Forever Yours Ch. 03


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What was Ramon saying to him? If only he knew how much he loved him then he wouldn't have been talking like the way he was talking.

"Who said I don't love you?" Marcos asked. "I love you so much."

Ramon turned his face to him but he was still crying.

"You are only saying that because you want to make me feel happy after what has happened." Ramon sobbed. "You couldn't even kiss me after that."

Ramon was really making Marcos feel really bad and he hated it. But it was true, why did he give Ramon a kiss on the cheek after making sweet passionate love to him?

"I am sorry for that but I do love you." He reassured. "I realized that I was in love with you after I tried to rape you that day. I was so horny that I wanted to have sex so I went to a gay and met a guy but I didn't do anything with him because I realized just how much I love you. That time you asked me if I have ever loved before, I lied to you. I love you so much Ramon and you can see it from my actions. My actions have changed towards you. You are the first guy I have ever knelt in front of and you are also the first person I have ever truly loved. Guess you just awoke the feelings that I thought I never had and I love you so much. Besides, since I came back to the country I have never had sex with any other guy."

Ramon was just looking at him without saying anything and he tried to get up.

"Wait!" Marcos shouted. "Aren't you gonna take a bath."

"Not with you." Ramon said as he rubbed his face.

"If you haven't noticed, we just made love and there is nothing to be shy about. You have seen me naked as have I. Besides, you need to clean that blood on your ass."

Ramon was about to say something before Marcos picked him up and threw him in the water. Marcos practically bathed him making sure that he was clean everywhere. He took a bath himself and put his clothes back on.

Ramon was just sitting on the sand looking at the sea as usual. Marcos went there and sat with him as he put his arm around him. He was looking so sad and it was really affecting him too.

"I just wanna go home." Ramon whispered as a tear run down his face.

"You don't believe that I love you, do you?" Marcos asked him.

"Even if we spent all eternity on this island, I would never believe that you love me." Ramon responded.

"How do I prove to you that I do love you so much?" Marcos begged.

"Nothing can prove that you love me." Ramon responded as another tear run down his face.

"I will do anything." Marcos begged.

"Alright," Ramon said with a serious face. "Only one thing can prove that you really love me."

"What's that?" Marcos asked feeling excited.

There was a moment of silence before Ramon spoke again.

"If a boat will come and save us by the end of tomorrow...then I will believe that you truly love me."

That was a hard one and Marcos kinda expected that one. This was really hard and he kept quiet thinking about what Ramon had told him. But he was going to answer him anyway.

"Fine," He whispered. "I believe in the power of my love for you and surely a boat will come for us."

Though he said that, he was so scared at the same time. If no boat came then it could only mean that they were not meant to be. But Marcos prayed in his heart that a boat should come for them. He didn't want to lose Ramon and this might be the only chance for them to be together.

Ramon got up and went and sat somewhere else. Marcos realized that he was walking funny probably because his ass still hated. Marcos remained there thinking for about an hour before he realized that Ramon had not eaten since morning and might be starving. He got up and went to him.

"It's time to eat." He said to him.

"I am not hungry." Ramon snapped.

Why was he suddenly like this?

"You have not eaten anything today and you are telling me that you are not hungry." Marcos shouted.

"I have already told you that I am not hungry." Ramon yelled.

This was it?

Marcos picked Ramon up and he was hitting him on the chest but he felt nothing.

"Let me go." Ramon shouted. "Let me go you silly bastard."

Marcos was deaf to Ramon's pleas because he was determined to feed him himself.

"You don't want to eat?" Marcos yelled. "I will feed you myself."

Marcos sat on the sand and had Ramon seated on his lap.

"We have bananas, papaya and fish." He said sweetly. "Which one do you want?"

Ramon was quiet so Marcos peeled a banana and gave it to him which he rejected but later opened his mouth. It was like feeding your lover and it felt so good to Marcos. He gave him papayas and fish too until he said that he was now satisfied.

"I know what you need now." Marcos said as he got up with Ramon. "You need water."

But unfortunately there were no coconuts and he knew that he had to climb to get some so that he could give it to Ramon.

"I am fine." Ramon argued. "Don't worry about me."

"It is me talking now and I said that you need water so just sit here while I climb this tree to get a coconut."

"Fine," Ramon said as he followed him. "But be careful."

Marcos really felt overwhelmed that Ramon still cared about his safety. He carefully climbed the coconut tree to the top and got about five coconuts.

"That's enough." Ramon shouted from down. "Please get down now."

Marcos began getting down slowly but felt a bit dizzy as he did and he lost balance. The next thing he was flying in the air on his way to the ground. He hit the ground with a 'thud' and he felt an excruciating pain in his thigh. He felt like he was about to pass out from the pain that he felt in his thigh.

"Marcos!" He heard Ramon shouting while he heard footsteps coming towards him.

He tried to get up but felt that something had pierced his thigh. He touched his thigh and saw that a stick had pierced his thigh and there was a lot of blood that was coming out from it. He tried to remove the stick but the pain was just too much. He felt like it had pierced his heart and there were tears coming down his face.

He managed to remove the stick but the pain was just too much that he couldn't even move his leg. He was crying loudly and he saw Ramon kneeling down in front of him with his hands covering his mouth.

"Oh my God," Ramon exclaimed. "I am so sorry."

Marcos looked at Ramon and he had tears in his eyes.

"Please, don't blame yourself for this." Marcos said as he felt a pain hit him. "It's not your fault."

"You are bleeding really badly." Ramon exclaimed.

Marcos felt Ramon's hand on his thigh and it added to the amount of pain that he was feeling.

"Hold still," Ramon said to him. "This might hurt."

Then all of a sudden, Ramon took his hand and put pressure on the wound. Marcos screamed so much that he could hear his own voice echoing on the island loudly. He was still screaming while Ramon put more pressure on his wound.

"I am sorry." Ramon yelled but Marcos was too busy thinking about the pain to even hear him properly.

After almost ten minutes of screaming, the pain subsided and though it was still there it was not as bad as it had been the time Ramon had applied pressure.

"Thank you so much." Marcos sniffled. "If not for you I would have bled to death."

"You don't have to thank me." Ramon said as Marcos saw a tear run down his face. "If not me, who else can take care of you,"

Marcos caught the tear with his thumb and held Ramon's cheek who was now crying inconsolable.

"You really need to go to a hospital very soon." Ramon sobbed. "That wound needs to be attended to."

"Why are you crying?" Marcos yelled in pain. "Don't you remember your condition? A boat is coming for us. I believe in my love and a boat will surely come for us."

Ramon looked away still crying as if he was afraid to look at him.

"You believe it right?" Marcos asked while he laughed as another shot pain hit him.

"I don't know, Marcos." Ramon cried. "We haven't seen a boat pass by here and we have been here for a week."

"Believe in my love." Marcos sobbed. "I believe in the love that I have for you and it will surely save the both of us. I love you so much, remember?"

Ramon didn't respond but just cried and cried still putting pressure on the wound. Marcos started feeling cold after a few minutes and his whole body was now shaking.

"Are you okay?" Ramon suddenly asked him after he might have noticed that he was shaking.

"I am getting really cold." He said as his mouth shook.

"I will make a fire but we must move you." Ramon said as he rubbed his face. "Can you move?"

"I think so."

Marcos tried to move but it was like he waged war upon his leg as he now felt a shot of pain pass through his entire organs. He groaned in pain as he tried to move. He felt like his leg was about to be ripped off of his leg. Ramon dropped the pressure from his leg and he felt a little pain when he removed his hand.

"I think you have stopped bleeding." Ramon said to him. "Now we can move you. It's just over there."

"I will try my best." Marcos assured him.

Marcos tried to get up with the help of Ramon but he just couldn't do it. He tried and tried but the pain was just too much. Why was this happening to him on the day when he was supposed to be happy with Ramon?

"Maybe I should just crawl." Marcos suggested as he gave a chuckle following a tear.

Marcos slowly moved on the sand with the help of Ramon. It was difficult and painful but he managed to move. Ramon took a log and made him rest his head on it while he lay on the sand.

"Let me make a fire." Ramon said to him and he nodded.

The pain was still there but his whole body felt cold that he even cried. Ramon quickly made the fire and it provided little warmth to him. Ramon came and lay by his side while he rubbed his chest which made him feel a little better. It also helped to relieve the pain that he was feeling. The sun set and it was now dark except for the light of the fire which was also providing warmth.

"Would like me to give you food?" Ramon asked.

"No!" Marcos groaned. "I am not hungry but I am thirsty."

"Let me get the coconuts." Ramon said as he got up.

"Please don't leave me." Marcos begged as he felt himself get colder.

"I won't leave you." Ramon reassured him. "I will just go and get the coconuts."

"Kiss me my love." Marcos begged. "Please."

Without hesitation Ramon brought his lips to his and he kissed him on the lips. Marcos held his head and stuck his tongue in Ramon's mouth and sucked on his tongue. Somehow that kiss made him feel a little warm and he felt a bit better.

After he had broken the kiss, Ramon went away and came back with the coconuts. He pierced one which he fed to Marcos. After that drink Marcos never had to worry about anything else because he was alright and he had the love of his life by his side.

"I never thought that I might fall in love with anyone." He winced in pain. "I thought that love was for those weak people who didn't have the charm to get any guy that they wanted. That was until I met you. You..." He groaned as the pain hit him. "...You made me so weak and I don't regret anything. I want you to know that I really love you so much and I will never let you go. A boat is coming for us and we will start our lives together."

"Shh..." Ramon whispered. "Don't talk anymore. Go to sleep and I will be here watching over you."

"Tell me a story so that I may go sleep my love." Marcos begged.

"Okay!" Ramon said as he rubbed his chest. "But I am sure you have heard this one... Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella..."

Ramon told him the Cinderella story and he narrated it so well that Marcos even imagined that he was the prince and Ramon was Cinderella. He could feel it in his voice that Ramon was not doing well. He was so affected by what had happened to him and it only meant that he loved him.

"... and they lived happily ever after, the end." Ramon concluded.

"There were so many illusions in his head that he wasn't even able to sleep.

"Sleep so that the pain will go away." Ramon begged.

"Sing me a song and I will be able to sleep." Marcos groaned.

Without hesitating Ramon began singing a lullaby to him. Not only was this boy handsome and loving but he also had the voice of an angel. The lullaby made him feel like a child again when his nanny used to sing him a lullaby to sleep. He felt his eyes getting heavy and the last thing he remembered was telling Ramon that he really loved him so much.


It was morning already and Ramon was so scared. He had spent the whole night taking care of Marcos who had hurt his thigh. It really made him feel bad because the last thing he wanted was to see this man that he really loved get hurt like the way he had done. He really hoped for a boat to pass soon or Marcos' wound would become infected and it would be really bad. He had told Marcos that if he really loved him, then a boat would be a sign that would prove everything right and he would allow Marcos to love. Marcos kept on telling him how much he loved him but that was just due to the pain that he was feeling at that time. Ramon had barely slept during the night as he had to make sure that the fire kept on burning to provide warmth to Marcos.

When Ramon touched Marcos' skin, he was burning up and it seemed like the wound had triggered a fever. What was he going to do now? He didn't know what to do but just took off his shirt and wet it in order to bring the temperature down but it was not working. At times he felt like crying and just giving up but he had to be strong and hope for the best.

The whole morning he had not eaten but just focused on bringing Marcos' fever down. From the time Marcos had slept the night before, he had not opened his eye and it was scaring Ramon. His wound did not produce any blood but he was still scared.

He just went a distance from him and sat on the sand letting his emotions get the best of him as he found himself crying while looking at the sand. He was so furious and he didn't know why but he still hoped for the best. Then something happened that left him mesmerized.

He looked at the sea and got frozen. He didn't know whether it was his mind playing tricks on him or not but he could see a boat from a distance. He closed his eyes and opened them again but he could still see a small boat from a distance. Could what Marcos have told him be true? Did he really love him? And was his love that strong? But he didn't care.

Ramon got up, put on his shirt and began running towards the water waving his arms in the air and yelling as he jumped and waved his arms.

"Help," He yelled. "Please, help us."

He was yelling at the top of his voice but it seemed like they were not hearing or seeing him. What was he going to do? He called, jumped and waved for a few minutes but it seemed like nothing was happening and he knew that if he didn't do anything then they would be left on this island for good and Marcos was not in good shape.

The fire was still burning so he took some not so dry leaves and threw them on the fire causing smoke. He really hoped that the people in the boat saw the smoke and would come back. He also took wood which was already on fire and he went close to the water and waved it in the air while he used his voice to shout for help. A few minutes later, he saw that the boat was getting really close and faster. He threw the wood away and just knelt in the water thanking Marcos' love for bringing a boat. He heard the boat's engine getting closer and he couldn't have been gladder that the boat was actually a speed boat which would take them to the capital faster than anything on sea.

Ramon was so happy that tears were pouring down his face. He felt the cool wind blowing on his face as he had his face facing down.

"Hey, are you okay?" He heard a manly voice ask him.

He couldn't say anything but just raised his face to see two men in a speed boat. One was already getting off the boat and came to him.

"Thank God that you have found us." He replied as he sobbed. "You don't know how happy I am."

"What are you doing on this island?" The guy who came to him asked him.

"We fell off a cruise ship and we have been on this island for a week now. Please help us." He begged.

"Where is the other person?" The guy from the boat asked.

"He's over there." Ramon said pointing to the place where Marcos was lying. "But he is hurt and really needs to go to the hospital. Can you take us to the capital?"

"Sure," The man replied. "You are in luck because we are also from the capital."

"Please, help me bring him to the boat." Ramon begged.

Ramon got up from the water and ran towards Marcos who was still sleeping. Ramon slightly shook him and he opened his eyes weakly.

"Marcos, a boat is here to get us out of here." He said cheerfully.

"I told you..." Marcos said weakly as he coughed. "I told you that I... I love you. This shows that my love is stronger."

Those words were really soothing his heart and he felt so happy that even when he was weak, Marcos could still say that he loved him so much.

"I love you too." Ramon smiled as he planted a kiss on his mouth.

The two men came to them and Marcos looked at them and smiled weakly. Ramon knew that he had to be rushed to a hospital where he would be treated. He couldn't wish for anything more than that.

"Help me to take him to the boat." He pleaded.

The two men came closer and helped get him up. The two men carefully got Marcos up and put his arms on their shoulders. They carefully held his injured leg and slowly started heading towards the boat. Ramon couldn't do anything; he didn't even take the phone. He followed behind as he looked around the island. He didn't take anything because he was desperate to get Marcos to the boat. He couldn't even put out the fire. Nothing would happen after all.

They reached the boat and Ramon quickly entered so that Marcos would lie on his lap while they went back to civilization. It was difficult to get Ramon in the boat without hurting him even more but they managed through the screams of Marcos who was wincing in pain.

Once Marcos was inside and sleeping on Ramon's lap, the boat started moving a bit slow at first but gained speed. Ramon glanced at the island where he had first made love with Marcos and he said goodbye in his heart. He never wanted to return to it again but it had memories that he would never forget. Ramon played with Marcos' hair that was soft and felt so light in his hands. He was so worried that he kept on praying that they reach the capital soon.

The boat was speeding making the wind blow on his face and hair. His hair was flying and the wind felt really cool on his head. He held Marcos tightly and continued playing with his hair.

"You know what, you are very lucky." He heard the man who was driving say.

"What do you mean sir?" He asked trying to put up a smile.

"We do not reach this far in our cruises." He laughed. "We didn't even realize that we had reached close to the island. I guess you are just lucky and your luck drove us close to the island."

Ramon wanted to say that it was Marcos' love that drove them close to the island but he just sat there smiling like a shy virgin. The other guy who was sitting close to him was busy looking at Marcos who was lying on Ramon's lap.

"I don't know if I am right but I have seen this guy somewhere." He said still staring at Marcos.

"His name is Marcos. He is a famous business man and hotel owner." Ramon said still playing with Marcos' hair. "You've probably seen him in newspapers or magazines."

"Marcos, yes," the man who was driving said. "We saw posters of him all over the city and on TV. He has been reported missing."

Looks like people were looking for Marcos everywhere. He felt happy that they had been looking for Marcos but it also brought sadness when he thought about his own family and how devastated they might have been. He wondered if they were alright at all but he knew that he would find out soon.