Forbidden Zone

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Father misses his wife, his daughter looks just like her.
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Thank you for reading my story. Please enjoy, love Mica xx

My name is Sue and I am twenty years old with blond hair, and a UK size 10. I have two twin brothers, Rob and Will, they are nineteen and are not identical twins. We live with our dad, Phil. Our mum died in a car crash with a drunken driver three years ago. That pain never goes away.

I do what I can to be 'mum', cooking, cleaning and the laundry are the main things, but I do hate doing the boy's room, it always smells funny. Every time I go in I have to open the windows, and their sheets, don't even make me go there, just disgusting.

I was just loading the dishwasher, dad was in the lounge on the sofa and the boys were going out. It was apparently Karaoke night at the Pint Pot and they hoped to pick up girls. Good luck with that! If I went out, I would never bring a boy, or a girl, back here, no, oh could you imagine the ribbing I would get from them. No. Not happening.

Everything done I went and sat with dad in the lounge. He was on the sofa just staring ahead, pretty much like he does most of the time. I squeezed on next to him. Just as I sat down the boys came in all loud and generally obnoxious.

"Right then dad, we are off, see you later," said Rob.

"Yes don't wait up," said Will, and they were gone with a clatter of the front door.

"TV?" I asked.

"If you like, I'm not bothered." Oh. He was in one of those moods.

"Oh dad, what's up, I hate to see you like this."

He looked sideways at me, a sad smile on his face. "Nothing baby. I miss your mum, and well, you look like her so much, you are a nice reminder of the days we used to have. But I don't have those days anymore."

"Well, you could always try those dating sites dad, you know, see if anyone could take your mind off mum."

"That wouldn't work, I would always be comparing them to Julie. There is not a day that goes by that I don't want to go and find that drunken driver and kill him."

"That would just end any pain he feels for what he did, and you can't kill his family in retribution, because they are innocent's dad."

"I know baby, that's why I do nothing, but I hate that he lived and Julie died."

"Oh daddy." I put my arm around him and squeezed him to me.

"I thank God that I have you and that you look so much like Julie."

"Well, let's take advantage of that daddy. Go, get dressed and take me out, like you would have taken mum out, just to help bring back some of those happy memories that you and mum shared."

"Oh, I don't know baby."

"Oh, so, you are standing me up?"

He looked embarrassed, as he should, and shook his head.

"Okay baby. Go get your glad rags on, I will see you down here in a few minutes."

I obviously hadn't been planning on going out tonight, but things change. I went up and stripped in the bathroom, dad would use his ensuite. I washed pits, crotch, under boob, and then used my roll on. A spray of EDP and I walked back to my room. As I walked across the landing I caught sight of dad in his room and our eyes met. I smiled. What else can a girl do when her dad sees her naked and she sees him naked?

I had no idea what dad would choose to do, so, comfort was the key. Nice non rubbing panties, easy unwired bra and a loose dress. Flatties to walk in, in case dad wanted to walk, I had no idea.

I grabbed my purse and put into my handbag along with my house key and a couple of tissues and some lip salve. I went downstairs and made sure that the back of the house was locked, dad came down just as I had finished checking. Bless him, he was wearing a suit, but with an open necked shirt. His shoes gleamed.

"Okay Sue, are you ready?"

"Yes daddy and you look so handsome tonight daddy."

"And you are as beautiful as a summer rose baby," he answered, and then opened the front door for me. I walked though, it was a pleasant and warm dry evening. I stood by the car as dad set the alarm and shut and locked the front door.

"The river I thought," dad said, "we can walk up to the weir, cross at Bingley bridge come back on the other side and have a cider at The Watermans."

"Sounds lovely dad. I wonder if we will see the kingfisher." I love seeing it in the summer, a flash of blue. I once managed to see it sitting on a branch with a small fish in its mouth, that image has stayed with me to this day.

"With luck baby."

Dad parked in the pub carpark, we crossed the bridge and then dad put his arm through mine and we walked slowly along the river along the ash path.

"Such a shame about the Ash trees," dad said, they had mostly been pollarded, "only the willows left now."

"Did they get that disease?"

"I think the river trust cut them all back in case they did, they wouldn't want to risk a branch or a tree falling and hurting anyone."

"I guess they didn't have the money for testing, so just cut them back."

"You are probably right baby."

There weren't many others out walking, we did see a couple arm in arm on the other bank, a lovers stroll. I wondered if people would think that of us, although I doubted it, our ages would probably look too different. I pulled dad closer to me, synched him in.

"Oh daddy look." I stopped dad and pointed. "Look on that stick in the water." There was a stick poking out of the water, and a Kingfisher was sat on it. As we looked he dived into the water and a moment later re-emerged and sat back on the stick, a small silver fish in his mouth.

"Oh that was brilliant," dad said, "don't get to see that very often."

"We are blessed daddy," I said quietly. The kingfisher flew off and we resumed our walk, tightly embracing, dad river side, me field side. A little further up we had to step off the path into the field to avoid a swarm of midges all hovering and dancing in one spot over the path.

"There is room for all life baby," dad said as we skirted the pests.

We reached the bridge and stood looking over the parapet as the river slowly flowed beneath us. It was clear and you could see some of the plants growing in the water and fish too, some looked like trout, but I don't really know.

"It's quite slow daddy," I said.

"Yes but it is deep so there is quite a volume moving there."

The weir was holding the depth here, and it was quite a lot lower on the other side of the weir, that was further down by the pub.

"Come on daddy, let's go get that cider." I put my arm through his and we finished crossing the bridge and walked back on the other side of the river.

The pub was quite busy, but we managed to get a table outside by the weir. Dad went in to get the drinks and I watched the water as it tumbled over the weir. I wondered how the fish got over the weir, but it didn't interest me enough to go and look.

"Here you are baby," dad said as he put a bottle of cider and a glass in front of me," warm enough?" he asked.

"Oh yes daddy, it is fine thank you."

The weir was so loud that you couldn't hear anyone else's conversations, and that meant that they probably couldn't hear ours, not that anything we said would be private.

"Your mum loved it here." Dad said quietly.

"I can understand why daddy, it is lovely, and feels, I don't know, sort of British, if you know what I mean."

"yes baby, your mum used to feel the same, she was sad that our traditions were eroding, and always felt that here, by the weir, drinking cider was a very English thing.

He looked at me in the way that he probably used to look at mum.

"Well daddy, I feel the same as she did and you can bring me here again daddy, I love it and I love being here with you." I squeezed his leg as I spoke.

"Oh you look so much like Julie, I have to pinch myself that you are you and not her."

Well, that could be awkward for sure. There are many things I can do for dad, and do do, but be his dead wife isn't one that I had considered.

"Daddy, I am glad that I look like mum, and I do as much as I can that she did for you, you know I love you dearly," and I squeezed his leg again.

We sat silently for a while drinking our cider, the river noise drowning out any disturbances.

"Sit here dad, I will go and get another couple of ciders." I said and stood and went to the bar. I was served quite quickly, I grabbed a couple of packets of crisps too, and went back out. This time, I don't know why, I wasn't really thinking, I sat next to dad and sort of snuggled up to him.

As I passed him his crisps I had a vision almost of mum sat here with dad, snuggling up to him, them whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears, blowing silent kisses perhaps. I squeezed him again and leaned against his shoulder as I took a draught from my bottle.

"This is so lovely daddy," I said, and it was, and at least it seemed to have got dad out of his funk.

Dad put his hand over my head and softly stroked my hair, "yes love, it really is."

I wondered what he was remembering, was it an evening here with mum, and then perhaps they had gone home, and kissed, perhaps cuddled and gone to bed and made love? Should I be thinking of such things? I had never even thought of mum and dad having sex before, I mean obviously they did, but I had never thought about them doing that, and it was only now that I realised that dad must be missing the physical side of their relationship.

Dad's phone vibrated and buzzed on the table. He picked it up and looked.

"Message from the boys, they are staying out and won't be home till the morning, probably not before lunch."

"Okay daddy, we can lock the door behind us when we get home."

"Yes love, we will be just the two of us."

What was he thinking, I mused. Was he ruing a lost opportunity to make love to his Julie, to hold her, undress her, kiss her breasts, use his fingers between his legs? I mean, I had zero idea what mum and did in terms of sexual pleasures, did he use his fingers, or his tongue? Or were they simply the missionary style people? I had no idea.

I tried to imagine what sex would have been like for mum and dad. I knew what dad looked like naked, and I could remember mum naked. She had some hair down there, I didn't, I was shaved bare. Would dad have found the difference sexy? A turn on? He saw me earlier, he knows I am shaven, and I am sure he would have looked, few men would not.

Daddy squeezed my hand, "oh love, such a wonderful evening, sad that it has to come to an end."

I leant harder into his shoulder. "It doesn't have to end yet daddy, there is no one to rush home to, we can just be ourselves."

Daddy looked at me for a moment then leant across and kissed my cheek, lingering a little I thought.

"Yes love, no children to rush back for."

He pushed a little more into me and his hand squeezed my leg as I had squeezed his earlier, although his hand was higher than mine had been. Almost perilously high. I found my mind wandering into realms it shouldn't, me sharing a bed with dad. The idea was preposterous, for one, he wouldn't want to, I mean, why would he, and for two, it was taboo, dads and daughters didn't do that.

I remembered how he had looked in the bedroom and realised that he had been aroused. I hadn't noticed that before. Was he aroused at the sight of me naked, or was he simply remembering mum.

"When I saw you earlier," dad said, "you looked so much like your mum, so much."

"Oh daddy?"

"Yes love, you really are as lovely as your mum, sometimes I find it very hard to remember that you are not her, especially when I see you, you know, naked."

"Oh." How many times has he seen me naked then? I wondered.

"Yes love," he squeezed my thigh again, "the hair really the only difference."

"Hair?" I asked stupidly, my mouth opened even though I knew the answer.

"Yes love, you shave yours off, Julie just tidied hers. I could see all of you, whereas Julie's was hidden mostly."

"Oh, well, yes, I prefer it that way daddy." Not a conversation I expected to be having with my dad.

"I try to imagine now what it would have been like with Julie, without the hair in the way, would it have been any different, any better?"

I realised that as he spoke a finger was touching my panties, slightly pressing against me. Should I move, should I take his hand away, I didn't know what to do, I did know it made me feel funny.

"Oh daddy," I said, I had no idea what else to say or do. I did not know how to respond, I did not know what to do. My body was saying one thing, reacting on a physical level, my brain was saying the opposite.

The finger was now rubbing along my crease, and I was getting slick down there. Would it be so bad?

"Ooh daddy," I almost gasped, the pleasure was tangible, but the reality was, that he was in my forbidden zone.

His pressing became more intrusive, my panties were now clearly inside my valley and I was in danger of erupting publicly.

"Daddy" I gasped, my legs opening more as my dad's finger moved my panties to one side and touched me. I felt suddenly like my fifteen year old self when I let my brothers touch me, only this time I knew what was happening. His finger eased inside me.

"Daddy, stop, not here," I managed.

"Let me take us home," he said quietly.

"Yes daddy," I managed.

We stood, my panties awkwardly to one side, my fanny open and exposed as we walked back to the car, daddy his arms protectively around me, squeezing me.

We said nothing on the journey back home, my mind a mass of contradictions, wanting yet not, my body wet and aroused, my mind confused.

He turned the engine off and we got out of the car. Daddy locked the car as I unlocked the front door and went in, slipping my shoes off in the hallway. Dad came in behind me and locked and bolted the front door.

"Let's go up," dad said and I led the way leaving my purse on the hall stand.

I went into dad's room and sat on the edge of the bed. I did not know what to do, this situation had never occurred to me in my dreams. I was in new territory.

Dad took his jacket off and sat next to me, turned and pushed me onto my back and leant over and kissed me. Not a daddy kiss, his mouth was open and his tongue probing. It felt hot, I kissed back, my fingers clutching at the bed cover, squeezing it as he kissed away my doubts.

His hand was on my thigh once more, moving to my crotch, touching me, pressing me, oh my.

He rolled over and knelt before me and he pulled my panties down, my sex exposed to him. I closed my eyes and opened my legs and I felt his breath over me. Oh my. Something hot and wet touched me, his tongue, it delved between my labia, seeking my clitoris, finding first my urethra, and then my nubbin of pleasure, my little spot of self release.

He sucked my clitoris into his mouth, his teeth nibbling it gently, oh my God, I felt as if I would explode.

I heard his belt undoing and his zipper move. I guessed he was partially undressing.

"Wait daddy, let me get ready." I couldn't say undress, I don't know why.

I sat and then stood up. I reached behind me and undid the catch and allowed my dress to fall off my shoulders to the floor. I slipped my straps down and rotated my bra, undoing it at the front, and let it join my dress. I was naked. Dad was just stepping out of his trousers. I lay back on the bed. We were beyond a point of no return.

Dad lay next to me. He leant over and kissed me again. I took his head in my hands and kissed hard back, we were doing this, and I was going to be a fully willing participant. I moved away and down his chest and sucked his cock into my mouth.

"Oh shit," dad gasped as I ran my tongue around the end of his cock, his foreskin pulled back by my hand. With my other hand I held his balls, gently rolling his testes around inside his sac. I was not a little girl beguiled by a predatory father, I was a grown woman and I knew exactly what I was doing.

I started moving my mouth up and down his shaft, his cock head going deeper in my mouth past my tonsils, nudging my throat.

"I won't last," I heard him say and I pulled back, easing his cock from my throat.

I moved up and lay on top of him, his cock at my entrance. I raised my hips a little, held his cock and pushed him inside me.

"Daddy," I said, "you don't need to last, we have all night," and I pushed down, taking him all the way inside.

I loved the feeling of his foreskin rolling back. I loved the little pulse I could feel inside me. I was so wet, there was little resistance, his cock was halfway in before my tightness pushed his foreskin away. Dad has no massive cock, it is bigger than the twins, but some of my boyfriends have felt bigger, but whatever it was, it felt like it filled my completely.

This felt so different to any sex I had experienced before, it was more loving, less shagging. I rocked my hips back and forth, dad's cock sliding within me, my clitoris rubbing on his pubic mound. I didn't know about dad, but I didn't think I would last long myself.

"Oh daddy," I murmured into his ear, "I love you daddy."

"Oh my love," daddy said and started raising his hips in response to my movements.

He put his arms around me and rolled us over, his cock still inside me, but now he was on top, now he was in control, now it was him, not me. He pulled back, so close to coming out, and then he pushed hard all the way inside me, my fanny opening and claiming him, muscles squeezing him, trying to grip to stop him leaving. The feeling of him inside me was incredible, so sensual, nothing comes close.

He backed out again, almost leaving but not quite, and then he pushed back in hard and out and in, his temp increasing, the sound of his pubis slapping against my mons, my gasps as he pressed in, making the unmistakable sound of sex, our lovemaking not quiet and subdued.

"Oh baby," dad gasped, "I can't hold it any longer baby."

"Don't hold it daddy, I want to feel you do it inside me."

I didn't know how to talk to dad in these circumstances, I mean, what words to use. I don't tend to say 'fuck' but would dad, or 'cum' or 'spunk', I just kept my language simple and then I felt him.

Dad pushed in hard, deep and held it and I felt the little vibrations as his cock spurted inside me, twice, three times and my orgasm let go and my back spasmed, lifting us off the bed, the pleasure shot from my crotch all over my body, followed by tiny pains as my nerves contracted. I gasped, I screamed, and I clutched dad close to me.

My fanny squeezed and ejected dad's cock, rivulets of his cum following and dribbling to my bottom. "Hold me daddy, I need you to hold me like you'll never let me go."

I felt strange, I felt that if dad moved away from me that I would be vulnerable. I didn't know what would happen next, but I did know that I wanted to be with my dad. Again, and again and again. For him, I had no forbidden zone.

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