Forever My Love Ch. 09


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"Get out of here!" Jim sneered, getting closer to Ben. "There is no one that needs you here."

"That's where you're wrong my dear brother." He chirped, shaking his head. "I am very much wanted here just as much as everyone else. Otherwise, why would I be here?"

"That's not possible." Jim shook his head. "Father wouldn't dare invite you here."

"Is that what you think?" He shifted his eyes to Elena who stood there cursing him. "Didn't mommy dearest tell you that dad and I reconciled?"

"What?" Jim looked at his mother, looking like a lost puppy.

"Baby, I didn't wanna tell you because of what was going on at the time." Elena said abruptly, quickly gripping his hand. "You were worried about a lot of things and I didn't wanna worry you some more. It was for your own good."

"Excuse me!"

Ben rudely walked in between, leaving the both of them in shock. The place was very fancy, it had to be. They were celebrating the 30th anniversary of Jerome's company and its success throughout the years. Ben didn't have come but he just had to. His father had achieved so much and he deserved all the support in the world.


Ben felt his heart begin to race the moment he laid his eyes on that handsome man in front of him. His smile was almost hypnotizing... his eyes captivating and his lips... why was he staring at his lips, he thought? The man looked so handsome in a black tuxedo that showed off his muscular body. He wasn't surprised because David's sense of style was always top notch.

"David!" Ben answered, putting up a smile.

"I didn't know that you were gonna be here."

"It's an important event for my father. I just had to."

"You look so handsome and I am glad you look better." He chuckled nervously. "Do you mind if I steal you for a moment?" There was a plea in his voice. "I need to talk to you urgently."

Ben felt a shiver go down his spine. He might have been feeling better but he didn't know if he was ready to discuss his encounter with the main. He took a nervous breath.

"No, I don't think so. Excuse me!"

Without getting a response from him, he quickly rushed away from him and luckily, he found the man of the moment. As usual, he looked so handsome, barely passing for someone who was in his 50s. He was standing a distance from him happily talking to some men and women. Seeing him, Ben couldn't help but smile.

He took a deep breath, gathered his courage and walked to him.

"Do you have room to talk to one more person?"

Jerome's heart skipped a beat, his breath catching in his throat. He slowly turned to find his son standing in front of him, staring at him with the biggest smile he had ever seen on him. The room seemed to fade away as father and son locked eyes, a flood of emotions rushing through Jerome's heart.


He rushed to him and wrapped his arms rightly around him, embracing him. As he enveloped his son in a tight embrace, tears welled in Jerome's eyes, emotions bubbling over in a rush of relief and joy.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" Jerome murmured; his voice thick with emotion.

Ben returned the hug, his own voice choked with emotion. "I couldn't miss it, Dad. This is very important to you and I just had to be here for you."

Jerome pulled away from the hug but held his son's hands.

"But you're going through so much, Ben." Jerome was concerned. "I told Alejandra not to tell you about this in the first place. And I am sorry that this was held. I am doing everything in my power to make sure that I find that man. I didn't want..."

"Dad!" Ben raised an eyebrow. "It's okay. I requested to be here and don't worry about my child, I know you're doing everything in your power to find him. If you can do that for me, why can't I be here to support you?"

Jerome smiled. "Thank you so much, son!"

As father and son were busy talking, they were interrupted by the MC who began talking and giving a speech. In no time, he called the man of the moment to come and say something. The spotlight shone on them and the man went to the stage as everyone clapped. Ben was somehow emotional. When Jerome got to the stage, his eyes were shining with pride and emotion. He cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts before he began his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and cherished members of our company family,

Today marks a monumental occasion in the history of our company. Thirty years ago, we embarked on a journey fueled by passion, dedication, and a shared vision for excellence. As I stand before you today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible journey we have traveled together."

There were cheers and claps from the audience.

"It has not been an easy journey... there have been times when I almost gave up, times when I questioned if I was in the right business and times when I found myself crying. But throughout those times, I never gave up. And I am so thankful for the people that have been in my life, the employees, board members, business partners and most importantly, my ever-loving family.

As I look back on this remarkable journey, I am overwhelmed with pride for the extraordinary team that has contributed to our success. Our employees, past and present, have been the lifeblood of this organization, infusing it with dedication, passion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Each one of you has played a pivotal role in bringing us to this momentous day. It has not been easy being the biggest real estate business in the country."

Again, there were cheers as everyone got excited.

"In these 30 years, I have made so many mistakes as a business man but not greater than the mistakes I made as a father."

His eyes shifted to Ben who stood there staring at him without even blinking. Everyone else was quiet.

"As a father, I have learnt so much from my son. I have realized that despite me being the father, I will always need my son, no matter what age I am. My son has made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, seen me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes, and at times driven me crazy. But my son is a promise that I will have a friend forever!"

Ben felt tears build in his eyes and in moment, he felt his face get wet. He quickly rubbed his face clean and took a deep breath. Last thing he wanted to do was cry in front of the crowd. He was sure people didn't even know Jerome was staring at him.

Jerome cleared his throat before he continued.

"And now, as we look ahead to the next chapter of our journey, I am filled with hope and optimism for what lies ahead. As we stand at the threshold of a new era, it is my honor and privilege to introduce to you, a son I am very proud of and someone that I have learnt a lot from.

Ladies and gentlemen, please, help me welcome my beloved son.... Ben!"

There was silence when he announced that. Everyone began looking at each other, wondering what Jerome was talking about. Most of them had their eyes on Jim who stood there feeling hurt and filled with hatred for his brother. Ben on the other hand felt like someone had just poured cold water on him. He felt a shiver go down his spine as his heart raced.

"Ben, join me." Jerome announced, stretching his hand.

Immediately, a spotlight shone on him and it didn't take a moment before everyone was clapping again. Ben smiled sheepishly as he moved to the stage, holding his father's hand. It was nerve wrecking but there was some form of excitement deep within. With tears in his eyes, Jerome embraced his son in front of everyone before turning back to the audience, a radiant smile lighting up his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I understand that this revelation may come as a surprise to many of you. But, to me, this is the best decision I have made in a long time. And I am so proud."

He placed a reassuring hand on Ben's shoulder, making him emotional. Meanwhile, as Jim watched, his fists clench at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as he fought to suppress the rising tide of resentment within him. His breathing grew shallow and ragged, his chest tightening with each passing moment as the weight of his jealousy threatened to suffocate him.

"But of course, this wouldn't be complete without my other lovely son, Jim."

He looked at his son who was obviously mad and smiled.

"I am honored to introduce two individuals who embody the values and legacy of our company - my sons. They have grown up witnessing the dedication and hard work that built this company from the ground up. Today, I invite them to join me on this stage as a symbol of continuity, innovation, and the promise of a bright future."

Jim didn't wanna go but he felt his mother's hand on his shoulder, literally pushing him to go. In frustration, he went to the stage and joined his father, forcing a smile on his face when all he wanted to do was smash Ben's face.

"Tonight, I invite them to join me on this stage, not just as my sons but as the future leaders of this incredible legacy. May they carry the torch forward, steering our ship through new horizons and ensuring that the next 30 years are as remarkable as the ones we've celebrated tonight."

Jerome's speech was followed by loud cheers. Ben could tell that a lot of people were very happy. He even saw Alejandra send him love signs. She was with Gustavo and Carlos. After that, Jim stormed out of that stage cursing while Jerome took Ben to introduce him to some of the people that were eager to meet him. They received him so well. He didn't have to explain much since they knew him as the producer of the hottest chocolate in town.

However, as Jerome continued with introductions, Ben couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that someone was watching him. He turned his head slightly, catching the gaze of David, lingering on him from across the room. His eyes, filled with a mixture of regret and longing, bore into him, making her uncomfortable.

Trying to maintain composure, Ben excused him with a polite smile, "Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to freshen up. It was a pleasure meeting you all."

He gracefully maneuvered through the crowd, leaving his father in the midst of the business talk. As he moved hurriedly to the bathroom, he was suddenly gripped and before he knew it, he was pulled into a dimly lit room, door shutting behind him.

Before Ben could realize what was going on, he found himself pinned on the wall with a man only inches away from his face... David. Ben felt his heart begin to race and a shiver go down his spine. But there was something about that closeness that made him a bit excited and he didn't like it.

"What are you doing?" He whispered in a shaky voice.

"I couldn't stay away from you anymore, Ben. And I cannot just stand there and watch you talk to everyone but me."

"David, please... this isn't the time..."

"I feel like I am going crazy." David let go of Ben. The room was small and David was blocking the door so he couldn't leave. "Suddenly, I've been having these memories that I never knew existed in my head since the time we made love."

Ben slightly closed his eyes at the sound of that word, a shiver going down his spine.

"And then...." He paused and looked at the boy that looked nervous. "...there are these feelings that I cannot understand, for you."

"Stop it!" Ben seethed, shaking his head. "You're going crazy, David, and I think you need see a therapist."

"I am not crazy!" His voice raised slightly, making Ben take a step backward.

"Then how do you explain what you're telling me right now? You've always been in love with your husband, that's what you told me a few weeks ago."

"I haven't!" His voice was barely above a whisper.

The two stared at each other for what felt like hours but was just mere seconds before any of them spoke.

"6 years ago, I woke up with no memories of what had happened in the past few years." He said softly. "I was surrounded by my family, a husband I didn't even remember meeting and had no feelings for. Our meeting, our engagement and our wedding were all narrated to me. That still didn't feel right to me. It took me close to two years and a lot of convincing from my mother before I finally accepted everything.

And now, I have these memories and these feelings that are telling me that whatever I have known up to this point has been a lie."

"Maybe your memories are deceiving you." Ben said with tears in his eyes. "You're acting like this because you feel guilty for what happened. David, forget about it and let me go. Please..."

"I remembered our house near the beach," He chuckled happily. "We seemed so happy despite the situation that was going on. You used to wake me up every morning with a kiss, prepare some breakfast and pack me some lunch. That didn't seem to me like it was forced love or you had cast a spell on me. I felt that love, Ben."

Ben's mouth visibly shook as he went down memory lane to those moments. He felt pain and loneliness enter him and he closed his eyes, trying to shake them away. But they wouldn't leave him.

"My memories might be vague but what I am feeling isn't." He once again got closer to Ben, gripping his hand. He raised it slowly and placed it on his chest. "My heart is not lying, Ben."

Ben felt David's heart beating rhythmically and racing. He looked into the man's eyes and he saw something that he'd seen before, that yearning that he had for him years ago. He could tell the man was suffering.

"You're a married man, David." Ben said in a voice barely above a whisper. "Not to someone else, but to my brother."

"I know, but..."

"Did those visions also show you that you left me on the hospital bed dying from cancer?" He asked with tears welling in his eyes. "Did they tell you that a day after you left, you were marrying my brother? Did they tell you that I lost everything because of you?"

David shook his head, fighting his tears. "Ben..."

"I'll tell you," He sobbed, furiously rubbing the tear that made its way down his face. "It's because you chose to love him. You realized that you didn't love me enough to stay with me till the end. Or maybe the charm just worn off." He laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Whatever had happened between us was nothing but a night stand, David. I don't wanna dwell on it. People do it all the time. Right now, I have something important that I have to do and you do too."


"You're a good man, David." Ben said softly. "But the past happened and we cannot change it. Right now, we can only focus on the present and the future."

David stood there feeling defeated.

"Even if you say you have feelings what's gonna happen?" He asked, making the man even weaker. "You have a family and doing anything otherwise will only make things worse. Don't let the past repeat itself."

Ben took a deep breath and tried to pass David but the man still stood there.

"David, please, I don't want any drama from your husband. Let me go."

David took a deep breath and sighed, getting out of the way. Before Ben left, they both shared a yearning look that neither was gonna forget in a hurry. David was left feeling lonely and stupid.


Jim was seated at a table gripping the liquor glass like he wanted to break it. Whatever had happened that night had made him so mad. He was busy drinking when he saw Ben hurriedly leaving the room and going to the men's room. Shortly, in shock, he saw his husband leaving the same room, adjusting his clothing.

Anger surged through Jim like a tidal wave, drowning any remnants of composure he had left. He took a deep, harsh, shaky breath and downed the remainder of the drink, the liquid burning down his throat. Determination etched across his face and he set the glass down and navigated his way through the sea of bodies.

As Jim reached the bathroom door, his heart pounded in his chest. He swung the door open and found Ben lost in the mirror, blissfully unaware of the storm that was about to unleash. Without a second thought, he rushed towards him, furiously gripped his arm. Jim's hand lashed out, delivering a resounding slap across Ben's face. The room fell silent for a brief moment. Ben recoiled, his hand flying to his cheek, eyes wide with surprise.


"You slut!"

Before Ben could utter a word, Jim grabbed a fistful of his perfectly styled hair, yanking him closer.

"You think you can just waltz in here and ruin my happiness?" His voice burned with rage. "I am going to expose you today."

He pulled Ben by the hair, dragging him out of the bathroom. It hurt like hell and he couldn't help but groan. He tried letting his hair loose but the man had his fingers tangled in his hair.

"Does it feel good ruining someone else's family!" He yelled, getting the attention of some people.

Gasps and murmurs filled the air, but Jim didn't care. In that moment, all that mattered was the fiery confrontation between him and the man he hated with passion. He dragged Ben to the party hall and it seemed he got the attention he wanted. The music stopped playing and everyone else wondered what was going on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, look at this slut that has been trying to ruin my home." He hollered. "The slut that has been trying to seduce my husband."

"I said let go of me!" Ben snapped, furiously hitting Jim's hand.

Jim let him go and they stood there, staring at each other with so much hatred. Ben's ponytail was ruined, his hair was now a mess and he seemed so mad. He looked at Jim with so much hatred.

"You have the nerve to talk after what you did!" Jim screamed as he rushed towards Ben, ready to fight.

Fortunately, David and another guy came rushing to the scene. David separated them, standing in between them while the other guy held Jim's arms.

"Jim, that's enough!" David said, shielding Ben from him. "That's enough! What do you think you're doing?"

To say Jim was shocked would be an understatement. He was hurt.

"What am I doing?" He yelled, tears building in his eyes. "Don't tell you're taking that whore's side."

"Please, don't make a scene."

"A scene?" He chuckled bitterly. "Why am I not surprised that you're taking his side as usual? I am supposed to be your husband but all you keep saying is Ben, Ben, Ben... what do you take me for? Do you think I am a fool. You're obviously having an affair with that slut!"

David glanced at Ben and saw the state he was in. As he gazed into his eyes, he felt a knot tighten in his chest.

"Stop staring at him!" He snapped. "That bitch has always been jealous of me and everything I have ever since I was young. He has always been trying to destroy my happiness because he is nothing but a sole loser, a whore just like his mother. You can never have my husband because in the end, he chose me."

Ouch! Ben had heard those words before but they hit him so sharply, leaving him with oozing wounds. Every word felt like a dagger stabbing into his heart. With a heavy heart, Ben turned to leave. But before he could take another step, he felt a powerful grip on his arm, halting his escape.

"Where do you think you're going, huh? Get back here!" Jim said as he angrily pulled on Ben's hand.

In a sudden surge of frustration, Ben turned to face him, his palm meeting Jim's cheek with a sharp, echoing slap. The sound resonated in the room, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. Jim stumbled backward, releasing his grip on Ben's arm, his hand instinctively cupping the stinging cheek. Tears rolled down his face as he stared at the other man in shock.

"The world doesn't revolve around you, Jim!" He snapped. "There are other people more important than you. Why do you have to think that everything that is done has to be about you? And you call me a slut?" He chuckled bitterly, getting closer to him. "Have you forgotten which one of us used to sleep around with different guys? Have you forgotten who used to get you out of trouble? Have you forgotten who got the slaps for you from the lovers of all those men you used to sleep with?"