Freakiest Friday


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"I don't think so."

"I bet this time you'll like it. If you can come so much just from me licking your nipples, imagine..."

Mattie's eyes brightened. "Go get the lube. Hurry."

I pulled down my pajama bottoms, my erection springing free. Jumped up from the couch and ran to the bathroom to get the lube. When I got back, there was my wife, in my daughter's body, naked as the day they were both born, her legs spread wide, finger her cunt wildly. I dropped to my knees and brought my tongue to the engorged clit reaching out to me. I immediately started to lick around and over it.

"Too much, too much!" my wife shrieked. I pulled back, and started to lick up and down her pussy lips.

This was evidently better, as my wife started panting in exaltation. I licked up and down, up and down, and made one more pass at licking her clit. That did it. I was rewarded with a cry, a gush of liquid, and a shake of her thin hips.

"So she's multiorgasmic," I thought to myself. "Keep on going."

I kept on licking up and down, not letting Beverly a chance to slow me down. And as I did, I brought a finger up to asshole, and started to waggle it in. Again a cry and a gush of liquid.

The more I made progress with my finger, the more she came and came.

"Do it," Mattie suddenly yelled. "Do it. Put your big cock in my ass and fuck me. Do it now!"

Well, my lady, your wish is my command. I picked her up (my daughter weighed less than I was expecting), and dropped her on her knees in doggy position. Reached for the lube and squeezed a dollop onto my hand. My cock was an iron bar in my fist as I smeared the grease from head to tail.

I looked down at my daughter's small behind. So cute, really. Something from a porn movie, in fact. Long legs, thin hips, long hair. And a heart-like ass just waiting for me to fuck. I rared behind her and found my target in a stroke.

"Waaah," exhaled my wife as she bucked under the pressure. But I was surprised at how easily my cock burrowed into my daughter's anal passage. All my previous times, I had had to fight to gain entrance. I guess because of all the orgasms, Mattie was just ready for me to fuck.

I started slowly, but Mattie urged me on. "Uh, uhh, do it, do it, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder, don't let up, go, go fuck." The words poured out of her in a tumble. I strummed my fingers across her clitoris from time to time, and also held her small but hand-filling titties in mine.

Without notice, I suddenly felt a searing orgasm roar through my gonads and freight train its way to my brain. "FUUUCK!" bellowed my wife/daughter, and I answered with a "FUUCK!" right back.

And as if everything wasn't bizarre enough, I noticed that I kept right on going. What was I, a 18-year old kid? No, but I was screwing the body of my daughter, and that was her age. But I felt like I had been given monkey glands or something, and just wanted to keep on going, despite having already jetted a storm of cum into the bowels of my daughter's body.

"Wait, wait," breathed my wife below me, and I slowed to a stop.

She was breathing like a marathoner crossing the finish line. I could wait for her to catch her breath, but I knew I wanted to keep on going.

"You're still hard?" she asked.

I dipped into her a few times to make the answer self-evident.

"Can we slow down a bit? I may look like I'm 18, but I'm really 44 you know."

"Could have fooled me. I thought you said age was all in the mind."

"I did say that. And it's still true." She shifted to make herself comfortable.

"Do you think we can do a facing position? I like to look at you."

"Sure. But let's just rotate; I don't want to pull out and have trouble going back in."

I then scooched off the couch and stood up, holding her hips next to my groin. I pulsed my cock, just so she knew where I was. My wife followed me upwards, and I was surprised to see she could stand with her feet in my feet, and my prick was at a perfect level to stay in her ass. I pumped a few times, but she asked me to hold on, as that wasn't what she wanted.

Lifting one long luscious leg, she put it next to her ear. Gawd, I had no idea my daughter was so flexible. "Get ready," she said.

"For what?"

"On the count of three, I'm going to lift up my other leg. You're going to hold my ass, and put me down on the couch."

I started to ask how this was going to be possible, but she counted quick, "one, two, three." And on three, I held her ass, she lifted up her other leg, and fell backwards onto the couch, with me falling on top of her. I was concerned I had hurt her, but she just laughed.

I looked down at my gorgeous daughter, naked, flushed, tits shaking, her legs cantered off to my left, her ass rucked up.

"Pretty amazing, no?" my wife asked. "It's too bad she hasn't found a steady boyfriend to fuck. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she's pretty good at this sex thing."

"Makes me sorry I never knew you at her age. I bet we could have sweated up the sheets something fierce."

"Wait another sec." My wife pulled one leg under me, again with the ankle passing by her nose. But now she was spread-eagle under me, my daughter's long, luxurious legs pointing away from each other at a nearly 180 degree angle. I could look down and see her cute vagina winking at me near where my still erect cock was planted in her asshole. "That's better. Now, can you fuck me a little more slowly?"

I could, but only briefly. After that, it was off to the races again, as we drove each other on in our excitement. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, cum with me, darling," called out my wife in my daughter's voice. And seconds later, the dam burst in me, and I again drenched my daughter's lower intestines with a flood of semen.

"Pull out, pull out," she called shortly after. "It's starting to hurt." I did as requested.

"Gad, I hope we don't switch bodies again immediately," my wife murmured. "I'll have a devil of a time explaining why her butt feels like that."

"Sorry," I said. Always a good word to have on hand.

"That was wonderful. Mind-blowing. But that was really so wrong."

"You're telling me? I was the one fucking my daughter. You're just fucking your husband."

"In the ass. And loving it."

"Yeah, well how am I supposed to feel about loving it?"

"You'll work it out."

"Maybe after a year of therapy," I joked.

"Get up," my wife called. "I think she may be coming home."

Chapter 3

I didn't think it right not to tell her. So when she came in the door, I signaled my daughter to come into the bedroom with me.

"What's up?" she asked. "Have you figured out a way to get us back into our own bodies?"

"Sorry, no. I assume we'll get back at some point. In the movies, they always do." There was an awkward moment. I guess when you're in situations like this, awkward moments are plentiful.

"So what do you want to tell me?"

"I have to admit something to you. Your father and I...had anal sex."

"In my body?" She shrieked. OK, I thought this might be difficult, but now I saw I had underestimated her response.

"Yes. Let me explain. It was out of our love for you. We saw you're a virgin..."


"I don't mean anything negative about that. It's nice, really."

"Well thank you very fucking much."

"Actually, of course, you're not a virgin, you just were in my body when you made love for the first time."

"Do we have to?" Brandie moaned.

"Yes, we need to be honest here. This is very weird, and we have to get through this together."

"OK." She whined this like I had just gotten her to agree to clean her room.

"So let me get this out. Your father and I just made love. Obviously, this is your body, but he was making love to me. And since you're a virgin, we honored that. So we made love in another way."

Brandie rolled her eyes. "He fucked you in the ass."


"Did you like it?"


"C'mon on, mom, you said we were going to be honest here."

"Fine. Yes, I liked it. Actually, I liked it more than usual. Your dad and I have only done that twice before, and previously I wasn't very fond of it."

"Great. So now I know it's possible for me to take a load up the ass, and I'll like it."

I shook my head. Kids nowadays, what are you going to do?

"Look, you're young and healthy and sexy, so it's not surprising you can do things and enjoy them at this age."

"Only I'm not this age right now. I'm your age."


"So what are you saying, mom. You're going to keep fucking dad in my body and see how much you can enjoy it?"

"That's not what I was planning on saying. But I guess there's some truth to it."

"You're going to treat my body like your plaything?"

"I guess so."

"How about me? Do I get to treat your body like a plaything?"

I was silent. Why hadn't that occurred to me?

"How about I go out and screw everyone who wants a piece of this?" Brandie leaned over and pulled down the shoulder of my blouse. My breast popped out.

"You're not wearing a bra?" Seems stupid, but that's what popped out of my mouth.

"I don't like bras."

"Well, with tits like yours, I can see why. But I need a bra. It's not only for comfort you know. It's good for the long-term cause as well."

"Well, that's your problem, mom, once you get your body back. I don't care about bras, so I'm not wearing them."

"I'll make you a deal, sweetheart. Your father and I will cut back on sex. A lot. If you'll wear a bra."

"You know what, mom? I don't care. Fuck him all you want. That's your business. And I'll do what I want. That's my business."

"I just wanted to tell you about the anal sex so it wouldn't freak you out if you got back your body and was wondering what had happened."

"Mom, you just told me dad had anal sex with my body. I don't think there's anything else you could say to freak me out."

"My dear, there well might be."

Brandie was quiet for a moment. "Mom, I think I know what you're thinking."

"Should we each write it down, and then show?"

"No. Why don't you just tell me."

"I will, if you promise to tell me what you're thinking."

"Deal. Now go ahead."

I took a breath. "When I see you walking around in my body, I have this desire to make love to you."

I looked at my daughter to see her reaction. I could feel myself blushing already.

Brandie laughed. "I knew it! It's because I was feeling the same myself."

A big sigh of relief came over me. Before I knew it, my daughter had taken big strides to get in front of me, and with no advance warning, kissed me on the mouth. Her tongue—my tongue?—infiltrated my mouth, and I found myself kissing the woman whom I had seen in the mirror all my life.

I don't know what Brandie's experience with women were. For myself, I've only had some interesting experiments, where no one was taking very seriously. Which isn't to say I didn't enjoy it. I did. A lot. And I was interested in more. But all of these came after long gab sessions with my college friends, and usually came late at night after a lot of drinking or smoking. Here my daughter and I were, with the sun still shining, and each of us cold sober, passionately kissing, and starting to take each other's clothes off.

I had already slipped my hand under her shirt, to feel up my breasts. They felt different, now that I wasn't attached to them. And Brandie had her hands on my breasts. I was suddenly aware of how brazen this was. After all, I now had the perkiest breasts I've ever had, and I felt protective of them. Who wouldn't want to get their hands on these beauties?

Brandie took a step back, and shucked her shirt and pants. I was semi-relieved to see at least she was wearing my sexy panties, the red, lacy ones. I undressed myself, being a little more demure, but also a little more suggestive. I hadn't felt like that in a while, so it felt good.

Brandie attached her mouth to my breast, and I was a little startled at her aggression. But there was nothing for me to do but throw back my head and enjoy it. The feeling of her tongue on my nipple sent waves of pleasure straight to my brain, and I could feel my pussy juices start to emerge. She laved both breasts, taking turns, but clearly favoring my right breast. I suddenly realized my right breast was a little more sensitive than the left. Who would know that? Well, Brandie, of course.

Brandie surprised me again, this time pushing me onto the bed. I fell a little heavily. I looked up at her, amused. I had no idea my daughter was so aggressive sexually. And I liked it.

Brandie arranged me the way she wanted me. She moved me to the middle of the bed, and the next thing I knew, she was on top of me. Backwards. Her head was between my legs, which she parted. Her knees were on each side of my head, and when I looked up, I got a close-up picture of her pussy. My pussy. I've never seen it so close, or close up. I've held a mirror to see it, I even took a picture of it once (which I quickly deleted). But now, here it was, in all its glory. I have to say, I have a lovely pussy.

I didn't have much time to admire it, as Brandie was getting to work on her own pussy. Or the pussy I was now attached to, as the fabulous sensations flew straight to my brain. I could lie back and enjoy them if I wanted, but that wasn't the right thing. I pulled Brandie's ass down, and set her pussy against my lips for some serious licking.

After so many years of masturbating that pussy, I think I know a thing or two about what I like. And it turns out I was quite right about that. Within seconds I had Brandie moaning in pleasure, as I hit my favorite spots first. She pulled her head away to vent her excitement, but that just deprived me of mine, so I stopped for a second as well. That got her back to work in my vee, and I returned to hers with a passion.

Just to make sure she didn't try that again, I closed my thighs around her head, keeping her in position. I could feel a small orgasm overcome me, and then another and another. They grew in size, and Brandie must have been feeling the same. She fought against my thighs, as she shivered in her ecstasy, but I kept her held tight. She used her powerlessness to attack my clit even more, and I had to turn my head in order to scream out my overwhelmedness. I heard my own cry, and felt a moment of shame. I don't know what I was thinking, but to shut myself up, I bit Brandie on the inner thigh. Her whoop gave off a different type of sound. She hurriedly jumped off me.

"Jesus Christ, mom," she said with a touch of anger. "What the fuck was that?"

"Sorry, baby," I said. "I don't know what came over me. I don't think I've ever experienced anything so intense."

She grinned a very lopsided grin. "It's OK, mom. I know what you mean. That was extremely intense."

I saw her face was wet with my juices, and I had to imagine the same was true of my own. I was about to make a comment about it, when the door opened.

Chapter 4

I had heard noises from the bedroom, and at first I was just going to let things be, but they got louder and a little stranger. My curiosity got stronger. I hesitated at the door, when there was a shriek, and I could hear my wife say, "Jesus Christ, mom. What the fuck was that." Oh right, that wasn't my wife, that was my daughter using my wife's voice.

I opened the door, and looked in. They were both there. Naked. Not touching, but obviously right in the moment. They were flushed, excited, unaware of anything except one another.

And then my wife looked over at me. Damn, I mean my daughter. I've got to get used to this.

"Daddy," she said. "Come on over."

There may have been good reasons why I shouldn't, but at the second, there seemed no reason to disagree.

"Wow, you two," I said. "You look gorgeous."

The one in my wife's body reached her hand out, and pulled down my zipper. My daughter, that is, my daughter unzipped me, and put her hand inside to pull out my cock.

"You want to fuck us, daddy?" She gazed up at me with the look of someone who knew what she wanted and was about to get it.

"Is that what you want, baby girl?" I asked. She nodded. And my wife, in my daughter's body, nodded as well. I looked at her an extra moment. Damn, my daughter's got a fine body.

I stripped, and my cock was at full attention. "You've been pleasuring yourselves already?" I asked, and they both nodded, without any embarrassment.

"Who wants it first?" I had to ask, because the question was too difficult for me.

"Fuck me first, daddy," my daughter said. She was in my wife's body, and I like my wife's body. I looked at my wife, and she nodded.

"You've already fucked me, daddy, but you didn't know it. Now you get to know." I nodded. Yes, that was extremely exciting. I slotted my dick against her opening and pushed right in. The familiar feel of my wife's vagina accepting me in—delicious as usual.

"Ohh," came the sounds from my wife's mouth. "You've got a big dick, daddy."

I started to move in and out of her. "And you know how to use it," she continued.

I fucked her some more. Slow, then fast. Fast then slow. Pulling out so my cock rubbed her clit—all the things her mother likes. She was clearly enjoying it, and I could sense my wife, in my daughter's body, watching from just a foot away.

Something was missing, and then I knew what.

"Talk to me, sweetheart. Tell me what you're feeling."

"It's a little embarrassing, daddy. You're fucking me so good."

Hearing her call me daddy was exciting beyond belief. "That's it, daughter," I said, emphasizing our taboo relationship. "Tell me what it's like to have your daddy's cock in your puss."

"Oh, daddy, your cock is so good. I can't believe you're fucking me. I can't believe this isn't me, but it is me, and it's you, and you're doing it. You're doing it."

She started to shake her head from side to side, I was trying to keep it all together myself.

We were in the missionary position, and I signaled my wife, and she knew immediately what to do. I hiked my daughter's hips up, and Mattie put a pillow under them, so I could really bang her more deeply.

"YIII! DADDYYYY!" she exclaimed, clearly not expecting these new sensations. I could sense my daughter having an orgasm as I thrust faster and faster into her.

The woman in my daughter's body breathed into my ear. "Come in her," she ordered, and bit my ear. Damn, she's good.

I didn't just come. I exploded, like a fireball. "DADDYY!" she exclaimed again, as I injected my essence into her.

We stayed locked together at the groin, trying to regain consciousness. I realized I had never kissed my daughter, so I pushed my lips onto hers. What's that taste? Oh, yes, it's the taste of my daughter's pussy on her lips. So fucking wrong, and so fucking delicious! I licked her lips, and dipped my tongue into her mouth, all while still feeling my hard cock keep its stiffness in her cunt.

She frenched me in return. "Oh, Daddy, I had no idea you were so amazing," she said.

Let me tell you, there are words you never forget in life. Someday, when I'm on my deathbed, I expect to replay those words, and know that whatever else has happened, I've had a blessed life.

"You too, sugarplum, you too."

I lay back. My daughter cuddled in front of me, my dick, still a little hard, nestled between her thighs. My wife, in the gorgeous body of my daughter, cuddled me from the rear.

"Can you keep going?" she asked. Usually I'm a one and done kinda guy, but we're in a different time zone here.

"For you, you bet," I replied. "I just may need a little help."

"I can do that, daddy," she said. She emphasized the daddy, and used a little girl voice that I hadn't heard since Mattie was like 8. Oh my god, was that hot. I had no idea that would turn me on so much.

I was hard in moments. "What do you want, baby?"