Friendship in Transition


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Only a couple days into summer break Jamie and I had made plans to see each other. She was going to pick me up, we'd go grab some lunch and maybe wander around the mall, then she was going to show me her apartment and we could play some video games. When she arrived, still wringing life out of the knackered old Buick, I grabbed my computer bag and headed out the door.

I opened the passenger door of her car, tossed my bag in the back seat, and plopped down on the front bench seat.

"Oh my god, it's so good to see you!" she said. "I missed you!"

She immediately leaned in for a hug and I gladly reciprocated.

"I missed you too!" I said back, truthfully.

As we hugged I smelled her perfume and hair product, it smelled very feminie and very nice. I felt her body press against mine and I couldn't help notice the two small, soft protrusions on her chest which pressed against my flat chest. As we pulled apart I summoned every ounce of willpower I had to not look down at her tits under her female cut ¾ sleeve t-shirt.

I looked at her face, now about a year and a half on HRT, and her features were a bit softer than I remembered. Her makeup was tastefully and attractively done, and her light blonde hair hung long down her shoulders.

"You look really good." I said warmly.

"Thanks!" she said with joy, as she put her car in gear and started to pull out onto the road.

"I can't even tell you how good it feels to feel like I'm actually in the right body for once. It's like..." she paused "... It's like I've just been living someone else's life for 18 years and now I get to live my own. I feel good physically and mentally, I feel like I'm me."

"Wow." I said, searching for the right response. She'd mentioned these things over text, of course, but hearing the honest joy in her voice and seeing her smile as she looked ahead at the road was actually beautiful, and I felt myself getting a little choked up.

"I can't imagine what it would be like to not feel like you were you. Like you had to be someone else."

"Dude, it sucked so much." she said. "Don't get me wrong, I had a good childhood and I don't want to bitch about shit." she said defensively. "But it's so freeing to just be me. To be the fucking chick I was always supposed to be!"

"Well you make a hot fucking chick, that's for sure." I said before I'd even realized what I was saying.

"Hahaha, shut up!" she said with a smile. I looked at her face and I could see her start to blush. And that made me blush. There was an awkward pause as both of us tried to figure out how to recover.

"So, what do you wanna eat?" she finally asked, we both relaxed in the broken tension and figured out what to get for lunch.

We had lunch at the local mall, then wandered around a bit just chatting, people watching, and window shopping. After a while we decided to go back to her place to play some video games.

Jamie lived in a weird apartment setup she described as a "microunit." She had her own small bedroom, living room, and bathroom. However the large kitchen and a big lounge area was shared in a communal space among about eight other tenants. She said it was the absolute cheapest way to get her own place and so she went with it. She said she was actually introduced to it by some friends of hers in the LGBTQ+ community, and almost everyone who lived in her little dorm area was a member of the community.

"It kinda sucks sharing the kitchen and shit, but I've never felt more comfortable in my life than I do living here." she described.

We entered into her small private living space, the first room inside her door being a little living room. She had a ragged old sofa that I recognized from her parent's basement, in fact it looked like the whole room was scrounged together from hand me downs. That is with the exception of her computer; a powerful custom built rig. Only someone who worked in IT would have a computer that looked straight from the Enterprise surrounded by a room that looked like a garage sale.

I took off my backpack and plopped down on the old familiar sofa, a place I'd spent countless hours in our youth. Jamie turned away from me briefly and removed her sweatshirt. Underneath was a soft looking peach tank top that clung to her sides in an understatedly attractive way. She threw the sweatshirt over her desk chair then turned back to sit down on the sofa next to me.

"So what do ya think of my place?" she asked with a proud smile, gesturing broadly to her room.

"I'll give you the grand tour in a bit." she said with a giggle that I recognized as a laugh I'd known for years.

"I'll let you know when I can spare ten seconds." I said with a deadpan.

"Fuck off, bitch!" she replied and gave me a playful shove. It felt good to have her touch me.

I looked at her next to me on the sofa and without thinking my eyes moved down to her tits. They were small, but clearly noticeable under her tank top. What's more, it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra because I could see the outline of pierced nipples under the fabric. I found my gaze lingering almost outside my own control on the sexy sight, and she was watching me look.

"Wow...." I said awkwardly. "You really do have tits now."

It was a dumb thing to say, but it was the best I could do.

"Yup! I grew them myself! Wanna see?"

And without a moment's hesitation she lifted up her shirt and showed me her tits.

She held her shirt up for me to get a good look. Her tits were small and perky, with soft looking skin and puffy pink nipples, each with a bar piercing going through it.

"Aren't they fucking adorable!?" she said with a smile.

I forced myself to look up at her face and speak.

"They're really sexy." I said.

"I know! I can't believe it, I love them!" she said, and while still holding her shirt up with a couple fingers reached down with her pinkies and jiggled her boobs a little.

I decided to go for it. I don't know if it was a "now or never" thing, but I knew right then and there that I wanted Jamie. I knew I wanted her sexually and I had a pretty good idea that I wanted her romantically too. No more games. No more wondering. I wanted her.

Still looking Jamie right in the eyes I suddenly felt a desperate need to make my move before she lowered her shirt, so I blurted out "Can I touch them?"

Jamie looked at me, pulled her shirt all the way off, and tossed it onto the floor.

"Yes." she said in a very breathy voice.

Her head was tilted down, her hair slightly draped over one cheek, her eyes angled up with a look of apprehensive desire; begging and afraid to be told no.

She looked terrified but wanting. She looked like a person who'd just been told to jump out of a plane by the one person in this life they trusted and was just hoping that it really was all a dream and they'd wake up together in their bed.

'Please don't hate me.' I read on her face.

I didn't

'Please love me.' I saw there too.

And I realized, in that moment, I did.

I leaned in towards her, gently wrapping my left hand around the soft skin of her torso. With my right I cradled the back of her head, her straw colored hair twisting in between my fingers.

I pulled her into my embrace, her arms wrapped around my back, and our lips met.

She tasted sweet and beautiful. Her cool lips quickly warmed against mine as we held each other and kissed. If felt wonderful. It felt right. We were both in the moment; the two paths that were our separate lives which so frequently moved in parallel were met and made one in that beautiful kiss.

Slowly we separated, breathing deeply, each of us taking a few turns to lean into the other for one last peck.

As our arms dropped from around each other our hands clasped and she held mine tightly. For a moment we just looked at one another. She was beautiful.

"Dan." she said timidly.

"Yea?" I answered.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" she asked.

"No." I said, honestly. And while the question had crossed my mind I'd determined I didn't care what the answer was.

"Good." she said with a smirk. "Then I'm never going to fucking tell you." And even as she smiled tears began to fill her eyes.

"Jamie, I... I'm sorry I wasn't... that I couldn't be... that I wasn't what you..."

"Oh shut the fuck up." she said kindly, cutting me off. She was smiling broadly even as the tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"You have always been you, I just haven't always been the right version of me. I made this change because this is who I am. It's who I've always been even if my body didn't know any better."

She thought for just a moment and added "Don't ever fucking think I made this change for you, you self centered douche." and we both laughed, enjoying the lift in tension.

"But, y'know..." she continued with a sheepish grin. "...if you're into the real me, I'm not gonna complain about it."

We smiled at each other.

"I'm really into the real you." I said, and pulled off my own shirt.

Jamie's eyes looked down at my bare chest and she bit her lower lip. It was adorable.

Then I added "And I wouldn't mind being in the real you too... wink."

"You're such a fucking dweeb." she said.

And then we were all over each other. This wasn't like the passionate and loving kiss of before, we were two people still just hanging on to the end of their teens for dear eternal life and our sexual energy was accordingly high.

Our hands were feverishly exploring each other's half naked bodies while our mouths and tongues intertwined each other with heavy breathing. I pushed myself forward and Jamie eased onto her back laying on the sofa.

I wove my fingers into hers with both hands and held them above her head. Then I began kissing her neck; I felt her lithe body react and wriggle under my weight, the naked skin of our chests pressed against each other. As I kissed all around her neck and shoulders I added a nibble here and there.

The little high pitched gasps, sighs, and moans these actions elicited from her drove me wild. I released her hands and made my way down her body with my mouth, kissing and sucking on all the little bits of her skin I wanted to taste, but I didn't have the patience to stay away from her tits for very long.

I placed my hands on her chest, cupping her tits and feeling their softness under my fingers. I also felt the piercings in her nipples and couldn't help but pinch them both and pull just a little. She gasped harder than she had to that point.

"Naughty little girl." I said teasingly. "I love your little pierced tits."

"Oh please suck on them!" she said, almost begging, and I felt her hips grind against my own as she said it.

I obliged her, taking her nipples into my mouth in turn. Sucking on and flicking my tongue over them, back and forth until her tits were slick with my saliva. She moaned in pleasure.

"They're so much more sensitive since I transitioned, and I've been dying to have someone do that." she informed me.

"Glad I could be here for you, bestie." I replied with a shit eating grin. But she just sighed pleasurably and curled her fingers into my hair.

I put my hands back on her tits and let my fingers gently play with her nipples. Then I started to kiss down her abdomen. Her pale skin was so soft, but the toned muscles under it were firm and sexy. I went down further, and further, making my way to the top of her jeans.

When I got there I slid my fingers down her sides and enjoyed the sounds this caused her to make. I firmly placed my hands on her hips and kissed her jeans right on top of her cock.

"Oh my fucking god!" she exclaimed with sincere joy.

She reached down, grabbed my head, and tilted it up to look at her. I had a perfect view of her pretty face framed in the shallow valley of her cleavage.

"Bedroom!" she said with a desperation that was maybe only slightly exaggerated.

"Yes ma'am!" I replied as I stood and offered her my hand up off the couch. She took it and bounced up to her feet, her tits jiggling just slightly. Still holding my hand she led me down a small hall past a bathroom and into her bedroom. It held only a twin bed, a dresser, and a closet, though there was decent enough floor space with such a small bed.

As we got into the room I grabbed Jamie's hand more tightly and turned her to face me. Standing, I wrapped my arms around her and went in for another deep kiss. I loved the feeling of our bodies pressed against each other and I wanted more. I pulled back just slightly and reached down to her belt.

I unclasped it, unbuttoned her tight jeans, pulled the zipper down a bit, then again wrapped my arms around her, this time with one right under her butt. I lifted her up and gently laid her down on her bed. I didn't immediately join her though. Instead I hooked my fingers into her waistband and gently pulled her pants off. I made sure to get her panties along with them and I caught a glimpse of a peach colored thing with white lace which matched the tank top she had been wearing.

She moaned as I did this and was staring at my face. As her pants came down I saw her hard cock bounce back against her smooth stomach. She was so cleanly hairless I thought she might wax. Her cock wasn't huge, a nice average looking size. I was surprised to think that when paired with her quite feminine body it actually looked cute and attractive to me.

I realized that now, having pulled off her pants entirely, that I was just staring at her cock.

"I..." I hesitated. "...I don't know what to do exactly." I said.

Jamie sat up, her face now level with my belly.

"It's ok." she said, and kissed the somewhat hairy skin of my stomach. "Just do whatever feels comfortable to you."

Then she undid my belt and pants, and slid them along with my underwear down to my ankles. I stepped out of them as my cock now sprung out and pointed right at Jamie's face.

"Fuuuuuuuck." she said. "You're so sexy."

"Thanks." I said. "You're so fucking hot." I added.

She smiled and scooted back to the far side of the small bed. She leaned over onto her side and made a beckoning motion with her finger and said "C'mere."

I did so and laid down on my side facing her. She leaned in and again began kissing me, but more slowly and sensually this time.

I reciprocated.

She gently reached one hand down and wrapped her delicate fingers around my hard cock.

I reciprocated.

It was the first time I'd ever felt a cock that wasn't my own. It felt warm, and hard yet soft at the same time. It felt nice.

As we kissed we gently stroked each other, and I loved the reactions I got from Jamie with what I was doing. She moaned and made adorable faces as she enjoyed my touch.

For my part, her hand felt amazing on my cock. My breathing was getting faster and I rocked my hips back and forth with her arm movements.

In fact she was doing the same and our kissing began to wane as we both focused more on our mutual ministrations and pleasure. Our foreheads pressed together and I felt her breath on my face. Her vocalizations made me feel less inhibited as I moaned and groaned with sexual pleasure.

I could feel myself getting closer, I wondered if she was too. Just then Jamie pulled away and quickly moved down the bed. I watched as she knelt next to my hips, her head over my cock.

She looked at me with a sheepish grin "I just have to." she said.

"Fuck yes." I replied

And she lowered her lips to my cock. Her mouth was warm and moist and her movements absolutely sublime. I'd only had one girl give me a couple blowjobs to that point, and this was a whole other world. In no time I felt my orgasm approach.

"I'm gonna cum!" I said through ragged breaths.

Jamie didn't let up one bit, and it was almost sensory overload as my orgasm exploded through my cock into Jamie's mouth as she continued to bob up and down on my shaft. I felt contraction after contraction as my balls unloaded themselves past Jamie's lips; it was an amazing feeling to know she was taking all my cum.

After the heavenly orgasm I felt myself melt into her bed. I looked down at her as she finally pulled her lips from my cock with a wet pop.

"Holy shit!" I said as we made eye contact.

"Yea." she said, smiling.

Then she moved back up on the bed and curled in close to me, my arm under her neck. She was so adorable and sexy.

"Thank you." she said, sleepily.

"No, thank YOU!" I said. I realized then that I felt her warm hard cock resting against my thigh.

"You didn't finish." I observed.

"It's ok." she said. "That was fucking amazing."

"It fucking was." I agreed. "But, doesn't seem fair that you didn't finish."

She looked up at me with a smile.

"You wanna see me finish?" she asked playfully, and I felt her touch herself, pumping her cock slowly and rubbing the head against my thigh. "My orgasms aren't the same as they used to be." she added.

"Fuck that!" I said. "I'm gonna finish you."

Jamie actually squealed at this.

"You're fucking amazing." she said.

"Hah, we'll see." I said. "I don't know what I'm doing, just tell me if I'm doing something wrong."

"Ok, I'm sure you'll be fine. It's been my experience that anyone who has a cock knows what to do with one inherently." and we both laughed.

I moved down and knelt over her hard cock in the same way she had with me. While mine sticks straight out I noticed hers pointed up towards her face. I found it interesting and beautiful and I just sat for a moment looking at it.

"Hey." she said. "Are you sure you're ok with this?"

I thought for just a moment. I knew I was extremely ok with it. I was deliriously excited even! I didn't know why, I didn't care why, but this all felt perfectly normal and wonderful.

"I honestly am so ok with it I can't wait." I said with sincerity.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is fucking happening." she with a giggle.

I wrapped my hand gently around her cock, feeling its sexy warmth and hardness. I gave her a few soft strokes, there was already a drop of precum forming on her tip. I leaned in and wrapped my lips around her head, pressing my tongue against the drop and tasting it's sweetness. And, to my surprise, it really was kind of sweet!

Jamie shuddered and gasped at the sensation. I started to bob my head up and down on the top part of her cock while my hand pumped her shaft, just as she'd done to me. My mouth watered as I went and her cock began to get slick all the way down with my saliva.

I periodically took a brief break to take a couple deep breaths, but kept my hand moving the whole time. In retrospect I realized my technique was basically pleasure through unrelenting force.

After a couple minutes of this Jamie said "Just lick the head." Her voice was airy and high.

I did as she asked. I kept my hand on her shaft to keep it where I wanted it, then started licking all over the head of her cock. I swirled around it and flicked my tongue on that little spot just behind and underneath the head. Jamie writhed in pleasure and it seemed her orgasm was building. It wasn't long before she started to escalate her voice, her breaths getting shallower and faster. I knew what that meant.

"OH FUUUUUUUCK! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" she said in a tiny high pitched voice that was more air than sound.

And then her whole body shuddered. I felt her cock convulse in my hand but the cum I was expecting didn't shoot out. Instead a clearer warm liquid hit my lips, tongue, and chin; there wasn't very much of it and it didn't smell, taste, or look like cum. It was actually, like her precum, slightly sweet and not off-putting at all.

I let her 'cum' shoot in and around my mouth as I continued to lick the head of her cock.

Her back arched and now she barely made any noise, as though the pleasure was too intense for sound. But I could see her body continue to react to what I was doing so I kept licking. Each time I changed the direction of my tongue or pressed a little harder she seemed to convulse more.