Fortnight in Utopia: Day 14

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The last day of the girls' vacation!
2.4k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 06/18/2014
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Disclaimer/note: Characters and setting are property of Team Ninja. This fictional story is based on Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. The story features lesbian relationships: and some days (i.e. chapters) also feature violence or offensive language. Please don't read it if you aren't old enough.


-Morning of Day Fourteen-

I was really sore and a little disoriented. I was in Hitomi's suite...on a pile of pillows, sheets, and towels on the floor of-I opened my eyelids with a sigh-the suite's foyer. A very disheveled Hitomi was lying next to me, her swimsuit bottom still around her knees. Her left leg was on mine, which explained why my left leg was asleep.

Damn, we hadn't made it to the bedroom. We hadn't made it to the hallway, even!

Hitomi wasn't awake, but she was smiling. I was smiling too, although my body ached in many places. I untangled myself from Hitomi and from the improvised futon and slowly got to my feet.

I thought back to last night. Hitomi had put on "Meglez" again and I'd carried her to the hotel, cradled in my arms. She had kept whispering her lascivious, lusty intentions to me, inflaming my desire until I could barely keep from taking her in the lobby. Her suite was nearer than mine,so we entered her rooms, closed the door, and proceeded to the main event: fucking, lots of it.

I looked at the kitchen table and smirked, seeing Hitomi's double-ended vibrating dildo lying on the table. We'd gotten a lot of use out of that, and several other toys. That woman I loved, she'd been so amazing.

I dropped to my hands and knees next to her and kissed her.

She woke instantly and kissed me back. She extended her arms with a groan and hugged me. Her eyes opened.

"Ohayou," she said.

"Ohayou, kire na onna," I said.

We got up. "Ooh, are you as achy as I am?" the German bombshell asked me.

"Probably," I admitted. "By the way: I love you."

"Baby, I love you too." She nudged my hip with hers. "I'll be with you always. You know that, right? I love you so much that you're stuck with me."

"Then my plan worked," I said, taking her hand and caressing her palm fondly. "We'll stay together, as one."

"That's what I've needed to hear," she said.

We were hungry, but we were sticky and smelled of sex, so we took a shower first. I went to my suite after that, reminding Hitomi to dress in "Aquamarine." In my bathroom, I put on my own skimpy golden suit and checked my reflection. I liked how I looked. I left my hair down, but added a pair of small mother-of-pearl barettes just for decoration.

Hitomi came to my rooms, resplendent in her own "Aquamarine." I put a single braid in her hair. Then I painted her toenails a delicate blue. She painted mine gold.

We were planning to use one of my family's many aircraft-they would dispatch a helicopter-and leave the island that afternoon. This vacation was nearly finished. I went to my rather neglected computer, intending to disconnect it.

There was an alert on the lower right corner of the screen. I checked it. "What's up, sweetie?" Hitomi asked, joining me, standing close to the desk.

"My emission-sensitive robot has sent data. Apparently, there's been some very serious sulfur dioxide production in the past twelve hours. It's stabilized now. It's in the vicinity of the casino."

"Seriously? This is the last day we'll be here. You don't think it could be trouble, do you?"

"I don't, but I have to investigate, because being wrong would be catastrophic."

"I'll be with you." She put her hands on my shoulders.

"Thanks for sticking with me, despite my paranoia," I said with a small laugh.

"That's not paranoia, it's common sense. Sulfur often means gunpowder or other explosives."

"All right, let's get moving. As soon as we've checked, we can enjoy the last of this vacation." I handed her a stun gun.

"We're going dressed like this?" the brown-haired beauty asked.

"Yes. It's not dark, honey! It will be much harder to be stealthy. If we aren't in swimsuits and someone spots us, we'll be very suspect."

"You have a good point," she said, pouting a bit, "but I feel silly doing a serious mission in glorified dental floss!"

"Life's not fair," I said, snickering. "Quickly, now!"

"Right behind you."

We slipped out my window and jogged through the lush tropical woods, avoiding the paved paths. I understood what Hitomi meant about feeling silly; we must have looked quite the sight-naked except for a few golden threads, white cowgirl hats, and high heels.

I stopped. So did Hitomi. We could smell the sulfur faintly. As Hitomi was about to continue forward, I laid a hand on her arm. I could hear something: a woman's voice. It was Ayane. She was saying, " by now. She doesn't waste time."

"Those two will get here together." That sounded like Kokoro. "Our contact at the hotel hasn't reported yet, though, so they might not be on their way."

"When they do arrive, they're in for a surprise," said Ayane.

"Or more than one?" said Kokoro, sounding a little ditzy and cute.

They were talking about us. What they intended was the question. We couldn't be sure of anything. But I'd gained rapport with Ayane and with Christie. Hitomi and I were friendly with pretty much everyone. They wouldn't be plotting against us. I motioned for Hitomi to stay put and watch me. I quietly moved toward the voices.

"Hey," Tina said, joining them, "the hotel just called. Leifang and Hitomi have apparently sneaked out of their rooms."

I could see the little group now.

Everyone-every gal there!-was wearing "Aquamarine." Acting casual, I stepped from the woods, onto the paved walk. Ayane saw me right away; Kokoro and Tina did a second later.

"Leifang, there you are. Ready to experience our onsen?" Tina called.

I said, "You're kidding; there's no onsen here."

"It's an island in the middle of the ocean," Tina said, "so of course it's a geologic hot spot. Helena and I used some seismology and a little muscle to open the spring. It's natural; it was just stopped up with a meter and a half of rock."

"It's also fixed up nicely, thanks to Christie and Tina and some of the local workers' improvements. There are wooden benches and fences. It's a nice atmosphere," Kokoro said.

Hitomi had read my body language and I was completely unsurprised when she stepped into view. "Konnichi wa, Hitomi-san," the purple-haired woman said, "I thought you'd show up soon after Leifang-san."

Hitomi answered smoothly, "Did I hear someone say 'onsen' just now?"

"Yeah, why the hell are we still standing here when we could be soaking in a kick-ass hot spring?" Tina asked. It was hard not to chuckle at her enthusiasm.

Soon we could hear the voices of Helena and Lisa. We could see the three-meter-tall fence. We entered through opaque, dark double curtains made of canvas.

All the other invitees were there, and everyone present was wearing "Aquamarine." Christie smirked as I regarded her. She had bought one of the most expensive swimsuits in existence, for each person, at a cost of millions of credits. She alone knew the specific reason. I knew all I had to; it pleased Christie to have everybody in these fanciful, skimpy assemblages of golden thread.

As my eyes moved from one bather to another, I got the idea that we all individually appreciated Christie's generosity.

Hitomi asked if there were locker rooms. Tina said, "Of course," and showed us to a small room with a wooden door. Hitomi and I stowed our accessories (and stun guns) and got towels. Then we returned to the onsen and entered the water.

"Very nice," I said.

"I can feel it soothing my muscles," Hitomi remarked.

"You played enough volleyball to make yourself sore?" Kasumi asked, pretending that her question was innocent.

My girlfriend blushed and glared at her.

"The end of a vacation," Lisa said, "always comes too soon. This has been the most fun two week interval I've had in a long time. Everyone-even if we don't usually get along-thank you."

Christie answered coolly, "That's the type of sweetness I might expect from Kasumi, not you. What favor are you going to ask?"

"You're thinking as yourself, Christie-san. I've already asked favors from those select few I had to ask. That's done."

"Let's forget all that!" said Kokoro. "Fun! It's time to do fun things before we leave!"

"Right," Tina agreed. "Some good old-fashioned beach games: team tug-o-war, horseshoes-we could even make a little frisbee golf course."

"As expected of a go-getter like you," Hitomi said, earning a laugh. We all spent the next half hour getting snacks and drinks, or setting up the games.

We knew we'd be leaving today, one or two of us at a time, so we did the tug-o-war first. We drew random teams, with one "judge" sitting out to keep the numbers even. We pulled three times. I was judge once and my teams won one and lost one. We actually competed in knee-deep water-on Nikki Beach-so they were slippery, fun contests.

When that was done, we split up. Each of us went to games that interested her. Helena and Kokoro came with Hitomi and me for the watermelon seed spitting contest. (It was quite amusing, and no one was surprised when Helena won.) As long as we were doing that, we tried plum pits as well.

We heard the baying of a yacht's foghorn while we began the frisbee course. "That was my ship's hail," said Helena. "I can stay for another five minutes, then I ought to go." Shortly after that, we were playing the game when we saw the approach of a plane, followed by another.

It turned out that the second plane was Kokoro's. She and Helena stayed long enough to compliment Hitomi on her terriffic aim. They left after that and so did Kasumi. When Lisa and Tina were done playing horseshoes with us, I suggested that we spend our remaining time back in the onsen. My three companions liked that idea, so we walked to the hot spring. Once we were in the water, we chatted while we relaxed.

"Oh, hi," Christie said as she and Ayane appeared at the locker room door.

"Please, join us," Hitomi said. "Let's spend these last few minutes together."

"Don't mind if we do," Christie returned.

My three companions and I blushed somewhat when Ayane casually slipped her suit from her shoulders and let it fall. Christie imitated her only a second later.

"Ae you surprised?" Ayane teased. "This is the best way to enjoy a hot spring. We all know it!" She and Christie got into the water and relaxed their bodies.

I stood and peeled off "Aquamarine." I tossed the wet swimsuit onto the deck. Hitomi, Lisa, and Tina were quick to do the same.

Being naked in the hot water was very comfortable, as it would obviously be. I realized that the big reason I hadn't considered discarding the suit earlier was that I'd been leery, wondering which of these women were my enemies. Now it was clear. No matter the disagreements, the fights, the clashes of personalities: none of them were my enemies.

The six of us talked about what we would be doing in the next weeks and months. We also discussed our families and lovers (if any.) I was surprised. I didn't feel awkward speaking with the others about Hitomi's and my relationship. It was as though everyone could see how well we were suited for each other. In Lisa's case, it seemed like even more; she was truly supportive of us. Maybe she hoped that if we could stay together, she could also, with whoever she wound up choosing. (Or maybe she had already chosen. The looks she and Tina exchanged were were very emotional at times.)

When we'd been soaking for more forty minutes, I heard the familiar rotors of my specially designed Chinook helicopter. (I modified the twin Sikorsky motors myself; I would know their sound anywhere.)

"We must say goodbye now," I said, feeling the melancholy of goodbyes. "That's our ride."

"Come here, then; give me a hug," said Lisa.

Tina said, "Dibs on Hitomi!"

Impuslively, I asked, "Can I get a hug from you too, Ayane-chan?"

"Uh, sure," she answered. The hug was only a little awkward. Then Christie wanted one; she didn't say so, but I could read it in her expression. Bottom line, Hitomi and I each gave all our remaining friends a farewell hug.

"We'll be in touch," Hitomi assured Tina as we reclaimed our swimsuits.

Hitomi and I went to our hotel and quickly gathered our stuff. From there, we climbed to the roof of the building and waited a minute or two while the helicopter got clearance and landed. Hitomi and I boarded the aircraft while my workers stowed our luggage.

Hitomi took my hand. "I'm glad to be with you, baby," she said.

"I'm glad to be with you," I told her. "It's really a new beginning, isn't it?"

"That's right." She leaned against me.

I put my arm around her. "I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she said. She squeezed my hand fondly.


That night, at about 2300, we finally found ourselves in my bedroom, in my family's Hong Kong estate.

My mother hadn't been terribly happy to hear that I had a girlfriend. Still, she and my father had been civil and at times even friendly to Hitomi.

And Hitomi's eyes shone with love for me and hope for our life together. I'm sure she could see the same hope and love in mine. We were tired. I embraced my lover and flopped onto my bed.

"We're doing it. We're still with each other, after one full day. We're still the most cherished people to each other," Hitomi whispered. She gave me a soft, passionate kiss.

"Yes, beloved," I replied. "I don't think much about the future. 'Tomorrow' doesn't really exist. But for all our 'todays,' you'll be my most cherished person."

"And you'll be mine," she said.

-End of the Fortnight-

THANKS AGAIN to those who have read and/or reviewed, commented, faved. I hope you'll consider reading the other stories I've written.

Gamsa hamnida, arigatou gozaimasu, danke schoen, merci beaucoup, muchas gracias!

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