Friendly Competition


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"How much did you drink, Datz?" Railha asked. "I swear, if I have to pump your stomach again..."

"I had a few drinks before you arrived to poach my human," she muttered. "I'm fine, ain't gonna slow me down. Besides, I fuck better when I'm drunk." She looked back over her shoulder at James with a sadistic grin, and he averted his eyes sheepishly.

"This is the problem with you Elysians, you learn your English from Raz and the Marines. That damned instructor has a mouth like a waste recycler, and most of the Marines are no better."

"Well I didn't go to no fancy medical school, do you see a white coat on me, hairball? What's it matter to you, anyhow? Better to be direct, that's what I say. Not gonna dress up my words all fancy rather than say what I mean."

James was doing his best to keep up. Even when walking slowly, the aliens outpaced him on their long legs, and he kept having to jog to stay close as Railha held his hand. He suspected that it was more to stop him from scurrying away than any show of affection. Datz seemed to notice, sighing, and turning towards him. James recoiled reflexively, but too late to escape her grasping hands, and his stomach lurched as she lifted him off the deck and threw him unceremoniously over her shoulder. Railha put her hand to her mouth and laughed at the sight, James' head spinning as he looked down at the floor from what to him was a considerable height.

"Be gentle with him," she said, staving off her chuckling. The gesture had drawn some attention from a few of the personnel around them, but the crowds had thinned as the night shift neared, and this kind of roughhousing didn't seem to raise many eyebrows.

They made their way towards the residential quarter, at least that's where the painted line on the station's deck told him they were going, and they soon arrived at what looked like row houses built into the hull of the Pinwheel. The engineers obviously couldn't build up, and so they had laid out the buildings horizontally along the walls to either side of the concourse. There were hundreds of them, as if someone had turned a tower block on its side, and there were a few decorative touches to make them feel less clinical. The designs varied a little. Some almost resembled brick houses, with imitation masonry sculpted from the white hull material, while others were more spartan and functional. Everywhere he looked, there were trees and plants to break up the uniformity of the structures, flower beds and shrubs adding a splash of color to the otherwise matte white of the station. Datz dropped him down onto the deck now that they had reached their destination, and he scowled at her as he straightened his uniform.

"I did say I'd give you the tour," Railha mused as she noticed his obvious curiosity. "This is the residential quarter, where most of the civilians and higher ranked staff members live. It's designed for long-term habitation, and so they went to quite some lengths to make it feel less like you're on a military installation."

"Waste of space," Datz muttered, "what the point of all this? A cot is all you need, they could have fit six or seven railgun batteries in the space that these dwellings take up."

"Not everyone on this station is a soldier, Datz. Some of us are scientists or doctors, some are civilians or dignitaries who are merely visiting the station, and others simply require a more comfortable environment in order to operate at peak efficiency. We can't all slum it like you do."

Railha led them towards one of the doors, pulling a keycard from the pocket of her white coat and swiping it past a scanner that was embedded in the frame. She stepped inside as the automatic door slid open to let them through, sealing behind them with a whoosh of air as the apartment's computer turned on the lights for them. James found himself in an open-plan apartment, and he noted that all of the furnishings were Borealan-sized, from the couch to the kitchen counters. The building had been made with her stature in mind, if not for Railha specifically, then at least for others of her kind. Rather than feeling as if the aliens were oversized, James now felt as if he had been shrunk down to the size of a toddler.

Datz took him roughly by the collar, pushing him up against the nearest wall and leaning down to bury her face in the nape of his neck, blowing warm breath on his skin as if she was taking in his scent. Alarmed, James couldn't do anything but shiver as he felt her lips press against his jugular, her sharp teeth emerging to prick him.

"Not yet!" Railha complained, tugging Datz away from him. The Equatorial turned and snarled at her, Railha planting her hands on her hips, apparently unperturbed by the display of aggression. "Honestly, you're going to exhaust him before I've had a chance to lay so much as a claw on him. Let's have another drink first, I'm entertaining guests, you know."

That seemed to calm Datz, and she shrugged, had her anger just been for show?

"Alright, you can probably afford the good stuff on your salary, don't hold out on me."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Railha replied as she made her way over to the adjoining kitchen, swaying a little as she used the walls to steady herself. She was still remarkably well spoken despite her drunkenness, but alcohol affected everyone a little differently. Case in point being Datz, who was practically belligerent.

James followed behind them, and the aliens sat down around a table that was about six feet off the ground relative to him. Railha had a human-sized chair, no doubt for visitors and colleagues, so he sat down on it as he watched her pour more drinks. She brought out a bottle from the cabinet, it was wrapped in what looked like rope or dried vines, and it had unfamiliar lettering on its label that looked suspiciously like claw marks. Must be Borealan text, James surmised.

"Straight from the homeworld," Railha declared as she poured the drink. "Raises the hair, fermented from Elysian fruit, I believe."

"Now that's more like it," Datz said as she rubbed her hands together greedily. "We might not see eye to eye on most things, but I won't fault your taste in booze, Railha."

Datz took a generous gulp from her glass, Railha watching with a disapproving expression, then she walked over and handed a smaller glass of the pink liquid to James.

"You'll like it, it's barely alcoholic by your standards," she said as he took it from her furry hand and chanced a sip. It tasted like fruit juice, red berries, like strawberries or raspberries. It was refreshing, not at all what he had expected, it has less of a kick than even wine did. He drank the rest of it happily as Datz finished off her helping.

"You should take time to savor it," Railha complained. "That bottle traveled seventy-five light-years to get here, and you drank your share in a minute."

"I believe," Datz said as she steadied herself on the table and raised a clawed finger, "that we're just talkin' in circles. You want to take everything slow. Probably because you're a fat, lazy Polar," she added as she snickered at her own insult. "I know what I want, and why should I wait for it?" She eyed James hungrily, as if he were just another bottle of wine, and he felt an involuntary thumping in his chest. "If I'm hungry, then I eat. If I'm thirsty, I drink. If I want a male..."

"A good guest should not insult their host," Railha scolded. "But you're terribly drunk, so I'll forgive you."

"Come on Railha, we're not gettin' any younger here, let's get started already."

"Oh, fine," she conceded. "But I'm going first. I won't be able to make my point if you send him to the ER." Railha turned to James and beckoned to him, her expression now warm and inviting. "Come, James."

There was something about Railha that just made her impossible to refuse, and so with a new excitement welling in his chest, he rose from his seat and walked over to her. She took his hand again, her palm soft and silky against his skin, and led him out of the kitchen. Datz followed them as they made their way to the bedroom, bringing the bottle of raises the hair with her, the automatic door that sectioned off the room from the rest of the apartment opening to reveal a bed the size of a car. It was huge, its metal frame reinforced in order to carry the considerable weight of the aliens.

Datz flopped down into an armchair in the corner of the room and settled in to watch, crossing her legs, and pressing the bottle against her lips as Railha sat James down on the edge of the bed.

"If you want to enrapture your human, you have to think about what they want too," she said. Datz laughed at that, cocking her head at the Polar as James sat there nervously, his eyes darting between the two.

"What kinda attitude is that?" Datz demanded, waving her bottle as she gestured. "A subordinate should feel lucky to be included. Any pleasure they get from the encounter is just a perk, or at best, for my own amusement."

"Giving pleasure can be as fun as receiving it, and humans aren't subordinates in your pack, they'll rarely submit in the way that an Equatorial would."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Datz sneered, turning her yellow eyes to James and taking another generous swig of her drink. "Besides, I love that they fight back. Equatorials become wet blankets the moment you give 'em a good scarring, but humans don't know when to quit. They keep pushin', they keep challenging you, keeps the fires stoked. Even when you think you've beaten 'em down, and you have 'em mewling like kittens, they'll go straight back to provoking you. Fuckin' turns me on..."

"There are other ways to make them submit," Railha said, kneeling in front of James and starting to unbuckle his belt with her oversized fingers. The bed was tall enough that she was at about chest height to him, her mammoth breasts practically resting on his thighs.

"H-hey, wait a minute, I-"

"You Equatorials think that you have to resolve everything with violence, but the path of least resistance is often compromise, to placate and appease. With a little social maneuvering, you can have someone give you what you want happily, willingly, rather than needing to take it by force and incurring greater risk because of it."

"Bah," Datz spat, "strength is the only constant. Why should the stronger party make an agreement when they would have more to gain from simply taking what they want? The strong do not need to placate or appease."

"We'll see," Railha said, starting to unzip James' uniform. She exposed his chest, planting a kiss on his belly with her soft lips, a warmth rising in his loins as she moved slowly downwards. "You have to set a mood," she added, "it needs to be memorable if you want them to keep coming back. Computer, set lighting to thirty percent and play...track fifteen."

The lights in the ceiling dimmed, and a slow, tranquilizing music track began to play over unseen speakers.

She dragged the zipper all of the way down, then tugged off his jumpsuit, casting it on the carpet beside the bed. She hooked her claws around the waistband of his underwear and pulled them off too, exposing his growing erection. It was such an odd situation, he felt vulnerable, out of his element. He had met Railha mere hours ago, and Datz was watching the whole affair like it was a play being performed for her sole benefit.

"Relax," Railha whispered, "let me make you feel good."

He gasped as she took his member in her hand, feeling it sink into her downy fur, Railha letting it pulse in her palm as she held it for a moment. She slowly slid her fingers up his throbbing shaft, her touch gentle, applying only light pressure so that her silky fur tickled him. She pulled back his foreskin and used the fleshy pad on her index finger to rub the tip of his glans in gentle circles, his welling excitement making it slippery. James shifted and fidgeted on the bed as she gazed up at him with her sky-blue eyes, framed by those odd, mask-like markings on her white coat. She breathed warm air on his member, teasing him as she rubbed, then leaned back and began to remove her lab coat. She kept his erection in her hand as she used her black claws to pop the buttons free, her breasts straining against the fabric to the point that it looked as if they might just burst out of the garment under their own weight. She opened the coat to reveal her fluffy cleavage and her paunchy belly, along with a black brassiere that looked sturdy enough to carry a pair of cannonballs.

She shrugged the lab coat off, releasing his member for a moment to let it twitch in the air, the motion making her bust wobble from within the confines of her underwear. She reached behind her back and unfastened the lacy bra, the two cups falling away as her breasts spilled from within its confines. They bounced gently as they settled, fighting against gravity, keeping their teardrop shape in spite of their heft. They were easily larger than his head, one of her breasts alone could have filled his lap. They too were covered in fluffy, white fur, and he could make out a pair of pink nipples that protruded from beneath the velvety coat. She pressed the generous globes together, the supple flesh bulging between her fingers and deforming like putty as she lifted them, and dropped them heavily onto his thighs.

His member was engulfed by them, buried in velutinous, feathery fur. It felt like his erection had been wrapped in a fine mink coat. The wonderful scents that he had picked up on in the bar rose to his nose as she pressed closer to him, perfume or shampoo, exotic aromas that he couldn't identify. He shifted with some minor discomfort as her chest pressed down on him, sinking him deeper into the mattress. How did she walk around with these things? Her voluptuous figure gave the impression that she was somewhat overweight, and yet the muscle mass required just to move around while carrying this kind of bulk would make her underlying strength the envy of any human athlete.

James leaned back on the bed, his heart pounding in his chest as Railha watched his reaction with a knowing smile, pressing her ample chest around his throbbing member with her hands and rubbing gently. He had never felt anything so damned soft in his life, like yielding flesh that had been wrapped in the most exquisite silk. A gasp escaped his lips as Railha gripped the orbs in her hands, and started to raise them. She lifted them, then let them fall again, slamming them down on his lap with a considerable impact. She kept them tight, crossing her arms around them and squeezing them together with her biceps, ensuring that they trapped his cock like a vice. He felt his hips moving of their own accord, thrusting into the depths of her fluffy cleavage, and she held them steady for him as she watched him with a satisfied expression.

"See how he bucks and writhes?" Railha said to Datz, who was still watching them from the corner as she nursed her drink. "This is the beauty of the Polar method, I don't even have to move. He comes to me of his own volition, like a living, lusting metaphor for our ways."

"Yer fulla shit," the Equatorial shot back, her drunken vulgarity contrasting sharply with Railha's measured eloquence. "They're like any male, they know what to do with their cock. You don't have to coerce 'em once you get 'em goin'."

"Datz is not satisfied with the demonstration," Railha whispered, turning her attention back to James as he looked down at her with a dazed expression. "Looks like we'll have to put on a better show for her."

She plunged her face into her copious bust, the curtain of her silvery hair falling over his lap like a blanket. He jerked as he felt her long, sinuous tongue snake out of her mouth, creeping down between her breasts to curl around his member. She manipulated it with the slimy appendage, sucking it into her warm mouth, and pursing her puffy lips around the tender glans.

James yelped, feeling her hot, slippery muscle coil down his shaft as she sucked and kissed. Although her feline tongue was somewhat rough, her saliva was viscous and slippery, making the glances of her dexterous organ smooth and spine-tingling as she painted his erection with her drool. He grimaced, gritting his teeth against the pleasure and digging his fingers into the bed sheets, Railha's chuckling only adding to the stimulation as her lips vibrated around his shaft.

She pressed deeper, teasing the underside of his member with her tongue as she took him into her mouth, struggling to dig him out from between the mounds of her bust. There was so much movement, her slimy muscle twisting, curling and licking with an intensity that made him shiver and filled his mind with fuzzy warmth. It was like a kind of worship, gentle and supplicant, affectionate and compassionate. She felt every twitch and pulse of his member in her mouth, modifying the pace of her stroking accordingly, the pressure that was welling in James' loins growing as she worked.

"What are you gettin' out of that?" Datz asked from her seat across the room. "Foolin' around a little to get him hard is one thing, but you're not servicin' an Alpha here."

Railha let his member fall from her lips to rest between her breasts, linked to her lips by a mess of stringy saliva as James panted. Her cleavage was so deep that he couldn't even make out the tip between her heaving mounds of flesh.

"Maybe I want him to feel as if I am."

"What for?"

"Because if I drive him half insane with pleasure, he'll do anything I ask of him, willingly and without reservation."

Datz sneered as she took another draw from her bottle, leaning back in the armchair in a decidedly un-ladylike position, her legs splayed immodestly as she reclined.

"If you want somethin' from him, just twist his arm and make him give it to you. Why go to such lengths to appease him?"

"That's what you and your fellow Equatorials can't seem to understand, Datz. The difference between someone doing something because you coerced them, and because they want to do it. Equatorials always strive to be the leader of their entourage, they want to dominate, but love is a more effective motivator than fear."

Datz laughed heartily at that, slapping her thigh with her clawed hand.

"Sounds like you've never been afraid, never felt that pit in your stomach when your Alpha overpowers you, the taste of your own blood on your lips as that need to mate bubbles up inside you and takes control like a fever." She bit her lower lip as her eyes glazing over, as if reminiscing about some past event in her life. "Humans feel it too, they just need a little...encouragement."

She leaned forward in her chair and set the bottle down on an adjacent table, resting her hands on her knees as she grinned toothily at Railha. "Want me to show you? I doubt that a Polar has ever fucked you like that before. Let me be your Alpha for the night, and I'll show you both what yer missin'."

"I'm not nearly drunk enough for that, Datz" Railha replied. James bucked in surprise as she plunged his erection back into her mouth, gripping his hips in her hands to keep him steady, slamming her head down on his lap. Her lips closed around the base of his shaft, and she held him there, the suction incredible as she locked him in her tight throat. The muscles of her gullet spasmed and rippled around his sensitive glans, hot and smooth as they massaged him, trying to either swallow or reject the foreign object. Her tongue left her mouth to graze his balls, her saliva dripping down his thighs as she licked. She almost pushed him over the edge in that one motion, and she felt his member bounce in her mouth, curling her lips into a smile as she realized that he was getting close.

She withdrew abruptly, letting the wet mess of saliva slide down his shaft and fall to the bed sheets, wiping her mouth with the back of her furry hand.