Found Pt. 01


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Phoebe looks at me, "You are so much better than our last guide. Thank you for helping out."

I smirk, "When I saw you yesterday, I was never going to be too far away. I may hate our parents, but you never did anything wrong to me. Let's face it, your group is pretty cute as well."

They laugh at that.

I quickly start a fire and then start the water boiling.

I hand out advise again, "You want raincoats on the top of your packs or around your waist. Anyone having foot issues?" No foot issues. "Any other issues I need to know about?"

A small cute little redhead that doesn't talk much spoke up, "I had a hard time sleeping last night. I thought I heard a woman screaming. Then I heard a pounding noise this morning that got muffled. I can't explain these odd noises."

As she is talking, a few girls start to smirk, then more join in, and it is a light-hearted laugh, and soon they're all in and laughing on their sides. All but Jenny. She has tears in her eyes. Then her eyes turn, and there is a cool evil look. Vengeance is hers.

Jenny wipes away the tears and says with confidence, "Funny, I never heard that. I must have been distracted. I had this dream where a man kissed me deep and intense as he meant it. No accident. I told him to use me. As soon as I said it, I realized all the sick, perverted things he could have done to me. Instead, he massaged my nipples to an orgasm, ate me to three more consecutive orgasms, followed by taking my virginity with his eight inches for twenty minutes.

"His cum shot into my womb where I held it all night. I then rolled over, and he enveloped me with his chest. I could feel his heat, his heart pumping, and the smell of a confident man that just showed me likely the best sex I will ever get based on what my friends tell me. This morning he quick fucked me to teach me a lesson. He told me that I was too gorgeous for me to allow men to use me. I should dictate the terms. No, I didn't hear any of that, and I woke up feeling like a million dollars."

She still has the glow and the smile. Wow, did she smack them down? The group is silent, they don't know how to respond. I do.

I announce, "Water is boiling, breakfast is ready."

They all drink coffee and have some form of eggs and sausage. I step away from the group. I have an earpiece that is Bluetooth enabled to my satellite telephone. I call my house and have them check the weather for our area. "Possible Damaging Storms" tonight with straight-line wind damage. I also set up a surprise at the end of the trail. I walk back to the group. I will save this info for later.

We break camp and start walking. Soon we find the water, refill, and are on our way again. Quickly the conversation is directed at Jenny and last night. She was all too happy to gloat. Not what I wanted.

I try to distract them, "I think the rain will be here soon."

Penny asks Jenny, "I think you're exaggerating, your first one always looks bigger."

I continue, "They're getting darker, that isn't good."

Jenny defends herself, "I've given over 200 blowjobs, I have seen cocks before, this was eight inches without being so fat that it hurts. It was a dream."

I am sick, "Um girls, I'm standing right here, how about talking about this later."

I might as well have a conversation with a moose.

Michelle asks, "What's it like for a guy to eat you?"

I give up, I start walking faster and leave them behind to gossip. I can turn around and see them, but I can't easily hear them. Better for me. That was too embarrassing to listen to. It's not long before I hear someone running to me. I stop. Jenny is out of breath. She stops in the grass, kneels, then rolls to her side. Now she can get a full breath. After catching her breath, I help her get up, and we continue walking.

Jenny apologizes, "Sorry about that. For two years I've heard about their conquests and all the fun they had. You seemed like a nice guy, so I went a bit wild last night. I couldn't help rubbing their noses in it this morning. I feel bad for you having to be there, but damn that felt good."

I smile at her but caution, "We need to make the next set of trees before it gets dark. This storm could be bad."

Jenny's smile is gone, "You seem worried. If you are worried that makes me scared."

I reassure her, "If it were just me, no issues. I'm watching over twenty young women; everything worries me until we finish the trail." I smile for her benefit. I am worried.

It's not long before a herd of college girls are running up the trail to catch up.

Phoebe is the leader now, "Steve, those clouds are looking much darker. Should we be worried?"

I cautiously reply, "Um, uh, well, yeah. We need to be in trees tonight, so it will break any possible strong winds. I'd like to be there with light, but we will make do. Let's increase the pace slightly, let me know if anyone has trouble."

Off we go at our new faster pace. I would walk faster, but no way they can keep up with me. Two hours later a light rain starts, ponchos come out. I have to slow down, not good. I keep up spirits by telling funny stories of things that have happened to me or things that I have seen. Most of it was things I did. I smile at all the crazy stuff I have done and how silly it is now.

We will make it to the trees before dark, but we need trees for hanging our packs and flat ground for eleven tents. That means we will probably walk a bit further for a good camping site.

I explain how tonight will be different as we walk, "Tonight you will get a partner and share a tent. Possible straight-line winds tonight so I want more weight in each tent. It will be cold too, spoon to share heat, it will keep you warm if your bags are thin. Anything goes wrong, come to my tent. Your poles are lightweight aluminum and may snap. Mine are carbon-fiber, they can survive a hurricane.

"I'll make water on my gas burning stove. No fire will burn with this wet wood. I will come to your tents, so you can make dinner. Make sure you get one out of your pack. We will make a walking lunch today to gain some time. We will line up the tents in a single line, this will give the other tents a drafting effect. Your front doors will face away from the wind. Any questions?"

Jane says, "I sure am glad we have your experience. How do you know the winds will be so bad?"

I smile, "I looked at an elm tree, I tasted the wind, I can sense the pressure changes, I read the clouds, and it's obvious." I stick out my tongue like I am tasting the wind then smack my chops. "I used my satellite phone to call my staff and check the weather. Possible straight-line winds tonight."

They all start laughing loudly and seem in better spirits now. I pick up the speed while spirits are good. We have lots of walking to do still. Some are struggling to keep up but no complaints, they understand the need.

Kathy asks, "Why didn't you tell us about the bad weather earlier?"

I happily reply, "Happy people walk faster. Worried people walk slower. It's that simple, psychology."

When we can see individual trees, we are an hour away. That is when the hard rain started. The temperature dropped, and it's truly miserable. Seeing the trees get larger is an excellent motivation.

I think we need a change of tactics; everyone is glum. I start singing the song "Walking on Sunshine." They think I am odd or maybe they don't know the 80's well. Trying some Beetles next with "Good day, sunshine." Most of them pick up the backgrounds. About forty-five minutes later we are walking into a place to make camp. It's not ideal, not long enough for one column of tents. I have them set up in two columns.

My tent is set up before their tents are out. I start boiling water underneath a tree, using the tree as cover from the wind. I start hoisting up packs. The packs are as strong as my rope and are the least of my worries. I am anxious about the tent next to mine. No way its poles last the night unless the worst of the storm misses us.

As I go to each tent to pass out boiling water, I suggest sleeping with heads at the back of the tent. If a pole does break, I don't want it hitting or stabbing them in the face. I have the small solar light that I keep on, so if something does go wrong, they can find my tent easy. The light also means I can read my Kindle. I want to stay up tonight just in case. I have a canteen, my gas stove, a few cups, and some tea if I get visitors. They will be cold and wet. I have my extra flannel long-sleeved shirts out to wear if someone comes to my tent. The first four will be clothed.

I wake up to a scream in the night and the howling wind. Two screams. Tent down, I start unzipping. I was going to call out, but two very wet girls quickly enter my tent. Their teeth are chattering.

I instruct them, "Wet clothes off, store them under the tent. Then I have a dry shirt that should be a dress on you."

As they start stripping, I hold up the shirts and close my eyes. I turn the light on full.

I request, "Yell when you have the shirt on."

It takes a minute to take their wet clothes off.

Beth moves over and sits in my lap, facing me. Her ample chest is smashed into me. She kisses me very gently on the lips as she cries.

Beth is a tall girl, over 6'. Broad shoulders, thin waist, and broader hips than most. She has platinum blonde shoulder-length hair. Light blue eyes, small nose, small ass, huge breasts, easily a D cup. Her face is wider than average, she has a mischievous grin. I rank her #1 in the group for looks alone. She is sweet without being a bitch, that is refreshing.

I pull away and request, "Please put the shirt on, you need the warmth. I'll make some tea to warm you up."

Beth is in tears, "What would we have done without you?"

I smile at her, "You survive because you must. I just made it easier and less stressful. Now put on my shirt and let's get the water going, we may have more joining us soon."

Beth did put on the shirt, she was chilled. Soon I have tea for two, they drink the tea and their color came back quickly. The wind is still howling outside. Soon we hear a crash and two more screams. I have the girls move back towards the back of the tent. Two more come running in. I have them strip and get in my shirts. I make more tea. Karen wants to be held, she is scared. I humor her, I guess it's possible she is worried.

Karen has brown hair, brown eyes, B cup breasts, and a rather plain-looking face compared to the others. She is special because she seems at ease all the time. She is calm and relaxed, even now. Yes, she is nervous, that is expected. She just experienced a traumatic event, being scared is normal. Wanting to be held by me is reasonable as well. I would have expected her to be trembling. Not Karen, this is refreshing. She wants to be held, making me think she is turned on.

She is facing me on my lap. I rub her back, and she falls asleep in my arms. I lay her down in the tent. The others start spooning her, and they want me in the middle. I feel two firm breasts on my back. Beth gets in front of me and places my hands on her breasts. She holds my hands there and squeezes my hand, which squeezes her breast. She lets out an "Ahhhhhh." Her nipples turn hard.

We are all exhausted, we fall asleep with me rubbing her nipples.

Chapter 3 - Going Home

I wake up in the morning, and Beth is sucking my cock. She is gentle, trying not to wake me. She senses I may be waking up, she stops, cock still in mouth, tongue rolling along the tip of my cock.

Without opening my eyes, I say in a soft voice, "You might as well finish what you started."

I hear three giggles, and the blowjob continues. This girl has mad skills at sucking cock. She pulls off, and someone else takes me, the tongue location changed. I am on my back, I open my eyes, and I have four naked women, two on each side of me, and it seems they are tag-teaming my cock. Ok, I can live with that.

I suggest, "If you move over, I will eat you. Then as you rotate, I will eat the next one."

They love that idea. One eats me, I eat one of them and two watches. Better than three watching and nobody getting their pussy munched on. They love this arrangement. One gets the wide tongue, one receives the narrow but quick tongue, one gets nothing but a big "O," around and around I go. The last gets random licks on parts of her lips along with two fingers sloshing in her. She is first to orgasm. The others soon follow, and eventually, they get me off. Karen wins and swallows.

I instruct, "I will get your packs and start boiling some water."

They had other ideas. One sat on my legs, and two others sat on my arms. Karen got between my legs.

In a very sexy voice with extra breath in it, she says, "Not so fast big boy. I want my prize."

She mounts me cowgirl style and plunges down. She gets stuck and then uses more weight to force the issue. She moans on the way down. Once down she pushes up and then slides down easier this time. A few more and it's easy, she starts up a nice rate.

She has incredible leg strength and she rides me for ten minutes, bouncing up and down. Then out of the blue, she screams as an orgasm takes her. I had no clue she was so close. She then fell forward into my arms. The other tents are wondering what's wrong, who screamed?

I hear Samantha ask, "Steve, was that you again?"

Beth answered, "Technically no, it was Karen. Trust me, she is in no pain, none, all fine here. Everyone go pee, we will be here a bit, she is out cold. What a freak she is."

We have breakfast, clean up camp, and then we are on the trail within the hour. Today's conversation is about last night, getting wet, drinking tea, and wearing my shirts. I never did get those shirts back. They each wore them all day. Then they get into their competition, how I added eating pussy, and then Karen's prize and me not having a choice.

Pat laughs hysterically, "Do you two really think you held him in place? I bet anything he benches more than your combined weight. He grabs you and then pulls you off, and he can do anything he wants to you. No, he allowed you to have fun. You better be careful with that, someone else might not be so playful, and you end up on the other end of something nasty."

Yup, that killed the mood.

I counter that thought, "It's a beautiful day, no rain, and we've about six hours of walking left. Let's skip lunch. We can stop for a snack if you want, but when we get back to base camp, I have a buffet waiting for you made by one of my executive chefs. He flew out this morning to meet us and make us something special. Then I will say goodbye to all of you. I am flying back to ... Miami."

Phoebe teases me, "Forget where you live?"

I laugh at her, "I was trying to remember what's next. I'm taking a friend out deep-sea fishing; he and his wife have never gone before. I'm meeting them at my Miami house, they are there now. Typically, I live in New York, lots of stuff to do there. Initially, I hated it. The city has grown on me, I like it now."

About two hours out, we stop for a snack, it's noon. Everyone is in a good mood.

Beth asks, "Steve, will we ever see you again?"

Oh wow. I try to think of a good answer.

I say to the group, "You all seem very nice, and this has been enjoyable, but it was also quite accidental. I would say it's doubtful. You each have your own life. You don't need me. Phoebe is the only one with ties to me, but those were severed a long time ago, our parents will have nothing to do with me. It would be best for Phoebe if she didn't see me as well. She can continue her relationship with them. Probably best to never mention you even saw me."

Patty says, "I doubt that happens. She finally finds you after all these years, no, she will want to stay in contact. I would."

Phoebe says confidently, "Mom and dad don't rule me, I'm interested in learning more about my new big brother. I just didn't want to push you the last couple days. What happened to you was my fault, she was my friend."

Now she isn't confident, she is in tears. She has suffered from guilt all these years. That changes things. I need to help her get over it. This proved to be a pivotal point in my life.

I offer, "Maybe after fishing, I'll come back and say hi. I am eleven years behind on birthday and Christmas presents. We could go shopping and do a few things ... if you have time. Maybe get the group together for dinner and/or some fun."

Phoebe says, "I think I would like that. Do you mind if I talk to mom about you?"

I am blunt, "Whatever, they are dead to me. Neither trusted or believed in me, even after no evidence was found, and they let me go. I know I didn't put on a good show for you this week. I guess all I did was help prove dad's suspicion that I'm a degenerate. I track a group of college girls, have sex with several. Why would you want to see me again? This whole week I was the guy they said I was."

Jenny shouts out, "NO! You were nothing like what you just described. You were very well behaved; we had to attack you and force you to play with us. You never initiated anything, we did, and we loved it. You were the one that was forced to endure us if anything."

Patty adds, "Well, it wasn't so hard."

They all laugh.

In no time at all, we arrive at the end of the trail, a parking lot. There is a large white tent with tables and chairs. An elegant red tablecloth on all tables, white china, glass stemware, sterling silver silverware, wine, and a chef with several gas stoves making several dishes at the same time. The cold items are on a table with ice and covers. I take the covers off.

Don starts handing me bowels of hot food to put on the serving table. There must have been a dozen side dishes, hot rolls, three types of meat, a fish, and a vegetarian thing that I passed on. Several girls help get the food on the table.

I announce, "Ok girls, dinner is served, dig in. No more freeze-dried food and disposable utensils. Don is our chef today; I hope you like what he prepared."

They rush the food and then sit at the table. I went last, they saved a spot for me in the middle of the table.

Pam says, "This was an awesome thing to do for us, Steve, Thank You. Thanks for being a decent person and watching out for us. Not sure any of us would have died but hypothermia is nothing to laugh at. Your experience certainly helped us out and made this an enjoyable trip."

I counter, "I normally do trips solo, I don't trust people ... especially women."

Don cuts in, "Now there is the understatement of the century."

I continue, "But you all made it ... interesting."

Don cuts in again, "Oh? I am still sitting here in shock that you talked to twenty women and helped them out. I figured you'd have left them for dead."

I had enough of his teasing, "Oh Don, I wasn't going to leave them on their own. Their guide had a heart attack, and they were blind experience-wise. I had to help. Then I saw Phoebe."

Don is shocked, "Phoebe, your little sister?"

I explain the story, "I did a foot check, figured one of them had blisters and sure enough Phoebe did. When I looked up her long slender legs, I realized who it was. I was petrified. I was prepared to start running in an instant. She didn't realize who I was, so I calmed down and stayed. It was an interesting few days."

Phoebe adds, "I was raised to believe he was a three-headed monster, a sexual predator, someone I was not safe around. Yet by the time I realized who he was, I had seen the real man, and it didn't fit my picture of him. He was nice, polite, funny, witty, and made zero attempts to have sex. Yet both nights we hear screams. Ok, technically it was this morning. He took on four women at once."

Don is in disbelief, "Who's this man in front of me? I don't know you at all. You are a stranger to me. You go on a hike and come back a new man. Did aliens abduct you?"