Fridays Turn Bad

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One friend + one fiancée = two timers.
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Bryan and I (Dirk) have been friends since he and his family moved to our town. We met for the first time when school started. I was in the third grade and the teacher introduced all the new kids in the class. Bryan was assigned a desk next to me and we just hit it off from the start. We were different as night and day as far as looks were concerned. He was an outgoing, slim blond with the bluest eyes. I was a green eyed, black haired, chunky kid that normally was very shy.

Over time Bryan and I did everything together. We studied together, rode our bikes, went swimming, fished, roamed the parks and spent a lot of time at each other's home. We liked the same foods, the same movies, the same kind of clothes and even tried to wear our hair in the same style. That was hard to do because his was straight and mine was curly, but we tried.

In junior high school we started to go out for sports. We were both on the baseball and football teams. He was first-string second baseman in baseball and I was a reserve first baseman. In football I was a first string linebacker and he was a third string running back. About this time we started our growth spurts that all boys go through. I shot up to six foot and was soon up to 180 pounds before I slowed down. Bryan finally topped out at 5' 8" and was around 150 pounds.

In our sophomore year our hormones kicked in and Bryan turned to the girls. I tried to follow in Bryan's footsteps but it wasn't long before I realized that with him around I would never have a lot of luck. We stayed friends and sometime he would fix me up with a girl that he wasn't interested in. But even on double dates the girl I was with paid more attention to Bryan than to me and I resigned myself to playing second fiddle to him. I started to really put all my energy into football and my studies. It paid off when I got a football scholarship to the university. Bryan had dated nearly every girl in high school and had developed into a fast talking stud. He constantly bragged to me about how he could have any girl he wanted. I don't know why I was still friends with him but when he wasn't hitting on a girl, he was the old friend he had always been. He was still my best friend.

We graduated from high school and Bryan got a job as a salesman for a local company. I got a job with a construction company and we only saw each other on weekends. We still spent a lot of time together and he seemed to always have a different girl with him when we would go out on Friday and Saturday nights. I was still getting his rejects but that was okay with me, because even though I was getting laid, I knew the girls were thinking of him and not me.

After I started to college and was playing on Saturdays our time together was limited to Sundays. On those days we would go fishing or to the lake to swim. We continued to be the best of friends. We could talk to each other about anything and everything. I still thought we would be friends forever.

When I started my senior year, the senior footballers were allowed to move out of the sports dorm. I had been working summers and some nights so I had the money to get a small one-bedroom apartment. It felt good to be out of the dorm where it was hard to study like I needed to get my degree. It was at this time that I met Lisa. Lisa was in one of my classes and we started seeing each other in the classroom and the library and other places around campus. It wasn't long before we were searching each other out and spending a lot of time together on campus. I finally got up the nerve to ask her out on a date. We were going to meet Bryan at a club we had started going to when we turned 18. Before we got to the club I warned Lisa about Bryan and his ways. I warned her he would hit on her and how he was with women. I figured he would take her away from me and I didn't know what I was going to do about it. I was starting to fall in love with her and it scared the hell out of me to let them meet but I knew I couldn't keep them apart forever.

When we showed up and Bryan saw Lisa, he did just what I thought he would but Lisa surprised me and told him in no uncertain terms that she was with me. That made me feel good and we had a good time. After that Bryan would always dance one or two dances with Lisa and then he would be off on the chase.

Lisa and I got out of classes early on Fridays. Her last class ended at noon and my last class was over at one-thirty. Since that was the only real time we had off at the same time, we started to meet at the apartment and spend time just being together. It wasn't long before we had sex for the first time. Neither of us were virgins but neither was real experienced either. The first few times was kind of awkward but enjoyable. We started expressing our love for each other and during the week of Christmas I asked her to marry me and she accepted. I really liked to eat Lisa's pussy but I couldn't get her to suck my cock. And she would not let me touch her ass hole at all.

Friday became our day to be together and have sex, sometimes three or four times before we would clean up and go to the club. All went well until the Friday around tax day (April 15th.). That was the first time that she wasn't waiting in the apartment when I arrived. She showed up about five-thirty with the excuse that she had went to the mall with some of her girl friends to look at dresses for the girls that would be in the wedding. That night I noticed that she and Bryan danced more times and she laughed more at his corny jokes. I didn't think much about it but I noticed.

The next Friday when she didn't show up at the apartment, I went to the mall but she wasn't there or her car wasn't in the parking lot. I was driving around and just happened to go by Bryan's apartment. There was Lisa's car parked in front. I was going to stop but I wanted Lisa to volunteer why she was at Bryan's apartment. When she came to the apartment, I asked her where she had been and she lied to me for the first time, I thought. She said her mom had wanted her to come home that afternoon so they could have some free time to go over the wedding plans. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach and wasn't in a good mood when we went out that night. She was kind of cool to Bryan and we left early after Bryan brought a good-looking young lady to the table. That night we had the best sex that we ever had. She wanted me to eat her but I wasn't going to eat her after she had been with Bryan. But I fucked her good and hard. I noticed when we were having sex she closed her eyes and every time before she had looked into my eyes the whole time until she started to have an orgasm.

I got up the next morning and left her in the bed and I went to work. The company let me work as many hours as I wanted on the weekend so that Saturday I worked until eight o'clock and went home tired. When I came through the door Lisa got up and ran toward me to hug me but I held her off and told her I was dirty and needed to clean up. I spent as much time in the shower and bathroom as I could. When I came down she wanted to go out but I told her she could if she wanted but I had another long day tomorrow and I needed my sleep. She wasn't happy. I told her to go if she wanted to and she said, "I don't like to go without you. I am going to go but I won't stay long."

She came to kiss me and as she bent down I turned my head and she kissed my cheek. She asked me, "Dirk, What is wrong? You are acting strange. Don't you love me any more?"

I said, "Sure I do. I guess I am getting uptight with the wedding and the finals coming up. I will be okay. Go and have fun. I am going to bed."

She came in about 3 in the morning and tried to wake me but I pretended to be too sound asleep and after a little while she turned over and left me alone. I got up and left her sleeping and worked another long day on Sunday. She was gone back home by the time I came in that night. She called me every night that week and wanted to come over but I told her we had agreed to study during the week and be together on weekends.

Friday came and I nervous because this was the day that I was going to find out what was going on. If she wasn't in the apartment when I got there I was going to Bryans and would do what I needed to do. When I came in and she wasn't there I knew it was all over. I left and drove by Bryans and there her car was. I drove on down the block and parked and walked back. I knew where Bryan kept his extra key so I let myself into the apartment being as quite as I could I eased down the hall toward the bedroom when I didn't find them in the living room. I got to the door and it was cracked just enough for me to see them on the bed naked as the day they were born.

Bryan was on his knees and Lisa was on hers facing him with his cock in her mouth. Bryan said, "Oh yeah. Suck that cock baby. You are such a good cocksucker."

After a few minutes he pulled out of her mouth and said, "Turn around and spread those asscheeks. I want that browneye. You are such a slut. I know you don't let Dirk fuck you up the ass, do you?"

Lisa said, "He wants to and I may let him after we are married but you are the first and only one. Go slow please. It still hurts until I get used to it. Oh God go slow please."

When Bryan got his cock all the way in and was slowly fucking her ass he said, "I am going to dump as many loads in your pussy as I can and I want you to go to Dirk's and get him to eat you out. Will you do that?"

Lisa said, "I will but I don't like to do him that way. If he ever finds out he is going to be pissed at me and you."

Bryan said, "He will never find out. I will be fucking his pussy after you are married and you will be my slut as long as I want."

I had seen all I needed to see. I eased back down the hall and out the door. I went back to my apartment and sat down to think this thing out. I wished I had went in and confronted them but I knew if I had I would be in jail and there would go my degree. After thinking about it I got up and got a change of clothes and called my work and told them I had to be off this weekend. Because I never missed work they told it was no problem. I started to leave a note on the table for Lisa and then I thought, "To hell with her, I don't owe her anything."

I drove to mom and dads. When I got there I found out that mom was gone for the weekend to her sisters. I talked dad into going to the lake where he had little cabin. I know he knew something was wrong but he let me have some space until I was ready to tell him. After we got there and I got a couple of beers in me I told him the story and left nothing out. He listened to me until I was through and said, "I am glad you walked out and didn't do anything. That would not have been smart. Your relationship with both of them is over. You have lost your best friend and your fiancée and I am sorry. I know you have to be hurting. Lets just tie on a good drunk and we will work on this thing tomorrow and Sunday." That is what we did.

By Sunday afternoon we were back to being humans again. Sometimes a good drunk will clear your head after it screws it up. My dad told me before we left to go home, "Son all I can tell you is to confront them together and don't take any shit from either and make both think you are ready to kill. But keep your cool and have your say and leave. Don't let either one back into your life. You will be better off without either of those in your life."

I thanked dad and got my car when we got back to his place and drove to the apartment. I had left my cell phone in my car and it had messages from Bryan and Lisa on it. I erased them and when I got home, Lisa's car was there and I knew my first test was coming up. I walked into the house and she ran to me and grabbed me in a bear hug and said, "Where was you? I have been so worried. I couldn't get you on the phone and I couldn't find anyone who knew where you were. Don't ever do me that way again. What happened to you?"

I just looked at her and said, "I had some things I had to talk over with dad. You wasn't here Friday afternoon and I couldn't get in touch with you so I went to dads and we went to the cabin."

She said, "I must have just missed you. I had to run to the mall and have a fitting for my dress. I came home and you were gone and I was so worried when you didn't come in Friday night. I called your work Saturday and they told me you were off. I called your folks house and then I drove by and when I saw your car and no one was home I didn't know what to think. Please don't do me that way ever again."

I said, "You don't need to worry about that."

She came over to me and started to rub up against me and said, "If we hurry we can get in a little loving before I have to go home."

I wanted to fuck her one more time before I kicked her ass out so I let her lead me to the bedroom. We didn't spend a lot of time with foreplay before I slipped a condom on and slammed my cock all the way into her pussy. She started to ask why I was using a condom but I started to fuck her hard and fast. It wasn't long before she was getting into it and her eyes closed. I knew she was then fucking Bryan. I kept fucking her hard as I leaned over and whispered, "Bryan is fucking you good. Is Bryan fucking you good? You like Bryan fucking you?"

She started to moan and said, "OH GOD Bryan fuck me ...Fuck me... Oh you fuck me so good. Bryan, I am gonna cum..."

I had started to lose my erection at that time so I pulled out and got off the bed and went to the bathroom and pulled off the condom. I washed my dick and went back to the bedroom and Lisa was sitting on the bed with a puzzled look on her face. She said, "Why did you stop? I was almost there."

I didn't say anything. I picked up her clothes and threw them at her and said, "Get dressed."

She looked at me funny and I said, "You can get dressed or you can go naked. We have a little trip to make."

I pulled on my jeans and tee shirt and slipped on my shoes. She was dressed and I grabbed her purse and her arm and rushed her out to my car. She was trying to get me to tell her what was wrong but I didn't say anything. I put her in the car and drove to Bryans. When I got there I pulled her out and walked her to the door. When Bryan answered the door I pushed her in and over to the couch. I said, "Bryan, I need you to sit down here by Lisa."

He looked at me funny but did what I asked. When he was seated, I stood right in front of them and waited for a minute before I said, "I lost two people in my life Friday."

They both started to speak and I look at each of them and said, "I want both of you to keep your mouths shut. I am doing the talking here. Lisa, Do you know what you was saying when we were fucking earlier? Bryan, do you know what it is like to lose your best friend? Lisa, as I was fucking you, you was calling Bryans name. That was the reason I pulled out and left you on the bed. Bryan, I know you have been fucking Lisa. I was standing in the hall Friday afternoon when she was sucking your cock. I was still there when you started to fuck her in the ass. I left right after you told her you was going to fill her pussy with come and she was to get me to eat it out of her pussy. Is that what friends do to friends? Lisa, you told Bryan that you would do it. Does fiancées do that to their future husbands? Do you think I am so dumb that I would not catch you? Do you really give a fuck? Lisa, you can fuck Bryan with your eyes open now. I won't be sticking my dick in anything of yours. Bryan, I am going to give you this one warning. Don't ever call me, come near me, or try to contact me in any way. You are lower than whale shit and I want nothing to do with you ever again. Lisa, I want the key to my apartment and I want my ring back. Now. Your clothes and things in the apartment will be in your car when you come to get it. Don't call, don't come by, and don't even look at me if you see me. Both of you are non-people to me. Do you both understand?"

Lisa was still sitting there with her mouth open and tears running down her face. I took her purse and got my key off her key ring. I pick up her left hand took the ring off her finger and dropped it in my pocket. Bryan had stood up and as he reached out to grab my arm he said, "Hey man you can't just quit being friends like that. I won't let you do it."

I looked him in the eye and said, "I gave you one warning." I brought my left fist across my body and struck Bryan square on the nose. I heard the cartilage break and Bryan flew back onto couch; it turned over and dumped both of them on the floor behind it. I turned and walked out and went back to the apartment. Her stuff was in a garbage bag and in her car in a short time. I dropped her keys on the floorboard, locked the door and shut it.

I was surprised how well I slept that night. Wednesday night I was studying when a knock came at my door. When I opened it I thought it was Lisa but after a second look I realized it was Lola, Lisa's younger sister. She asked if she could come in and talk to me for a minute. I invited her in and got her a coke. She had turned into a stunning young lady and I told her so. She blushed and told me she had always liked me. We sat in silence for a minute and then she said, "Lisa is having a hard time. She told mom, dad and me what she has done. She wants to talk to you but she is afraid she will get a broken nose like Bryan. She had to take him to the hospital. He told them he fell down a flight of stairs. Ha Ha I think it is funny. She told us his face is all black and blue."

We talked for a little longer and then got up to go. She said, "I really came over to tell you that mom and dad are not mad at you and want me to tell you are welcome at the house anytime. And I would like to go out on a date sometime. Lisa is a stupid bitch to do that to you. She is going to regret that for a long time."

The statement about the date almost slipped by me and she was gone before it registered. I waited until I was out of college before I took her up on it and called her. When I went to pick her up for the date, I was sitting in the living room with her when I heard a gasp. I looked around and Lisa was standing there with tears in her eyes and a stricken look on her face. She turned and ran off down the hall.

It has been a year since the break up. Lola and I are talking marriage now. I have moved into a bigger place and Lola spends a lot of over there. She is open to a lot more than Lisa in the sex department. I think we will be happy. Bryan finally left town after a husband put him in the hospital for a week. I still see Lisa at her parents' house and she still gets misty eyed at times.

Lisa did tell me her story. I had gone to pick up Lola for a date. Her parents weren't home and she wasn't ready. I was sitting at the kitchen table when Lisa came in. She turned to leave and then stopped. She turned and asked if she could talk to me. I looked at her, hesitated before I said, "Okay."

She sat down across from me and looked down at her hands in her lap. She finally started, "Dirk, first I want to say I am really sorry for what I did. I want you to know it was not all my fault, nor was it all Bryan's. The closer we got to our wedding day the more he came on to me and he convinced me that I needed to have a fling with him before we got married. I fell for that line and thought I could do it only one time and it wouldn't matter. But after the first time I couldn't stop. He knew you and I were together on Fridays and he wouldn't have it other time except Fridays. As you found out, he did things with me that I would never do with you and that hurts me more than anything else. The Friday you saw us was going to be the last time. I lied to him when I told him I would get you to eat his cum out of my pussy. I woke up to what he was doing to me and how he was controlling me. I knew when I left him that day that everything was over. I was not going back and I can't explain why I was thinking of him when we were fucking that Sunday night. When you were gone all weekend and I couldn't get in touch with you and then you came in and was cold to me, my mind was in a whirl. I didn't realize that I had called his name and was fucking you with my eyes closed until you told me at his apartment. If you ever can forgive me, I will do anything you want. I will be your whore, your slut or whatever you want."