Friend in Need

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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts lesbian sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Her friend slumped down in the chair and Trinity could tell her friend wasn't happy. Second nature told Trinity that she needed to go over and comfort her friend. Putting her hand around her shoulder she asked, "What's the matter Georgie?" This was Trinity's pet name for her friend Georgia. Georgia would address her as Trin or Trinnie.

Her friend sighed heavily and groaned "I need to get laid, I'm not fussy. It's just that guys don't give me a second glance when there are girls like you around."

Trinity pulled her in closer and replied "Arrrrr sweety. There's someone out there right now mopping that they would love to meet a beautiful, witty and intelligent girl. You just haven't met each other yet. You need a bit of patience."

It didn't appear to put her in the right frame of mind though as Georgia replied "To hell with that. I need to get laid now otherwise that itch deep inside isn't going to get any relief anytime soon." Trinity felt for her friend, their friendship had stemmed from attending their first school at the same time. Being newbies, they gravitated to each other and every experience had been shared up until they lost their virginity. It was Georgia who had her cherry popped first some months before Trinity went down that road but whereas Trinity had a regular stream of boyfriends, Georgie's chances were somewhat limited because boys their age didn't tend to go for the 'larger girl'. "No-one wants to date fat girls anymore" was Georgia's perpetual gripe.

This was a topic of conversation that the two regularly had. Georgia was what you would class as plus sized although her friend would always look past this exterior image, the girl/woman on the inside was beautiful to the Trinity. Georgia was always by her side every step of the way no matter when her time was needed or how much time was needed, she was there. She always seemed to have the right words whenever Trinnie was down. Anything that was confessed to her never crossed her lips ever again; although they didn't fit the same clothes, they liked the same music, laughed at the same things, even had the same interests and pastimes. One was the other in that respect.

Despite Georgia being on a bit of a downer about herself, Trinnie was actually jealous of the admiring looks Georgia's chest managed to draw even if she wasn't able to land a boyfriend. Trinity would always bring the conversation round to how glorious her friends tits looked and today was no exception when she chided "How those aren't attracting bees like a honey pot defies me."

Her friend smiled their shared smile and leant her head back against Trinnie's shoulder and breathed "Thank you. You just know what to say every time I'm down but it still doesn't ease the itch, You know?" Trinity was actually distracted as at that moment she was looking down at her friend and had a front row view of the deep creamy white cleavage.

Trinity figured nothing was going to be achieved tonight and despite it still being quite early suggested "Look, why don't we call it a night and bug out of here. I know I'll have a far more enjoyable time if it's just the two of us."

Georgie was feeling a little better and smiled up at her friend saying, "Yes I think I'll enjoy that more as well." They had already made arrangements for Georgia to crash the night at Trinity's and so the two made their way to Trinity's car and made the short journey to her house. Upon arriving, Trinnie fixed them both a drink and the two sat next to each other on the sofa as Georgia's morose mood came down again "I've tried every diet under the sun. I've exercised until I'm a panting wreck on the floor and no amount of miracle shakes makes any difference."

Trinnie pulled her into the usual cuddle and set there stroking her friend's hair as she said "Just accept who you and I suspect you'll have a different view of life. I'm seriously worried about you. There will be someone out there for you if you are just a little patient. Someone is going to cross your path who realises they need your special brand of awesomeness in their life and the important thing is that they will fall in love with the real you and not something you are pretending to be."

Georgia sighed again and replied once again "But that doesn't answer my needs right now."

Trinnie had heard this so many times tonight she just sighed but this time suggested "Well take care of it yourself if you get my meaning."

Georgia pulled a sulky face and replied "Been there, done that, it just doesn't feel the same. I need someone else to be doing it to me. I can't believe how desperate I am, it's been close to a year since I had some intimate contact with another human being."

Trinity's heart went out to her friend, she felt helpless in her friend's predicament. Until an idea popped into her head "I can offer one of my 'Toys' if you'd like. Although I clean them each time, I'd suggest a thorough cleaning but it might help with your problem."

In a repeat of their conversation at the party Georgia leant her head against Trinity's shoulder affording her friend a view down Georgia's impressive deep cleavage "Ahhhh, you really are the bestest friend I could ever have. I appreciate your offer but a Toy hardly provides the human touch I crave. You know that lovely cuddle after the act."

Trinnie sat there trying to come up with a solution, 'I so want to help her, but how?' she mulled over in her head. All the while she was staring down at her friends chest when she gave a faint gasp, the exposed part of her chest that was visible from the neckline quivered. It just looked so inviting. Every fibre of her being wanted to reach out and caress the full round pillows but in all their conversations neither had ever voiced any sentiment to get intimate with another woman. 'If I do act on temptation, how will Georgie react? Oh god I so want to help her, she seems so vulnerable but do I dare?'

Time seemed to stand still and Trinity was almost witnessing an out of body experience as her free hand came up slowly. It hovered for a moment and then moved towards her friend; then it happened. The hand came down and made contact with her friend's full round breast. Georgia gasped in surprised; she began to say "What are you..." but then groan as the hand brushed past her prominent and sensitive nipple, "... oh god yes. That feels so very nice."

She looked up into Trinnie's face with what seemed pleading eyes and a single tear trickled down Georgie's cheek. Trinity pulled her hand back sharply as she mumbled "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

She started to pull her arm from around her friend but then Georgia took a hold of her hand and brought it back to her breast saying "No, please don't stop."

Trinity was still in two minds "But you're crying."

Georgia smiled up at Trinity as her friend continued to hold and caress her breast "I'm not crying. I'm happy. I'm relieved. It feels so nice to have someone who I know loves me touch me like this." She then craned her neck upwards while pursing her lips. To Trinity this could only mean one thing and she needed to take one final leap of faith as she craned her own neck downwards until her lips touched Georgie's and that is when the fireworks went off inside both of them.

This was the first time either had kissed another woman and yet both considered it far superior to kissing a boy -- they were just too clumsy and too focused on themselves. The kissing was progressing well but the important thing for Georgia was that Trinity never moved her hand. The important thing for Trinity was that Georgie never moved the hand from her breast; it felt so warm and soft to the touch. Time had stood still for both of them and neither cared. It just felt so natural that it would be their soul mate, their oldest friend that they would one that was making the experience so special.

Georgia took hold of Trinity's hand -- the slim blonde was afraid she would be removing the hand -- the reality was she moved it but only to her other breast. While Georgia's hand was a top Trinnie's the brunette flexed her own fingers so that the delicate hand below mimicked the finger flexing. Trinity took the instruction as intended and Georgia was delighted that once she moved her own hand Trinity continued the flexing and it felt so very nice. Georgia had been felt up by a couple of guys before, with tits as big as hers they were always going to be a draw and yet this time around the caressing was soft and tender. 'Did this mean I'm a lesbian? Who cares as long as Trinnie doesn't let go anytime soon' she mulled over in her head.

Georgia wriggled out of the cuddle which generated a concerned look from her friend. She wriggled up slightly so that both hands were free so that she could take the neckline of her dress, pull it outwards and then down so that it sat under her breasts. Next came the bra straps that were pulled off both shoulders allowing her to roll the cups down to expose her beautiful large breasts. Twisting slightly towards her friend Georgia then reached down for both of Trinnie's hands and brought them up to cup her tits. The concerned look disappeared from Trinity in an instant to be replaced with one of delight and Georgia's heart soared to see this latest reaction. Five minutes of this kind of attention encouraged the brunette to suggest "You can kiss them if you'd like."

The look of delight intensified as Trinnie leant forward. She just had time to reply, "Oh I'd like that" and then attached her beautiful mouth to Georgia's fully engorged nipple. This was another of those moments when it felt natural for Trinnie to latch on to the rubbery nub but also natural for Georgie to have the moist lips in contact and shooting a series of lightning bolts around every nerve ending. Georgia cradled Trinnie's head to her cheest while she looked down at the beautiful face that was concentrating on generating the feelings had been craving for months and her was her relief so close to home.

Trinity was shocked at how her own pussy was buzzing from having her friend's nipple in her mouth. 'If this is the reaction on me, Georgie's must be just melting' she contemplated.

Georgia lifted Trinnie's head away from her breasts, a move that disappointed both if truth be told however it was so the brunette could lift Trinnie's face level with her own and attach her lips to her friends. She briefly commented "I can't describe how fabulous you are making me feel" before leaning forward to engage her lips once more.

The next break came from Trinity as she pulled back and gasped "As long as you are getting the intimate contact you desired."

Trinity was about to lean forward to continue the kissing but noticed another tear running down Georgia's cheek as the brunette commented "This is so much better than I thought I needed. This is so very special, so natural" but then leant forward herself. Trinnie's lips on hers felt like they were meant to be together.

Georgia worked her own hands down Trinnie's arms and then brought her hands to cup her friend's small pert breasts. These were nothing like her own 46E's, more like a 34B or maybe C, and yet they suited her slim frame perfectly. They were the exact proportions to sit perfectly in her grasp, the blonde's nipples were mere dots compared to her own nubs and yet these too seemed perfectly proportioned. With a hesitant tone Georgia asked, "Would you mind showing me yours?"

Trinity was wearing that special smile reserved for Georgie as she replied, "For you, of course although they aren't as spectacular as yours" and then reached for the zipper, pulling the front of her dress down and presenting her breasts to her friend.

Georgia's look of wonderment demonstrated her own fascination as she gasped "On the contrary, they are perfect" leaning forward and taking her friends nipple between her lips. She spent some minutes worshipping both pert little nubs before she could bring herself to face her friend once more to indulge in more kissing. Georgia felt another of those light bulb moments. With a boy there seemed an unseemly rush to bury his cock inside a girl and yet with another woman there seemed no rush, just a natural progression of intimacy.

Trinnie suggested "Should we take this to the bedroom?"

"Mmmm, lets" came the expected reply. Trinnie held out her hand which Georgia readily accepted as they made their way hand in hand -- another of those natural moments. Trinity felt slightly more confident than her friend and so pushed the brunette to sit on the edge of her bed. Trinnie shimmied her hips so that her dress fell to her feet and in an instant her panties were pushed down to lie in the same pile. She then stood up straight and held her breath waiting for her friends reply. She had always been in awe of her friend's curves when she seemed flat and featureless by comparison. She needn't have feared her friend's reaction; Georgie smiled the brightest smile Trinnie had seen and said "You are really beautiful" as she stood up and took her friend in her arms to kiss her again.

With her friend so near, Trinnie wanted to see her naked too. She pushed her dress over her hips which left the brunette in just her panties. Georgia normally left this view until the lights were out, ordinarily she would have been anxious about her partners reaction at this point but something about Trinnie told Georgia that she had nothing to fear from her friend's opinion.

Holding on to her friend's hands, Trinnie stepped back so that she could take in the full picture before us. If she were being critical, she could see that her friends belly swelled above her panties; her hips flared out and her thighs were certainly meatier than her own and yet all of this combined to make Georgie even more attractive in Trinnie's eyes. As it was so very different from when she looked in the mirror Trinity was fixated by the curvaceous figure in front of her as she gasped "My god but you are beautiful. I'm so glad boys are so shallow, otherwise I wouldn't have had the pleasure of seeing you like this."

Her words just melted Georgia who pulled her friend back until she could wrap her arms around each other. Georgie's mouth was close to the blonde's ear and she whispered "You really have a talent of saying the exact words when they are needed. You have no idea how special you are."

Trinnie smiled and replied, "I think I do because I know how having you in my arms makes my heart swells with joy."

Georgia buried her face in the side of Trinity's neck presenting her own neck for the blonde to plant a trail of little kisses along her shoulder to the base of her neck and then upwards to her ear. "Oh god" was Georgia's gasped response "I can't believe how mushy you're making me."

Trinnie just had time to whisper "Mmmmm, that sounds good" as she worked her way up to kiss her friend on her neck just behind her earlobe.

"Oh no. I can't stand much more" Georgie gasped prompting Trinnie to propel her friend backwards on to the bed in a series of flailing arms and legs.

"You've got a long night ahead of you" promised Trinity as she slumped to her knees between her friend's splayed legs. She had seen vagina's displayed in text books and she had even inspected her own in a mirror before now, but here was a very first pussy close up -- and it was beautiful. It was a deep pink colour that glistened invitingly with a copious amount of juice drawing her mouth to the splayed labia. The scent of it made Trinnie heady and when she raked her tongue along the furrow the taste made her tongue jump at just how delicious her friend tasted.

"Oh god Trinnie" Georgia exclaimed as she cradled her friends head to the apex of her legs. She didn't want this sensation to end. She was experiencing pleasure on a completely different level from anything she had experienced before. Georgia knew Trinity loved her; she loved her back just as intensely but what her friend was doing to her now was on a plain that could only be called devotion.

Trinity was enjoying the reactions she was generating out of her friend. She considered herself a conductor and her friend was the orchestra but the sounds her friend was making was far more to her liking than any musician could produce. Georgie was pressing her face into her pussy and Trinnie loved it. Trinity was doing what she liked to have done to her, it was all she had to go one but Georgie's responses provided all the feedback she needed. Georgie was thrashing her head about, humping her butt up and down on the bed and occasionally reaching up to her own nipples to pull and tweak at them to push herself further and further. And that's when it hit.

Georgia let out an almost anguished wail, she gave one final hip thrust and then tried to curl up as Trinnie felt her clitoris jump under her tongue. Georgia started to cry and Trinnie scrambled up onto the bed to hold her friend. They didn't speak for a few minutes as Georgie started to slowly return to the land of the living. The sobbing stopped first, then the gasped breathing and final the brunette could straighten up to lie facing her friend. Georgia's first reaction was to pull Trinnie's face to her own and start to leave little kisses all over her friend's face. Eventually her head cleared enough for her to speak. "I've said it many times that no one knows me more than you but what you just did demonstrates that sentiment more than any words could ever say. You knew exactly what I needed."

Trinnie kissed Georgie and replied "I know what I like to have done to me and guessed that's what was needed. I'm so glad I could do that for you; I can't believe how enjoyable it was for me. As long as it scratched at that itch you had."

"Oh, baby is that itch long forgotten. What you did for me was some next level shit to what I thought I needed." Georgia leant up on her nearest arm and then pushed Trinity's shoulders so that she was lay flat, announcing "It's now my turn to return that favour. I've never wanted to be with another woman before but suddenly all I can think about is how can I generate similar reactions in you." Georgia wriggled down the bed but paused one final time to state, "I think I'm in love with you" and then dipped her face down to her friend's pussy.

For the next fifteen minutes the brunette worked her tongue all over the sparsely haired pussy before her. The length of her friend's outer labia compared to her own fascinated her and she just had to work her tongue over every crease and fold. While her friend was working her mouth over and over, Trinnie remembered how Georgia had played with her own nipples while she climaxed, it never occurred to her previously to play with her own and now she gave it a go leading to the next discovery that it heightened her own orgasm exponentially.

The blonde pulled her friend upwards so that could engage in the next bout of kissing. Before too long Trinity felt the need to state herself "You said earlier you loved me" Georgia nodded, on one hand eager to hear what she would say next and on the other dreading what she might say. "Well, I would just like to state that I too am in love with you. I want to make you tingle and quake in new and different ways. I want to spend every waking moment with you. You make me complete."

The two just melted into each other's arms now that they had both laid themselves before the other. Georgia got to enjoy the extended cuddle she had been craving but as it was being provided by Trinnie just made it so much more special. For a while they lay with their arms wrapped around each other. They rolled around so that Georgia lay spooned up behind Trinity with a one arm wrapped over her as her hand stroked down her side and then back up over her flat stomach. The next configuration saw Trinnie spooned up behind Georgia, this time with her free hand stroking over her lover's body. Georgia still felt a pang of insecurity as she said "Thank you for not being put off by my big belly and butt and my legs and... "