Fortnight in Utopia: Day 13

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At last, Leifang and Hitomi can enjoy their vacation.
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Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 06/18/2014
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Disclaimer/note: Characters and setting are property of Team Ninja. This fictional story is based on Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. The story features lesbian relationships: and some days (i.e. chapters) also feature violence or offensive language. Please don't read it if you aren't old enough.

-Morning of Day Thirteen-

This time I was the one wrapped around Hitomi instead of vice versa. I sat up and yawned. Hitomi really did look like an angel: her pink cheeks, her cute nose, her carefree mouth and eyelids. I bent and kissed her softly. I got out of bed, ready to start my morning with some exercise.

I was only a bit stiff. With stretching, I quickly got comfortable. I went through a moderate routine and felt good. Hitomi came into the room five minutes before I finished. "I've ordered breakfast," she said cheerfully. "Good morning, lover!"

"Good morning, dearest," I answered. She watched me while I got done with my workout.

"That felt nice," I said, releasing my last stretch.

Hitomi stood and hopped over to me. "As nice as this?" she asked. She kissed me sweetly.

"Nowhere near as good as that," I told her, purposely losing myself in her eyes. "You're the most precious woman I've ever met. I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby," she said. We kissed again. The kissing got hotter and deeper, fast.

Our make-out interlude was interrupted by a knock that signaled the arrival of our morning meal.

We played footsie while we ate our rice, eggs, and pastries and drank our tea and juice. The room phone rang. It was my suite, so I got up to answer. Christie was on the line, proposing a volleyball match between Team Hitomi-Leifang and Team Christie-Helena. I asked Hitomi. She quickly agreed. I relayed the response to Christie and she rang off.

We got showered and dressed; I wore "Astarte" and Hitomi wore "Meglez." We walked slowly to Private Beach, where we'd planned to play. Christie and Helena weren't there when we arrived, so we relaxed on the sand and talked while we waited. It was only a minute or two before our opponents showed.

"Sorry we're late," Christie said coolly.

"We had a little business not unlike the kind you had last night," Helena added playfully, patting Christie's exposed behind. They were both in suits the same style as "Aquamarine," but white in color. Nothing was left to the imagination.

"Those are some swimsuits!" Hitomi said, giving voice to what we were both thinking.

"They're called 'Sapphire.' Eye-catching, aren't they? Anyway, let's start the game," Christie said.

"You say that," I retorted, "but you're going to be working, not playing. We'll have to be as serious as you will to have a chance at winning."

"Isn't fun more important than winning?" Helena asked with an innocent blink of her eyes.

"No!" I answered. "There are only two things better than winning and I'm not going to say what either one is."

Christie let a tiny grin show on her lips. "If you put it that way, you don't have to tell us. You already have, but not with words."

"I notice you're not saying Leifang is wrong," Hitomi said. "Can it be that you have the same favorite activities?"

Eventually, the four of us quit the innuendo-laden conversation and actually played some ball. The skin of my three gorgeous companions; the thrill of competition; the perfume of coconut and banana sunscreen; the strong, sweaty embrace of Hitomi whenever we made a point all combined with the warm sun and cool breeze to provide a terrific experience. We won, 9-7.

Contrary to what I'd said, victory wasn't very important to any of us. We had a good time playing.

"You two are still the best team," Helena said when we finished. "At times, you seem telepathic."

"Or maybe you know each other's bodies so well you have your capabilities mapped, so you can cover each other nearly perfectly." With her usual uninterested tone, Christie made her comment sound like plain conversation. Her eyes were twinkling, however, and her right hand slid from her partner's hip to somewhere lower and further back. The light-haired Brit was making pretty bold to be fondling her French friend's ass!

Hitomi and I were kind of embarrased, but pretty turned on too. I decided to go with the spirit of things, so I put my arm around Hitomi's waist, then began running a couple of fingers up and down her flank. "Great chemistry could have something to do with our level of cooperation, yes," I said.

"I'm sure you've tried a few of our team-building exercises yourself," Hitomi said, making me blush a bit.

Hitomi and I had a light lunch with Helena and Christie. We agreed to go our separate ways after that, but Christie had one more piece of information for us. "I'd appreciate it if you'd both wear 'Aquamarine' tomorow," she told my partner and me.

"Not a problem!" Hitomi said.

They left for the pool. We left for the marina. "I'm not getting a lot of use out of my jetski, so we have to race at least once today and tomorrow," Hitomi said. "I had no idea it would be so fun; I might make jetskiing a hobby after this vacation is over."

"I'm enjoying it, but I don't like it as much as you do," I said. "Maybe that's because it's so solitary."

"Well, we could get a bigger watercraft," the perky brunette suggested.

"Tandem riding? Good point! We've already seen and felt the benefits of that," I said.

The only person at the marina was Tina. "Hey, y'all! Up for a race?" she called when she noticed us.

"Sure," Hitomi answered. "I hope the course isn't too brutal."

While Hitomi and I were unmooring our jetskis, Kasumi appeared. "What's going on, Leifang-san, Tina-san, Hitomi-san? May I join your competition?"

"Of course," Hitomi said. "I've been wondering how you'd do with that Kraken; no one else has used one yet, as far as I know."

"I've only tried it one time," Kasumi said. "Please go easy on me, minna."

I laughed. "Someone else might, but I won't."

She stuck out her tongue. "You're always mean; fine, then!"

We got to the start/finish line and waited for the signal. I felt the familiar nervous energy building in me. What can I say? I love competing.

The course started easily. There was a straightaway with a ramp, and plenty of gates for earning turbo charges. But as we approached, I realized that the Seabreeze boardwalks were part of the course; if the jump before them was missed, it would be devastating. Nothing like a little pressure, I thought wryly.

On the other side, the course showed its true colors. The turns got tighter. Waves got higher. Obstacles got bigger. Boundary changes got more abrupt. Soon, I was fighting the course, paying no attention to the other girls. Only when I got to the straightaway at the end of the first lap was I able to spare a few tenths of a second and check our positions. To my amazement, I was second. I refocused my concentration.

At times, I caught glimpses of the others. Mostly, I saw water and sky. I glanced off a coral outcropping and experienced splashdown.

"Shit!" I sputtered as I broke the surface and swam toward my watercraft. This was sure to hurt my ranking. I got back on my jetski.

"Later, Leifang!" I heard Tina shout as she hurtled past me.

Whatever--I'll catch you, I thought. I didn't say it, because she was long gone. I was still trying to win, so I pushed myself and my machine.

Finally, the end was in sight. And there was Tina. If she had a turbo, I was through, but it was now or never. I punched my booster and shot forward.

Victory, by 0.02 seconds! I pumped my fist.

Tina pulled alongside me. "Congrats," she said. "That was a damn fine comeback."

"Arigatou," I said with a smile.

Tina slyly looked down, at my chest. "It's okay with me if you want to leave your suit that way," she said.

Oh hell, it must have happened when I wiped out! My breasts had popped free of "Astarte's" straps and were hanging out for everyone to see. Well, for Tina to see at least; that was bad enough. She chuckled, then laughed loudly as I turned red.

I started to adjust my suit. Hitomi joined us. "Giving free shows now, baby?" she kidded.

"Lick me," I said.

"Later," she answered. She spoke to Tina. "Beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yeah, but we already knew that," the blonde answered.

Despite my discomfiture, I liked hearing that. I took more time than necessary to fix my swimsuit.

Kasumi had finished third, but she'd gone right to the dock afterward, so she was waiting for us when we returned. "How'd it go with the Kraken?" Hitomi asked.

"Same as last time," the Japanese lady said, "it reaches great speeds, but one can't carry much speed into the turns. I think I'll go back to using my Marlin."

"You missed the show, you know," Tina said.

"Shut up," I said.

"No, I didn't! Leifang-san passed me after her mishap. And'll make a wonderful mother someday."

I could tell she was messing with me, but she maintained her usual detached cuteness while she did it. I was a little embarrassed, but I said, "Thanks, I'm comfortable with my figure."

Hitomi came to my rescue. "That course was hard. Are you masochist enough to try it again, Kasumi-san?"

"I'll do it, but probably not with the Kraken," Kasumi said. "The Marlin makes more sense now. Why, are you going to keep trying?"

"I think so."

The four of us secured our jetskis and we split up to do some shopping. As I got to the sports shop, I saw Christie and Ayane leaving, each carrying three or four parcels, wrapped in different colors. I only wondered about that for a moment.

I would be on this island one day more. I had millions of credits to use before then. Hitomi was pretty into jetski racing; it would be interesting and challenging to buy a new vehicle and compete with her.

So I entered the shop and bought a Barracuda. It was pretty cool, slapping down that many credits without a second thought. I also bought every ticket I didn't have already while I was at it. I got "Starling" as a gift for Lisa and "Peacock" as a gift for Christie.

From there, I went to the accessory shop and got a few presents for Tina, Hitomi, and Helena. (That was kind of a thank you. After all, Helena could have embarrassed us a lot more than she had.)

Hitomi and I had agreed to meet at the poolside grill and she was there, waving me to her. I sat next to her and we ordered a snack of nikuman and flavored water.

Arm-in-arm, we returned to the marina. My new Barracuda was bobbing at the dock, looking swift and dangerous. Hitomi whistled. "You might have a difficult time trying to control that machine, but she's a beauty."

"Danke. I hope I don't get embarrassed too badly," I said. "Kasumi was going to be here, right?"

"She might have run into someone," my girlfriend suggested.

"Hey, could we join you?" someone called from the beach. The voice was Helena's. Kokoro was with her, looking like a young girl next to the tall French woman. Kokoro was darker than Helena too: skin, just a little; hair, a lot. The two really contrasted each other, yet there was a similarity in their builds and features.

"If you don't dawdle," Hitomi called back.

When the little group was ready, the race began.

The difficult course hadn't been changed. Besides, the Barracuda seemed to have a nasty temper.

Okay, I just want to finish, I told myself. I'm learning how to drive the new machine, that's all.

The wind was whipping the waves to heights of one and a half to two meters, making it hard to see. When I could, the view was great. I was near at least one of my fellow racers the whole time. Did I mention that Helena and Kokoro were each wearing an identical racy, yellow, thong-back one-piece called "Rusty Nail?" Between them and Hitomi, I was entertained throughout the race--

--Except for the part I didn't complete. I was probably only 500 meters or so from the start/finish line when I took a ramp at a poor angle. I landed outside the course markers: way outside! I tried to turn sharply to get back in bounds.

That's when I lost my perch, my balance, and my cool points.

I flopped and the Barracuda flipped. Since I came to a full stop (obviously) I didn't have the speed I needed to get back onto the course. Once I mounted the jetski, I got disqualified and headed back to the dock, soggy and disappointed.

Everyone else was on the beach when I reached the pier and grabbed a rope to moor the Barracuda. "Leifang-san, what happened?" Kokoro asked.

"A slight error in execution," I said. "I've never ridden this beast before, but I knew the listed performance statistics. Barracuda has a high top speed and superior acceleration. I thought that was due to a massive engine. Actually, the engine is only a little bigger than standard. The hull and the frame are super-lightweight. That means the craft sits higher in the water, making the center of gravity higher--thus making the Barracuda prone to capsizing. Also, less contact between the hull and the water results in more sluggish handling. Besides that, the waves were the tallest I've encountered yet. I did a lot of bouncing, and any time spent airborne is time not spent turning, or dealing with too much yaw, tilt, or pitch--and I had all three."

"She panicked and ate it," Hitomi translated.

"Urusai," I suggested to her.

Everybody laughed.

"Well, it was very enjoyable," Helena said. "Kokoro and I have to get going. We've got a reservation at Gemstone."

"Thanks for the good time," Kokoro said.

I made sure both my jetskis were secure. There was a soft splash as Hitomi joined me in the thigh-deep water. I tightened the bowline knot around a steel cleat and grinned when I felt Hitomi's body press against my back. "How do you feel, now that we're left to our own devices, sexy?"

"Wonderful," I murmured. "You want to make some love after we go to dinner?"

"No need to go anywhere," she said. "We've got supplies for a great little cookout right near the dock. Does that work for you?"

"Lead the way."

She took my hand and led me up the beach a few dozen meters, then pointed out the fire pit she'd already made. I built a fire and she retrieved a cooler and started preparing the food and drinks.

"What's on the menu?" I asked.

"Local stuff! Red snapper, green onions, wild rice--but the drinks aren't local. We've got lemonade and a small amount of shochu."

I came to her and draped my arms around her neck. "You planned this for me?"

"Well, for 'us', but yeah!"

"Then you've earned a kiss." I touched my lips to hers. She turned her head a little and kissed me a bit more deeply.

"I'm going to remember that you like outdoor cooking," she said once we separated. "The fish is ready to be grilled, by the way. Would you do that? I've got to keep going with the veggies."

"My pleasure," I answered.

So we made and ate a nice evening meal. Then we sat by the fire and watched the sun set and the darkness begin to advance across the sky. I laid my head in Hitomi's lap and she played with my hair. Jupiter, then Venus, then bright stars became visible.

"Sure is lovely," my brunette girlfriend said. "Feels so nice, to with that breeze picking up."

"Enjoy those stars while you can see them, lover," I said. "There's a line of low clouds approaching, and fast."

"Aw," she grumbled. "Let's stay here for a while anyway, okay?"

"You've got it."

Only a minute or two later, the clouds had gotten much closer. Then we saw a flash, and heard the rumble of distant thunder. I sat up.

I said, "That's a storm. We ought to move it."

"Let's wait a little longer," said Hitomi.

The birds grew quiet. The wind blew harder. Then came a bright streak of lightning and a dull but fairly loud clap of thunder.

We could hear rain hitting the surface of the water in the bay. The sound grew steadily louder, then we could hear it pelting the beach. Then it hit us, and it was cold. "Whoa!" I shrieked. Hitomi laughed and spread her arms, tilting her face to meet the raindrops.

Thunder crashed around us.

I stood. Right next to me, Hitomi sprang to her feet. She grabbed my shoulder and spun me to face her.

Her eyes were intense, penetrating. "I'm the storm, Lei-lei!" She assumed a fighting stance. "If you dare, try to tame me!" She kicked and I barely dodged fast enough to avoid her foot in my ribs.

The rain became a downpour. Our fire hissed and steamed while we punched and blocked, kicked and dodged. I knew Hitomi wouldn't hurt me, but she was obviously serious. This was a sparring session. We were giving total effort. Hitomi threw a left jab, then a right hook. I managed to block the first and duck the second, at the same time trying a sweep kick. The German karate expert jumped over it.

We each threw an elbow, but mine was a feint. I linked my arm with hers and tossed her onto the sand. She rolled and lashed out with her legs, momentarily catching my right ankle. I didn't let myself fall; instead, I dove, startling her with my instinctive counterattack. She still found a way to counter my move, using her arms to pull me and make me stumble past her. She and I quickly regained our feet.

Hitomi unleashed a spin kick. That was my chance! I darted down and in, getting under her outstretched leg, lunging upward. She went flying, landed on her back, and I was immediately on her, pinning her hands.

She kissed my neck and chest ravenously. I yanked off her swimsuit, top and bottom. She glared at me with her ferocious eyes. A dazzling blast of lightning lit her gorgeous, rain-soaked body. I eased two fingers between the beautiful fighter's labia and shoved them home. Her grunt of satisfaction was louder than the thunder. Her vagina was wetter than the rain. She locked her legs around my waist, arms around my neck, while I pounded her pussy with my hand.

Every muscle in her body contracted. My heart throbbed with pride and love. I thrust faster but with less force while she rode her climax. Her panting was the sweetest tune I'd ever heard.

I kissed Hitomi's mouth and our tongues roughhoused as we had earlier. Hitomi gradually forced her limbs to relax enough to release her vise grip on me. She shut her eyelids for a moment. One more whimper of pleasure escaped her lungs as I pulled my fingers out of her clasping vagina.

She opened her eyes again. The wild glint was still there, tempered with fiery lust. "Take me to bed, beautiful victor," she commanded. "I have a reward to give you."

-End of Day Thirteen-

End note: Please keep giving me feedback; it really means a lot! Thanks to all of you who have voted, faved, commented, and sent me PMs!

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