Frank and Regina


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"What does that mean?"

"Getting macho. How do you think I felt after what you and your lover did to me? "Just go away Frank and when I'm done fucking him I'll let you know." That told me that as far as you were concerned I was some kind of fucking wimp that would put up with shit like that. Like I was supposed to go sit in the corner and suck my thumb and wait for your call. I was not going to let that stand! What is the opposite of wimp? Macho! For my own mental health I could not let you get away with it.

"Physically I didn't stand a chance against your asshole fuck buddy so I did what they did in the old west when a big man fucked with the little guy. I got an equalizer. In the old west it was a six gun; in this day and age it is a Taser or a stun gun. And this morning I bought a hand gun and I stopped by the hospital to let your fuck buddy know that if he comes after me for revenge I'll kill him."

She was silent and I ignored her as I set up the table saw to cut the boards for the shelves. Finally she said:

"What about us?"

"Us? Were you thinking about "us" when asshole was pounding you and you were screaming "yes, yes, yes" or was "us" somewhere miles away? Where we stand right now Regina is that I have to decide if I even like you enough anymore to keep you around. You are right when you say that you know I love you, but that isn't enough any more. Loving you didn't keep you from stabbing me in the back. You say that you love me, but that didn't keep you from stabbing me in the back either and the thought is there now that you did it once so what will keep you from doing it again? Along with that thought is the thought "Was this the first time or just the first time you got caught?" How many might there have been before Stan? How quick will she be to do it again the next time she runs across a guy with a big cock?

"Those are questions that only you can answer Regina, but there is no trust now. Whatever your answers to those questions might be won't matter because I don't have any trust in you any more. You might be telling the truth or you might be lying. How would I know? Right at this moment all I can say is that in the "What Is Going to Happen Sweepstakes" divorce is the odds on favorite at 2 to 1. Co-exist and see what happens is at 10 to 1. Put it back together is a long shot at 70 to 1 and there are a half dozen others in the race with odds of anywhere from 8 to 1 to 60 to 1. It is just too soon to tell, but I will say this -- a rosy future for us is not looking good."

She started crying again and ran back up stairs.


The next morning I went into work and explained things to my boss. I told him that I didn't think I would need any more time off, but that if I did I would try to give him as much advance notice as I could. He told me not to worry and take whatever time I needed.

"I know what you are going through Frank. Been there, done that and lost the T-shirt in the divorce."

I spent the day doing my job while thinking about what I was going to do. It should have been a simple decision. She was a cheating slut so kick her ass out of your life, right? The problem was that I loved her and I had loved her for damned near forever and as stupid as it made me seem I did believe that she loved me.

But was love enough? Would love overcome the way I felt when Regina told me that it didn't matter what I said she was still going to fuck Stan? Would love get me by the fact that her actions told me as plain as day what she thought of me as a man -- that I would be wimp enough to just crawl off and wait for her to call me? Could love win out over all? I didn't know. I just didn't know.

After work I stopped at Denny's again for my evening meal and when I got home there was a truck from a furniture truck store parked in the driveway. And two men were carrying stuff into the house. When I went in Regina was directing them to carry the stuff to the master bedroom. I checked things out and saw that it was a bed. Regina saw me and said:

"You could have told me that you cancelled all the credit cards and took all the money out of the bank."

I nodded at the furniture and said, "It doesn't seem that it slowed you down any."

"I had to take the money out of the savings account that I set up to pay for a Caribbean cruise."

"Oh? When were you and studley planning on doing that?"

"It was for us Frank. You and me. It was going to be an anniversary surprise."

"Yeah! Right! I'm sure that I believe that."

She gave me a disgusted look and then said, "I hit the gym at lunch and they told me that I didn't have a membership there anymore. That your doing too?"

"I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for the place where you meet your lovers."

"Damn it Frank! I don't have lovers. Stan was my only mistake."

I shrugged, got my evening beer from the fridge and headed for my basement work shop. When the furniture men were done and had gone Regina came down to the basement and said:

"How long before we sit down and talk it out Frank?"

"Nothing to talk about Regina. Nothing you can say is going to change anything. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but you will be the first to know when I finally decide."

"We have to talk Frank. I need to convince you that you are wrong in what you are thinking."

"How am I wrong Regina. I saw you with him on our bed. You yourself told me that you were going to continue fucking him. How have I got that wrong?"

"You think that because of what I did I was thinking you were a wimp. You are thinking that because of what I did that you weren't man enough to satisfy me in bed and you are thinking that because of what I did I couldn't possibly love you. All of that is wrong Frank. I love you and I have spent years showing you that I do. I do not think you are a wimp and I have never thought that. Okay, so maybe by not saying anything at the time I led you to believe it, but it had to more to do with the situation at the time.

"I never expected to get caught and I was stunned and confused when suddenly you were there. I said nothing when Stan said what he said because I was too scared to open my mouth. Too scared and afraid I would say the wrong thing. As far as satisfying me? You are a marvelous lover Frank and you have never failed to satisfy me when we make love."

"Then what the fuck were you doing on my bed with asswipe?"

"I don't know if you will understand Frank, but I'll try. There isn't a woman alive who has spent time talking with her girlfriends who hasn't heard about large cocks and how great they feel. As a result I doubt that there is a woman alive who doesn't want to experience one. Most never get the chance. I probably never would have either except that one day I was at the gym to work out and I got to see Stan's.

"Stan and one of the other trainers were playing grab-ass while they were working out and they didn't see me standing off to the side. Joe grabbed Stan's gym shorts and pulled them down. Stan was commando under his shorts and I saw his cock hanging down. Even soft it was huge. I gasped when I saw it and Stan heard and he looked over and saw me. Seeing me looking triggered something and his cock began to grow. When it was erect it looked like it was a foot long. I found out later it was ten and a half inches. Any way, I tore my eyes away from his cock and I saw him leering at me and I ran for the locker room, dressed and hurried back to work.

"I couldn't put the sight of Stan's cock out of my mind and it was only natural that I would wonder what it would feel like. I never intended that it would happen, but I thought about it. The next time I was at the gym Stan came up to me and asked me when we were going to get together. I told him that I didn't know what he was talking about and he laughed and said he'd seen the way I looked at him and he knew I wanted it. I told him he was crazy and he laughed again and said that it was only a matter of time and he could wait. Every time I went into the gym he would hit on me and I kept telling him no, but I never stopped wondering what a big one like his would feel like.

"It took him six weeks, but I finally decided I needed to know what it would feel like at least once. I convinced myself that you would never know and it wouldn't matter because I loved you and a big cock was not going to take me away from you. Of course it turned out that once was not enough. The first time blew my mind and I had more and bigger orgasms than I'd ever had before in my life so I did it again. The day you walked in on us was the third time. It would have ended in a little bit because Stan was the kind of guy who just had to make more conquests and he would have dropped me for the next woman he wanted to hustle. I knew it so I thought I'd just hang on for the ride until he ended things. I would have had the experience and you would have been none the wiser. He couldn't have taken me away from you Frank. No man could take me away from you."

"You are wrong there Regina. He did take you away from me. That is why we are in the situation that we are in now. Stan and his big cock did take you away from me and you acknowledged that fact when you flat out told me to my face that you were going to continue fucking him whether I liked it or not. And your little story just now did not make things any better. He gave you more and larger orgasms than you had ever had? You think that isn't a kick in my teeth? You think that it makes me feel good to hear that I didn't get the job done in the bedroom?"

"Damn it Frank; I told you that you are marvelous in bed. You took care of me just fine. You are mechanically minded so let me see if I can explain it in terms you can follow. You know all about mechanical and electrical devices, right? You know how a rheostat works, right? Picture a rheostat that goes from zero volts to twelve volts. You turn the dial to the number one and you get one volt applied to the circuit. You move the dial up to the number six and the circuit gets six volts. With me here?"

I nodded a yes and wondered where the hell she was going with it.

"Okay, so imagine my pussy as a rheostat, but instead of a round meter with a dial it is a twelve inch tube and inside the tube at one inch intervals there is a toggle switch and each time one of those toggle switches is moved it applies voltage. Now substitute pleasure for voltage. Instead of the meter reading zero to twelve volts imagine it reading zero to twelve units of pleasure.

"You push your cock into the tube and the head of your dick reaches the first toggle switch and pushes against it and turns it on and I feel one unit of pleasure. Your cockhead reaches the second toggle, pushes against it and I get a second unit of pleasure. The same thing happens as you trip toggles three, four, five and six. The pleasure keeps increasing until you are all the way in me and then as you pound me you go just a little bit deeper and your cockhead keeps bumping against the seventh toggle switch and I'm crying at you to fuck me harder and faster to try and get you to hit that seventh toggle more and more. All the while you are making me cum, the pleasure meter is reading an average of six and half to seven units of pleasure and I'm loving it. You are doing a great job of keeping me sexually satisfied. Can you picture what I'm trying to say?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Okay, now imagine the same tube with a ten inch cock going in. Now switches seven, eight, nine and ten are triggered and the hard pumping occasionally bumps toggle eleven. I was perfectly satisfied at six and a half Frank. All Stan did was get four more inches into me to touch places that you couldn't get to and those places caused a higher reading on the meter. It was different Frank; that's all it was. It was just some added physical pleasure brought on by turning on a couple more switches. It wasn't love; it wasn't affection or even like. It was just sex Frank. Great sex, but just sex. With Stan I had damned good sex, but that's all. With you I had sex, love and physical and mental emotion.

"I was brain dead when I told you I was going to keep having sex with Stan. I knew that you loved me as much as I loved you and I was sure that I could convince you that he was no threat to us and that you would love me enough to have my little fling. I did not think you were a wimp and that I could just ignore you. I was so into what Stan's cock was doing for me that I wasn't thinking straight. I honestly did think you loved me enough that you would give me the room to experience what Stan could give me.

"There is no way to go back and reverse things, but believe me Frank when I say that I would if I could. Yes, I loved the feeling I got from Stan's extra inches, but the pleasure I got out of it wasn't worth losing you over. I'm sorry Frank. I never meant to hurt us. I'm just so sorry."

She got up and went upstairs to the bedroom and started putting her new bed together.


The next day things weren't any clearer for me. I did know that until I made up my mind -- or had it made up for me -- I needed to keep a close eye on Regina. I couldn't afford to hire a private detective since I wasn't a rich man and I needed to work so I couldn't follow her myself.

I got on the Internet and went looking for information and found a great deal of "how to" information. I found out how to tap a phone using items that could be purchased at Wal-Mart or Radio Shack and I found sites that sold spy cameras disguised as books, clocks and smoke alarms. I found places that sold 'bugs' that could be hidden in purses, shoes and even in pieces of jewelry. It was expensive, but still cheaper than hiring a private eye.

When I was done the phone had a tap on it; her car had a GPS tracker, and a digital voice activated recorder installed. There were two spy cams in the house -- one in her bedroom and one in the living room -- and the lining in the purse she used most often had a bug planted in it.


The next month went by with me doing my best to avoid Regina while she was doing her best to try and get me to sit down and try to work things out.

I made an appointment and saw an attorney and he pretty much told me what I already knew. We lived in a no fault state so assets would be divided equally. We didn't have kids so child support wouldn't be an issue. Regina and I had comparable incomes so alimony wouldn't be a factor. The sticking point would be the 401(k) s and pensions. We both had pension plans and a review would need to be done to see who got how much when we retired and an adjustment made to see that we both benefited equally. I had a 401(k) and Regina didn't so I would lose part of that.

Since I would be the one filing I would be responsible for court costs and if Regina fought it I might even -- if we got the wrong judge -- have to pay her attorney's fees. I told him I would think on it and get back to him.

I still didn't know what I was going to do and it looked like I had wasted a bunch of money on my 'spyware' purchases. I checked every day and there was nothing out of the ordinary. I'd almost decided that checking on Regina was a waste of time and money when suddenly Regina got a phone call from Stan on her cell phone as she was driving home from work. I could only hear her side of the conversation, but I knew it was Stan because she said his name.


"What do you want Stan?"

"No. I'm on my way home and I'm driving and I don't like to talk on the phone when I'm driving."

"No Stan. I'll be home in five minutes. Call me there."

"No. He won't be home for another hour."

"All right."

The call to Regina at the house was interesting as I got to listen to both sides of the conversation.


"Hi sexy lady."

"What do you want Stan?"

"Is that any tone to use with the guy who rings your chimes?"

"I asked you what you wanted."

"You. When can we get together?"

"I thought they had taken both of your testicles? At least that is what I heard."

"It was touch and go there for a bit, but I've still got the magic wand. When can we get together?"

"We can't. I'm fighting to hang onto Frank."

"Why? He can't do for you what I can."

"He comes damned close. Close enough anyway and he can do things for me that you never could."

"Yeah; like I'm ever going to believe that."

"Doesn't matter if you do or not. All you are is a big cock. Frank is the total package and I was stupid for ever risking losing him."

"Well you are going to lose him. I owe the son of a bitch and when I get done with him he won't be any use to you or any other woman."

"Don't do it Stan. He's expecting you to try something and he has a gun. He told me if he sees you within twenty feet of him he will kill you."

"He has to see me first and I don't plan on letting that happen."

"Leave him alone Stan. Please, just leave him alone."

"Maybe. Maybe if you make it worth my while."

"What do you want?"

"Oh come on sexy lady; what the fuck you think I want?"

"And if I do you will leave him alone?"

"Cross my heart, hope to die."

"Frank plays cards with some friends and he won't be here tomorrow. Call me about this time tomorrow and I'll see what we can work out."

"You got it. Till tomorrow."

Well, there it was. One of the things I'd thought about while trying to decide if I wanted to try and save things with Regina was would she likely go after a big cock again if she got the chance. It seemed like I had my answer. If she didn't tell me about the phone call it would mean that she couldn't be trusted. She still hadn't said anything by the time I knocked off working in the basement and went up to take my shower. I had my answer.


I decided to end things with a bang. I'd wait until she set up her next meeting with asshole and interrupt it the same as I had the last time only with a slight difference. I had my 92F now.

The next day I left work early, parked a block away and walked home. I was in the basement when Regina got home and ten minutes later the phone rang. I crept to the stairs and listened so I'd know when she hung up and then I went over and listened to the conversation on the recorder that taped the house phone calls.


"It's me."

"Frank goes straight from work to his card game so he won't be home until eleven. How soon can you get here?"

"Three minutes. I'm parked a couple of blocks away."

"The door is unlocked. Just come on up to the bedroom. I'll be naked and waiting."

I smiled as I thought "And so will I. Maybe not naked, but I will be waiting"

A minute or so later I heard the front door open and close. I gave him enough time to get upstairs and undressed and then I pulled the slide back on the Beretta and released so it slammed forward chambering the top cartridge in the clip.

I started up the stairs and just before I reached the top I heard someone coming. I wanted to catch the two of them in bed going at it so I hesitated. I peeked around the corner and saw Regina getting something out of one of the kitchen drawers. I was confused. She said she would be on the bed naked and waiting, but she was fully dressed. She turned and headed back to the bedroom and I gave her a minute and then followed.

The bedroom door was open, but I didn't hear the sounds of sex. I looked in the bedroom, but didn't understand what I was seeing. Stan was lying on the bed fully dressed. He was shaking and twitching and Regina was busy tying his hands to the headboard. Her back was to me so I slipped into the bedroom across the hall and left the door open just enough so that I could look through the gap and into the room across the hall.

Stan's thrashing was fading and Regina left the room and came back a minute or so later and I could see that she was putting something into her shirt pocket. It was small and I couldn't tell what it was. I heard Stan say: