Freja and Jeanie Ch. 04


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Pax's eyes widened and then narrowed angrily as he looked at her, beginning a stream of heated, unintelligible, and muffled invective.

"That will be enough of that language, young man," Karen said firmly, tapping the side of his head cast and making him stop. He drew a deep breath and sighed, looking up at the ceiling in despair.

"I feel bad for you, I admit," Alex chimed in as he looked at the contraption Pax was rigged into. His whole body, except for his nose and eyes, was armoured in a layer of medical plaster that an Ankylosaurus would be envious of. His arms were suspended at forty-five-degree angles by straps, and his legs were also lifted slightly away from the bed to prevent settling. "I mean, I remember wearin' a big, thick cast when I was a kid and broke my arm, and there was that itch I couldn't get at. It just itched and itched and got worse and worse..."

Pax squeezed his eyes shut and let out a sound that was somewhere between a squeak and a moan.

"Alex," Alexa chided, giggling as he swatted him. "You're such a brat! Why would you make him think about itches he can't reach when the real trouble will be making sure the catheter doesn't slip out when he has to pee?"

An even higher-pitched whimper of despair from inside the body cast.

"That's enough, you two," Mike said, laughing. He came forward and towered over the bed now. Immobilized though he was, Pax still found a way to shrink down into the mattress, his eyes wide.

"You've done yeoman's service, Mister Kim, the titan blond man said. "You selflessly threw yourself into a fight to rescue Jeanie, heedless of the consequences."

"A minor understatement," Karen noted.

"That being said, and because you've had to put up with my son's unaccounted-for sense of humour," Mike continued, looking down at Alex, who just shrugged. "We can safely consider your debt fully paid."

Pax muttered something that sounded like "Gee, thanks," from beneath the cast.

"I love it when everything works out, don't you?" Jeanie said cheerfully to everyone.


Napa County Airport, that afternoon...

"I'm sorry you guys can't stay a little longer," Jeanie sighed, holding Lexi's hands and swinging them back and forth. "But I know, you've gotta get back."

"You shouldn't be more than another day or so, once all those papers are signed and so on," Mike assured her. "And we'll just let your professors know you're going to miss a day or two because you're busy becoming independently wealthy. I doubt they'll say anything."

"It is because of you that we are," Freja said, hugging herself to the huge man she'd come to admire so much and even love. Mike had been a legend in her mind growing up, because of the stories Miranda had told her and Alexandra, and the truth exceeded the legend. "I may have thought of how to use it, but you were the one who discovered the kinetic properties, Michael. We owe you so much."

"Not even close, Freja," Karen said warmly, drawing the Danish girl into a hug. "Maybe we have appeared in your rear-view mirror, but there aren't enough years left to all of us collectively for me to thank you for helping bring my little sister back to me."

"Yeah, thanks, bitch," Alexa said, pulling the giggling Freja into a deep and loving kiss. Jeanie, meanwhile, was giving Alex a series of smooches to thank him.

Before Freja and Jeanie were ready, though, Mike got notified by the pilot that they were ready. There was a final round of hugs and kisses before the pair watched their friends head through the gate and out to the waiting plane. They held hands as the DeBournes headed to the gleaming black jet that awaited them. Karen led the way inside, and Mike brought up the rear. He turned and looked at them, smiled that reassuring smile and waved before heading inside.

Five minutes later, they watched the Thunderhawk taxi down a runway before picking up speed and peeling into the sky, finally fading from view. They stared for some time before sighing and turning around to head out of the airport to a waiting taxi.

"Calistoga, the Stevenson Inn, please," Jeanie instructed the driver.

"It was very nice of Michael and Karen to let us stay here with full services for another few nights, was it not?" Freja mused a few minutes later, laying her head back and looking at the ceiling of their limo cab. "More of the mud bath, all the gourmet food and music we want... they even gave us that one-time-use expense card if we want to go out again."

"I kinda wanna just stay in, Fre," Jeanie admitted. "It's been a crazy week, and I'm really dragged out, y'know? Yeah, I'm thrilled we're millionaires and all, but apparently that doesn't keep you from getting tired. Is that okay?"

"More than, my love," Freja cooed, patting her wife's hand. "When we get back, I must call my parents and tell them. They will be thrilled."

"I guess we can send 'em lots of money now, right?"

Freja considered and shrugged. "We can indeed send them money, but they will not want lots. My family is a simple one, and money complicates things. They own a house that is three hundred years old, it is in good condition, and they eat well. University is free in Denmark, so my brother and sister will be fine. Maybe we can send my parents some money for a vacation, but... the important thing is to give everyone money to come to Versailles when the wedding happens."

"I can't wait for that," Jeanie sighed, staring dreamily at the ceiling now as well. "That'll be the prettiest wedding ever."

"Will you phone your parents and tell them?" Freja asked.

Jeanie now pondered the question and shook her head. "Nah, I'll get 'em to come down to Toronto and tell 'em in person. That'll work better, I think."

"I think you are right, my love," Freja agreed, smiling at Jeanie and squeezing her hand. "Your instincts are so very right at times like these."

Jeanie felt validated. It was all she needed to hear.


Calistoga, an hour and a half later...

"No, I'm not kidding, mor," Freja said into her phone as she lay naked on the bed, looking at the ceiling with a big grin. "Jeanette and I are millionaires now. We sold the rights to the kinetic makeup down here in California."

"I... words fail me, Freja," her mother said, sounding out of breath. "But you kept the patent, right?"

"Yeah, of course," Freja assured her. "And all these contracts specify that if they sell their rights to someone else, we still keep our one percent ownership and dividends, they can't sell without that being confirmed. It was a really good deal, both the lump sum, and the little details to keep us invested. We're... we're set for life, mor. I don't even really know what to say."

"You will in due course, my dear, you always do the right thing in the end and get the reward," Ada said warmly, her tone making her daughter tear up. "It hurt badly to give up Alexandra, but because of that sacrifice, you are now married to Jeanette. And yes, sometimes you've had to learn the hard way, but you do learn, and that's what counts."

"I just want you and far and everyone else to be proud of me," Freja said in a tiny voice.

"My Freja," Ada said, her voice brimming with love. "My dearest eldest... never doubt how proud of you we are, and always have been. Not even a Gordon or a Blackwell could be prouder of their child."

Freja swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes teared up. "I'll call you from Toronto, mor. I love you. Hug everyone for me."

"We love you too, Fre. We'll talk soon."

Freja was sitting on the side of the bed and crying when Jeanie came in, having just gone to the hotel's sauna to give her wife some privacy when she called the fam back in Roskilde. She had tears on her face, but Freja smiled at the sight of her beloved.

"I hope our conversation with your mother and father is one tenth as gratifying and wonderful as that call I just had was," the Danish girl said, standing up and hugging her wife, who had already shucked off her robe. Naked embraces were the best embraces. "They are so very proud of us."

"Well, duh, yeah," Jeanie said as she clambered into the bed and spread her legs. Without a second thought, Freja straddled her wife's hips and nestled her pussy down on top of Jeanie's, beginning a slow, steady rocking action. They both sighed in bliss. "I mean, it's not every day your daughter and her sexy-ass wife become millionaires overnight, y'know?"

"Would you...have done the changing of anything?" Freja asked, squirming her hips, loving the sound of their gooey pussies kissing. "We started off so badly, with the drug smuggler with the rancid butt, and the constant disasters and dead hookers in mattresses. But then our friends, they came swooping in to save the day, and our bacon, and here we are now, wealthy and able to give you the life I want to give you, Jeanette. If this was the only way to have reached this point, by going through all of this agony and heartache I have caused you... would you have changed anything?"

Jeanie leaned down low, still undulating against Freja, but now her face just over her wife's, her soft brown eyes shining with love. "What, and miss the chance to fall more in love with the most amazing girl ever? I'm dumb, Fre, but I'm not an idiot."

Freja giggled and nipped Jeanie's nose.

"And y'know what?" the brunette continued, still lost in Freja's hazel eyes. "I'm so very, very happy..."

They sank into the plush bed, making gentle love, expressing themselves as only those truly in love may.


Author's Notes: Don't you dare forget the stinger after these notes, folks!

Hooooo, just about 54,000 words, can you believe it? I can't write a short story to save my life. But if you're a fan of this series, let's face it, you're almost as invested in these characters as I am, and you're in it for the long haul, right?

I'm sorry it's been nine months since I last published, and a lot of people were messaging me, to make sure I was okay and that Covid hadn't claimed me. Fear not, I'm now double-vaccinated and hopefully in the clear. It's been a long road for everyone, certainly. Freja & Jeanie 4 and Mike & Karen 21 were tough to put together, because they're intertwined stories, and there was much coordinating to be done. Earlier ideas were cast aside, scenes endlessly rewritten, and new ideas incorporated that required rejiggering earlier scenes. All part and parcel of creating and explaining the Alexaverse, and the larger Hammerverse. Great names, right? No burgeoning ego over here...

Pax is a new character, and there's another newcomer over in MK21, who is incredibly important as well. True, our young piano virtuoso took quite a beating in this chapter, but that just means there's room for him to grow, right? That's all you can really hope for when you're exposed to Freja and Jeanie anyway. Like I said, this story happens alongside MK21, so make sure you read it as well, to get a sense of what's happening. Big events are unfolding in the Alexaverse, so make sure you're up to speed. Having said that, let's get on to the stinger!

Wear a mask, get vaccinated, and punch Nazis. We're all in this together.

And keep your stick on the ice!



"So, Paxi, we wish we could stay longer, but we've gotta get to the airport in Frisco and boot home," Jeanie said, patting his leg, which was still suspended in a cast. "We may be really rich now, but we've still gotta get our educations, right? We can't be ignorant, ugly rich people, can we?"

From below his head cast, Pax just looked at Jeanie wearily.

"And the doctors, they say you have no concussion, and your other injuries will knit quickly enough," Freja added, drawing dicks for fingers on the hand part of his body cast. "I am especially grateful for no damage to these lovely hands you wear."

"Yuff uff muh buff..." he seemed to say.

"You'll be back on solid food before you know it, too, and then you can have all the hoppy, hipster IPAs you like without Professor Hulk stuffing you in the bottle," Jeanie quipped, giggling. She then glanced over at the room's open door before slyly caressing his groin. Not that he could feel it through the plaster carapace he was ensconced within. "Pity you're all trussed up, because we could've used a little dick before getting on the plane, y'know?"

Pax seemed to whimper in despair. Would these two never leave?!

"At least you've got all the best services and food while you're here, and then some home nursing if you need it," Jeanie continued, knocking gently on his crotch, as if trying to awaken it. "Will you message us when you're out?"

Pax's eyes narrowed. "Nuff uf fuffa chuff uh huff. Uh wuf ruff huff mu uhbfff fuff uff mu huff."

"I'll just assume that was a yes," the brunette said easily as she and Freja leaned down on each side of his head and grinned for a selfie she took. Each of them then kissed him on the forehead and stood up, getting ready to leave. "Oh, beeteedubs, we felt bad for you, laying here all day, so we got ya that really nice li'l stereo system there and we even loaded piano music into it for you. Couldn't find any of your Richthofen dude, so I hope this'll be alright. Lemme turn it on..."

She went over and booped a button to begin the music before they both headed toward the door, smiling and waving.

Pax's eyes widened in horror as he heard who was playing.

It was Lang Lang.

"Bye, Paxi," Jeanie said sweetly, blowing him a kiss and failing to notice his trembling struggles and muffled screams. "Don't be a stranger!"

She closed the door behind herself.

Pax was thrashing as hard as he could inside his plaster shell, wailing in outrage as the music assaulted his ears, much the way those merciless fingers pounded the innocent and hapless keys beneath them. Each crashing note and chord was like a butcher's nail into his brain. He writhed and screeched, helpless to defend himself.

Why wasn't there potassium chloride in his IV drip?!

He'd finally chewed away the plaster in front of his mouth and spit it out, panting and gasping in panic, his mouth full of chalky debris. He sputtered and hissed, his eyes wild as he fought for his voice.

"No! Off!" he shouted in a raspy voice, tinged with agonized outrage. "Turn off! Stop! End play! Cease! Desist! Computer, end program!"

But Bang Bang just kept on playing.



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The author would appreciate your feedback.
BassNutt51BassNutt51almost 2 years ago

Wow, another great tale in this series, I look forward to the expansions with exuberant anxiety. You make me Google many things, for the fun of it, to understand all of your references but it only adds to the charm of these stories. Great writing, it's much appreciated, please keep up the good work. Thanks again for writing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜œ

ForbiddenLover78ForbiddenLover78over 2 years ago

Fre and Jeanie are hilarious - I was in stitches with the wine vat episode!

Nice "butcher's nails" reference there at the end too! I'm starting to get more and more used to you throwing subtle 40K refs in, like how the cavalry (complete with their very own SM!) showed up to the rescue in a Thunderhawk.

FoggyKernelFoggyKernelover 2 years ago

I have laughed so hard that my nose is running and my eyes watery. Appreciate the synergy between this and Mike&Karen 21, well done!

SAV12SAV12almost 3 years ago


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