Fortnight in Utopia: Day 04

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Clouds on the horizon of Leifang's vacation?
3.4k words

Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 06/18/2014
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Disclaimer/note: Characters and setting are property of Team Ninja. This fictional story is based on Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. The story features lesbian relationships: and some days (i.e. chapters) also feature violence or offensive language. Please don't read it if you aren't old enough.

-Morning of Day Four-

I was having a glorious dream. I was lying in a warm sunny meadow, covered with soft palm fronds. The breeze alternated hot and cool, and it was very selective, moving to many important spots on my body.

"You're mine, dearest Leifang," said a voice in my head. I turned slightly. There was a coconut tree, swaying in the breeze. As I watched, one delicate, perfectly-formed foot emerged from the trunk, followed closely by an ankle, a calf, a knee...soon, a beautiful wood nymph stood before me, gazing at me with luminous silver eyes. "You were lying much too close to get away," the nymph said, her voice smooth as velvet, audible to my mind, not my ears.

So who wants to get away, I thought.

She motioned with her hands as the roots of the tree grew up around my legs and arms, trapping me in soft bonds.

The nymph knelt. She leaned forward and planted her strong, graceful arms on either side of my ribcage, barely touching my skin with hers. Her reddish tan lips were moist and full; she kissed me with those lips, over and over, gingerly touching my mouth. Her proud breasts kissed mine the same way, making light, repeated contact. Her fine hair hung around us, smelling like lilacs, giving me thousands of fleeting caresses. She floated along my body, her mouth gently tasting and massaging—my face, my neck, my chest, my breasts, my ribs, my abdomen, my navel, my vulvae. The touch inflamed me, sweet and tormenting.

I couldn't speak; I couldn't beg for more. Rooted to the ground, I could only move my thighs, hips, and abdomen. I did so, hoping to convey my need for more. The lilting voice returned to my mind. "I won't rush this," she said. I didn't know if she intended to be so cruel.

The nymph's lips and tongue danced on my thighs and labia. Her long, strong fingers stroked my breasts. She would not satisfy me!

I forced a moan from my throat. I heard a giggle.

It wasn't in my mind!

My eyes opened. I watched Hitomi as she purposely toyed with me, quietly laughing at my groans of frustration. She wasn't aware that I was awake.

As I was about to sit up, Hitomi applied real force and ran her tongue from the back of my pussy to the front. My eyelids slammed closed. My toes clutched the sheets. A pleasure-filled sob burst from my mouth.

Hitomi realized I was awake now. She gently sucked my outer lips into her mouth and began laving my clit with her hot, damp tongue.

My pelvis thrust again and again as the biggest orgasm I'd ever had hammered my mind, burying me under a mountain of ecstasy. I'd swear my heart stopped. With a huge gasp, I finally drew a breath.

The German girl pushed her tongue into me while her upper lip kept pressure on my button. A second climax pounded me. "Goddess!" I screamed as I came. A tiny part of my brain idly wondered if I was going to die now, in this way.

Hitomi waited for my orgasm to subside a little, then she started licking and sucking again, making a lot of slurping sounds but using almost no pressure, teasing me once more. My hands and feet yanked the sheets off the bed as I endured the delicious torture of another fierce orgasm, while the one before it was still waning.

Hitomi backed off again. When my hips' thrusts grew less frantic, she resumed her attack.

I relaxed as much as I could and enjoyed the bliss Hitomi was delivering to me. How long would she do this? My abs and thighs burned as my fifth orgasm blossomed.

At last she was sated. Rubbing on my sweaty body the whole way, she wriggled up until she and I were belly-to-belly, chest-to-chest, face-to-face. Her mouth and chin glistened with moisture. She looked at me, and her eyes were somehow both wicked and innocent. I shivered with delight. I squeezed her tight and she grinned. She traced my ribs with one hand and slid the other along my flank. I was normally very sensitive to that kind of touch, but now? Much more so! I hissed and wrapped my legs around her upper thighs.

"You've got an interesting way of waking a girl," I joked.

"'Interesting?' Is that an insult?"

I kissed her, trying with my heart and soul to illustrate my adoration of her in this one act. I wanted her to remember this kiss forever. I wanted it to be so real that she would feel it in her dreams and think of it whenever she was afraid, sad, or needy. I laid her head on my chest and we lay in our mutual embrace, simply breathing, letting our spirits commune. In a way I can't explain, we were one.

We woke at the same time, I think. In a sense, the incredible intimacy we'd shared had vanished. But in another sense, it would last as long as we lived. Hitomi and I took a shower, playfully lathering and rinsing each other. We each dried the other's body, and dressed and left quickly—it was 1000 by the time we got out the door!

While we'd dressed, we'd been talking and we had agreed to play volleyball if anyone was available. As it turned out, Helena and Kokoro were idling at Brilliant Jungle, hoping someone would have a match with them.

Kokoro was wearing "Moscow Mule." She and Helena matched and I just couldn't help myself: I blurted, "Kawaii!" Helena huffed, but her eyes and mouth were just slightly smiling. Kokoro blushed and muttered, "Sou janai."

They also noticed Hitomi's "Electra." They complimented her on it, but Helena didn't seem sincere. Oh well, her tastes were different.

Hitomi and I were soon in trouble. Kokoro was better than she had been—quite a bit better—and Helena was very good. Their teamwork was exceptional. They played hard and covered each other defensively. They had a 5-2 lead at one point. We battled back and eventually won, 9-7. The match had taken half an hour.

"You two are good," I said as I sat heavily on the grass, sweating fairly hard. (Of course, I was still somewhat tired and achy from this morning, but I didn't tell them that.)

Helena wasn't in the best mood, so Hitomi and I talked with her and Kokoro for only a few minutes. They drifted one way and we drifted the other, not too awkwardly.

"Let's hit the shops; then we can have lunch," Hitomi proposed.

"It'll have to be a heavier lunch today, since we missed breakfast."

"You mean you missed breakfast."

"We both—" I suddenly caught her ecchi meaning and I shut my mouth, feeling my face burn.

"It was delicious, but I wanted a larger portion," she continued, giving me her evil grin.

"Yes, I get it, hentai!" I shrieked, embarrassed. I covered my face with my hands.

That was the wrong thing to do! She glomped me and nuzzled my neck. "Don't try to fool me. What you did last night in the casino? You can't call anyone a hentai ever again; you're the queen of them!"

"Me? The real hentai is the one who loved it so much she fucked me half the night when we got to her room." I turned and looked squarely at her. "You did love it! While you were being watched—"

"—I noticed how your intensity and passion grew when they came to the table," she countered.

"Guess we're cut from the same cloth, then."

We closed our eyes and kissed. Her kiss was like her gaze earlier. It was innocent. It was carnal. It weakened my knees.

I was definitely holding my own though; as I began breathing more heavily, I smelled her awakening arousal. I slipped my hand into her bikini bottom.

She put her hand on my wrist and took her mouth from mine. "You're insatiable! I'm sore, aren't you?"

"A little. Definitely ready for more. Why do you ask?"

"You weren't just the recipient when we got to my room; you gave me four orgasms before we finally went to sleep."

"Four! Really?"

"Yes, and they were spaced over several delicious hours. So let's keep our hands to ourselves until we've recovered a bit, ne?"

"I can only try," I said. "You in that bikini? I can't make any promises."

"Fair enough! Let's get to the shops."

We took our time, especially at the sports shop. I bought film and a volleyball with the Union Jack. I almost bought a swimsuit for Hitomi—but I realized that I'd rather see her in "Electra" than any of the suits they'd sell me. In fact, mightn't Tina buy me one if I was nice to her? I wanted one; the suit was both cute and sexy: not an easy combination to get.

At Zack-of-All-Trades, I went on a spree. A black R/C car for Christie, a potted plant for Lisa, a red pinwheel for Hitomi, and an orange watering can for Tina were my purchases.

Last stop, accessory shop. I saw a black ribbon that I thought Christie might like as much as the bangle, and maybe more. I also noticed a white cowgirl hat. It was cute. Would it be over the top if I wore it with my ribbon and high heels? Well, it was comparatively cheap—I bought it on impulse.

"Ooh, you're so precious!" Hitomi gushed. She glomped me instantly, and I enjoyed it very much; her skin is so smooth and warm. "That hat's just too cute!"

"Thanks. Did you buy anything?"

"This and that. Let's go to the grill."

We had a good meal and we agreed that there was no need to plan what we should do. We left the poolside and wandered around the island a bit.

The gorgeous German lady and I were lured by the pure white sand of Niki beach. "Lei-chan, let me see your camera," Hitomi said.

I handed it to her, wondering what she was up to. "Cool, now strike a pose for me." I did and she took a picture.

"You're my Aphrodite! Shake that amazing ass, baby!" she yelled, starting to move, shooting me from different angles.

She made me feel so sexy! I frolicked, dancing and jumping, wiggling my rear, jiggling and fondling my tits. I gave her some great pictures. I grew giddy and I found myself acting wild for her.

Time flew past. We'd finished with the camera and done a bit of roughhousing in the shallow water and suddenly Hitomi realized that it was after 1500!

"Whoa, if we're going to have a race or a match or anything, we need to move our asses," my brunette girlfriend said.

"Do you feel like competing?" I asked.

"Hm, I'm a little worn out from playing in this strong sun. Why, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking of relaxing; doing our own things; meeting at the restaurant in the Gemstone for dinner at 1830."

"How about 1800? I'll be famished by then."

"You've got it."

"Nice. I'll see you then, Leifang!"

I walked around, not really going anywhere, just keeping loose and relaxed. I meandered toward the heart of the island, humming a little, kind of making my own path through the rain forest, which was easy; the trees were spaced far apart and the island was so isolated there weren't any pesky insects.

I saw the waterslide fairly close to me. And someone was riding it. I stopped and watched.

Whoever she was, she was carrying a lot of speed. She went through turns and over bumps, at the threshold of staying in control. She made it to the end! I walked over to congratulate her.

"Wow, well done," I said, seeing that Ayane was the skillful rider.

"Thank you," she said. She tried to seem totally calm, but her pink cheeks betrayed her excitement. She'd been having fun. I pretended not to notice.

"That slide looks so scary. How many times did you try it before you succeeded?"

"Nine or ten, I guess. Anyway, I'm going to the pool now."

"Have you seen Christie?" I asked as she turned away.

She was curious; she wanted to know what I wanted with Christie. As usual, she feigned apathy. I felt sorry for her: she always felt she had to hide her emotions and her thoughts. If only she'd open up a little. "She could be at the jungle volleyball court," she told me with a shrug.

"Thanks, Ayane-san," I said, not wanting to seem pushy.

Her information had been accurate; Helena and Christie were sitting together in the jungle, at the edge of the clearing. When they saw me, they rose, and seemed to conclude a conversation they'd been having. "I'll meet you at 1900," Helen said. "Don't bring You-know-who."

It sounded like none of my business, so I kind of stayed back while Helena left the scene. I kept my eyes on Christie and raised my right eyebrow when she finally looked at me, letting her know I'd caught her staring at Helena's ass. Christie was unfazed, of course. "As they say in her native France, 'Sa derriere est tres jolie,'" Christie said with a sly smile. "Not that yours isn't hot too." She was so shameless! I felt my cheeks burning.

"Uh—well, I've got something for you," I said, holding out a black-wrapped package.

"Aren't you sweet?" She opened it and held up the volleyball with the Union Jack. "Oh, thank you, Leifang. This is really nice."

"No problem. I hope I didn't interrupt just now."

"You didn't." The tall British woman fixed her beautiful light eyes on me. "By the way, I've seen you at the casino, generally with Hitomi. But apparently, you left her by herself last night. In that little pink suit, I don't think I could've resisted her, had I been you." She gave me a full grin.

She knew!

"She seems like a girl who needs a lot of physical attention. Did you—"

"—What about Helena?" I squeaked, trying hard to get off the topic before I died of embarrassment.

Mercifully, Christie let me off the hook—I thought. "She can be a handful. Or two hands full...or two hands full and a mouthful."

I just gasped. Christie was incredible; I couldn't imagine talking the way she did.

She patted my shoulder. "I'd better get going. Hope I'll see you at the casino, though. Have you played the slots yet?"

"Not yet."

"Should interest you to do so. Promise me you'll be at the casino this evening."

"I'm not sure I can do that. Why do you want me to?"

"No reason."

As if there was no reason! But she had knowledge I wanted; and she'd hinted about the slots. Maybe she'd tell me her motivation at the casino. In any case, I liked how she was acting. Her sexual banter was a little shocking, but I felt excited when she talked that way. Was it the sea air, the vacation? Right now, she was fun to be with. She and I gabbed a bit more as we walked back slowly toward the pool.

I saw Hitomi, at the other side. I turned to Christie, ready to tell her I'd see her later.

I didn't get the chance. "I've got to run, see you! Thanks for the gift, Lei-chan." She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, then she jogged away.

Hitomi was coming toward me. She didn't look amused.

"Hitomi-chan, how was your afternoon?"

"Fine. But I wasn't with a leggy British beauty, so—"

"—Please don't. I had no idea she was going to do that; she probably just did it to rile you."

"She did a good job then."

I put my arms around her. "That's one of the things I like about you," I told her. I kissed her. She responded grudgingly at first, but very quickly grew passionate.

"I can't stay angry with you," said the German girl as we parted. "I'm jealous by nature, but I trust you implicitly."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed again, briefly. "Let's get ready for dinner," she said. "We have plenty of time to relax beforehand."

Back in my room, I immediately sent gifts to Lisa, Tina, Christie, and Hitomi. My gift to Christie was the black R/C car. Then I set up some incense in the room and took a long bath, luxuriating in the hot, fragrant water. (I'd scented it with bath salts I'd brought from home.)

Wanting to show a bit less skin at dinner, I put on "Peacock." I dabbed on a touch of "White Diamonds" eau d' toilette and put my hair in a single thick braid. The mirror seemed to approve. I took off and got to the Gemstone one minute early.

"My my! Stunning as usual," Hitomi said, rising from her seat at the booth she'd staked out for us. She took my hands and kissed me very chastely on the cheek.

"You're looking fantastic yourself," I said, kissing her cheek as well.

"Thank you," she said.

We talked and ate. Apparently, she'd gone to the pool and simply unwound during the afternoon, watching as people came and went. When the American couple had appeared, they'd chatted for a bit. Tina had hinted that Christie could have been the first person to reach the island, but that Kokoro or Ayane might also have been.

I pointed out to Hitomi that I'd pretty much seen them arrive, but she said Tina had suggested it was just an act. Her theory was that Ayane, Kokoro, or both, were working for a third party; especially since she (Tina) had seen Kokoro sneaking around the casino at about 0200, carrying a small black object—possibly a cell phone with a camera.

"Do you think it's dangerous to be here?" Hitomi asked.

"I hope not—I love it on this island! But we probably shouldn't ignore this. I'll set up a couple of electronic gizmos and see what I can find, ne?"

Hitomi and I moved on to talking about my afternoon. I told her about seeing Ayane and my little meeting with Christie. We agreed that Ayane's behavior wasn't unusual for her, but my sensitive Hitomi remarked that she wished we could find a way to befriend the troubled girl, and get her to feel some happiness and contentment. I love my thoughtful, kind Hitomi-chan!

She didn't want to go to the casino this evening and I couldn't blame her. I hadn't promised Christie, so I didn't feel I ought to go either. We returned to our hotel after dinner.

I got out my soldering iron, tool kit, and quite a few chips, motors, and wires. I carefully began building and modifying. There was a soft knock. I knew it was Hitomi. I opened the door and admitted her. She saw my equipment laid out in the bedroom.

"You're getting started right away, I see."

"Why wait? I'm curious, and I don't like the idea of being in danger."

"Mind if I watch your television while you work?"

"Not at all." I kissed her and we hugged each other tight for a moment.

She kept the volume low and I went back to making a small mobile camera that would seek temperature changes and not need me to tell it when to take pictures. Luckily, I'm good at that kind of thing; I programmed it to start shooting at sudden changes of more than 10˚C (such as when a person opens the door to an air-conditioned room.) Within four hours, I had a dull grey robot roughly the size and shape of a tarantula. I set it on the window sill and input its initiative command. It scuttled out the window and down the wall, vanishing in the direction of the Gemstone Suites. Satisfied, I put away my equipment. I washed my face and went to the living room.

Hitomi was asleep on the couch. She looked beautiful: strong but delicate and innocent. I lifted her warm body and carried her to bed. I carefully undressed her, then myself. I slid into bed beside her and she curled up to me. I kissed her forehead. I whispered, "Oyasumi, atashi no tenshi." I held her and fell asleep.

-End of Day Four-

End note: Thanks to those of you who have faved, voted, commented, and sent me PMs! I love hearing from readers. Feedback is always appreciated!

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