Frankie and Johnny


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Mikey groaned loudly into the cockflesh filling his mouth.

He removed his mouth from Frankie's cock long enough to say: "Oh God, Johnny—you just have to taste this—it's to die for...."

I had to get out of there. My heart was beating a mile-a-minute—my body was trembling and shaking and my mind was a bubbling cauldron of confusion. I leapt off the chair like it was on fire and walked out the front door.

I stood by the closed door catching my breath; trying to hear if they said anything about me; trying to find out if this had been a set-up; a plan just for my benefit.

All I heard was Mikey making sucking and slurping noises, and Frankie's groans of pleasure growing louder and louder until he finally shouted "OH-MY-GOD—OH-MY-GOD—OH-MY-GOD—OH-MY-GOD...."

I hurried home and stripped off my clothes and lay on my belly on the bed. It took me less than two minutes of furious grinding before I made a huge mess on the sheets.

I fell asleep with drying cum on my belly and thighs, and a smile on my face...and a mental image of Frankie's hard cock ingrained in my mind.

The next morning, I was walking down the hallway and ran into Frankie. I had just finished laundry, my sheets needed washing. They were getting...well, a little crusty with a strong aroma of, know....

Frankie had driven Mikey home.

"I'm starving..." he said. "Want to go to Sunday brunch?"

"Yeah—I'm hungry, too—I'll go change then come over...."

On the way to the restaurant he never mentioned the events of last night. I half expected him to make some sort of crude comment, but it never came.

At the brunch, we loaded our plates, drank Bloody Mary's and debated the benefits of stimulus spending versus austerity. Neither of us believed in austerity, but one of us would always play the devil's advocate in all our discussions.

We were eating dessert when my boss, Walter, suddenly stopped at our table. He was with a kid who was about my age.

"John," he said, "Good to see you—fabulous brunch here—don't you agree?"

"Hi Walter, yeah this place is great—the service and food is first class," I said. "Walter, this is my friend, Frank."

They shook hands then Walter said: "John, I know you play golf, how about your friend?"

"Yeah, as-a-matter-of-fact we played yesterday...." I replied.

"Would you guys be interested in playing at my 'country club' today?" he asked, "My treat--it's only going to be Kenny and me...."

I saw the expression on Frankie's face and said, "Sure, Walter—we'd love to—thanks."

"One o'clock tee time, alright? I'll let the guard at the gate know you're coming—see you guys there."

"Sure—we'll be there."

When they left Frankie smiled and said, "We're moving up in the world—a 'country club' no less."

I replied: "Not just any 'country club'...'Whistling Pines Country Club'...."

Frankie smacked his lips and whistled then said, "Where the privileged few play and party...."

We had plenty of time to go home and change into clothes appropriate for a 'country club'.

During the drive Frankie said, "You never told me your boss is gay...."

His statement surprised me: "HUH? What do you mean—he's not gay—he's got a wife and three boys."

Frankie chuckled and said: "C'mon now—why do you think he was with 'Kenny'? Did you notice he didn't even introduce us to Kenny? Can you really picture them as 'friends'?"

"Well... now that you mention it..."

After playing a few holes with Walter and Kenny, Frankie leaned over and whispered to me " queer as a three-dollar bill...."

I nodded in agreement. It had become very clear that Kenny was just learning the game of golf, and Walter was trying to teach him how to play. Walter nagged and berated Kenny after every bad shot. Walter sounded like a domineering husband.

Once, when Kenny made a truly bad swing, Walter stood behind him, arms draped over Kenny's arms and shoulders showing Kenny how to address the ball and grip the golf club.

When Kenny leaned forward to address the ball, his round butt pressed against Walter's crotch; when Walter backed-up to allow Kenny to swing the club, the thin material of Walter's golf slacks ballooned outward from his crotch. He had an impressive bulge.

Kenny took all of Walter's criticisms without saying a word.

"He's a real 'passive'—isn't he..." I commented to Frankie.

Frankie smiled and said, "You mean 'submissive'...oh yeah, he's as submissive as they come...."

Afterwards, Walter bought us drinks and appetizers. He and Frankie dominated the conversation. I spoke sparingly, and Kenny never said a word.

At one point I excused myself to use the men's room. Kenny surprised me when he said he'd go with me.

I went to a urinal, and sure enough, Kenny stood at the one next to me.

We did our business in silence then just as I was zipping up Kenny said, "You're really lucky—Frankie's a dreamboat—I bet he's a considerate lover, too."

Huh? "No-no...we're just friends," I quickly corrected him.

His eyes lit up. "Really? The way you act around him—the way you look at him...sorry, I just assumed you were his girlfriend...."

Girlfriend? Good grief....

"Is he available? I'd die to be with someone like him...." said Kenny.

What the hell is going on here? I wondered.

It was like Kenny was part of Frankie's plan to seduce me. I thought back over the day but couldn't remember any time when the two of them had been alone long enough for Frankie to conspire with him.

Then I thought: this guy has some nerve to ask me if Frankie was available.

On the drive home we decided to stop at OYK's. The appetizers filled us up so we didn't want dinner, but we thought it was too early to go home.

The place was almost full. We had to stand with our drinks in a corner near the pool tables. Frankie had to wait about fifteen minutes before he got the chance to play a game.

Frankie won his game and soon was playing against another guy. I had to use the men's room. It was all the way across the crowded barroom. I had to walk by the dance floor on the way.

The dance floor was crowded with guys dancing with each other. I'd never seen that before. I stood and watched for awhile. It was fun figuring out who was a 'top' and who was 'submissive'. For some reason, I assumed the bigger and taller guys were the 'tops'.

Standing at the urinal, I looked at the 'artwork' on the wall. They weren't quite pornographic, but very close.

One painting in particular caught my eye: a naked guy was on his knees, his hard-on standing up from his crotch; his hands were by his side; his lips formed a perfect 'O'; and inches from his face was an erect penis with a large scrotum hanging below ; that was all you could see of the guy standing. I couldn't take my eyes off it—it was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen.

I was done pissing but was transfixed by the painting. I wondered what the guy on his knees was feeling at that moment.

I shook my head clear and finally got out of there. When I got close enough to the pool tables I saw Frankie talking with someone: a big man with a full, bushy beard. Suddenly Frankie reached for his wallet and pulled out some money. It looked like a hundred dollar bill; he gave it to the big, hairy guy. I wondered what that was all about.

By the time I reached Frankie the big man was gone. He was still 'holding the table'. He asked if I wanted another drink and when I said 'yes', he reached for his wallet. I told him it was my turn to buy.

The bar was jammed with guys who were mostly taller than me. I couldn't get the bartenders attention. Suddenly I felt a big hand on the back of my neck.

"Maybe I can help you out...." A deep, guttural voice said behind me. I turned to him and came face-to-face with the hairy guy Frankie had been talking with just moments earlier.

I was startled to see him. Another coincidence? I wondered.

"Don't think I've ever seen you here before...what are you drinking?" he asked. I told him.

"Paulie," he shouted at the bartender, "give my cute little friend here a vodka-soda and I'll take my usual...."

I protested when he refused my money, and then he said: "Hell, a cute boy like you shouldn't have to pay for any drinks...."

He was probably two or three years older than me, but I've been told I look five years younger than I am.

"C'mon, I got a table over here...." he said when we got our drinks.

Okay, I thought, I'll play along....

His big hand rested on the back of my neck as he guided me to the table where he was standing; no chairs. I didn't know the etiquette or protocol in a gay bar. I assumed if a guy bought you a drink you at least had to spend a little time with him.

When I put my drink on the table his arm went around my shoulders and he pulled me closer to him.

"You're one of the prettiest boys I've ever seen here...people call me 'Bear'—what's your name, cutie?" he asked.

"John," I said. I was getting a little nervous now. His strong hand stayed on me; holding me in tight against him.

I watched the guys on the dance floor.

I was able to see through the crowd at the pool tables. It startled me to see Frankie staring at us. He seemed to have a crooked smile on his face. Then it dawned on me what was going on.

Sure, it made perfect sense. Frankie had given 'Bear' a hundred dollars and all of a sudden he's coming on to me? Yes, I figured 'Bear' was in on Frankie's plan to seduce me.

I wasn't angry, but I thought about what I could do to teach Frankie a lesson.

Bear looked at me and asked: "Hey, little cutie—want to dance?"

That's perfect, I thought. I'll show Frankie that two can play his game.

Bear took my hand and I followed him onto the dance floor. He put his arms around me and pulled me close to him. It felt weird, but I put my arms around him and held on as we moved to the slow music.

I was feeling self-conscious about dancing with a man, but of course, as I looked around me, nobody paid us the slightest attention.

Bear pressed his beard against the side of my face. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt his tongue on my neck. When he pushed his tongue in my ear, I instinctively tried to pull away but he held me tight.

"Don't be nervous, lil cutie...," he whispered in my ear. "I'm more of a pussy-cat than a 'bear'...I like you—I like you a lot..."

Suddenly Bear took my asscheeks in his big hands, pulled me hard against him, and ground his erection into my belly. His cock was huge, like a tree-stump, I thought.

"You and me are gonna have fun tonight, lil cutie..." he said as his thick fingers pinched my asscheeks hard—I yelped at the surprising pain he was causing me.

"Oh yeah, baby...Ol Bear is gonna make you squeal all night long...." he said as he brought his face close to mine.

He tried to kiss me on the lips but I turned my head. He gripped my head with both hands and forcefully held it in place as he firmly pressed his lips to mine. His beard felt like steel-wool on my face. His lips were dry and cracked; he tried to push his fat tongue in my mouth. I resisted.

His tone of voice suddenly changed—he was angry I had turned my head away from him. What I saw in his eyes scared the hell out of me.

A strange smile spread across his lips as he said: "Oh, yeah, lil cutie...ol Bear likes it when a boy like you plays hard to get...ol Bear loves teaching a boy like you some manners..."

I tried to look around for Frankie but Bear held my head as he almost spit at me when he spoke: "I'm taking you home're gonna suck my cock the way I like're gonna worship my balls...when I teach you some manners you're gonna beg to lick my asshole...and then I'm gonna fuck your prick-teasing ass—I'm gonna fuck you so hard and long you won't be able to walk for a week..."

I began to tremble and shake—this game had gotten out of control. It wasn't supposed to go like this.

My mind began to cry out: FRANKIE—WHERE ARE YOU FRANKIE?

"...and when the sun comes up in the morning—I'm gonna snap my fingers and that cute lil ass of yours is gonna scramble as fast as it can between my legs and you're gonna do whatever the hell I tell you to do—now let's get out of here...."

He pulled me to his side and his arm snaked around me. His hand covered my mouth. He forcefully guided me to the front door.

I had never felt such fear. He was so strong I couldn't get away from him. I knew my arms would have ugly, purple bruises where he squeezed them.

The closer we got to the door the louder I screamed in my head.


Bear pushed the door open with his foot.

"Hey, Bear—where you going with my boyfriend?" It was Frankie. I almost cried I was so happy to hear his voice.

I heard Bear growl at Frankie, "This lil prick-tease belongs to you? I don't believe it. If he's yours you better teach him some manners...."

"Yeah, I've warned him about it before...when we get home he's going to get a good spanking."

Bear's grip on me loosened, but he didn't let go.

"I never seen you two together before..." he questioned Frankie.

"Nah," Frankie said, "...the little faggot is too embarrassed to admit he's queer...doesn't want to go to these bars...but you oughta hear him when he's bending over and I'm ramming his ass with my cock—he can't get enough of it...."

"Yeah, I thought so...." Bear replied.

Bear let me go. Frankie took my hand and said, "C'mon, bitch—let's dance...I saw you dancing with Bear—now you can finally dance with me in public."

And, for Bear's benefit, he yanked hard on my hand and I stumbled after him onto the dance floor. It was so manly and forceful it caught me by surprise. I gasped with uncertain delight; the fear inside me suddenly turned into excitement.

Frankie held me close and I clung tightly to him as we moved slowly to the music. I began to suspect another plot but I didn't care—I felt so safe and secure in his arms I wanted him to hold me forever.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Frankie whispered in my ear. "That is one dangerous man to mess around with...."

"I thought...I dunno...I don't know what I was thinking...." I said.

"Bear's still watching us...we might need to be more convincing...." Frankie said softly.

I looked into Frankie's eyes—he stared into mine. We froze in place as the people around us disappeared from our sight. We were both feeling the same thing. It was as though we were reading each others' minds.

Our lips came together; softly at first; then more urgent. It was a magical kiss; it awakened something deep within me. I felt a desperate hunger gnawing at the pit of my stomach. A loud bell went off in my head: after all these years I finally understood what I wanted in life.

"I love you, Frankie," I said; unabashed and unashamed.

The look of wonderment and joy in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. We kissed again—a long, lingering kiss. We only stopped when someone nearby said "Hey guys—get a room."

"Want to go home?" he asked. I nodded.

He took me by the hand and led me out of the club. We never thought about looking around for Bear.

Once inside the car, I immediately moved over next to him. We put our arms around one another and kissed. Our kisses became frenzied; filled with true passion. Our tongues danced together; the heat in the car rose higher and higher.

My hand automatically went to his crotch. I found his bulge and gently squeezed. He groaned into my mouth.

My hands worked to open his slacks. When I took his hot flesh in my hand I swooned and could contain myself no longer. I caressed his warm, throbbing cock like a man possessed.

I cradled his balls in my hand and rolled them with my fingers. His balls were extraordinarily heavy.

The hunger in my belly grew stronger and more intense. There was something I had to do—something I'd dreamt of since the first time I'd laid eyes on his magnificent prick.

I lowered my head and his manly aroma made me dizzy. I breathed in deeply—my own cock became rigid and stiff in my jeans.

"Johnny...oh my God...." was all he could say when I rounded my lips and slid them over his hot cockhead. He moaned deeply as I used my tongue on his smooth flesh.

My passion to give him pleasure overwhelmed me.

I thought about how I liked to be sucked so I did it that way for him. I must have been doing it right: his hands caressed my neck and shoulders as he moaned incessantly. His hips began a slight upward thrusting, forcing more and more of his cock into my greedily sucking mouth.

My fingers stroked his shaft as I sucked harder and faster. My mind was lost in a haze and fog of lust, desire and passion.

When he cried out I pressed my tongue to his slit and lapped at the erupting discharge. I was happy and proud that he rewarded me with his essence. I swallowed as much as I could. It tasted like the nectar of the Gods.

Up to this point in my life, nothing had prepared me for the sheer joy I felt in giving someone so much pleasure without expecting something in return. It had been purely an act of self-less love and passion.

When his lower body finally came to rest, and as I heard him gulping for air, my lips and tongue cleaned the excess fluids from his hairless crotch.

I inwardly smiled; secretly thrilled that I loved his manly aroma and taste because I knew I would be performing this act for him every day for the rest of our lives.

When he caught his breath he held me close and kissed me hard. His hands gently squeezed and stroked my shivering body.

"Johnny..." he said, "...I've never felt like this in my life—ever since we met I wanted to get you into my bed—I wanted you to experience the pleasure I knew we could give each other...but I HAVE to have you...I've never felt a hunger for another person like this before...I NEED you to be my lover...I love you, Johnny...with my heart and soul I love everything about you...."

I kissed him and told him I felt exactly the same way. I said we finally discovered what had been missing in all of our previous relationships---PASSION.

Can being in love with someone you don't absolutely hunger for every moment of the day even be considered love?

I rested my head against his shoulder as he drove us home. My small hand held his flaccid penis; I loved the feel of it in my hand.

"Well," I said, "...looks like your plan worked perfectly."

He hesitated then replied, "What plan?"

I chuckled. "You know—trying anything and everything to seduce me."

"Sweetie," he said, "...yeah, I wanted you in the worst way, but I never 'planned' anything...."

"Oh really," I laughed. "What about the other day after golf—you hurry out of the locker room to make a mysterious phone call—tell me you didn't call Mikey so I could watch you two having sex that night."

"You know, it had suddenly occurred to me that it was my sister's birthday—I called and wished her a happy for Mikey, well, I was a little weak that night—it had been such a long time...I noticed you got a boner watching us.... "

"Well...yeah, that's beside the point" I said. "What about today?"

"What about it?"

"You set me up with Bear so you could rush in and rescue me—I saw you give him a hundred bucks to do it."

He laughed. "You think pretty highly of yourself, don't you? I gave Bear a hundred bucks for the three-wood I bought from him the other day when I didn't have any cash on me---you know, the three-wood I told you about today when I used it for the first time?"

"Oh..." I said.

I guess maybe I had wanted something to happen between me and Frankie so much I imagined all these things.

Then he said: "You didn't ask me about today—you know, in the clubhouse after golf...."

I remembered Kenny. "YEAH—Kenny follows me to the men's room and stands right next to me then he asks if I'm your girlfriend? What was THAT all about?"