Forever My Love Ch. 10


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Ben sat comfortably on the couch, a warm smile playing on his lips as he watched his son, Michael, playing happily on the floor with some toys. The room echoed with the joyful laughter of the little boy, filling Ben's heart with pure happiness and a range of emotion.

Lost in the moment, Ben heard Alejandra's voice and he looked up to answer her. To his surprise, she stood there with David who was staring at him without any expression on his face. Ben was surprised but before he could process it, Michael's eyes lit up, and with a delighted squeal, he rushed to his father. David's eyes sparkled with joy as he lifted Michael into his arms, the reunion between father and son a heartwarming sight for Ben.

"Daddy!" He squealed, almost jumping in those strong arms.

"Hey, baby." David chuckled. "You missed me that much? But I was with you yesterday."

"Yes!" He nodded.

David smiled, putting his son on the floor. "I missed you too. But I wanna talk to Ben right now and then, I'll take you to get you anything you want."

The boy jumped in excitement. David couldn't help but feel proud. He had a son, a biological son and was expecting another one on the way. What could be more exciting than that. But he wasn't completely happy.

"Ben," His eyes shifted. "I was hoping that we talked-about us, about Michael."

Feeling a knot forming in the pit of his stomach, Ben nodded, acknowledging the need for a discussion. Before any more words could be exchanged, Alejandra took charge.

"Michael, sweetheart, why don't we go outside and play for a bit?" She suggested, taking the boy's hands. "Let's leave these two to talk."

As the two left, there was obviously a lot that the two needed to talk about. David hesitantly took a seat beside Ben, gazing into his eyes. God, how much he wanted to hold him and kiss him. But he couldn't. It was gonna be unfair.

"I am so sorry, Ben." He began. "I know you're probably tired of hearing this but I truly am. I feel like such an idiot because I started all this. I should have stayed with you from the very beginning. I shouldn't have left you in that hospital to suffer alone with our child."

Ben nodded, his own heart heavy with the weight of their shared history. "It's been a rough road, David. And I was filled with so much anger because I thought you betrayed me. You couldn't stay with me because I was dying so you rushed to marry Jim. I didn't believe it even when Elena came to rub it in my face until I saw it myself."

"I would never do that to you." David shook his head. "When I said that I loved you and made that promise to you, I meant every word. Now that I remember everything, I feel like an idiot. I now know why I always felt like I was looking for something."

Ben chuckled. "You remember everything now?"

"Yes! Most of the things," He nodded. "I had my mother and Dr. Peters arrested yesterday for what they did, for what they made you go through. And the police are looking for Elena but it seems like she disappeared. She was the one that caused my accident and she was also the one that tried to have you murdered when your father got shot. My mother confessed yesterday."

To say Ben was shocked would be an understatement. He looked at David like he'd grown another head.

"My mother used to run a brothel many years ago and also dealt in illegal drugs." It was hard to say but David had to come clean. "She was on the run from cops when she was framed of murder. She had plastic surgery and she said she changed. She doesn't know how Elena knew about her past but she used that against her to get me married to Jim just to hurt you. She apologizes to you and I am not giving an excuse because I don't think I'll forgive her for what she did to you."

Shock rippled through Ben, his heart pounding in his chest. Tears welled in David's eyes, anguish written all over his face.

"I know I've made so many mistakes. But please, believe me when I say that I love you and our child more than anything in this world." David said, his voice breaking. "Leaving you alone in that hospital was the worst mistake of my life."

Ben sighed, fighting his vulnerability. "I will not lie, David, I would have preferred that you stay with me in that hospital till my last breath. But I also understand what you had to go through, to sacrifice yourself so that I could be saved. I know it wasn't an easy decision."

He moved closer and grasped David's hands. "Thank you so much. I understand your love for me, but..." He paused and took a deep breath. "...look at us. A lot has happened, with us... with our families... with our son. Right now, as we speak, our families are broken and we can't just ignore that. We have a lot to work through and even at that, I don't know if things will ever go back to normal."

David nodded, tears streaming down his face. "You're right." David squeezed Ben's hand tightly. "But I am willing to do whatever it takes. I'll spend the rest of my life doing so if that's what it will take. I will do it for you, Michael and our unborn child."

Ben smiled sheepishly, staring into those beautiful eyes.

"I've been thinking... you know, about the baby. Do you mind if I... if I touch your belly?"

Ben, though initially hesitant, saw the sincerity in David's eyes. He sighed softly and nodded, "Sure, go ahead."

David gently placed his hand on Ben's pregnant belly, feeling the warmth and softness beneath his fingertips. There was a moment of connection, and he could have sworn he felt the baby's subtle movement from within. His eyes widened with amazement and he laughed.

"Wow! Did you feel that?" He exclaimed. "Yeah, it's daddy. I think the baby is excited that I am here."

Ben laughed. "I think it's too small to make movements, David."

"I know." He whispered. "But I am just so excited right now. I never thought I'd have a chance of having my own child and now I am expecting the second one. I can die happily."

David took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Ben's.

"I want to be there for you, for our baby. I don't want to miss a single moment, like I did with Michael. Ben, would you consider moving in with me? I want to take care of you, and I want to be there every step of the way."

Ben's breath caught in his throat, his gaze searching David's face... he didn't even know what he was searching for.

"David... I don't know. We just discussed this and I..."

"I am not asking you to move in with me as my husband, Ben." He pleaded. "I want to be responsible for you. To protect you and our child. I want to be part of it all. Be the one to get you things you're craving... be the one to wake up in the middle of the night when you need water..." He laughed. " the one to run around. I don't want to miss. Please, don't deny me this opportunity. And Amber and Isaac are gonna be with us. That way, Isaac can monitor you. Please!" He put his hands together.

"I don't know, David," Ben murmured, his voice laced with doubt. "It's a big step."

David reached out, gently placing his hand on Ben's, his touch reassuring and comforting. "I know it's a lot to consider, Ben. But promise me you'll think about it?"

After what felt like hours, Ben finally nodded, giving the hunk some ray of hope. David leaned in, resting his head on Ben's thighs. Ben was surprised but soon, a smile lit on his face as his hands found themselves in David's hair. There was a moment of quiet intimacy, and David closed his eyes, hoping that Ben could feel the depth of his love and the sincerity in his desire to be a true partner and father.


From that day, things started changing for Ben... his happiness slowly started returning. He was catching up on the lost time with his son, by spending more time with him. Ben taught his son how to make chocolates and it was one of the best times he'd spent with him.

David was constantly showing up to be with his son and check up on Ben. Together, they slowly talked to their son and it didn't take time before he started calling Ben, 'dad.' It was one of the most joyous things Ben had experienced.

Ben had never received love the way he did at that time. He was helping his father with his work since he was gonna be the heir to the companies and own them all in future. He was also helping with the chocolate company. Although exhausting, he couldn't have wanted it any better.

Minutes turned to hours quicker... hours to days... days to weeks. Ben's pregnancy was growing and it was starting to show. Along with its growth, Ben was starting to experience the backache, reminding him of what he had gone through during his first pregnancy. His cravings were getting out of hand and so were his mood swings.

After asking 100s of times, Ben finally gave in to moving in with David. He received much love than he had expected with David, Amber and Isaac taking very good care of him. The five of them were living in Isaac's house and every day was a day to remember.

True to his word, David was taking care of Ben's cravings, helping massage his back, helping with baby shopping and making sure he was available for Ben. He moved into Ben's room although they weren't sharing the bed. They talked like friends... and their connection was growing stronger. None of them could deny the sexual tension and yearning between them.

Ben's pregnancy was growing and he was finding it hard to do certain things on his own. He couldn't bathe on his own... he couldn't dress on his own... he couldn't even go down stairs on his own. David was helping with that. Sometimes they would just sit quietly and practice yoga with Ben seated between the hunk's things, helping him with the movements. It was fun.

But as months went by, Ben was having some usual pains and slight bleeds. But everything was okay. He knew he was nearing the week Isaac had told him they were gonna have to operate and he couldn't wait to meet his child.


8 months later


Thunder roared angrily like Zeus was sending a warning bolt... the rains outside poured in torrents, pounding against the windows like a drumbeat. It wasn't like that a few minutes ago. The rains had started suddenly and they were getting heavier.

Ben's breaths quickened, his hands clutching at his abdomen as sharp cramps surged through him. He winced, trying to steady himself against the kitchen counter. Panic set in as he realized the abdominal pain was different, more intense than anything he had been feeling the past few months. It dawned on him - he was going into labor. But how, he thought? He still had a few more weeks.

Ben was alone at the house. David, Amber and Michael had gone to get some things and he remembered insisting that he was okay being alone. Isaac was at work and he was all alone. He glanced at his phone and realized that there was no network.

Desperation set in as Ben stumbled to the fridge, frantically grabbing a bottle of water. He gulped it down, hoping to find some relief. The flickering energy-efficient bulbs overhead dimly illuminated the room, casting eerie shadows on the walls. He paused, taking a deep breath and attempting to collect his thoughts.

Just as he considered making his way to the door to call for help, the room plunged into darkness. The power had gone out, leaving only the feeble glow of the energy-saving lights. Ben hesitated, his heart racing in the dimly lit kitchen.

As he turned to move, a sudden movement caught his eye. In the shadows by the doorway, a figure stood, shrouded in darkness. Fear gripped him as he squinted, trying to discern the features of the intruder. The figure's eyes bore into him, an angry intensity that sent shivers down Ben's spine.

Trembling, Ben took a tentative step backward, his hand reaching out blindly for something—anything—to defend himself.

"So, this is where you've been hiding?" An angry voice spoke.

That voice sent chills down Ben's. As the man walked into the dimly lit kitchen, Ben felt his heart begin to race as mind caught up.

"Jim," A whisper escaped his lips. He didn't even realize he spoke.

Jim looked different. He had an eye patch on his left eye and an evil grin on his face. He wore black shirt with black trousers and black boots. Something about him made Ben so uncomfortable, he wanted to run away.

"Why do you look scared?" Jim opened his arms. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh!" He chirped, getting closer. "I am really disappointed. And here I was thinking we were gonna have a family reunion but..."

When Jim looked at pregnant Ben, he felt like he was suddenly possessed. His fists clenched and his whole body vibrated in anger.

"You thought you could steal David from me and start a family?" He screamed. "You and that bastard in your womb don't deserve to live."

Fear clenched at Ben's chest as he realized the gravity of the situation. He tried to move but Jim rushed to him and gripped his jaw, his nails digging in Ben's face. Ben groaned in pain, trying to fight off but he was too weak.

"You have no shame being pregnant for my David, you freak!" He screamed in Ben's face, his eye red. "After what you did to me."

"Jim.... Please...." Ben managed to speak.

"Please?" Jim screamed, pushing Ben hard on the counter. Ben screamed in pain but Jim didn't care. "Look at me very well. Do you see what you did to me?" He seethed, grabbing him harder. "I lost my eye in that accident because of you. I lost my inheritance because of you..."

He threw Ben hard. Ben hit the counter hard and he felt a sharp, cutting pain in his abdomen. His hands spread across the counter trying to find anything to save himself. He was scared... he was breathing shakily... he was in pain... he needed to escape.

"But I always knew that I would have the last laugh and today, I got that opportunity. I'll waste you right here and David will find you dead."

Ben could hear Jim getting closer. As his hands desperately searched for something on the counter, he touched something hard, a pan. He quickly gripped it, turned and swung as hard as he could. He hit Jim on the face, sending him flying to the floor.

Clutching his belly, Ben began heading for the door as fast as he could in panic mode. He reached the living room and was about to head towards one of the room when he heard footsteps behind him. Before he could comprehend, he felt a searing pain on his side. He glanced down to see a knife in Jim's hand, the blade stained with betrayal. Shock washed over him as he stumbled backward, realizing the gravity of the situation. He dropped to the floor, looking up at the man that grinned evilly at him.

"I have waited for this moment for so long." Jim's laughter was that of a psycho. "You destroyed my life, you selfish bitch!" He screamed, gripping the knife harder.

Ben crawled backwards slowly, blood staining the floor as he did. He glanced at his belly and seeing the blood there made he so helpless. He couldn't scream, except for the tears that spoke for him. Jim had stabbed him in the belly.

"My baby...." He managed a word.

"Do you know what you made me do?" He chuckled bitterly. "Do you know I killed the woman I called mother all these years? If you had died that day, none of this would have happened. I would have remained the only son and heir to all the wealth. I would have remained the only man that David loves." He yelled. "I wouldn't have found out that I am just a son of some whore. I wouldn't have developed all this hatred for mom and blamed her for ruining my life. I wouldn't have killed her."

Jim loomed over him, a chilling determination in his eyes, fueled by jealousy and vengeance.

"And now it's your turn." He laughed manically. "Goodbye to you and that bastard!"

Jim's face contorted with rage, raised the gleaming knife toward Ben. Ben, visibly terrified and vulnerable, cradled his pregnant belly, pleading for mercy with wide eyes. But before he could strike, his hand mid-air, preventing the knife from plunging into Ben's flesh.

Before he could understand what had happened, he was sent staggering backward with his jaw feeling like it had been broken. Next thing he saw was David staring at him with so much anger, his hands clenched and breathing like he was in labor.

Jim panic and he gripped the knife harder, lunging at him with a primal growl, but David, fueled by adrenaline and determination, proved to be stronger. With a well-timed counterattack, he swiftly threw another blow, sending him crashing to the ground.

Turning his attention to Ben, David saw the blood on the floor and he felt chills down his spine. His hands trembled in fear as he leaned down in front of him, holding his hand carefully. He didn't need to be a genius to know that Ben was in danger.

Ben, weak and pale, managed to utter a desperate plea, "David, save our baby."

"Stay with me, Ben, please..."

"I... I love you, David."

That was the last thing he said before he lost consciousness. Seeing Ben unresponsive, David's panic intensified. Without hesitation, he lifted Ben up, and raced towards the door. Just as he was about to get out, a sudden blow to the back of his head sent him spiraling into unconsciousness, thanks to Jim, who had managed to regain his footing.

As David crumpled to the floor, the room plunged into darkness, leaving Ben's fate hanging in the balance.


The rain lashed against the car, the deafening roar of thunder echoing in the air. The storm had unleashed its fury, turning the night into a chaotic symphony of wind and rain. Claudia's heart pounded in rhythm with the storm as she gripped the steering wheel, desperately trying to reach her destination.

She got scared when she found the gates wide open. As she approached the house, the headlights pierced through the thick sheets of rain, revealing the silhouette of a figure lying on the doorstep. Panic seized her chest, and she slammed the brakes, the tires screeching in protest. Claudia's heart raced as she threw open the car door and sprinted towards the entrance.

"Ben!" she cried out, her voice swallowed by the storm.

Ben lay on the floor at the entrance with blood on his shirt and on the floor. Claudia dropped to her knees beside him, trying to find out what was wrong.

She noticed a sharp cut on his arm, the wound oozing blood. Panic surged within her as she ripped off a part of her blouse and hastily tied it around his arm, attempting to stop the bleeding.

"Hang in there, Ben," she murmured, her voice quivering. "We need to get you to the hospital."

She got out her phone but there was no network. She called for help but no one could answer her. She had to get Ben to the hospital as quickly as possible. She had to do it because she knew the danger he was in.


David groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, his head pounding with pain. His vision blurred, but as it cleared, he realized he was tied to the front seat of a car. Panic surged through him as he struggled against the restraints, memories flooding back. Jim... Ben... being knocked out.

He took a glance to his side and found driving the car, wearing a crazed smile that sent shivers down David's spine.

"You're finally awake, my love," Jim said, his voice dripping with madness. "Good. Now we can be together forever."

"Welcome back, David," Jim sneered, his eyes glinting with madness. "I knew you couldn't stay away from me forever."

"Where... are you taking?" He stuttered.

"Anywhere, David. Anywhere where we can be together without anyone disturbing us." He said, his hands gripping the wheel harder. "A place where they won't find us."

"Where's Ben?"

"Don't worry. That bitch won't disturb us ever again. I have taken care of it."

David's heart raced. He had to get out of this nightmare. His mind raced as he searched for a way to free himself. With a surge of adrenaline, he began wriggling his hands, trying to loosen the ropes binding him.