Forever My Love Ch. 06


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"So, don't ask me why Ben refused to give you our son." He said, shaking his head. "You know the answer to that question. And if you want this to continue, then continue being the same kind of person to our son. You'll eventually lose him."

"How could you say that to me?" Jim said with tears in his eyes. "You know how much I love Michael. I would do anything for him. You and him are my life."

"Perhaps!" David said simply, shrugging his shoulders. "But there's a difference between saying you love someone and actually showing it."

With those words, he turned and headed to his room, leaving Jim all alone. The pain Jim felt couldn't be explained. It was out of this world... like someone was stabbing him right in the heart. Everything had been going so well and now this was the second time David had snapped at him because of Ben. He couldn't allow it to continue happening. What was he gonna do?


Ben was coming out of the mall with a small plastic that had some things he had bought. He had a smile on his face as he talked on the phone...

"Did you get the chocolates I sent you?" He asked.

'Yes, yummy!' Little Michael answered on the other end. 'I love them. Are you going to come see me?'

"Oh, baby, I am so sorry." He apologized, taking a sigh. "I am kinda occupied with work today and I won't make it. But I promise that I will call you again later in the day and we're gonna talk as much as you want."

'Promise!' He asked.

"Yes!" Ben nodded, chuckling.

'I love you!"

Ben felt a wave of emotions sweep over him and he stood still, feeling like something had gripped his heart and filled it with coldness. His eyes glistened and his heart began racing. That word, it made him feel like... he couldn't even explain the feeling.

"I love you too, baby."

It didn't take long before he heard David's voice on the other end.

"Thank you so much, Ben." He said happily. "You have no idea how happy I've seen my son these past few days and it's all because of you. You're amazing and you're all he keeps talking about. So, thanks."

"It's okay." Ben blushed and he didn't even realize. "Take care of him."

"You know I will."

With those words, he cut the call and rushed to his big car. The moment he opened the door to get inside, something happened.

"Ben!" A very familiar voice called his name.

He made a quick turn to find the surprise of his life, his father staring right at him with a stern look. He wore a white shirt that was tucked in a light blue designer trousers, making him look young and handsome. But he didn't care about that.


"What are you doing here?" Ben gasped, his eyes widening. "Did you follow me here? Until when will you leave me alone? What do you want from me?"

"Ben, listen to me, my son." Jerome put his hands together. "You never know exactly what a father goes through and I understand how upset you must be with me. I abandoned you during the time when you needed me the most and I paid for that mistake and still paying for it."

"You think?" He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "You think you've suffered? It's funny how we always tell people we love them but are too quick to judge when things go sour. You already have your idea family so I don't understand why you keep following me."

"Can you just listen to me." He held his hand sweetly but Ben retaliated.

"For what?" He shrugged. "More lies? More deception? More promises?"

"I just wanna be a father to you, Ben." Jerome pleaded, putting his hands together. "Don't deny me of this, my son."

"In case you haven't gotten up to date, I am no longer a child." He said with a serious tone. "You missed those moments six years ago when you broke your ties with me." He didn't wanna get emotional. "If you excuse me, I have a business to run and many clients to meet."

With those words, he turned to open the door to his car but...

"Who is Leah?"

A great sense of weariness swept over him, sucking his energy with it at the mention of that name. His hands twitched spastically as adrenaline burst through his veins to prepare him for fight or flight. His heart began pounding but... he slowly turned and looked at the man, wearing a confident smile.

"Are you seriously asking me that question?" He chuckled bitterly. "How more pathetic can you be?"


"Well, since you wanna hear it, I'll tell you." He moved closer and wore a very bitter look. "Leah was the woman you deceived, made to believe you were a good person and cheated on your wife with 23 years ago!" He snapped, breathing harshly. "Leah was the woman you had this bastard son with and who apparently has been paying for your sins for a very long time."

Jerome felt tears build in his eyes at his son's tone that was filled with so much pain. That wasn't the Ben he knew.

"Do you wanna hear more?"

"Yes! But I am not talking about your mother." Jerome said softly. "I am talking about the grave you've been visiting more often than not."

Ben's heart sank. His pulse throbbed in his ears, a relentless drumbeat that drowned out all other sounds. Then his face contorted into a mask of rage, brows furrowed and fists clenched.

"Have you been following me?" His voice was raw with rage.

"That grave was made not more than a few years ago." He added, raising his hands like he was surrendering. "That grave is for a child that was born 6 years ago. It's not for your mother and whenever you are there, you always cry, Ben."

A tear rushed down Ben's cheek that he didn't even bother wiping.

"You're pathetic."

"That child bears your name, Ben and I just wanted to know why you get hurt so much..."

"Shut up!" He snapped, raising his finger at his father. His body trembled in anger. "You have no right whatsoever to follow me, most especially there. A man like you has no right to be anywhere near that place because believe me.... If you wanna see the other side of me, I dare you to follow me. And you have no right whatsoever to ask me about the relations I have with the owner of that grave. Let this be the first and last time you approach me."

With a hiss, he furiously turned, rubbing his tears. A lot happened in a second that he couldn't even understand it himself. One moment, he was about to open the door and the next moment Jerome pulled on his arm so hard twirling him and now he was staring into his eyes right before a sudden burst of gunfire shattered the silence.

Ben stood there, wide eyed, staring into Jerome's smiling face. He was so confused that he didn't know what was going on. His heart raced and his body shook from fear. Jerome smiled but ended up coughing terribly, letting go of Ben.

Jerome staggered backward, clutching his abdomen. The world around him blurred as pain radiated from the pain he felt in his back. His breaths came in ragged gasps, and he sank to his knees. The metallic tang of blood filled his nostrils, and the world seemed to spin.

Ben on the other hand didn't know what was going on. A billion tears flooded his face as he came to reality and realized what was going on. He rushed to his father and knelt before him, holding him tightly. His hands were instantly covered in blood.

"Ben..." Jerome gasped as each breath seemed to take him closer to his death. "...I... I..."

"Don't speak!" Ben shook his head, looking around. He couldn't see anyone, probably people had dispersed after the gunshot. "Help!" He screamed. "Somebody help us."

"For-forgive!" Jerome's voice was barely above a whisper. "I couldn't... be... the... father... you... deserved."

With those words, he dropped his head and became flaccid.

"No!" Ben cried. "No, please get up. Papa..." He shook him but the man wasn't working up. "Dad... I am so sorry..." He wailed. "...I didn't mean any of the words, please get up. I forgive you and... and I won't say anything bad. Get up!"

But the man didn't even move. Ben held him in his arms tightly as he cried at the top of his voice, feeling every wound he'd ever had reopen. The pain he felt was something he couldn't explain. He was very scared of the outcome.

Was this it for Jerome?


David and Michael entered the beautiful store, scanning the entire area. He had his son on his shoulders, holding him tightly while the boy smiled. The both of them were so happy that nothing could ruin that day for them.

"Alright, buddy, we're on a mission here." David announced, glancing up at his son. "What do you want?"

"A toy!" Michael said excitedly. "A super toy."

"Super toy, huh?" He chuckled. "Well then, we better head to the toy's section."

David and his son browsed through the store, checking each aisle for what they could like. They came to the toys section and he knew from the gasp he got from his son that he loved what he saw.

"Look at that papa!" Michael squeaked. "I want that one."

David chuckled and let his son down. He barely put him down and the boy was already running. He reached a big beautiful action figure and grabbed it, holding it like he didn't wanna part with it.

"Captain laser!" Michael said happily. "I want him!"

"Alright, we'll get him." David said with a raised eyebrow. "But first..." He paused and got a toy from the shelf. "...let's have a space war and see if captain laser will win."

Michael chuckled and started running around as his father chased him. It was so much fun that people that saw them couldn't help but smile at the expression of happiness between father and son. They moved around until they were both tired and sweaty. After what felt like hours, David gave up and sat on the floor with his son on his lap, breathing like a man in a race.

"Fine!" He said, trying to catch his breath. "Captain laser it is. We'll get him. He's the best."

"Yeah!" Michael screamed, making David.

"Now, let's go get him."

David got up from the floor and held his son's hands. They had only taken a few steps when 'Envolver' by Anita began playing. At the same time, David felt like something had entered him, taking control of his body. His vision blurred and he closed his eyes, massaging his temple from the headache that had started preying on him. When he opened them, he was welcomed by images that felt familiar. It was Ben and they were in a room. He seemed drunk and David was following him around. But both of them were younger than they were at that time. It was vivid.

"Oooooh!" Ben screamed, almost like he was shocked. "How did you know I love this song."

He started singing along drunkenly. When the chorus started, the boy wrapped his arms around David's neck and pulled him closer, their lips almost meeting.

"Dance with me." He demanded as he slowly wined his waist sexily. "Come on!"

They danced together until they dropped to the floor and kissed. David could have sworn he felt that kiss in the present, like it was happening right there.

He saw vivid images of Ben's hands rubbing on his crotch and him pulling away from the kiss.

"You're drunk." David said with passion in his voice. "We need to cool off, don't you think?"

But Ben shook his head. "I need to forget my troubles. Help me forget."

"No!" David shook his head. "You're not in your right frame of mind. I don't want to take advantage of you in this state."

"Help me forget. I... I know what I am doing. This is what I want."

David was reluctant and he was scared.

"Please..." The boy said with tears rolling.

"Don't!" He said as he traced the boy's tears, slowly kissing his forehead. "I can't bear to see you in tears."

"Then help me forget. Even for tonight."

And make love did they. It was intense, it was amazing and it was passionate. By the time David was coming back to reality, he was seated on the floor, sweating profusely and breathing harshly with his heart threatening to break through his chest. He could hear someone crying and he only got to realize it was his son when he looked at him.

"Michael!" He rose from the floor and rushed to him. "Are you okay?"

"Are you okay, papa?" Michael asked, still crying.

Before David could answer, a low hum resonated in his ears, a dissonant symphony that only fueled the pounding ache at his temples. He closed his eyes, hoping to shut out the dizziness and pain he was suddenly feeling but he never let go of his son's hand.

"Hey!" He felt someone hold his arm. "Are you alright?"

"Headache!" He managed a word. "Ouch!"

"It's okay." The woman that seemed nice said. "Can you come with me, please? I will help you."

"My son..."

"It's okay." She said softly. "I got him."

David followed the woman to a room where she helped him with some painkillers, water and a bed to rest on while she took care of his son. It took time but he eventually felt better. The only question on his mind was, 'what was that all about?'


Ben was seated on the bench that was just right in front of the big E.R sign, showing its bright red color. Somehow, seeing that bright red color made him feel so nervous, he couldn't think straight. He took a shaky breath and his eyes landed on his bloody hands. They were dry but somehow, seeing all that blood on his hands made him so scared. The air felt heavy with unspoken sorrow and the weight of his emotions pressed against his chest, making it difficult.

'I am sorry!' Those words echoed in his head, making tears roll down his cheeks.

"I can't lose you!" He whispered. "You have to fight, dad."


10 years ago


Ben was seated in the kitchen at the counter, holding on tightly to his teddy bear. There was so much going on in his tiny little head. It was thanksgiving and he wasn't with the rest of his family. In fact, Elena didn't even give him any food. He could hear the laughter that was going on in the living room from other family members and everyone they had invited.

"Hey there, bud!" He heard a familiar voice.

Raising his head, he found Jerome staring at him with a smile on his face. The man was dressed in an expensive suit, looking like the king of the world. Seeing him, Ben smiled sheepishly, trying to hide his sorrows.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he got closer to him. "Why aren't you with the rest of the family?"

Ben shook his head without saying a word.

"Oh!" That was the only word that came out of his mouth. "I am so sorry, my love. I didn't know that, otherwise, I wouldn't have let this happen."

"It's okay, papa." Ben said softly. "I just want aunt Elena to be happy so that she doesn't shout at me anymore. She's waiting for you, papa. Even Jim is waiting for you."

"Come here!" Jerome wrapped his arms around Ben, holding him tightly. "I am not going to leave you here alone. What kind of father am I gonna be if I enjoy myself out there while my son is sad?"

Ben raised his head and glanced at his father. "But aunt Elena..."

"Forget about her. And you know what, you and I are gonna have our own fun." He said excitedly, ruffling little Ben's hair. "We'll have our own thanksgiving, just the two of us. If you're not going, I am not going."

Ben smiled, tears welling in his eyes.

"I love you so much, papa."

"I love you too."

And fun did they have. They went to fancy restaurant, ordered some good food then after they went to watch a movie at the cinema. By the time they were done with everything, it was already early morning and man was Elena pissed when she came back. But Jerome handled her. She didn't even lay any finger on Ben.


"Wow!" Elena squealed, her eyes widening as she stared at the paper. "I am so proud of you right now. 7th in class."

She took her son in her arms and spun him around.

"I am the proudest mother ever and you know what, I knew that this was gonna happen. That's why I prepared for this moment."

She put him down and rushed out of there. When she came back, she was holding a huge gift that Jim didn't even take time unwrapping. It was a ps4 and from the screams, Jim was so excited that he hugged his mother so tight.

"Thank you so much, mommy." He squealed, gripping her tightly. "I love you so much, I love you."

"Anything for my wonderful son." She said, eyeing Ben with an evil grin. "You can ask me anything and if you maintain this, I'll buy you a car after you graduate from high school."

"Really?" Jim jumped.


Mother and son kept on hugging each other. Ben took a sigh and was about to head to his room when he heard a voice.

"Hey there, tiger." Jerome said excitedly. "Whatcha holding there?"

Ben glanced at his father and gave a slight smile. "My results, papa."

"Oh wow!" He knelt in front of his son with a hand on his shoulder. "Let me see what my precious son got."

"It's nothing serious, papa." He smiled. "Jim passed and he needs you, papa."

"I know, and I'll get him something later. Right now, I wanna see what you got." He held out his hand. Ben sighed and handed the script he was holding.

Jerome opened it and when he did, the smile from his face faded. It was replaced with tears in his eyes as he stared at his son. Then he smiled, not minding the tears that rolled down his face. He was really emotional.

"First in class, baby." He said excitedly. "And you called this nothing? Do you know how excited I am right now? You've never seized to amaze me, Ben. You really are my blood. Do you know that, the Henandez men have been known to be very intelligent? We're born with so much intelligence and wisdom that we conquer whatever project we get involved in. I am so proud of you, Ben. In fact, I will get for you the best gift I can find out there."

"Really papa?"

"Yes!" He nodded, holding his son tightly. "That's a promise because you deserve it and you're my son."

"Wow!" Elena's angry voice interrupted them. "You never seize to amaze me, Jerome. All that speech about the Henandez men, did you stop to think about how your son would feel? You're here comforting your illegitimate son instead of being with your legitimate one. What kind of father are you, huh?"

"Elena, what's your problem." Jerome couldn't mask the shock in his voice.

"My problem is that your son just passed his exams and you're there comforting someone else?"

"What do you mean someone else? Ben is as much my blood as Jim. What problem is there?"

"Oh!" She chuckled bitterly. "Did you hear him, Jim? He doesn't even care about you anymore but only about that boy. Why didn't you reach out to our son first? Why didn't you tell him all those things you're telling that boy?"

Boy looked at Jim and he saw the bitterness in his eyes.

"Ever since you brought him home, he's all you care about. It's unfair, Jerome, very unfair. And one day, you're gonna realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars. And as for you..." she warned, pointing at Ben angrily.

Ben dropped his eyes to the floor.

"I will make you regret this moment."

With those words, she held her son's hands and stormed out of the room. As they left, Ben didn't miss the hatred in his brother's eyes. He got scared because it was the first time, he had seen Jim look at him like that.


"No, Ben!" He shook his head. "You're not gonna say anything to me. I promised to get you the present and I will fulfill it. Both of you are my sons and I will not be unfair to either of you."

"I really don't want anything, dad." He said softly. "Having you as a father is the best gift I could ever as for. You're the best dad in the whole wide world."

Jerome smiled and held his son in his arms. It was an amazing moment and true to his word, Jerome got Ben a very wonderful present. He got him an Asus gaming laptop with the best specs. But to apologize to Jim and make him happy, Ben had to give it to him and got nothing in the end. But he didn't complain. He still had his father around and his brother was happy. He couldn't have asked for anything.