew how he had struggled this past semester and he had not faltered one bit. She was very ready to show him just how proud she was, but she knew that would have to wait until later.

Once the ceremony ended she made her way through the crowd and off campus. She went back to the cottage to prepare for the night. Her daughter would be at her parents and she wanted the night to be special. She put out candles to light and picked out some soft and sexy music. She had purchased some sexy red lingerie that she knew would get a rise out of her lover. She had a bottle of champagne on ice chilling and two glasses on the bedside table. She also primped herself by showering with silky smooth body wash that left her skin soft to the touch. She shaved her legs and her pussy so she would be nice and smooth. She applied her make up and picked out a nice outfit for the party. She wanted to look sexy, but not slutty so she chose a nice top and skirt that showed her assets, but not too much of any of them. She knew she would likely be the oldest woman at the party, but she thought she looked pretty good. She was sure she would turn some of the guys heads not that she cared that much, but still it made her smile.

Meanwhile Christopher spent the day with friends and family. He said his goodbyes to some friends and told others he would see them at the party. His parents helped him to pack up his room and load the stuff into the car. They talked to him of what he thought came next in his life. He said his friend Justin had an apartment off campus (the one who was throwing the party) and had extended him an invite to stay there. Justin was keeping his place at least until the end of summer. Christopher said he wanted to find a job in this area or the closest city and that he expected to have an offer soon. It wasn't the entire truth, but it wasn't far from it either. Justin had extended him an invitation and he thought he might stay with him for a short while. Enough time for him to be sure he was employed and to give little Erin time to come to adjust to his presence in her life. He knew MaryBeth wanted him to move in now, but he thought he would explain this to her and she would understand.

Later that evening Christopher's parents headed for the hotel and they agreed to meet up for a mid morning breakfast the next day. Brad asked Christopher if he needed a ride to the party. Christopher said he had someone picking him up shortly. Brad knew whom he was talking about and felt it was time he told his friend the truth. He explained about his talk with MaryBeth and his part in keeping her updated. Christopher thanked his friend for the help and kept to himself that she had been seeing him already for weeks now.

Brad went on his way and Christopher waited for his lover to arrive. Soon enough she came knocking on his door. She looked stunning to him and he could barely believe his eyes. She took his arm and they walked to the car and went off to the party. In the car she told him that she had come this morning to watch him receive his diploma. She said she was proud of him for what he had accomplished. Christopher said he was proud of himself and happy to be able to say he had completed four years of college. He had worked hard each year to make sure he got the most he could out of his education. He had done well and earned the respected of many of his professors and knew many of them would give a good reference if he ever asked. Christopher guided MaryBeth along the short route to the apartment complex and soon they arrived. MaryBeth took his hand and helped him up the one flight of stairs to Justin's apartment. He didn't need much help as his legs were much stronger these days.

Christopher opened the door and they entered to a party already in progress. The music was on and people were dancing and drinking and having a good time. They decided to get something to drink. MaryBeth said she would only have a couple of drinks to stay sober enough to drive. "After all it is your day to celebrate," she said to him and he appreciated that. As they walked through the place drinks in hand Christopher waved to many people and talked to others.

Some of his friends had not taken any Spanish classes so they didn't really know who MaryBeth was. He introduced her and they seemed pleased to make her acquaintance. Christopher told these people that he had met her while volunteering in town charity organizations. He thought a little white lie was better than explaining everything that had transpired. Other people at the party knew exactly who she was, but they didn't seem to care. All they knew was that they had graduated and they were here to have a good time. They wanted to relax and enjoy time with their friends while they still could. Plus now that they were finished with school what did it matter if an ex professor wanted to have a relationship with an ex student. These people smiled and greeted them just as friendly as the others had. The male students who knew MaryBeth simply gave Christopher a nod of encouragement. Some of the female students asked MaryBeth how she was doing and what she was doing these days. She told them of her job at the community college and they seemed happy that she was still teaching.

Then they danced for a while taking breaks when he tired. Christopher held MaryBeth close and pressed himself against her body. They moved well together in time with the music. A couple of times a Latin style song would come on and they would show off their salsa and meringue skills. The crowd would stop and watch them as Christopher led MaryBeth through all these passes. He had studied Latin dance during his time abroad and had become quite good. MaryBeth also knew a fair amount of dance moves. After one of these dances Christopher was obviously tired and in need of a rest so MaryBeth sat him down and went off to freshen up in the bathroom. It was at that time that Justin came over to his friend and sat down next to him.

"It's good to see you so well buddy," Justin said. "It seems that your recovery is moving right along," he added.

"Yes, I feel good these days, thanks man," Christopher said.

"It seems like you and the professor are real hot and heavy. Would like to borrow my room for a while?"

Christopher looked at his friend trying to remain serious but wanting nothing more than to laugh at the idea.

"MaryBeth has way too much class for a quickie in your dirty room Justin," Christopher said. "Plus she invited me back to her place later so were cool," he added.

"So you're going back to her place to get busy; lucky you because she looks real good tonight," Justin commented.

"First of all we don't get busy, we make love. Secondly she has a romantic evening planned. You would know these kinds of things if you ever had a relationship and not just a one night stand," Christopher exclaimed.

"That's harsh buddy," Justin replied.

"I know, I'm sorry, but it just that I care about this woman and it is more than just sex."

"I get it, and I hope it works out for you," Justin said. "But just between you and me the sex is good isn't it?" He asked.

"Very good, and that is all I will say," Christopher replied.

Just then MaryBeth came back from the bathroom and was walking up to the table. Christopher introduced her to Justin explaining that he was the host of the evening. MaryBeth thanked him saying she was enjoying herself. Justin said he was just happy that she was taking such good care of his friend as he sent a wink Christopher's way. Christopher told him he was very funny. MaryBeth asked Christopher if he was ready to leave and he said he was. They said their goodbyes to people and waved at others as they made their way out of the apartment and down to the car.

As they drove to the cottage they both could taste the anticipation of what was to come. They had not been together in 2 weeks and they were both very much ready. MaryBeth hoped that he would like all the things she had done to make the evening special. She also hoped the dancing hadn't tired him out too much. However, when she felt his hand on her thigh exploring underneath her skirt she knew he must have plenty of energy left. Upon reaching the cottage she took him inside and showed him around. Christopher liked the quaint feel of the place. It wasn't big, but it didn't feel cramped and he thought it all seemed rather cozy and homey. He could imagine himself feeling at home there one day.

She told him to have a seat on the couch and get comfortable. She decided that she would bring the champagne in there and let him relax awhile longer. She uncorked the bottle and poured two glasses. They toasted to his success and to a new beginning for their relationship. They sipped and snuggled close kissing each other and enjoying the moment.

After some time had passed MaryBeth asked him if he wanted to take a shower and get cleaned up. He said that sounded nice. She told him to just help himself to whatever he needed from the bathroom and that there was a robe hanging on a hook in there which he could use when he came out. Christopher stepped into the shower and let the warm water sooth his body. He scrubbed himself trying to feel refreshed and ready for what came next.

MaryBeth went to her bedroom and lit the candles and put on the music. Then she crept into the bathroom and into the shower. Christopher smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. She ran her hands all over his wet hard body touching and exploring every last part. He turned to her and they kissed as the water fell over their bodies. Christopher took the soap and washed all over her body being very gentle as he rubbed her and cupped her breasts in his hands. As she rinsed off she told him to dry off and go on into the bedroom and she would be there shortly. He dried off put on the robe and walked to the bedroom. He saw the candles and heard the music and thought that it was a very nice gesture. He lied down on the bed waiting for her undoing the robe a bit so she could just see a hint of his body beneath.

MaryBeth stepped out of the shower, dried off and put on her lingerie. She walked into the bedroom and stood beside the bed. Christopher was in awe of what he saw before him. She looked stunning in this red lacey outfit that hugged her body in all of the right places. She lay down beside him and they started to kiss as he ran his hands all over her. The silk outfit felt nice in his hands and nice as it rubbed against her skin. He loved the way she looked in it, but he knew it would have to come off eventually. Slowly he stripped her one article at a time until she was naked before him. He sucked on her tender nipples as he kissed his way down her stomach to her pussy.

He took a big whiff of her scent as he prepared to pleasure her. He licked and sucked at her pussy and clit starting slow and gradually getting faster and faster. MaryBeth squirmed and moaned enjoying the sensations this brought her. It wasn't long until she had her hands on the back of his head holding him against her as she grinded her hips into his mouth. When she did this he knew that she was getting close to her release. He kept at his licking with fast strokes until she clamped around him and began to yell out, her juices dripping all over his face.

Next he lay back and she took a hold of his cock. She stroked it for a minute and then bent her head down and took it into her mouth. She sucked it up and down starting at the head and taking more in with each stroke. Her mouth was so warm and moist and it felt so good to Christopher. MaryBeth knew he could explode in her anytime now and was ready to let it happen. She knew it had been awhile for him so if he came fast this only meant he would last longer the next time. She moved her head faster as she took more of him inside of her.

Christopher soon felt the heat rise through him and he moaned and sprayed his cum into her mouth. MaryBeth drank it all down savoring the taste she had come to enjoy. She continued to suck him after he was dry and worked him until he started to rise again. She loved how in such short time he was ready again to give her what she needed. She climbed onto him and started to rock back and forth. She grabbed his chest and bounced up and down on his hard cock. He took a hold of her ass and pushed her into him as he thrust up to meet her.

Later he rolled her over and got on top. He worked himself in and out of her going deep and hard the way she liked. She ran her hands down his back slightly scraping him with her fingernails, but he liked it. As he continued pushing himself into her MaryBeth felt herself rise to her second orgasm. She shook as she came riding the waves of pleasure. Christopher was still going strong and knew he could last a bit longer. If he came once it usually took him awhile to cum the second time.

He turned her over and took her from behind grabbing a hold of her hips. She was so wet from her orgasm that his dick was nice and slippery. He inserted a finger inside of her and took up some of her juices. He lubricated her ass getting it nice and ready. MaryBeth was aware of what was to come; "It has been awhile since we did that, so go slow," she said. Christopher pushed himself into her slowly and felt her clamp around him. He held himself there still for a moment while she adjusted to the sensation. Then he slowly pumped back and forth feeling the amazing tightness around him. Soon enough MaryBeth remembered just how overwhelming this new sensation had been.

She moaned and cooed and told him to go ahead a little faster. Christopher picked up the pace and pushed into her that much faster and harder. As she clamped around him tighter sucking him in he knew he would not last much longer. He reached a hand down between her legs and rubbed her clit as he pushed himself deeper inside of her. As he swelled up and released himself inside of her MaryBeth also felt herself tightening and releasing for the third time that night. This time there had been no pain and only pleasure when he had cum inside of her ass. She had come to enjoy the different feelings that came with that type of love making.

The both of them felt very tired as they lay there in each other's arms. Soon they drifted off to sleep feeling relaxed and happy. They knew that meeting Christopher's parents would not be easy. They knew that perhaps several obstacles lie in their future, but at least they now were sure that whatever came their way they would face it together.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Great story and characters. But you should put chap numbers in the titles. I read one out of sequence.

marklionmarklionover 14 years ago
Great Chapter!!!!!

You wrote another great chapter in the series. It was nice to see the Christopher made it through the accident and he and Mary Beth Back together again. I hope you write another chapter to see how things work out between them in the future.

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