Fortnight in Utopia: Day 03

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Leifang and Hitomi: dirty dancing DOA-style!
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 06/18/2014
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Disclaimer/note: Characters and setting are property of Team Ninja. This fictional story is based on Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. The story features lesbian relationships: and some days (i.e. chapters) also feature violence or offensive language. Please don't read it if you aren't old enough.

-Morning of Day Three-

I woke at 0730, but for the first time in years, I didn't want to get up. I'm used to the best goose down, silk, and cotton bedding. They couldn't compare to the smooth, soft surface where my head now rested: my darling Hitomi's chest. My right arm was draped over her slender waist and my right leg rested lightly between her legs. I opened my eyes and gently moved my head. I saw her tranquil face, so pure and childlike. I twirled a lock of her brown hair around my index finger, then released it and brushed a few strands of her hair away from her face.

"Good morning, love," I whispered, kissing her ear. Without waking her (easily, thanks to my training) I left her embrace. Ooh, I was sore in interesting places...but it was a warm, light ache that made me smile, remembering my partner's ecstatic love. I slowly went through my stretching routine. I quietly did my morning exercises after that. I soaked a hand towel with very hot water and wiped my face. I looked at the young woman in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. She looked as happy as I'd ever seen her. She glowed with the satisfaction of real love-making; she looked complete, perfectly healthy, knowing that she was truly treasured and that she cherished that same person.

I wanted to see that girl in the mirror every morning.

I saw her bare mound and remembered "Astarte." I looked at the larger of the tables in the room. There the new suit was, lying on the slightly crumpled package. The lady in the mirror slipped into the suit. She put on her ribbon and her high-heeled shoes. She looked incredibly sexy. "Astarte" was tiny and what it covered it also accentuated. I know it may sound conceited, but the girl in the mirror looked voluptuous and desirable.

I turned back to the larger room of the suite. Hitomi was still sleeping. It was after 0830, so why not wake her? I'd get to see if this look woke her faster than yesterday's.

I leaned over the bed and kissed the young brunette's lips. "Mm," she murmured. Gradually, her eyes opened. "Leifang, good—"

She shot bolt upright. "—Whoa!"

"It fits," I said.

I would've said more, but Hitomi grabbed my hand and pulled me onto her, kissing me. I could see where this was going. I wanted to allow it, but not yet. I slid out of Hitomi's arms. "Come on, lazybones, it's morning. We've got to get a move on if we're going to compete today."

She gave me her best pout and it was so adorable it almost worked. "Let's just play here," she said.

"Uh uh. There's plenty of time for that this evening. You've got 20 minutes to meet me in the lobby."

Before I went to the lobby myself, I went to my room and hung "Peacock" in the closet. I saw the mirror again on my way out. Lisa had given me this suit. In no small way, she was responsible for my deeper relationship with Hitomi. I'd have to give her something very nice as a thank you. I also owed her a race today.

Hitomi got to the lobby 10 minutes after I did. We went to the casino café and we ordered breakfast. Christie and Helena came in shortly after we did and Christie led Helena to our table. "Mind if we sit?" the British woman asked coolly.

"Not at all," I said, trying not to sound suspicious. "Helena-san, that's a new suit, right?"

"Oui, it is 'Moscow Mule.'"

"I like it: lovely color, elegant, with crisp lines."

"Thank you."

"And what are you in, Leifang?" Christie asked.

"It's 'Astarte.' I got it from Lisa," I answered.

"It's sexy. You look hot in it," she said, still managing to sound bored and distracted. I could tell she meant her words, though.

"Thanks," I said carefully.

"What about you, Hitomi; do you like Leifang's suit?" Christie asked.

"I sure do," she answered, maybe a little protectively. "I've got the best-dressed partner, as well as the most skillful."

The waitress fortunately arrived, to take Christie's and Helena's orders and to give Hitomi and me our drinks. Until we were finished, I kept the conversation away from what we were wearing. It had been getting a touch uncomfortable between Christie and Hitomi.

"I never know what to expect from Christie," Hitomi said as we headed for the accessory shop. "In a way, I'd rather deal with Ayane. She says what she's thinking most of the time."

"I think Christie was genuinely being nice," I told my partner, "yet I can't help wondering about her motives."

Hitomi and I covered the shops, then we took off for Tranquil Beach. Lisa and Tina were there. "Time for a match, Tina!" We jogged into the clearing. "Let's see if you can back up the smack you talk."

"Did you bring your mouthwash?" she shot back. "You'll need it to get rid of that defeat aftertaste."

Tina served. I received, Hitomi passed, and I spiked right at Tina's feet. We drew first blood.

"Not bad. Let's see you do it again," the blonde American said with a cocky smile.

Lisa and I winked at each other. I noticed Hitomi and Tina exchanging friendly glances too. This game was going to be fun.

After 10 minutes, I was wondering if Tina and Lisa had really lost to Kasumi and Kokoro. They were playing quite well. They tied the game at 4 – 4 before we scored the last three points and won.

"Good game!" Hitomi said when it was over.

"I see you're wearing 'Astarte,'" Lisa said excitedly.

I could never control my blushing. My face grew a little hot as I felt three pairs of eyes traveling down and up and all over my body. "It's really nice; thanks for giving it to me," I stammered.

"The pleasure is most definitely mine," she replied.

"Didn't figure you'd wear a suit like that," Tina said loudly. "Little Leifang's an exhibitionist?"

"You can kiss this," I said, patting my athletic, exposed ass. "Your suit's not exactly conservative, ne?"

For the first time in my life, I saw Tina blush! "This is practical," she answered indignantly.

Hitomi and I laughed. Even Lisa couldn't help giggling. "You wear it really well," I added sincerely, "but I'm sure practicality isn't why you chose it."

"Anyway, we have some time," Hitomi stated. "What will you two be doing after this?"

"Racing, right?" I interrupted. "Lisa, didn't we tentatively plan that?"

"If it's all right with you?" Lisa asked Tina and Hitomi.

"I like the idea," Tina said. "I wanna race at least once a day; it's so fun!"

"Scary at first, but really fun," Hitomi agreed.

"Let's do it now and have a late lunch after," I suggested. The three women with me were amenable, and we slowly walked to the marina as a group. It was nice to be with friends; I hadn't experienced enough of this in my childhood.

The course had been changed! Hitomi and I were surprised, but Lisa and Tina didn't seem to be. I casually asked Lisa, "Do you like this course?"

"It's not bad," she answered, "trickier, but with a higher payday."

I was at a big disadvantage. Not only was I in heels, two of my opponents knew the course and I didn't. I'd have to run my best race and get plenty of luck. Hitomi gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and I smiled gratefully.

Tina and Lisa started fast; Hitomi and I used a bit of caution. This course was much longer than the first. It also had ramps. I went over one experimentally and caught some serious air. I panicked a little, realizing the landing could be violent.

Thanks to my momentum, the water, and the buoyancy of my craft, the landing was fairly easy. I laughed aloud. Maybe I could use these ramps. I fired my turbo to get closer to the two Americans ahead of me.

I came around the last major turn of this course and both my feet slipped—I nearly fell off the jet ski. The waves were on this leg of the race were pretty high. The driving was rough and the visibility was poor.

In spite of the trouble, I was catching Tina. If I could stay in control, I could keep the turbos coming and win despite my bad start. (I kind of wanted to put off passing Tina and Lisa; their practically bare posteriors made a pretty picture.) My next turbo rocketed me past both of them and I concentrated on dealing with the choppy water. Next up was a ramp, and I was going to earn style points with it this time. I pulled up hard as I hit the jump.

It was exhilarating! I made a back flip and landed without slipping or losing speed. My splash probably gave my pursuers a little trouble.

Then again, maybe not! Lisa hit her turbo. In a moment, she was a tiny figure in the distance. Her wake gave me a lot of trouble too. I took a wider turn than I'd meant to—

—and I discovered how close behind me Tina was. Her jet ski slammed into mine and I went flying off the course, and off my machine, into the water.

Luck was kind of with me. I'm an excellent swimmer; I wasn't too far from my jet ski; and the computers weren't counting me as out of bounds until I was on my jet ski. I had a decent chance of finishing second or third if I got back on the course quickly.

My reentry was too rushed. I was bumped hard again, this time by Hitomi. I somehow stayed on the jet ski but left the course once more. It was my fault for not checking where Hitomi was. I was irritated with myself.

In last place, I resumed the race. Apparently, there had been still more trouble ahead of me. When I got a turbo, I passed Tina, not Hitomi.

I fought the waves and kept my place, finishing a distant third. I still got a decent amount of credits. I also got two smug faces looking at me when I reached the pier. "She's human after all! Hitomi says you haven't lost anything major until now," Lisa said.

"It was Hitomi's and my first time on this course, plus I got run over a pair of times—"

Tina had joined us by then. "—I didn't mean to. I didn't think you'd take such a wide turn."

"No, I've got no one to blame but me," I acknowledged. "I'm ready for next time, so you gals should consider yourselves warned."

"You should be warned!" Tina retorted. "I want revenge for this loss. But not before lunch, ne?"

"That sounds good," Lisa said, and Hitomi and I agreed.

We talked about unimportant things while we ate, except for a strange comment Lisa made. "Of all the games, the slots are the toughest. I can't even play Christie's machine yet."

"Why is that?" Hitomi asked.

"Have you played the slots?" We shook our heads. "Some of them—Tina's, for example—have penalties possible, not just jackpots."

"I wanted to make mine interesting," Tina told us.

"Christie took it way further. Her machine pays the biggest if you win, but it can bankrupt you before you can blink."

"Really?" I said. "Why would she do that?"

"I'm not sure," Lisa answered. "Helena told me that Christie had hinted about an 'extra incentive' to her."

"What, like a special prize?" Hitomi asked.

"You've got me," Lisa said.

"She's always been a little odd," Tina said. "Cruel, but intelligent and playful at times. It wouldn't surprise me if she added a prize just so she could watch people lose all their credits trying to win it."

I was curious and I could tell Hitomi was too. Still, I didn't sound like something I'd want to try soon.

"Do you know if there are any other water race courses?" Hitomi asked.

"Not for sure, but I'm guessing at least three or four more," Lisa said.

"How about a rematch?" I asked her and Tina. "I'd like a chance to show you what I can really do."

"Tomorrow?" Lisa said. "Tina and I have a prior engagement this evening."

"What do you say?" I inquired of our companions.

"Tomorrow's fine," Hitomi said.

"Yeah—I'd like to show you as much as you'd like to show me. I really am a good racer," Tina told me. "But let's relax at the pool for an hour or so."

That's what we did. For Hitomi and me, I'm sure it was more than an hour. Lisa and Tina left but we lounged for some time after they'd gone. (Okay, the four of us didn't really relax much; we had a huge splash fight!)

"We should get up and do something else before dinner," Hitomi said as we lay next to each other on our pool chairs.

"Racing, tug-of-war, volleyball?" I asked.

"Let's look around and see what appeals to us."

We walked to Niki Beach first, and that was all the farther we got. "The sun will be setting soon," Hitomi said. "Why don't we walk along the beach together?"

She's such a romantic!

"Marvelous idea," I said, giving her a huge smile.

The island is not short on natural beauty. The scene was so lovely, and the cool breeze carried scents of a nearby restaurant roasting pork with guava and pineapple. The feeling of closeness and caring made our slow walk perfect. When we finally reached the end of the beach, we walked into the water, until it was about ankle deep. Hitomi held my gaze. I was mesmerized by her clear blue eyes. "This time I'll say it first. I love you, Leifang," she whispered.

"I love you, Hitomi," I replied. We leaned toward each other and shared a warm, tender kiss.

Not needing words, we watched the sun vanish from sight. I held Hitomi, my arms loosely around her waist, my body pressed against hers from behind.

"Are you hungry?" I finally asked.

"I suppose we have to go back. Let's try the shops before they close, then get some dinner."

I had good luck. I found cherry pie—just the gift for Lisa—and a white watering can I was fairly sure Hitomi would like. I couldn't find a good suit for her, unfortunately, and nothing in the accessory shop caught my eye—

—Except for one item, as I was about to leave: a black bangle. I knew Christie would like it. She was sly and hard to read, but could I get some information from her if I was genuinely friendly? It was worth trying. I bought the bangle.

Hitomi and I went to our hotel and stowed our things, then left for the restaurant at Seabreeze. We shared a bottle of champagne and the food—lobster, in my case—was delicious. We took our time, enjoying the jazz and candlelight.

"Let's send our gifts before we go to the casino, so we can stay as long as we want," Hitomi suggested when we left the restaurant.

"Okay, but I'm not much of a night owl. Please don't make me stay past 0100."

"Of course not. I'm not a night owl myself."

I sent the gifts to Christie, Lisa, and Hitomi, and the delivery girl gave me a present from Zack and one from Hitomi. Zack had given me red nail polish. I set it aside. Hitomi had given me a bright yellow volleyball. "We'll use this tomorrow," I said out loud.

There was another knock, a familiar one. "Come in, Hitomi-chan," I called cheerfully.

She did, and my eyes popped out of my head. "You—Hitomi! Damn!"

She pirouetted for me in her provocative new swimsuit. "It's 'Electra.' You like it, no?"

It was a strapless bikini of small pink hearts, made even hotter by a thin collar that adorned her neck with one more tiny pink heart. "I like it. I love you in it!" I kissed her, and let my hands slide and caress her tantalizing backside. "Do you want to stay here, instead of going to the casino?"

"We can return quickly if we get too hot," she said suggestively. "I'm claiming that dance you owe me."

She was in a really flirtatious mood, and her interest in me made me more than a little frisky myself. I noted her perky nipples, enhanced by the miniscule pink scraps of cloth covering them. I felt my own nipples hardening. I felt...other things, too.

We sat next to each other at the blackjack table, flirting semi-discreetly. Hitomi lost about 30,000 credits, but I won 180,000, including four blackjacks dealt to me.

I could see Hitomi starting to grow bored. I stood and took her hand. "Thanks, we're done," I told the dealer. Hitomi and I headed to the bar for water, then to the dance floor.

A few decent songs played and we were having fun, dancing with Kasumi, Christie, Tina, and even Ayane. Tina seemed to be "with" Christie, but she rubbed on Hitomi whenever she got the chance. I was a little jealous, however, I was much more aroused, watching tall blonde Tina (in the smallest suit of everyone present) dancing energetically with my petite brunette Hitomi.

I heard a very familiar intro and I quickly took my partner away from the crowd. "This one's ours and only ours," I told her, pressing my body into hers. The pounding, sensual music of Sophie B. Hawkins's "Let me love you up" awakened my animal desires. I ground on Hitomi, and enjoyed her gasp of surprise. With incredible effort, I resisted the urge to tear off her suit and devour her. My hands freely roamed her body while I kissed and licked her neck and slammed my thinly-covered crotch against her firm ass.

Hitomi's eyes were glazed as the song ended. "I've made love with you. Now I'm going to fuck you," I whispered into her ear. I'm sure she less than half understood my words, but there was no mistaking my tone. She shivered with excitement.

I led her to a table in the corner and put her in a chair. She was still dazed from my passion during the song. I glanced around and darted under the table. She was very pliant, letting me pull her swimsuit bottom past her hips. When it was at her knees, she seemed to regain her senses. "Leifang!" she hissed. "What are you doing?"

I tangled the bikini bottom around her ankles, trapping her. "You shouldn't—" she said as loudly as she dared. I was between her knees, and her loud gasp was music to my ears as my fingertips brushed her rigid clitoris. She was so wet!

"Hitomi? What's up?" It was Tina's voice, coming closer.

"Nothing, I'm just a lit—a little tired," Hitomi said hesitantly. The tablecloth hid me and her naked lower body and what I was doing to her; but it would only do so as long as the table was between her and anyone who happened to talk to her. If the person came closer, or moved to either side, we would be exposed!

Hitomi's legs trembled and her panicked voice turned me on even more. I allowed my wicked urges to take over. I began lapping at her pussy, squeezing her ass with my eager hands.

"Are you all right?" Tina asked, concerned.

"Fine!" Hitomi squeaked, her panic growing. Her juices were trickling into my mouth. "Isn't Christie calling you?"

There was a pause. (I think Tina was looking for Christie on the dance floor.) I kept licking and pushed my middle finger into Hitomi's slick vagina. "No, she's not. Come on, what's going on?" Tina said. Hitomi's hips started rocking slightly. "You're acting strange."

"I th-thought—I—thought she was. I thought...I saw her," Hitomi stammered. "I'm sure she w-wants with you!"

"Your face is all red. Let me—"

"—No!" I had two fingers in her, and my tongue was massaging her clit. She was very close to orgasm; her pelvis was thrusting harder. "Thanks, but I—oh! Might have a f-fever," she managed to say.

"Tina, come back and dance—Hitomi? What's wrong?" Perfect, Christie was here too!

"Nande mo...nai," the distressed blue-eyed girl panted.

"Really, you have to let me feel your forehead," Tina said.

"Please! I'll b-be—be all right. Please go—back! To dancing." Her pussy walls gripped my fingers as her climax arrived, right in front of Christie and Tina. Her liquid flowed copiously and I happily drank it, using my hands to keep her reasonably steady on the chair.

"You sure?" Christie said in her usual monotone, though I fancied I heard a note of amusement or fascination.


"Okay, but if you need—" Tina began.

"—Yes! Thanks! Yes!" Hitomi cried, more to me than to them. Her thighs joyously clamped around my head as she rode her orgasm.

"Later, then," Christie murmured.

"Mata ne," Tina said.

Hitomi bucked with the orgasm for at least another 15 seconds. She released me. I slid her suit bottom back up her legs. When my hands reached her hips, her hand latched onto my wrist and she pulled me out from under the table. "I can't believe you did that to me!" she growled, her fierce blue eyes trapping me. She attacked me with a kiss. I felt her shudder with a small orgasm when she tasted herself in my mouth. She grabbed my hand and we sprinted out of the casino and back to her room.