Freshman Ch. 06: Equilibrium


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"That's a serious compliment. Rachel's seen the inside of a lot of boy's places..."

Joe and Randy coughed in unison as Rachel dropped her jaw at her friend's playful taunt. Scoffing incredulously, she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Hilarious. Such a bitch."

Rebecca rolled her eyes back and clucked her tongue as she slipped off her light sweater and turned to walk in Rachel's direction. As she passed, she ran her fingers playfully over her friend's stomach and set her sweater down on a bar stool.

"Whatever. They already know you're a whore."

She paused and winked at the boys before finishing the thought.

"That's why they invited you back."

She grinned evilly and moved to touch Rachel's cheek with mock-condescension. But Rachel swatted her friend's hand away and scoffed again.

"Ummm, they invited you back, too. Guess we're both whores."

They glared teasingly at each other for several moments before breaking into a giggle. Turning towards their hosts, they giggled again as they took in the nervous silence and tension on their faces.

True to their unhidden expressions, both Joe and Randy felt the air hold tight in their lungs as they listened to the girls' back-and-forth. While it had surely been a playful exchange, it was still arousing to hear such implications. Even if they already knew (especially Joe) from prior experience what the girls were about.

Rebecca finally broke the tension. Moving away from Rachel, she took a few steps into the living room and glanced all around. She nodded with satisfaction and smiled warmly.

"But she is right. You guys clean up nice. Maybe you can give us the number for your maid."

Randy and Joe smirked and exchanged glances again. It may have sounded like a simple line, but Joe had actually been truthful regarding their motivation. The exceptionally spotless state of the apartment had more to do with the hopeful plans they'd had for the evening than any intrinsic desire for cleanliness and order. Joe, especially. He'd already made a soft commitment to his neighbor, Kim, with whom he'd been hooking up pretty regularly. He inhaled softly and made a mental note to text her and cancel the plan before it got too late.

His thought was interrupted, however, as he looked up to see Rebecca's gaze fixed on him with a clear purposeful intensity. He'd definitely picked up on some signals from her from the moment he and Randy had approached them at the party and gotten reacquainted. Of all the very many spectacular memories he had of that wild threesome with her and Rachel a year prior, the way she'd gone at him so passionately stood out clearly in his mind. While Rachel had done the lion's share of the work that night, it had been clear that Rebecca had been revved up for more than she'd gotten from him. And he was beginning to think that perhaps she had designs on settling some unfinished business.

He grinned subtly at her fiery, green-eyed gaze before turning his attention to the girl who had played the larger role in the best sexual night of his life. If possible, Rachel looked even better than he remembered. Her hair was a little longer and her slender frame as tight and well-shaped as ever. He swallowed reflexively as his eyes settled on the most obvious target of her figure: her ridiculous boobs. If he concentrated, he could still clearly picture every soft, perfect curve. The unnatural perkiness that belied their full, voluptuous shape. Her soft, modestly-sized nipples that stuck out adorably from her smooth, creamy flesh.

As it was, the amount of cleavage she was proudly displaying was practically enough for him to recapture the image. The slender dividing line of her breasts ran high on her chest, stopping just above a small, heart-shaped golden locket that dangled from a delicate chain around her neck. Her skin was mildly tanned and the visible indentation of her collarbones was tenderly alluring.

Joe managed to peel his gaze upwards to reach her face and he tingled automatically at the sight. While Rachel's curves drew most of the attention, her sparkling eyes and the soft warmth of her smile was just as enchanting. She was a pretty girl for sure, but it was more her aura and the radiating energy of her expressions that best conveyed her beauty. She at the same time could appear whimsically playful and mysteriously intense. And so blatantly sexual. It was tangible. Like the aromatic heat from an open oven simultaneously warming his face and slipping stealthily into his nostrils.

Joe shook himself from the daydreams as he watched Rebecca step in between him and Rachel, cutting off his admiring stare and replacing it with an equally tempting view. Rebecca tilted her head and raised a playful eyebrow.

"But I'm sure you didn't invite us over to show off your dusting skills."

She paused and pouted her full lips meaningfully.

"Did you have something else in mind?"

The boys swallowed in unison as the intensity of the moment crackled in the air. Randy moved to respond, but he couldn't form the words. Picking up on his roommate's paralysis, Joe stepped up, albeit with a tone a bit shakier than intended.

"Yeah, I think we could come up with something."

Rebecca felt the power course through her veins as her overt sexuality kept the boys' tongues tied. She loved being in control and keeping others on edge. It made her feel so alive.

Smirking teasingly, she sucked her teeth and continued.

"Well, I'd hope so."

She let her eyes flick between both of their faces.

"You've had a whole year to think it over."

Joe inhaled sharply and reflexively adjusted his gaze behind Rebecca to look at Rachel once again. She met his eyes and smiled knowingly, her cheeks going suddenly warm. Joe blushed as well, his thoughts going not only to that one mind-blowing night in his dorm, but to an afternoon a few weeks after.

He hadn't been able to stop thinking about what had gone down with the girls so he'd finally started texting Rachel with some probing hints about hopefully getting a chance to run it all back. She'd ignored him initially but he'd eventually broken through. And it had been his reminder that the last thing she'd offered him as she'd left that night had been the promise of a "rain check."

He hadn't wanted to complicate things by involving Randy so he'd simply set something up for a time he knew his roommate wouldn't be around. He'd known that high school schedules didn't allow for nearly the measure of freedom or autonomy that he enjoyed in college so he'd been pleasantly surprised when Rachel had agreed to meet him in the middle of the day on a Tuesday.

The hookup hadn't been nearly as wild or unexpected as the magical threesome, but it had still been vividly pleasurable. Rachel had shown up to his dorm in what looked to be her school clothes and given a quick story about faking a migraine to get free. She'd told him she didn't have a lot of time however so he'd been more than happy to indulge her in her request to get right to it.

Before long those same school clothes were in a pile on the floor and the mysterious goddess who had blessed his recent dreams was hunched over him on his bed, treating him to the same toe-curling oral performance that she'd given previously. He'd made sure to enjoy every genetically-blessed inch and curve of her body and they'd made out vigorously for quite some time. But once she'd slid her way down his torso and gotten to the main event, he'd simply locked his fingers behind his head and enjoyed the ride.

Rachel tingled warmly as she too recalled that afternoon. She could still feel the butterflies flapping in her stomach when she'd read his texts during her morning classes and made the decision to meet up. As whimsical as she could be at times, Rachel was a girl of purpose when she set her mind to such things. A quick trip to the nurse's office and an even quicker drive across town was all she'd needed before she was back in the dorm room that had served as the setting for the wildest sexual experience of her life.

She'd liked Joe and enjoyed their hookups and she'd left his room that day assuming that she'd be back at some point. But life had simply gone down different corridors and that had been the last she'd ever seen him. And, up until he and Randy had approached them at that party a little less than an hour prior, she couldn't even recall the last time he'd entered her thoughts.

Joe shook himself out of his daze and smiled brightly as he moved his focus back to Rebecca. Glancing quickly to Randy and then back to both girls, he nodded with friendly confidence.

"Yeah, I think we can think of something..."


"Becca! Oh my GOD! Put it IN! Fuck! No! No! Oh my-! What the fuck is wrong with you?? No! Just do it! Are you serious right-? You're fucking useless! No NO!! Shit!"

Rachel threw her head back and brought her hands to her face in full, pained exasperation. Laughter echoed through the space and Randy let out a triumphant exclamation.

"YES! Hell yeah!"

He smiled wide and turned to exchange an enthusiastic high five with Joe. As they slapped hands, he glanced back to the coffee table in front of him and indicated emphatically to the glass closest to his seat. A single quarter lay flat on the bottom. Releasing Joe's hand, he flipped the quarter back out of the glass and pointed to the girls.

"That's it, baby!"

He paused and rubbed his hands together for effect.

"Time for those tits!"

Rachel dropped her hands from her face and shook her head, a sheepish smile crossing her lips. But her expression darkened to one of playful disgust as she turned to Rebecca. She glared at her best friend and smacked her shoulder with the back of her hand.

"Nice work, bitch. Unbelievable."

Rebecca glared back for a moment but she couldn't help averting her eyes as guilt swarmed her face. She stared at the quarter she'd been unsuccessfully trying to bounce into her own cup as if it had committed an ultimate betrayal. The competitive fire inside her roared and she swallowed hard. She didn't care about the consequences of her poor performance; she just hated losing so much in any form.

Sighing and shaking her head as well, she looked up to face the set of smiles across the table. Joe and Randy's grins could've lit up the darkest corners of the ocean. She let her eyes drift from their faces down over their bodies as well. Both boys had their shirts off and were sitting on the edge of the couch in just their jeans.

As it often turned out with college-aged kids, the activity of the evening had quickly become one centered on drinking. The boys had conjured up an impressive amount and variety of alcohol from their kitchen and directed their guests to the living room. The foursome had run through a few different drinking games involving cards, questions, coins, and whatever else they could think of. They'd settled around a small coffee table and laughed, drank, and competed as the hours pleasantly melted away.

With everyone solidly drunk and loose, the stakes had eventually heated up into the arena of removing articles of clothing. Such a suggestion had, of course, arisen from the boys' side of the table but the girls were certainly not ones to back away from a challenge. And while nothing had been officially declared, getting naked seemed to be a natural stop on the path the night might be taking anyway.

Rebecca peeled her gaze away from her half-naked opponents and back to the angry teammate on her side of the table. Rachel, like her, was down to only her underwear, the evidence of their ineptitude lying in crumpled piles nearby. She looked into her friend's fiery, dancing eyes and smiled shamefully again. She knew Rachel's annoyance was rooted in the same motivation as her own. Rachel obviously couldn't have cared less about getting naked in front of a couple of guys (one of which she'd already been intimate with). She just hated losing, too.

With a sigh, Rebecca shot her friend one last apologetic look before turning back to the boys. She rolled her eyes at their childlike exuberance and smirked. Bending one arm behind her back, she manipulated her bra's clasp and let the material spring apart and fall from her shoulders. Tossing it onto the pile of discarded clothing, she smirked again and let the boys enjoy their victory prize.

Joe and Randy both stiffened as their eyes focused sharply on the arousing image of Rebecca's bare chest. Her breasts were not as large as Rachel's but they were perky and full in their own right. Her smooth skin sloped delightfully down from her clavicle to her brown nipples, which stuck out teasingly in room's chilled air. As she flipped a handful of her dark, wavy hair over her shoulder, they shook gently. It was an image easy to get lost in.

But as easy as it was, an unavoidable itch made both boys flick their eyes nervously to the girl kneeling just to Rebecca's left. The anticipation of Rachel following suit and disrobing in matching fashion was perhaps the only force strong enough to pull their attention away from the fresh exposure they'd just been treated to. Joe, of course, had already been witness to such a wonder, but that didn't make it any less exciting. And Randy could barely contain himself.

Rachel felt her heart pound in her chest as a spark of arousal heated her senses. The side-eyed view of her best friend's nudity had sent her brain down exciting pathways. And now that the boys were eying her up like stalking tigers, she could feel the pulsing between her thighs beginning to grow to a throb.

She held her position for a moment, soaking up the anticipation and letting three sets of eyes lock onto her in the spotlight. It was intoxicating but she didn't want to keep her audience waiting forever. With a smile and quick twist of her fingers, her bra slipped off her shoulders, dropped into her lap, and her large, soft breasts officially joined the party.

The sucking in of oxygen was audible and Rachel shivered pleasurably as she fed off the admiring arousal directed her way. She watched Joe and Randy stiffen and she grinned playfully. Rising up a little taller on her knees, she arched her back, pushing her full globes out to a heighted state of attention. Her head was already swimming from the alcohol and it amplified the prickly heat needling her gut. Without thinking, she cupped her boobs from underneath and ran her hands up and over before dropping them and letting them fall heavily back into place. She was drunk but she knew exactly what she was doing and the effect it had on everyone watching. And she loved every second.

It was finally a playful scoff that broke the tense silence of the moment. Rebecca was a supremely confident girl in almost every way but being held up for blunt comparison to her best friend was one of the few areas that let a little air out of her balloon. Part of it was the confusingly powerful arousal she felt when an encounter with Rachel toed its way towards intimate ground. And the other was simply the palpable way Rachel sucked the full attention of a room her direction like a sexual black hole. And as she watched her friend parading her otherworldly tits and hypnotizing the boys, she couldn't help but let a teasing jab slip out.

"Okay, wow. Why don't you just slide over the table and start sucking their dicks?"

The jab wasn't malicious but it caught the attention of everyone in a heartbeat. Joe and Randy let out a coughing laugh as the air that had been held in their lungs gratefully escaped. For her part, Rachel snorted reflexively and turned suddenly to face her friend. She felt heat spreading quickly to her cheeks and the tips of her ears. She knew she'd been putting on a little show but being called out made her feel a sting of silly embarrassment. Firing up her own defenses, she laughed again and shot back.

"Oh my God, shut up! This is your-!"

She paused and licked her lips, indicating to the glass in front of her with a quarter inside.

"This is your fault anyway! You are the worst at this game!"

Rebecca grinned back and shook her head. She, too, was pleasantly drunk and deep down she knew that it had been her bad play that that cost them. She cursed herself silently as she replayed all her numerous misses. She was usually pretty good at quarters but she'd been terrible all night. But she was in no way ready to concede anything.

"What are you even talking about? You've been fucking up too-!"

Her rebuttal died as Rachel cut her off with a shrieking protest.

"Bullshit! Bull-shit! I've made like, ten in a row! I've-! It's you! You suck!"

Rebecca scoffed and choked down the laughter bubbling in her throat. Rolling her eyes she fired back with a thickly accusing tone.

"Uh, you're the one who sucks. It's definitely your favorite thing."

The girls continued to laugh and playfully taunt each other before their giggles eventually died down. From across the small table, the boys had greatly enjoyed the exchange. That the girls were showing some intensity (even if just in a joking way) made their scorching hot nudity even hotter. Finally, Randy shrugged and jumped back into the conversation.

"Look, don't feel bad. You guys just aren't as good as us."

He paused and grinned as they rolled their eyes at his playful condescension.

"We can pick a different game that maybe you're better a-."

Rebecca jumped in just before he finished. Turning her scope from Rachel back to the true opponents in the room, she smirked arrogantly.

"Um, fuck that. I can totally kick your ass at this!"

Randy raised his brows and sat back a little.

"Oh yeah?"

Rebecca smirked again and rose up taller as she felt the confidence burn through her veins. Indicating to the boys' somewhat similar stages of undress, she cleared her throat and made an offer.

"Yeah. Give me one shot. I make it, you boys strip. All of it. I miss, we will."

Rachel scoffed out loud and shook her head. Jokingly slipping her fingers through the straps of her underwear, she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, great. So I should just get naked now or...?"

Rebecca shot her grinning glare and hit her on the shoulder.

"Shut up."

Turning back to Randy, she raised an eyebrow and held the quarter up in the air.


Randy swallowed and exchanged glances with the Joe, who shrugged in return. Honestly, either outcome sounded fine. They imagined that if they weren't at the point of a sure hookup, they were certainly fast approaching. There didn't seem much downside to "losing" such a bet.

But that didn't mean they couldn't negotiate. Joe smiled thoughtfully and sat forward. Raising a curious eyebrow, he countered.

"Yeah, but we're not even. We still got our pants."

He grinned and shook his head.

"You gotta sweeten the deal."

Rebecca swallowed and kept her eyes on Joe for a moment. She respected him not just giving in. Rolling her eyes, she exhaled and said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Fine. I miss, we'll strip. And..."

She paused and licked her lips as a tickle of arousal passed through her gut.

"We'll make out."

The words affected everyone, but Rachel most notably. Raising an eyebrow she turned to flash a surprised look at her friend. As she saw the playfulness in Rebecca's face, she felt her entire body tickle with excitement. She swallowed hard and bit down on her lip.

It didn't take long for the boys to accept the offer and soon the table was cleared for Rebecca's big shot. Three sets of eyes bored through her as she carefully positioned the glass and angled her wrist. She gripped the quarter tensely and took a few breaths. Her vision blurred slightly and she shut her eyes, trying hard to focus and visualize just as she did in field hockey. She wanted to make the shot so badly just to prove that she could. Opening her eyes she took a final breath, smiled confidently, and cocked her arm back.