Freshman Ch. 07: Like Father Pt. 01


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"Greg-. You're crazy. No."

She laughed and shook her head at him as she glanced down at his busy fingers.

"And I see definitely nothing's changed here. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but I'm not just going to leave with you and go-."

She cut off as Greg pulled her in closer, this time bringing their bodies into firm contact. She inhaled as she felt the clear impression of his hardness push obviously into her pelvis. She could suddenly recall the explicit image of his penis. Its size and shape. How it felt in her hand. And nudged snugly into the top of her throat.

Greg's own head was swimming but he kept the pedal down. With a slight slur in his words, he laid out the facts as best he knew them.

"C'mon. Look, you were the one who just said this party sucks. And who knows how long your douchebag buddy from before is gonna hang out before he decides to track you down again?"

His eyes lit up as he turned back towards the part of the house they'd come from. Pretending to disengage from her to move in that direction, he continued.

"In fact, I did tell him you'd only be a minute. Maybe we should go back and find-."

Rachel's eyes widened and she reflexively pulled Greg back in tight, shrieking in playful objection.

"No!! No, don't-!"

She sighed in mock exasperation was about to fire off a response when she stopped in mid-thought. She grinned. And then she laughed.

She couldn't help it. The press Greg was giving her conjured up the unsettling emotions of the spring yet also simultaneously filled her with warm nostalgia. She'd obviously never really had any feelings for him; their "relationship" had been simply a comically casual collection of blowjobs. But she'd liked him well enough. He could be a bit of a dick, but his cutting confidence and bold advances had been cute in a strange way. And while she wouldn't ever admit it to him, she'd only ever really feigned annoyance at his repeated requests to give him head at inopportune, in-school breaks. She'd wanted to do it. And she'd enjoyed getting him off pretty much every time.

Her reluctance beginning to softly wane, Rachel cleared her throat and mounted a final defense.

"Look, you're being ridiculous. Where do you even want to go?"

Greg smirked as he sensed her familiar acquiescence. Shrugging, he pulled a set of car keys out of his pocket and twirled them around his finger.

"I don't give a fuck. We can go back to my house or something."

Rachel cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at him with condescension.

"Greg. You're hammered. You're not driving anywhere."

She reached out to grab his keys but he pulled them back quickly. The sudden movement almost caused him to stumble. Brushing it off, he shrugged again.

"All right, I mean, we can just go to my car then. Never said we had to drive anywhere..."

Rachel's throat contracted reflexively and she rolled her eyes at his less-than-charming counteroffer. She spoke, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh, just go to your car? Really? Gosh, you're charming."

She twisted her lips into a smile of mock gratitude.

"How did I get so lucky...?"

Greg grinned back but brushed her off like she was being unreasonably difficult. He'd been drunk when he'd first seen her, but his level of intoxication had only climbed since. Rolling his eyes in his own annoyance, he shrugged again.

"Well, then, like I said, let's just fucking go to my house! Why you being so difficult?"

He pulled her back into him and tried to speak in his most earnest, convincing tone.

"Rach, it's all good. My mom and sister aren't even home. They're out of town visiting colleges. And like, my pop, shit. Old man has probably been asleep for hours. We can just roll in real chill and it won't even be a prob-."

His words cut off as Rachel unexpectedly pushed him back and decoupled from the embrace. The silly defiance was gone from her face and she looked suddenly entirely serious. Almost upset. Greg cocked his head in confusion and squinted at her as his foggy brain tried to figure out what he had said to bring about the complete change in her demeanor. What the hell was she doing?

Rachel felt her entire body shiver as she replayed Greg's words in her head. She knew he had no idea he'd even done it, but something he'd said had forced a pulsing throb between her legs. She held the air in her lungs as her brain focused on the arousing memory that was now dominating her every sense. That time she'd hooked up with Greg in his dad's home office after the party. And how she'd gotten herself off violently during the act while fantasizing about-.

The memory took her breath away, and without even thinking, she again reached for Greg's keys. This time with snapping quickness, she successfully snatched them from his grip. She stared at them for a few moments as her chest heaved with heavy breaths. Her pussy throbbed again. God, that office. She blinked her eyes as the event with Professor Davis also elbowed its way into her thoughts. Her toes curled in her shoes.

Finally coming back to the moment, she suddenly adjusted her gaze to look directly at Greg once again. Mild embarrassment tickled through her as she took in the utter confusion on his face. She realized she probably looked like a crazy person.

Clearing her throat, she softened her expression back into one of playful warmth.

"Okay. We can go to your house."

She closed her fingers around the keys in her palm and raised an eyebrow.

"But I'm driving."


"Greg! Oh my God! Seriously! You're going make us craaaa-!"

Rachel's objections disintegrated into a burst of squealing laughter as Greg's lips pressed in roughly onto the side of her neck. The tickling sensation made her jerk the wheel and the car swerved suddenly across the road's center line. Regaining control, she adjusted her grip and shoved Greg away with her right hand, causing him to plop awkwardly back into the passenger seat.

Free for the moment of his libidinous advances, Rachel composed herself and shot him a menacing glare. But it too melted quickly into a smile as Greg's glassy grin made her laugh again.

"Jeez, you're a fucking mess! Can't you just relax for a few minutes until we-?"

Her words were again cut off as Greg leaned back towards the center console and slid an eager hand up the front of her shirt. Rachel exhaled audibly as his fingers closed in firmly around the soft flesh of her breasts. She shot him a sideways glance and shook her head. But she didn't stop him as he continued to feel her up.

"I'm sorry. I'll be more chill."

Greg smiled through his words as he squeezed the soft perfection of Rachel's tits in his palm. Her skin felt warm and utterly exquisite. He couldn't believe it had been so long since he'd last felt them. As his fingers slipped over her firm nipples, he grinned again and indicated to the road ahead.

"You're doing fucking grea-ate. You're like, the best fucking driver."

Rachel rolled her eyes and refocused her gaze out the windshield. Greg's slurred compliment aside, she did have to agree with him: she was doing a pretty good job driving. Especially in light of what he was doing to her at the same time.

They'd been in the car for about fifteen minutes now, and for fourteen of them, Greg had been generously groping away. Her eyes flicked momentarily down to the floor by Greg's feet where her bra laid in a crumpled pile. She scoffed to herself and shook her head. Always gotta make things difficult, don't you Rach?

When she and Greg had left the party and gotten into his car, Greg had first tried to get her to make out with him (and perhaps more) before they left the lot. Rachel, focused solely on her arousing memories of Greg's basement office, had staunchly refused and told him that he could certainly show a little patience until they got to their destination.

But Greg had pouted and insisted that she at least give him a little preview for old time's sake. The request had morphed into convincing her to remove her bra so that he could get a few peeks at her tits while she drove. Rachel had initially protested, citing an unwillingness to flash other motorists on the road. But when Greg had pointed to the darkened tint on his windows, she'd finally given up the fight.

Of course, a few "peeks" had turned into a few "feels", and before long, Greg had been practically sitting in the seat with her. He'd been playing with her tits nonstop and had even begun kissing on her cheek and neck in his quickly spiraling state of drunken lust. Rachel couldn't deny it was mainly arousing and exciting. But it had been making her designated driver work a lot more difficult than it needed to be.

"The turn's up here, right?"

Rachel indicated with her head as she attempted to get Greg to confirm the correct route to his house. She'd been there before and she had a pretty good memory, but she didn't want to make a wrong turn and extend the groping session any longer than necessary. Truthfully, she'd been horny all day and was super excited to be getting close to scratching that itch. She'd never dreamed that Greg would've been the one she'd be scratching it with, but now she couldn't picture it being any other way. The memories of his dad and the office were clutching her brain like tentacles. She couldn't wait to be back in that room and feel the stimuli flood her with arousal.

Greg mumbled an affirmative response to her question as he resumed his healthy work under her shirt. His grips on her breasts had been becoming more forceful and it was obvious Greg was torqued up to the max. She just hoped he didn't push himself over the line before they got to his house. What a letdown it would be if her night ended before it truly began.

Mercifully, they arrived at his house just a few minutes later and Rachel brought the car to a quiet stop. As she cut the engine and attempted to disentangle Greg's hands from her breasts, she narrowed her eyes. Greg was practically squinting now. He was completely drunk. She watched in alarm as he began pulling clumsily at the button on his jeans.

"Hey, hey, let's-. Shhh. Look, let's just do it here and-. Like, c'mon Rach. Can you just suck it now? God, you're so fucking hot. I've MISSED you! For real. Fuck the house! Let's just-."

Rachel's eyes widened as she processed Greg's babbling request that she just lean over the seat and take care of him in his driveway. Snatching his hand away from his zipper, she cut him off and spoke firmly.

"Greg, no! No way! I didn't drive you all the way home to just-."

She smiled seductively at his toothy grin and decided to change tacks. Bringing her fingers to the corners of her shirt, she slowly pulled the material upward allowing her heavy breasts to come into partial view. As her nipples slipped just past the hem, she spoke with a smirking tone.

"You want this?"

She paused and grinned as she watched Greg's glassy expression focus in hard again.

"You missed the girls, huh? I promise you we can have a lot more fun inside..."

Greg didn't speak for a moment; he simply stared hungrily at the sight of Rachel's perfect tits bared just inches from his face. The image never got old. The creamy softness of her flesh and the full round shape of each breast as they hung snuggly from her chest in a way that seemed to defy the laws of the natural world. It was enchanting.

Finally breaking free from his trance, Greg looked up and nodded happily. Rachel grinned in return and pulled her shirt back down. Pulling the keys from the ignition, she put her elbow into the door and stepped out of the car.

The stealthy entrance into Greg's house and then down to his basement went surprisingly well. For as drunk as Greg was, he seemed to have some form of muscle memory guidance about sneaking inside in such a manner. Rachel had peered around as they'd made their way through the main floor, looking for any sign of someone. She'd felt her nipples stiffen under her shirt as they'd passed through the kitchen. She could still so vividly recall flirting with Greg's dad that day.

When they finally made it downstairs, Rachel simply stood still and let the scenery flow through her. Everything felt so fresh. She looked over at the corner of the room where she'd been introduced to Greg's friend Trevor and within minutes been talked into giving him a blowjob for his birthday. Her fingertips tingled at the memory as she mentally corrected herself. She'd actually done him twice that night.

Following the thoughts, her eyes drifted over to the short corridor that led to the office. She swallowed reflexively and squeezed her thighs together. Not only was the memory so fully arousing, but the fact that she had now actually lived a version of that fantasy with her teacher this past semester made the whole thing almost dizzying.

She'd just begun to get lost in the images when she was shaken back to the moment by the return of Greg's eager touch. She gasped as he stepped in close and snaked his arms around her from behind. His hands slipped quickly back into her shirt and she moaned as his grip encircled each breast with a healthy squeeze. Within seconds, he was enthusiastically groping her once again.

Rachel sighed and leaned her head back into his shoulder. His touch was a bit aggressive but it felt good. She was so wound up from her dirty thoughts that she briefly considered if she wanted to have sex with him over that desk instead of kneeling beside it. It would be so hot to clear everything off the surface and lie back over it and let him work her hard. Or she could strip down and bend over, taking it from behind as her flesh pressed into the cool, hard cherry wood.

But the thought passed quickly. She'd only had sex with one new person (Josh) since the spring and smashed-off-his-ass Greg didn't need to be added to that list. Plus, she was super turned on by the prospect of doing her fantasy thing again. Playing the role of the dutiful secretary and servicing him while she kneeled in front of his office chair.

She was about to suggest that they move the party to the other room, when she felt Greg spin her around and guide her to the couch nearby. Before she could object, he'd pulled them both down onto it and had resumed his eager work on her body. She sighed pleasurably as her head pushed into the soft pillows. She was so ready to go.

A cool chill ran through her senses as Greg roughly yanked her shirt up over her chest. Her nipples stiffened fully as her breasts came out into the openness of the brisk basement air. She watched Greg's glazed expression focus downward with pure euphoric lust. Her heart beat hard and she bit her lip.

Greg wasted no further time getting where he wanted to go. His head spinning, he lowered his face clumsily into Rachel's chest and sucked her left nipple entirely into his mouth. He'd gotten her naked a few times in the past and lavishly enjoyed her body, but he wasn't sure if he'd ever gotten such an explicit close-up with her tits. Usually, it had been her taking the more active role in their hookups. He'd mainly been a grinning recipient of the efforts made.

Messy slurps echoed through the space as Greg sucked greedily on Rachel's tits like a famished newborn. Had he been totally sober, he probably still wouldn't have been able to proceed with any measure of restraint, but in his drunken lust he was simply out of control. Saliva streaked over her pinkened flesh and the heavy weight of her breasts bounced chaotically as he alternated his efforts between the two delicious targets. It wasn't his best work, but he was loving every second.

Additionally, while he stayed immersed in his heavenly work above, he'd finally found some success with his jeans button and had managed to get himself entirely unzipped. He hastily shoved his pants downward and groaned with pleasure as his cock surged forward, free from its denim imprisonment and now contained only by the thin cotton of his boxer briefs. He squeezed his shaft and gritted his teeth as he felt himself nearly lose it. He was as hard as he could ever remember being in his life.

Unable to control himself, he dug his face out from the heavenly depths of Rachel's cleavage and pressed his lips tensely into her own. As he snaked his tongue into her mouth, he brought his hand to her breast and gave it a ferocious squeeze, digging his fingers into the impossible softness of her flesh. His dick quaked and he tightened his abs to keep ahead of the situation. He was beginning to truly spiral out of control.

Rachel's own head spun as she found herself suddenly struggling to keep a foothold in the action. Not three minutes prior she'd been standing at the edge of the room, casually slipping off her jacket and beginning to soak in the exciting nostalgia of the space. Now she was practically topless and wedged sideways on the couch as her drunken friend kissed and groped her with all the grace and delicacy of a rutting mule deer.

But despite the clumsiness of the engagement, Rachel found herself smiling and enjoying it all. It was funny, for the many times she'd been intimate with him, they'd barely ever kissed. They'd made out briefly once or twice, but often the nature of their rendezvous' had put a priority on moving things along quickly. So Rachel's mouth had primarily interacted with only one particular part of his body.

The thought conjured another sweeping wave of nostalgia that excited her in unexpectedly sharp ways. Sometimes looking back at the person she'd become during her dark time at the end of high school felt like peering into an entirely different world. It had been a fog of addiction and pain, but she could still so vividly taste the highs she'd chased and caught, as unholy and deleterious as they'd been. Their danger and excitement. And their unrelenting frequency.

She shivered as she pondered her history with the boy currently pressed into her body. Just how many casual blowjobs had she given Greg back in the spring? Five? Eight? Ten? Twelve? She really didn't even know and it made her squirm with shameful arousal. Such willing ease and lack of any account defined the comically mindless fellatrix she'd been. Bathrooms, stairwells, car seats. Bedrooms, basements, field trips. Boy after boy standing over her. Dick after dick erupting in her mouth.

She'd never returned to any of her old "costars" from that stretch; she'd truly left the past in the past. And now lying on the couch half-undressed with Greg felt like an exciting relapse of sorts. It was dangerous and familiar and it made her feel like the person she was the last time she'd been with him. Hungry to please and so desperate for the intoxicating fix that getting her target off would provide.

The memories flooded Rachel's brain and made her feel dizzy and buzzed despite her total sobriety. But as the clicks and rushes of heavy breathing and lips smacking sounded out, the kissing only amplified just how overpoweringly drunk Greg was. Not only could Rachel taste the alcohol distinctly, his technique was sloppy and overeager. His tongue plunged around haphazardly in her mouth and he twice bumped his forehead into hers. Rachel grinned to herself as she tried to balance his efforts and deflect where she could. She was just too thickly turned on to care that he was making a mess of things.

But it was her preoccupation with such a situation that led her to miss what else was not proceeding as normal. With a sudden move, Greg gripped her wrist and slid her hand roughly downward past the waistband of his shorts. Rachel tensed as she felt her palm slide over the hot, pulsing flesh of his shaft. With Greg's choppy guidance, she closed her fingers around it and began to jerk steadily away.