Four Nights With Lovice


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Black rain clouds, very low and fast moving, were rolling in from the sea as I walked through the streets. I began hurrying through the fountained plaza where people sit on benches under tall shade trees and listen to old men slowly strumming guitars. On one of the benches, I was surprised to see Anastasia, by herself, in a short, summery dress, her silky legs crossed, eating chocolate ice cream from a cup.

"I hear you're heading out tomorrow and won't be back for a week or so," she said. "I'll probably be gone too when you fly back."

"So where are you headed?" I asked as I sat down with her. The very thought of her leaving gave me a desolate feeling.

"Zimbabwe. I have an aunt there whose health is failing. She needs me for awhile," she said.

She was barely believable. African arms merchants . . . Zimbabwe . . . I wanted to confront her about the skullduggery she may be involved in. But I didn't. Too afraid of the truth, I guess.

She slowly swirled her tongue around the ice cream on her spoon, then just as slowly licked the chocolate off her lips, looked at me and said, "Are you in love with Lovise?"

I wasn't expecting that. I had envied her candidness in these past few days, and her openness about sex, yet was terrified of both at the same time. But I wasn't going to run from this. Not this time.

"I suppose I am. Yeah, I am in love with her. But I've also begun to realize that even if she had feelings for me, I don't see her being with any one guy for very long at a time. They come and go easily for her."

Anastasia turned her eyes away from me, looking casually up at the incoming storm. The wind picked up.

"What did you think about the other night when I was naked on the bed and you were massaging me?" she asked.

After hesitating for a long, awkward moment, I finally replied. "Shocked, initially at least. What do you expect me to say? And then afterward I wanted to know who you are. I wanted to run away with you for weeks, maybe months, and just sit side by side and talk, to absorb who you are. Just the two of us."

"Why haven't you said anything?" she asked.

"I hardly know you, Anastasia. You're just this mysterious person who appeared, and likely will disappear on me just as mysteriously."

"You're also older than me," I said. "You're sophisticated and mature. I can only guess what you must think of me and my friends."

"And when you wanted to run away with me, did you want to sleep with me, too?" she asked, still searching the sky and finishing off the ice cream.

"Anastasia, I doubt there's a man on this planet who wouldn't want to sleep with you. I think I'm coming under some spell of yours. My guess is that a lot of men fall under your spell."

She smiled -- her smiles were so slight but said so much -- and raised her hand above my head, wiggling her fingers, sprinkling make-believe pixie dust over me. "Whissssh," she said. I laughed.

"Sometimes it's okay to love two women at once," she said. "Or at least to lust after the two of us at once. After all, Jack, we're young and free to love. And if I had to guess, I think you may be like me, not bound for a normal life. You wouldn't be here in Montevideo if you were."

"You don't think we're normal?" I asked.

"No. I think normal people can find happiness in the daily routines. But you and I, Jack, you and I are destined for a different kind of life. A normal life doesn't suit our kind. Lovise is the same way."

Do you ever read D.H. Lawrence?, she asked. "He has this quite beautiful, but rather sad line in his novel, 'Women in Love' -- better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions."

"That fits me. And I think it's all three of us," she said.

At that point, I did the most daring thing that up to that time I had ever done in my young life. I leaned over on the bench and kissed Anastasia Chase, chocolate and all.

She kissed back. Then we kissed again. We were still locked, her lips to mine, when a wave of rain swept over us, really torrential. Coming down in sheets with startling thunder. Just all of the sudden. Neither of us cared. We kept kissing, the sweet taste of her tongue blending with the salt spray of the warm ocean rain on our lips. When we pulled our faces back, we were both laughing. We had been thoroughly soaked in seconds. We were alone in the square. Everyone had already fled, even the old men with their guitars.

I pulled Anastasia to her feet, and did the unthinkable. I held her in my arms and started to dance slowly, there in the park with rain pouring and window-rattling thunder overhead. We turned slowly, gliding through puddles in a make-do waltz. "I knew you were like me," she said, as I wiped streams of water off her face. We kept dancing.

We then ran through the street which already was starting to flood over our shoes, ducking quickly under a store's awning to wait it out on the sidewalk. We stood close, my arm around her waist, her arm around on my back with her hand holding on to my shoulder. Not a word between us. None needed. We listened as the storm ran its course over the city, washing away the heat and humidity. Her soaked dress clung to her, hugging her thighs and forming perfect contours around her breasts and hips. I wanted to take her right then and there, in the rain under that awning.

But Tristan and Berlin were trotting toward us as the rain started to slacken, and we all made a dash for the hotel. Anastasia left for her own hotel, but we all agreed to meet at the restaurant on this last night before heading out on our assignments.

* * *

Dinner was memorable, a real spread, with both wine and champagne. It took hours. We were in a good mood, as was everyone else sitting outside at the Restaurante Yasy, watching the city go by from our vantage point on the sidewalk. The downpour had cleared away the heat. Gradually, the daylight turned to dusk, then to darkness. Lovise sat next to me but paid little attention, enraptured in an across-the-table conversation. Anastasia sat at the end, every once in a while stealing a glance at me. I did the same to her.

Eventually, the crowd thinned out and we split up, Lovise again grabbing Anastasia and disappearing down the street. The others headed to their rooms, as did I. It was an hour before midnight.

Lying again on the bed in my boxers, I was unhappy and more than a little befuddled by both Lovise and Anastasia. They were always abandoning me to be together. But the wine got the best of me. I must have slept for more than an hour when I could feel the heat of someone beside me -- and a rhythmic movement of the bed itself. I opened my eyes.

Anastasia was lying next to me, on her back, naked in the dark. She was looking up and into the face of Lovise, who was on her knees, straddling Anastasia's waist and leaning over, about to kiss her. She too was naked. As her lips touched Anastasia's, one of Lovise's hands caressed Anastasia's nipples sticking up in the darkness, the other was softly touching her ear. They were making love, with me lying beside them.

When I moved my arm, each turned their face to me, but they weren't smiling. Their passions were already building. Their eyes were on me, but weren't really seeing me, instead lost in each other's beauty and their own naked drunkenness. Whether I watched or not was inconsequential to them.

Lovise's kisses seemed overpowering, leaving Anastasia subdued, helpless and succumbing to Lovise's hunger. Anastasia's nipples were sucked, pinched and pulled by Lovise's lips and fingers. Lovise then repeatedly licked around and over Anastasia's large brown areolas as I watched less than a foot away.

She scraped her fingers down Anastasia's stomach, causing shivers to cascade down her skin. Then Lovise sat back, cross-legged on the bed, opened Anastasia's legs and pulled them to her, lifting them up and over her shoulders so that Lovise's face was at Anastasia's pussy. She gently caressed her vaginal lips, tasting her wetness, circling her tongue 360 degrees, very light and slowly, around Anastasia's vulva. I could hear the constant deep intake of Anastasia's breath as Lovise's lips traveled around and up and down her slit. Though it was cool in the room, their skin was glistening from sweat.

Lovise then plunged her tongue deep into her pussy, pulling the moisture back to swallow it herself, doing this repeatedly. Anastasia raised her arms over her head, grabbing the top of her pillow and squeezing it for dear life, letting out little moans as Lovise began sucking on her clitoris, then blowing on it. Sucking. Then blowing. Over and over. Anastasia, her legs wrapped around Lovise's neck, climaxed minutes later, her body jolting, her head moving, turning rapidly, side to side on the pillow, lost in the moment.

Anastasia tried to catch her breath. But Lovise wouldn't have it, moving quickly up to her face, on her knees straddling Anastasia's head. She pushed her pussy down onto Anastasia's mouth and waited for Anastasia's tongue to begin returning the favor. Anastasia licked and kissed without stopping until Lovise finally grabbed my arm, then raised her head toward the ceiling and screamed as her body spasmed in an orgasm that seemed almost in anguish. Sweat was rolling down Lovise's arms and between her trembling breasts, which for a half moment shook violently.

Lovise sighed deeply a few times, then leaned way over and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Do you like watching, Jack? Do you like watching Anastasia and I eat each other's cunts?"

"I've come to think, Lovise, that all three of us are insane," I answered.

"Sex, drugs and insanity have always worked for me, Jack, but I wouldn't recommend them for everyone. ... That's Hunter Thompson," she said, then collapsing on the mattress. Within moments they both were asleep. I must have lain there an hour, then fallen asleep myself.

Sometime about 3 a.m., I got out of bed, walked to the open window and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of it, wanting nothing more than to feel the breeze on my face. The street below was quiet. These two women had done more than any others to capture a place in my heart. And I had just watched them make love to each other. I wasn't quite sure what I should feel or think. I heard the bed squeak.

It was Anastasia, making no other noise, who came and sat on her knees beside me, her naked body still warm and glowing. She put her arm around my shoulders, her face close to my ear.

She whispered. "Do you smell the rain coming? I can."

"Another storm," I answered in my own whisper. "It's moving fast, in from the Atlantic. It'll be here in a few moments."

She lifted up a little and moved into my lap, her arms now around my neck. I loved the sight and feel of her nakedness, her soft delicate skin, the clean smell of her hair and her warm breath on my face, so close. Her animal-like breasts were tipping and weaving as she moved, even with every breath she took. And her bare haunches on my lap felt exquisite.

"Don't be upset with me," she said lovingly, stroking my face. "With Lovise and me, tonight was just fun, being with a girlfriend, a marvelous young woman full of life. Being with you is different. We have something special. I could sense it when you were caressing my ass. You knew it and I knew it. We knew it when were drinking mates, and when we were dancing in the rain. It's something irreplaceable."

"Here, I brought you a flower," she added quickly. "I picked it up in the market on the way back to the hotel tonight. It's from what they call the El Ceibo tree that grows along riverbanks. Don't you just love the nectar."

I held it in my hand, took in the sweet smell and the scarlet colors, visible even in the dark. I looked down between her legs, which she then deliberately opened wider for me to see. There was enough dim light coming through the window to illuminate the small silky bit of brown hair covering her mons. The now swollen lips of her vagina were open slightly. Her slit was small and wet. I dropped my hand down and, with one finger, caressed the opening. She shivered at the touch, then lay her head on my shoulder.

"From now on, Jack, whenever you see this really delightful flower, do think of me, will you?" she asked. "I want you to always remember me."

I pinched off one of the smooth scarlet petals and with my fingers slowly wove it into the soft curly brown hair between her legs, just beside the entrance to her womanhood. She lowered her face to look at it for a moment, then a tear dropped from her face to her pubic hair, landing beside the petal.

Anastasia raised her head and, with watery eyes, kissed me with her delicious tongue as the rain arrived, at first with a fine mist blowing in through the open window and onto our bare skin. As the mist covered us, I licked her lips, rubbed my nose against hers, then kissed her ears, ran my tongue down the side of her neck, kissed her shoulders.

The mist quickly turned into heavy drops. With one hand still in her slit, I reached down behind her and under her haunches with my other hand, feeling the warmth between her hips, touching that small anal opening again, which sent little flames up my fingers. I wanted to touch the very life inside her. She looked at my face and gave me a knowing smile in the dark. She understood.

I moved her down onto the floor, laying each of us on our side, facing each other and holding each other close. She reached down and pulled my boxers off, gently nudging them over my now very hard erection.

"Slow and gentle," she whispered.

For some of us, there comes a moment, one special moment, in our lives when the one person we want in all the world to be with us, to touch us, actually begins to do so. For me, that moment was now.

Anastasia slid her slender fingers onto my dick, alternately caressing and squeezing me lightly, then doing the same with my balls. I was hard and heavy. As the rain picked up through the window, and began really soaking our bare skin, she draped her leg over mine and moved my dick to her slit, pushing it in her small pussy, just slightly.

I took over, slowly, slowly pushing in a little more, then just as slowly pulling back, holding for awhile, in no rush, then pushing in farther as her pussy filled with her own liquids. I moved inch by inch, relishing the idea of just being inside of her. There was no desire to come, just this insatiable need to be inside her. Pushing back and forth, back and forth. Over and over. But slowly. Our faces were touching, our breaths intermingling. Finally, I gave one long, slow silky push, sliding deep in, until I could go no more.

I moved her on her back, with me on top. She wrapped her legs around my hips and we began a slow rocking motion as the rain began pelting my back and her legs, her face. The smell of the rain, fresh and salty, was almost overpowering. We were in a slow rhythm that began building. I raised up on my elbows to take my weight off of her small breasts and stiff nipples. My hands cupped the back of her head and the wild, soaking tangles of her hair as the storm passed over, now pouring through the window, beating on us, drowning out all noise. We refused to stop, absolutely oblivious to anything but the two of us.

As our rhythm continued, slow and steady, we sank into raw sensuality. Her opening was so small I felt like a large beast inside her, totally consuming her. She gave out these inarticulate little cries as she came to a crisis, tightening her legs around me and squeezing her inner muscles around my cock, massaging me from her insides. I had never felt anything remotely like that before during love. We existed only in the now. She came, biting my shoulder to keep from screaming. Unable to hold back any longer, I flooded her with my sperm. But she never took her eyes off mine.

We lay together in the rain for perhaps 15 minutes, caressing each other's face, but not speaking. Then we quietly closed the window and went back to bed, her on one side of the still-sleeping Lovise, me on the other. Both of us were drenched. The rain continued.

Around 5 a.m., maybe a little later, I felt Anastasia's touch on my face. She was kneeling on the floor at my side of the bed. She whispered close into my ear. "Jack, I want to taste you. Be very, very quiet and very still."

She slid her face and hands down to my abdomen, then fondled my cock and balls, put her nose up against them to inhale my smell, or maybe the mixed smell of both of us, the smell of sex. She pursed her lips and moved up and down my cock, kissing and licking my skin from my pubic hair to the tip, where she began sucking gently and slowly. I was worn out from exhaustion, but the very thought of Anastasia doing this aroused me quickly and she had no trouble bringing me to a climax, me fighting not to move or make a sound since Lovise was beside me, so close I could hear her breathe. Anastasia swallowed all of me until I was done. She kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear: "I love your smell and your taste. I'll be back to be with you, Jack. I promise. We'll be together."

As I was fading, I sensed her getting dressed, or maybe imagined it, then somehow knowing she left the room. Sometimes exhaustion leaves us incapable of fighting sleep.

Then there was Lovise. By 9 a.m. she was shaking me violently to get up. And practically yelling.

"I've got a plane to catch, Jack. No time for massages now. We've overslept. I'm sorry. Be a dear and give me a quick fuck, will you? I need it badly and I've been thinking about you all night. Actually for several days. Just a quick one."

She leaned over and began sucking violently on my limp cock. All these weeks I would have given anything for this moment, but now I'm so tired, I just want to sleep. And it's Anastasia on my mind. Of course, you don't turn down Lovise. Somehow I managed an erection. There was no playing around. Soon as she finished sucking me, she got on all fours on the mattress, sticking her beautiful ass in my face, I mean right in my face. She wanted me from behind. Her vagina was open and wet, ready for me. She'd obviously been playing with herself beforehand. I couldn't resist and dove my tongue into her, desperately wanting to taste her and make that connection. But she stopped me quickly enough.

"No time for that. Fuck me, Jack, now! I've only got about five minutes. No time for niceties," she yelled. So I plunged in and began pumping to save my life, ramming her as hard as I could because I somehow knew that was her mood. She fingered herself all the while and within a few minutes she actually had a pretty violent orgasm that went on for 30 or so seconds. I literally fell backwards and out of her, lying then on the bed in complete exhaustion.

"God, Jack, you are so good," she said. "We should have done this long ago. What an incredible dick you have."

Did I forget to tell you that, in addition to her many qualities, Lovise when she wanted to could be the mistress of flattery -- mostly to collect IOU's to be paid back somewhere down the road. Nonetheless, I accepted her compliment for what it was.

Then she, too, was dressed, bags over her shoulder, cameras in hand, out the door and gone. "I'll be back," she said. "I want more time with you, a lot more time. We'll have that, Jack. I promise."

These two women, perhaps the most important in my life, had left me within a few minutes of each other. But they promised to come back. Now I'm getting sleepy again. Can't fight it. But it will be a blissful sleep, thinking of their return.

* * *


I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier to get an update from the hospital. It's been so busy here at the office with meetings. I got your email. So this email back to you will have to suffice until tomorrow. I'll call then. Sorry. Sorry. You're such a better sister than I am.