Friends and Foes Ch. 07


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Tom arched an eyebrow and smirked. "I'm not sure what you are suggesting Sam. I thought we had work to do. Isn't that what you just told Jake?"

Sam let out a growl. "You know very well what I'm suggesting, and you know I was only telling Jake that for his own good. I need you. More specifically, I need you naked in our bed, right now, fucking me with that erection you're pretending you don't have while you are playing the unlikely innocent. Come on baby, let's go corrupt each other!"

Tom stopped trying to pretend and smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischief and lust.

"Two hours until lunch. Mmm, that's got to be enough time for me to take you at least three times. Why don't you get your pretty ass upstairs and we'll give it a try."

* * * * * *

Jake pretty much dragged Adam up the stairs and along to his room, thanking whatever deity had made Sam let him have this moment. He slammed the door shut behind them, pushing his mate into the room and growling at him.

"Strip," he ordered, watching as Adam flung his clothes off fast. As much as Jake enjoyed taking control, Adam enjoyed being given the orders just so long as they both got off, and that was a certainty.

Adam's erection was full blown already, after the few days apart the kiss and a couple of dominating actions more than enough to have him hard and ready. He was already panting and desperate for Jake to take him, and he'd made sure to be ready for this moment. He knew this time would be fast and furious and he was more than happy for that to be the case. He shuddered as he watched Jake's eyes travel over his naked body, waiting for his next instruction.

"Face down on the bed. Put a couple of those pillows under your hips. I need to take you right now."

Jake was hard as steel as well, just watching as his mate followed his orders immediately. He pushed down his trousers and walked over to the bed, noticing as he got there that Adam's legs were spread ready for him, but there was already something in his ass. He grabbed the plug and thrust it in and out a couple of times, realising that Adam had already lubed himself as well. He let out a pleased growl.

"Good boy. You knew I wasn't going to wait for this," he said, patting Adam's buttocks as he threw the toy to one side and got himself into position.

One strong thrust made Adam yelp and Jake groan, but he was inside Adam to the hilt with just that. He took a moment to let his mate calm and to remind himself of how good it felt. It didn't matter how many times over the years they had done this, each time was just as good as the first. It felt like coming home, warm and welcoming. He leaned down so that his front was pressed to Adam's back, and wrapped his arms around his torso to keep him close, enjoying that warmth and their skin to skin connection.

Jake started to move as soon as he had as much of Adam against him as possible. His lips moved across the broad shoulders beneath him as he pistoned back and forth, and occasionally he let his teeth nibble at the soft skin. Adam's moans just became wanton. He was pretty much pinned to the bed by Jake's body and being taken hard, but he absolutely loved it and there was nowhere he would rather be.

Adam stiffened violently and Jake knew that was going to be the end of both of them. It had only been a few minutes, but the pleasure was too intense for either and the speed and force didn't make for spinning out their reunion bonding. He let himself start to fall, Adam's pleasured sounds and spasm as he came taking Jake over the edge and he started to spurt into the hot channel, knowing that Adam was shooting over the pillows beneath him. His final act, before he finished pumping, was to bite down hard on Adam's shoulder, making sure he left a possessive mark on his mate. He needed that bond to be reinforced after their days apart.

Neither of them moved for a long time after, Adam savouring his mate above him and the feel of his softening cock still lodged in his ass. The plug was nowhere near as satisfying as Jake's dick, but he was glad he'd thought of it. A couple of times on the journey down he had regretted his choice as the toy was distracting, but he knew that Jake was going to fuck him hard as soon as he could and it seemed like a good idea to be ready and waiting. Jake would have taken the time to open and lube him, but he also knew how much he'd appreciate not having to wait.

Eventually Jake rolled the two of them over, keeping Adam in his arms but moaning his disappointment when his dick left its home. He kissed along his neck again, and licked over the mark he had made to soothe it. That was going to leave quite a bruise, he thought with pride. He didn't ordinarily mark Adam, but he liked to do it once in a while and now was definitely a good time for him to see a reminder of the fact this man was his. When Adam started to struggle a little in his arms he relaxed his hold and let him turn, smiling back when he saw the smiling face that greeted him, and liking it when Adam put his arms around him to hold him tight as well.

"Thanks love. I missed that," Adam told him as he started to kiss him tenderly.

"I missed you too. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Adam looked as though he was thinking that over for a moment, and he wriggled a little, testing his muscles.

"My ass knows I've been fucked, but that's a good thing. My shoulder hurts a bit, but I don't mind that either."

"Got a bit carried away with my possessive side, sorry gorgeous."

"Don't be. I'm yours and you can do whatever you want with me because we both know I'm going to love it just as much as you do."

Jake just growled, loving hearing his mate reminding him that he was his. What more could Jake want than an open offer of the body of the man he loved?

"I still can't quite believe Sam agreed to this," Jake thought.

"He's trying. But I don't think he completely believes us, and he certainly doesn't trust you. Probably doesn't trust me either."

"I got the lack of trust thing when we were surrounded outside."

"It was just Sam showing off. He doesn't want you to underestimate his strength."

"I saw the film of his guys trashing that lab, I'd never underestimate him. But I also saw how not one of those men was injured. They knocked them out and tied them up, but he dealt with it perfectly."

"One man was injured. And trust me, that is going to be a sore point."

"Are you going to tell me why, or is it just the obvious fact that Simon attacked that panther. You saw the tape, he was about to take it too far, but it was lucky he hadn't been brought down long before."

"He would only have been drugged. Even after he knocked the panther out they only put him to sleep."

"Simon didn't know that. He thought he was fighting for his life. I have to say, he's a lot more powerful than I would have thought."

Jake didn't want to dwell on that aspect of what had happened, and he also didn't want to get into who was involved. He had seen his sister so close to tearing Simon's throat out for nearly killing Dill, and it wasn't a sight he wanted to be reminded of. He decided to change the subject.

"So, will you tell me why you have such an issue with the lions. You were terrified, but not worried by the others."

Adam looked nervous, but did start to explain. "I met a real lion when I was younger, in Africa. It nearly did eat me, until it was shot with a tranq. Even then it took a while for it to let me go, it seemed like forever. I know that wasn't a Were. Plus it was a female, but I don't like lions."

"Would it help if I told you they were just boys. I know you've only seen the lion side, but they are young men, and they really do just do as they are told."

"Then why did one of them start roaring at us?"

"Tilly asked someone to help her out by breaking us up. She feels emotion, and we were sending off a lot of intense vibes that were a little uncomfortable. I guess the fact I was seriously thinking about dragging you off into the bushes to take you didn't help."

"Or the fact I was wishing you would do just that! But then they almost seemed to be laughing at us."

"They were laughing at what she said about them being horny. Trust me, they were not having a go at you, and I would not be surprised if she was right either. There's a fair chance those two have run off to do pretty much what we've just done."

"Is everyone here gay?!"

"No. Sam and Tom, obviously, and those lions. Other than that I don't know but I don't think so."

"How can you possibly tell?"

"I can smell it. Well, not their sexuality, but when people spend a lot of time close together, as lovers, their scent is all over the other."

"Does that mean I smell of you?"

"Yes, and I smell of you. Although after a few days apart, it tends to fade. That's why I was quite so possessive of you when I saw you. I needed to renew my scent on my mate. It's one of the quirks of being Were."

"I really don't mind you know. Any time you want to rub yourself all over me is absolutely fine!"

Jake grinned, feeling his arousal and dick growing again at the thought and the way their discussion was heading. He nudged at his mate and started to kiss him harder.

"So, you up for more of me yet? Gentle this time, I promise, because I want to savour being able to take you again."

He heard the groan in reply and took that as his okay, soon working over Adam's body and touching and tasting every part. Shame they had to show their faces at lunch, this was good enough to take all day.

* * * * * *

The team outside had dispersed, most of the men heading back to their families. Sam's orders were just to be there for a welcome party and then they were to stay away from the house, and if they did have to come it was to be in animal form. He didn't want anyone to be recognisable if Adam hadn't already met them. Those that normally lived in the house, Finn, Sky, Peter and Michael, had been moved into Tilly's house for the timebeing.

The only part of this that had surprised Tilly was when Dill ran out of the house. She knew about the orders but not the fact all the team would be there. But to see Dill like that had been a shock, if a very pleasant one. She knew he'd come out of the house with the doctor so she wouldn't have a go at him for changing without being told it was okay. When she saw him changed though, all she wanted to do was run and play. It only took a glance to check that Sam wasn't going to need her and the pleasure she felt from Jake and Adam, to realise she wasn't going to be missed.

She fell to her knees and let Dill rub against her, his whiskers tickling her and his purr as she stroked his head and down his back. This was good but she needed more, and she barely bothered to check if they were alone before throwing off her dress and changing form herself, allowing her cat to rub against her mate. It felt good to be able to do it after so long.

"So, is this it, you've finally got the all clear?" she asked.

"Yep. I'm all healed, all I need is to get back into full training and I'll be back to normal in no time. And of course, I'll have to remind myself of what we can do like this," he replied, laughing.

"Really? You'll have to catch me first."

Tilly took off into the woods, laughing herself. She knew Dill was close behind her and she didn't intend to make him work too hard to catch her, but it amused her and her cat to play like this again. As much as she enjoyed the chase, she needed him and wasn't going to make him wait too long. Even if she had wanted to, the barrage of images of the two of them entwined that he was sending her way were turning her on more and more, and she was unable to shut out his desire and need that seemed to hit her in waves.

She changed her mind about the direction of their run and where she was going to lead him, knowing they would not make it back to the house and their bed, and that her house was currently occupied and not available as a retreat. She headed towards the training area, looking for one of the smaller buildings that was not too dirty inside even if it wouldn't be that comfortable. It was at least out of the way of anyone who might still be in the grounds, and that would have to be enough because she couldn't wait any longer.

Dill was amused when he realised where they were going, but quickly followed her into the building, bowling her over to take the advantage and pretend he had caught her fair and square, even though he knew she had let him do it and could have outrun him for longer if she had wanted to. His thoughts that he had been sending to her ensured she wouldn't want to, and as much as he knew they had an effect on her, they had turned him on too.

She surprised him when she didn't change, but once he had her pinned she moved her tail, an open invitation to his cat side to take her, but he didn't want to take any chances.

"You really want this?" he thought to her, because she'd never before wanted to stay as cat for them to mate. He had never minded, but this would be more animal and intense and he wasn't sure that she really did want him this way.


It was barely a whisper in his head that formed her reply, but it was spoken with need and he let his cat take charge then, forcing his way inside her to a yowl from her throat, but she was wet and needy and he was sure it hadn't hurt, just surprised her. His certainty that she was enjoying this shut down the rest of his rational brain, and he thrust rapidly inside her body, grasping the scruff of her neck in his teeth to hold her still. This was purely their animal sides involved, him taking her hard and her reacting to his every move even though she could barely move under his weight.

And god, was it good. It was raw lust and passion, nothing like either of them had experienced before, but it couldn't last. Dill bit down harder on Tilly's neck as he came, both of them crying out as their coupling came to an explosive climax that left them weak and shaking. When he started to recover, Dill licked at the wound he had made, his sense gradually returning. He had to shake his head to start to clear the animal need from his mind, getting back his humanity and taking stock of what had just happened. He saw Tilly was doing something very similar underneath him, and he moved himself away from her, now aware of what he had done and worried for her.

"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, I'm not hurt," she replied, still trying to recover and not sure how to say what she had felt when her cat had totally taken over, driving her desire to new levels where it was all that mattered. "I feel great. Why have we never done that before?"

He chuckled with her, glad to know that she had enjoyed it too.

"I don't know, but we'll have to make sure we do it again!"


* * * * * *

As agreed, they met for lunch, although Tilly was disappointed that Dill could not join them. She sat with the men, still glowing from the intensity that she had experienced, and well aware that she was not the only one in the room that had been well fucked since their last meeting. They didn't discuss anything of import over the food, and it was only after they had cleared up and moved to Sam's office that the questions began, Sam taking the lead to ask what the Weres wanted to know. Sam and Tom sat behind his desk, Adam and Jake facing them, and Tilly behind to take in the emotions and alert Sam to anything unusual.

Adam felt already like he was about to be interrogated, but then considering the way the captured Weres had been questioned, he had it easy. Jake held his hand to reassure him, and he listened carefully to Sam's questions.

"So, Adam, perhaps you should start at the beginning. How did these men contact you?"

"They made an appointment at work. I assumed it was about a building project, but they quickly made it clear it wasn't. They knew about my interests and knew I had the money to fund the research they said they were doing."

"But you didn't know them?"

"No. In recent years, especially once I knew about Jake, I have kept my werewolf research secret. But as you know, I was less careful in the past. They could have found out about me any number of ways."

"When was this?"

"About three years ago. I have to admit I was intrigued straight away. After all, they were pretty much offering to answer all the questions I still had. They even had a fucking business plan. They had the building, they needed the equipment, and it was all costed."

"We should find out who owned that building over the years. Currently, Adam, you do."


Sam checked with Tilly and her expression confirmed he really had been surprised by that news.

"Pretty much everything there ties to you. No trace or record of any other involvement aside from the employees, who were hired by your company. Well, a subsiduary of it."

Sam handed Adam a couple of the bits of paper they had obtained and he and Jake sat there looking at them in confusion. Adam finally spoke.

"I swear Sam, I had no idea. If this is part of my company I've never even heard of it. Someone is setting me up here."

"It's not exactly implausible that you would do all of this yourself Adam. Jake says he never met these guys, so who did who can help you out?"

"You think I made them up? I hoped Jake had made more progress than that." He turned around to look at Tilly. "You must be able to tell I'm not lying. Please tell him."

"I have done, but you have to admit it's hard to believe, and Jake can't back you up."

"I wasn't going to put my mate into that situation. I didn't know those guys or exactly what their motives were. Sure, I wanted to get involved, and I did give them the money, but I couldn't risk them finding out about Jake. No-one else knows about him."

"What about your family?"

Jake laughed at that, patting Adam's knee to reassure him.

"Hell no. My mother in particular does not need to know about us."

"So Jake is your guilty little secret?" Sam asked, his disapproval clear from his voice.

Adam frowned. "No, he isn't. My friends know that I'm gay and that Jake and I are together. But my parents are not privy to that. Jake agrees with my reasons. My mother is homophobic, plus she doesn't like your family because of the business. God knows why she's so against you when it was my father's family business, but she is. It's better to let her hassle me about finding a good woman every time I see her rather than tell her I've already found the one I love and he's not only a he but also an Arcan."

Sam didn't really like the answer, but if Jake was happy with Adam not telling his family about them it wasn't his place to interfere, and there were rather more important things he needed to know right then.

"So, back to these mysterious men. Is there anyone else who saw them and might be able to give us more information about them?"

Adam went very quiet, and it was clear from his face that he was having some private conversation with Jake before he spoke up again.

"Simon met them. He's my right hand man, or at least he was before one of your people broke it."

Jake winced visibly, but no-one noticed that because the others were growling. He tried to defend Adam, even though he couldn't believe quite how his mate had worded that after his warning. He should have known it was not something to be joked about.

"Adam doesn't fully understand what happened. It was a poor choice of words but he isn't blaming anyone."

"No, I'm not, but I sent him there to find out what was happening. I didn't expect him to be coming out in an ambulance. He didn't deserve that."