Friendly Neighbor Pt. 02


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Frank answered for the group, "we play boring games and I'm sure you would find better things to do that hang out with a bunch of old farts like us."

Ron elbowed him and pushed him back behind the group.

Jess answered, "You might be surprised. My social calendar has been pretty bare for a couple years now, that is until Mike moved in next door,"

"We play a variety of board games and card games. We are up for anything." Steve offered, "what games do you know?"

"I never played any card games or board games, but I'm willing to learn," Jess offered.

Ron was the one to come up with an idea that would satisfy the desires of everyone present. It would allow the men to get their hands on Jess, "How about dancing, I haven't had anyone to dance with in many years, much less anyone as good looking as you are, Jess."

"I'm afraid I don't know how to dance either, but I've always wanted to." Jess confessed

"Great, we can teach you, unfortunately we don't know any of the modern dance moves but a lot of dancing is just wrapping your arms around each other and swaying with the music." Ron answered.

"You mean like a hug? I do dearly love hugging." Jess admitted.

"It's settled then." Ron said reaching for Jess. "Mike would you be so kind as to put on some music.

Jess settled into Ron's embrace and looked down at her feet. Ron lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. "Don't worry about your feet. Lean into me and listen to the music."

Ron, it turned out was an excellent dancer and could teach Jess any dance steps she wanted to learn, but that was not his agenda. He wanted her relaxed and feeling confident. He would lead her around the living room in time with the music all the while feeling her soft body against him.

Five minutes later Ron released his captive. Jess's eyes were closed and she felt as if she had been floating on a cloud. She had enjoyed the gentle rocking of her body, with just a hint or eroticism. She had never experienced anything like that before.

"Can we do that again?" she asked.

"I'd love to, but I don't want to be greedy. There are three other men her who also know how to dance. None of them are as good at it as I am, but they do deserve a chance," Ron explained.

Steve stepped up and said, "would you do me the honor?" as he held out his hand to her.

Mike started another song and Jess found herself in the strong arms of the man she's met the other day and who had taken liberties with her. She wondered if he would again and rested in that thought as she placed her head against his chest and her arms around him. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the fantasy.

The song ended too early for Jess, but she had felt Steve's hand caressing her bottom.

Frank stepped up, "I'm nowhere near as good of a dancer as either Ron or Steve, but I'd love to waltz you around this makeshift dancefloor," he offered.

Jess took his hand, and found her position against his chest. Again, she was transformed to a world of make believe and soft music. She felt the warmth of his hands moving up and down her bare back and then up and down her sides. She was certain he would have rubbed against her breasts if the music hadn't stopped. Frank stepped back and Jess looked up.

She approached Mike, "Looks like it's your turn now," She wrapped her arms around the man who had seen her naked several times.

They danced, and only danced. Mike seemed to be holding back on the freedoms she allowed him every morning. She could only think that he didn't want to take control and to allow her the option to choose what she would allow each of the other men to do with her.

The song ended and it was time to start the rotation all over again. Ron stepped up and this time Jess was going to hint as she'd seen before in the videos that were training her. She did not wrap her arms around the man in front of her, instead she placed her palms flat against his chest. She felt his nipples and started to softly brush her fingertip against them. She pushed her groin against his and he got the hint. His hands found her ass and started to squeeze.

Jess had found the key she wanted and as she danced with the remaining men, she felt their hand prints on her bare bottom. Steve even was so bold to fondle her barely covered breast with one hand while squeezing her bare bottom with the other.

After Ron also cradled one of her breasts, the party slowed down. The music stopped and Mike brought out drinks for everyone. The conversation resumed about the good ol' times the men shared.

They had been together for three hours and decided to all head home. Jess insisted on a good bye hug from everyone and found that each man had an erection. She encouraged and was rewarded with both a hand on her bare butt and as she leaned in to kiss each man on the cheek and felt a hand on her breasts. Only Steve and Ron slipped their hand under her top to caress her bare breasts.

She went back home before the others left, thinking that Mike might want to take a bow for bringing a girl to the party.

The next morning Jess waited at her door at 6:44 wearing the baby dolls that had distracted Mike yesterday.

The doorbell rang as expected and she opened the door. Mike stood just outside her home smiling. "Good morning," he said

She again wrapped her arms around the man responsible for her new-found freedom, "thank you for yesterday. I loved dancing with you and your friends."

She kissed him on the cheek placing her breast within easy reach. He did not disappoint her and cupped her breast. She stayed in that position until she felt his manhood rise then stepped back leading him into her kitchen.

Jess enjoyed learning the effect her could have on men; she had never known the power she had. Her late husband knew and used that knowledge to gain more clients, he never gave her any credit and allowed her to think it was the clothing he told her to wear that was drawing the men and not her body. Her father hadn't allowed her to wear anything fashionable and kept her dressed in baggy clothes.

Putting those two thoughts together explained to her why she liked clothes. Mike had encouraged her to find her own style and as she explored the casual and far less expensive clothes, she found that Mike, Steve, and the other men enjoyed the sight and feel of her body. The clothes were mostly just in the way and as such acted like a tease.

The baby-dolls she now wore were having that effect on Mike right now. He could see the outline of her breasts and nipples as well as a nice view of the crease between her legs. She enjoyed watching his eyes dart to her breasts or pussy while trying to not to jump her and fuck her hot and heavy right here in the kitchen. She was living one of the porn videos she watched.

She prepared his coffee and set it along with a scone in front of him. It was only after she sat down opposite of him could he focus.

"The guys didn't leave right away after you left. They could not stop talking about you. They all want to see you again," he said.

"I loved the dancing," she answered, "and I loved the guys caressing me too." Her face turned red.

"You are making us older guys very happy and the guys wanted me to ask you to come over tomorrow night for game night. We can teach you how to play." Mike relayed.

"I'd like that, but would you mind if Instead of teaching me how to play your game, you allow me to play hostess to you and the guys? I bought a costume online thinking it would be fun, but have never had an opportunity to wear it. You've said that you wanted me to choose what I would wear instead of you deciding like my late husband always did," Jess said sheepishly.

"I think that is a marvelous idea. I can just imagine what this costume might look like. I'm sure you're aware that the guys might not keep their hands off of you," Mike responded.

Jess's eyes lit up with excitement, "I'm counting on it. I told you before that the men my late husband introduced me to were never allowed to touch me. I liked it when Steve, Ron, and Frank touched me." She sat up straighter displaying her breasts as she watched Mike's eyes lower from her face.

"I never knew that men would like to look at my butt until you told me. It was exciting yesterday to be dancing while they were fondling my butt," she stood up, turned around and added, "do you like my butt?" before she bent over showing off her thong covered ass.

Mike stood and stroked the sensual globes in front of him then turned her around and untied the bow holding her top together. He lowered his head to take one of her nipples into his mouth.

Jess reached down to caress the bulge in his pants.

Soon they, as was becoming their pattern, ended up in her bedroom with her laying face up on the bed with her legs spread and Mike's face between her thighs. He tongued her long and slow for several minutes. She screamed out her orgasm then asked for a position she's seen in one of the videos. She explained the position to Mike who heartily agreed.

She rolled over and got up onto her hands and knees. Mike positioned himself behind her and resumed licking her from her slippery pearl up her crease. He repeated the long, slow licking while squeezing and kneading her fleshy globes.

He mounted her from the rear and watched her thrash around the new stimulation. She came violently and collapsed.

A half hour later they were again seated at her kitchen table drinking the cold coffee.

"I am so glad I met you," Jess said.

"Likewise," Mike replied, "but I don't want you to think of us as a couple. I'm much older than you. You are still young and vibrant. You need to find someone your own age to be with and no, I'm not dumping you. I will relish any and all time you want to spend with me. The guys feel the same way towards you."

"That's good, because I like you guys and I can learn so much from you. I'm starting to see how sheltered I've been and If I just went out now and tried to meet someone, it'd be like throwing me to the sharks. I want to play with you guys and learn all about sex. I loved that new position." She shared.

"So, what do you want to do next?" He asked.

"I have a list and thanks to you, I'm learning to ask for what I want," she challenged. "What time shall I be over tomorrow to play hostess for your game night?"

Jess spent the rest of the day watching videos of woman playing hostess to a bunch of guys. She watched women being fondled as they brought in drinks and snacks. She watched as the women removing their clothes as the game progressed. She watched as the women placed themselves as the prize to be won. She watched women giving the men lap dances. She watched the women giving the men blow jobs. She watched the men Cumming in the women's mouth.

Jess wondered why Mike had always stopped her when he was close to Cumming in her mouth. She wondered what cum tasted like.

She wasn't sure how far she wanted to go with the four men tomorrow, but she did know she wanted their hands on her bare flesh and maybe her hands on theirs. A lot of the sexual acts she saw both frightened and aroused her. A woman can have two men at the same time; she knew she wasn't ready for that yet.

She laid out the outfit she planned to wear tomorrow. It was a gauze material shaped into a loose tube top with elastic on top and under her breasts holding it in place, yet easily removed. She wore a small black apron that from the front looked like a very short skirt, but did not wrap all the way around her, leaving the crease of her ass bare. She wore no underwear and had a black bow tie around her neck. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought she looked hot.

She was not any more exposed than she had been when her late husband dictated what she was to wear, but he never intentionally exposed her bottom. She was starting to enjoy the attention her bottom attracted and loved being exposed like this to her new older male friends.

Jess walked over to Mike's house at 12:30 wanting to greet his friends at the door. Mike opened the door for her and she swore his jaw almost hit the floor. She had a lot of skin exposed and what was covered didn't actually cover anything. To the casual observer she appeared topless, but upon closer examination (she loved the closer exanimation) she seemed to be wearing a spider web of material. She did a quick spin for Mike showing off her naked rear.

"Do you think the guys will like my outfit?" she asked.

"If they don't, we'll put them in for a psych exam," he responded.

Jess smiled enjoying the distraction she was going to cause.

Steve arrived first and like Mike was rendered speechless. Jess pulled him into her arms and gave him a hug no mother would ever give. She felt his hands caress the bare skin of her butt and sighed in satisfaction. Steve also voiced his approval. I like this new outfit," he said giving her butt a squeeze.

Ron appeared just behind Steve, "My turn," he said. Jess welcomed the new hands exploring the open skirt she wore.

Frank was the last to arrive and he also enjoyed the warm flesh Jess provided for them all.

The guys took their seats and brought out a board game they intended to play. Jess had no idea what the game was about, but walked around to each man asking about the game while standing close to the man she talked to. She had her ass caressed by each man as he explained one thing or another about the game until she moved on to the next seated player.

Jess had never thought that men would like to touch and squeeze her butt, but once Mike had told her that a lot of men would like to look at and caress her butt, she found she really enjoyed both the attention and the feel of their hands on her, even more so when there was no clothing in the way.

She'd watched several videos of women showing off their butts for men and she even found some women engaged in twerking, she still wasn't sure what that was all about, but she had practiced in front of her bedroom mirror.

She remembered using the same motion the other morning when she and Mike had sex in that new position, he called doggy style. She was convinced that she was twerking then, without even being aware of it. She thought she might try it when the guys fondled her ass to see how they reacted.

She continued her trek around the table enjoying the warm hands on her bottom until she realized that she had forgotten to bring out the snacks Mike had told her about. She went back into the kitchen and brought out two small bowls of snacks. She set one in front on Ron, "I'm sorry, I forgot to put these out earlier," she leaned over close to his face with her virtually bare breasts within easy reach.

Ron said, "no problem, we've been distracted," he reached his hand back to caress her butt, then looked up at the inviting breast within inches of his face. He shifted the direction of his hand and cupped her breast, then pinched her nipple.

"Ohh," she said pushing her breast closer.

Ron raised his other hand to grasp her other breasts.

Steve watched the scene in front of him and as jealousy took over, he commented. "I think I need some snacks too."

Everyone laughed and Jess make sure she enjoyed every male hand present on her breasts. She was panting with arousal by the time she had finished supplying the snacks. She had not forgotten the twerking idea and she was definitely in the mood to try twerking against those probing hands.

She resumed her walk around the table making conversation about the game and enjoying the feel of Steve's hand on her ass, when she thrust her butt back and slowly started the rhythm she's seen in the videos.

Steve let out a low moan indicating a high level of arousal. Jess found herself getting wet and was actually humping Steve's hand. She knew there were other men present and she wanted to try them all initially, then come back around to find her favorite.

She moved onto Ron, who appeared eager to enjoy the new sensation with this sexy woman. As soon as she started to move her butt in the erotic dance, Ron released an animalistic growl and like Steve before him was on the verge of a sexual release.

She moved on; not certain she'd be able to make it to all of the men before she too would succumb to the sexual overload.

She approached Frank, who was already caught up in the frenzy. She had just pushed her bottom onto his waiting hand when he swatted her. She stopped, feeling a warm tingling all around her nether regions. The room became eerier silent as the others all stared at Frank,

"I'm sorry" he said.

"It just surprised me, it didn't hurt, but it was different." She reassured the embarrassed man. She felt the strange, yet very erotic sensation covering all of the area between her legs, she felt herself getting even wetter and the warmth covered her neck and chest. Her nipples hardened. She wasn't sure why but she wanted him to spank her again. She's never been spanked before and this was a very new and different experience.

She recovered and looked around the room. The men were all watching her as if they were afraid, she was offended. She knew she had to make sure they knew she was not upset. This was just a new sexual sensation she had never experience before. She gave each man a hug making sure she caressed the now withering manhood between their legs. She wanted them each hard again.

Mike offered some humor into the situation. "Maybe you could offer to kiss it and make it better," knowing how much Jess had enjoyed his oral attention from before.

Jess turned red hearing Mike's suggestion. She wasn't certain if it was from embarrassment or arousal.

Frank looked over at Jess; his arousal was plainly visible. It seemed as if he wanted to make amends to her in the way Mike suggested.

Jess was confused. She wanted this, but everything was moving a bit faster than she had anticipated. She had wanted the men to fondle her and maybe she could fondle them as well. She wasn't sure about having Frank kiss her as Mike had yesterday morning.

She could see no way out and keep the erotic hugs and fondling with the guys. "Okay, she hedged, but just a quick one."

Mike, Steve, and Ron all saw her hesitation and knew they were pushing her too far, too fast. Even Frank saw it after noticing the looks his friends gave him.

Jess bent over and lifted her skirt pushing her bare bottom towards Frank. He bent over and planted a chaste kiss on her bottom. She felt instant arousal and twerked against his face. He kissed her again then forced himself back and away from her.

Jess wanted to make sure the guys knew she wasn't upset, but the game night was now over and everyone was making moves towards leaving. Jess insisted on a good night hug with each of the men. This time instead of just providing her body for their caresses. She caressed each cock though their pants, making sure they were erect. She wanted to wrap her hand around each naked cock and maybe taste them too. That might happen next time, this time she wanted each man to know she wanted to play with them as much as she wanted them to play with her.

When she got home, she sat down at the computer and typed in erotic spanking into the search window.

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maddictmaddictabout 1 year ago

Mike, Mike, maybe wait awhile before suggesting she find a younger and harder for longer young man. What time did your friends go home 8 pm not before then right

ashlandlitashlandlitalmost 2 years ago

This is a great story. I love her unfolding into a powerful sexual woman.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hotter than hot! Makes me want to take all my clothes off right now.

maddictmaddictalmost 3 years ago

Your all such gentleman, to show this much concern for her.

chytownchytownalmost 3 years ago

****In keeping with the storyline. Damn this was a goooooooood read. Thanks for sharing.

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