From Barbara to Barbie Pt. 2


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"That's me sugar, you must be our Barbie Doll, come on in."

In the room she saw another young black man sitting on one of the double beds. He was about the same age as the man who had opened the door. Now, she had an idea what a "special" was all about. The room was a standard hotel room with a desk in one corner and a chair in the other. The furnishings, however, seemed more suited for a Holiday Inn, she thought, than for a giant hotel in the heart of New York City.

"I'm DJ and he's called Big Mike," said the man who was standing.

What had she gotten herself into, she wondered? They were dressed in baggy clothes and looked like they were probably drug dealers. Ivana Trump would have been envious of the gold and diamond jewelry that adorned their ear lobes, fingers and hung around their necks. They were about as different from Bill Porter as they could be. "I have to ask you if you're involved in law enforcement?" she said.

"You could say that we are," said Big Mike very seriously, then he started to smile. "Without us, law enforcement wouldn't be as busy as they are." Then he cracked up, laid back on the bed and laughed uproariously while holding his stomach.

DJ said, "matter of fact, sweet thing, Big Mike here just got out of Attica after doing three years the hard way. Tonight's kinda a welcome back party for him." He paused for a moment then asked, "Care to guess what his present is?"

"I imagine that would be me," said Barbara.

"You got that right sister," said DJ who reached into his pocket took out a thick roll of bills and peeled off several, making it unnecessary for her to give her "take care of business first" speech. She saw him count out ten bills and then hand the curled paper to her. When this currency joined what Bill had given her in her purse, she was surprised to realize that it now totaled fifteen hundred dollars.

"I've got to call in, excuse me for a minute," she said as she punched the number "1" on the cell phone. "This is Barbie, I'm at the Hilton, everything is okay . . . it's for two hours, like you said." She hung up put the phone back in her purse and said, "can I use your bathroom?"

"If you have to take a pee, sure you can but if you want to go the bathroom to undress, then fuck no you can't. We want to watch you take it off sugar and don't you think it would be unfair if Big Mike didn't get to see the unwrapping of his own present?"

"I don't have to pee," Barbara admitted "and, you were right, I was going in the bathroom to get undressed but if you want me to do it here, then that's fine too."

DJ walked to the radio, found a station that he liked and turned up the volume. Then he took a vile of white powder and dropped three separate small piles onto the surface of a mirror that was setting on the dresser. She had seen this done in movies but never before had she actually watched someone take a razor blade and make three long narrow lines of the white powder. "Have a hit baby," he said as he handed her a tightly rolled hundred dollar bill.

Barbara had never used drugs in her life. When she was offered marijuana at college she always turned it down. And, not once in her married life until this moment, had anyone offered her any drugs. "No thanks DJ, I don't use it," she said as she handed him back the rolled-up bill.

"Suit yourself, sweet thing. More for us," said DJ, then he snorted half of one line in each nostril and inhaled deeply. He handed the mirror and the makeshift straw to Big Mike who did the same but he finished off both remaining lines.

"Good shit!" said Big Mike, "let's party!" He stood up, pulled the loose sweatshirt over his shaved head, unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. He was wearing enormous black silk boxers that hung to his knees. His upper body was nearly covered with tatoos that didn't look like they had been made by a professional tatoo artist, rather, she guessed, they were home-made. And, she knew that the name of his last home had been Attica state penitentiary. It was almost impossible to tell what the tatoos represented because Big Mike's skin was a blue- black shade nearly as dark as the ink of his tatoos. The other thing that she noticed was the definition of his muscles. She had seen enough prison movies to know that weight lifting in the yard was a favorite pastime for the inmates. It was obvious that Big Mike had spent his share of time lifting heavy barbells. He looked at her in almost a challenge, then pulled his boxers down and stepped out of them, put his hands on his hips in a cocky display and stood before her totally naked.

Barbara was impressed and understood now that the "Big" in Big Mike didn't stand for his height, his weight or even his shoe size but for the length and girth of his huge penis. While he wasn't as big as Rash--she realized that from now on all men would be compared to Rash-- he sported the second biggest penis she had ever seen and that included those in the few pornographic videos she had viewed. He smiled at her, realizing by her expression that she was impressed. Not only was it big, it curved slightly to the side and the bulbous head was already wet in anticipation of what was ahead. Then he laid down on one of the beds, propped a pillow behind his head, crossed his legs and began to fondle his erection.

DJ wasn't far behind Big Mike. When Barbara turned around and saw him he too was naked. His body was softer than Big Mike's, it didn't host any tatoos and his skin was lighter. Also, his un-cut cock, that wasn't completely hard yet, seemed to be a more normal size and actually reminded her of Gordon's. DJ took the other bed and said, "okay baby, it's your turn, let's see some flesh."

She didn't dance but did sway to the beat of the pounding rhythms. Her hands went to the first button on her chic jacket, then the second until there were no more buttons. Rather than take it off she left it loose and if you looked just right you could see her hard nipples. Then, she unbuttoned the single button above the zipper on the side of her skirt and pulled the sipper down. It didn't take much help to get the waist of the skirt past her hips and then gravity took over and the skirt lay at her feet.

"Hey baby, we love bare beavers," shouted DJ.

Her ears, and another important part of her anatomy, were burning as she slipped the jacket off her shoulders and tossed it on the chair. She saw that DJ's erection was now stone hard. She had been right, it was almost identical, dimensionally, to her husband's except for the color. She started to walk between the beds when Big Mike said, "ain't you going to take off the rest?"

She realized that Len hadn't been completely right, obviously, not all men wanted her to keep her stockings and garter-belt on. She took off her high heels, un-clipped the garters, rolled each stocking slowly down each long leg, all the while trying her best to be seductive and then she removed the wispy, black garter-belt. Now she was more naked than they were because she wasn't wearing ten pounds of gold jewelry.

DJ took over and set the stage for the evening. "You're just beautiful Barbie. I told the agency that we wanted the best and they described you. Tonight's real important for my bro here," he pointed to Big Mike who sported a shit-eating grin, "cause this is his first time in years. It's got to be special that's why I went for the two hours. If you give him head, I'm sure he won't last long the first time, then we can take our time."

As she walked to the bed Big Mike was laying on, she felt the warm liquid secrete from inside her vagina and wet her swollen lips. She hoped that it wouldn't run down her thighs because Gordon hadn't finished the job earlier, neither had Bill and she was still smoldering. DJ, the young black, had just announced that he and his pal were going to be going at it for the next two hours. Maybe that's just what I need, she thought, as she climbed on the bed and leaned over Big Mike's black body. Her hair caressed his stomach as her left hand, her wedding ring hand, held the thick hot shaft. Then she lowered her lips. Though it was difficult, she was able to take the whole head and a couple of inches of his shaft in her mouth. He was oozing precum but the taste wasn't objectionable to her now. Maybe a month ago it would have been. She was so busy concentrating on the hard cock in her mouth that she didn't realize that DJ had left the bed he had been laying on and was standing behind her ass. Then she felt his warm breath before she felt his thick lips and his wet tongue. While she was sucking Big Mike, DJ was demonstrating his own oral talents. She had read or heard that black men didn't like to eat pussy, well if that was true, someone forgot to tell DJ because he was a maestro at cunnilingus. She actually had to stop sucking for a minute and catch her breath as DJ brought her to a climax. She was a little embarrassed and hoped that she hadn't drowned him.

"Oh baby you taste so sweet, give me some more," he begged and she acquiesced.

As she came, so did Big Mike. He filled her mouth. She had two choices, to spit it out or swallow it, she chose to do the latter. DJ had been right, for the next hour and a half, Big Mike was like superman, the man of steel. Before she left, each of the men had filled two condoms and Barbara had lost count of her own climaxes, both vaginally, anally and if there was such a word, mammarially. They pleaded with her to give them her phone number but she playfully refused and suggested that they call back the agency when they wanted company again.

Chapter 7

Gordon didn't know what he would do to pass the time. The waiting for his wife's next call or for her to return to the room, whichever came first, was driving him crazy. Neither the pocket book that he brought with him or watching television helped take his mind off the interminable passage of time. He even ordered an adult movie but still found his mind wandering. He couldn't believe that Barbara had suggested that he call Marlene. Calling Marlene seemed stupid when Barbara had first suggested it but a half hour later it didn't seem so stupid anymore. Considering that it was after 8:00 and a Saturday night, he didn't actually expect her to be home so he wasn't surprised to hear the now familiar message from her answering machine, "hi, this is Marlene, sorry to have missed your call but I do, I really do, want to talk with you, please, pretty please, leave your name and number after the beep and I'll call you back, bye."

"Hi Marlene, it's Gordon . . ."

"Don't hang up Gordon, I'm here, I was just screening my calls. Are you in town?"

"Yes, my wife came with me."

"That's too bad baby, I would have loved to have gotten together. I wasn't going to date tonight but you're an exception."

"That's nice to hear. My wife's out right now and may not be back for several hours, come on over."

"Are you sure? she asked.

"Absolutely! How long will it take you?"

"I can be there in fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. What room are you in?"

"I'm in 2205. See you soon."

For some reason he was doubly excited. He was excited because of what his wife had done last night and thinking about what she was doing right then. He was also excited because he knew that Marlene would be knocking on his door very soon. The call to her would never have been made had his own wife not suggested it. The fact that Barbara had made the suggestion was another component of his excitement.

When Marlene knocked on the door, he did what he did every time, he looked at her for a few seconds through the peep hole. This small act of voyeurism always caused his heart to skip a beat because he knew who she was, what she was and why she was standing there. This time was no different than all of the other times. When the door closed behind them, they fell into each other's arms and kissed. The fragrance of her perfume and even the fragrance of her hair was intoxicating. After the first time she visited him, they dispensed with any discussion of money or his expectations. She also skipped going into the bathroom to undress and, after they had finished and when she was dressed and ready to leave, he would discreetly slip three or four folded hundred dollar bills in her hand.

"Where's your wife?" asked Marlene.

Gordon considered telling her and then thought better of it. Totally explaining where she was and what she was doing would take up a lot of the hour he planned on spending with Marlene. "That's a long story. Sometime, when we have the time, I'll tell you all about it. But, right now, I want to make love to you."

"Your wish is my command, sire," she said as she bowed at the waist. After she raised up, she reached for the hem of her black dress and lifted it over her head. She wore nothing under the simple but elegant frock. "Now it's your turn," she said as she ran, playfully, to the bed and jumped on the rumpled sheets in the middle of it.

Gordon dropped his pants and joined her. Even though their relationship was of a commercial nature, they had become comfortable with each other; she knew what he liked and he believed that he knew what she liked but he couldn't be sure because she was, after all, a professional. Then it hit him. Marlene was a professional, a professional just like his wife.

Marlene knew which buttons of his to push and she pushed them all. He was hard and ready, she was wet and ready. She took him in her mouth after inhaling his familiar but unique aroma. While she sucked him, his fingers probed between her legs and then he inserted two of them in her vagina. When she sensed that he was ready, she slipped a condom over his cock, a latex sheath that would be a barrier blocking his semen from the entrance to her womb. She had been tempted tonight, and before, to dispense with the rubber but old habits are hard to break. "Come on Gordon," she said, "fuck me, put it in." Then she laid on her back and spread her legs, in invitation, as wide as possible.

Gordon plunged into the vagina that he had entered more than any other in his life, except for the one nestled between Barbara's thighs.

Barbara was both surprised and relieved when Myrna told her that everything was covered for the moment but to standby for a call. There was a line of waiting cabs at the Hilton so it took just a few minutes for her to return to the Carlyle and her Gordon. As she entered yet another elevator car, this time at her own hotel for a change, and pushed the button to the 22nd floor, she was very excited. She hoped that she could have a few minutes alone with her husband, maybe even an hour, before the cell phone in her purse rang again. Then she was standing in front of a hotel room door for the third time that evening. She thought she would surprise him so she didn't knock but took the small plastic key card from her purse, inserted it in the slot, saw the green light flash and opened the door.

Gordon and Marlene were too busy to notice that the door had opened. Her legs were over his shoulders and her hands gripped the clenching cheeks of his ass which was pile-driving his hard cock into her warm, wet receptive pussy. Though he didn't hear the door open he did hear it close. He broke the kiss, lifted up, turned and looked over his shoulder. His wife was leaning against the door with her legs and arms crossed.

"Don't stop on my account," said Barbara.

"What are you doing here?" He scrambled from between Marlene's legs and she sat up and pulled the sheet above her breasts. "Well, let's see. I think this is my room. If I remember correctly, you told me to hurry back. I thought I would surprise you so I didn't call."

"You sure surprised me all right. Hey, you're the one that suggested that I call Marlene . . ."

"Your wife told you to call me tonight?" Asked Marlene, with a tone of incredulity in her question.

Barbara turned toward the woman in her bed who was obviously naked under the sheet and answered for her husband. "That's right, I did tell him to call you but he said that he wasn't going to."

Gordon thought that he had lost control of the situation and he didn't like to be out of control. "Let's be civil and get the introductions out of the way, honey, this is Marlene, if you hadn't already guessed and Marlene, this is my wife, Barbara."

"Call me Barbie," she said.

Marlene was surprised when she heard the door close moments before for two reasons. First, she didn't expect them to be interrupted and second she had no idea that Gordon was married to such a fox. She knew something about women and not only was Barbara beautiful, she was sexy and she would bet as horny as a bride on her wedding night. She wasn't really into girls but thought that she might have some fun with the two of them and give Gordon his money's worth.

"Come on over here and join us, Barbara" said Marlene as she threw off the sheet that covered her breasts and patted the bed.

Now that's an interesting idea thought Barbara. She took a step towards the bed when Marlene got out of the bed and closed the distance between them. "Let me help you undress," said Marlene who unbuttoned her jacket. She ran her hands over the material and said, "what a beautiful suit, Barbie, Chanel, right?"

"That's right. I bought it in Beverly Hills a few weeks ago. Today is the first time I've worn it. I'm glad you like it." Barbara could see why Gordon found Marlene so attractive. They were similar in height and weight but the color of their hair was different and, Barbara couldn't help but notice, that there was a small tuft of trimmed pubic hair on Marlene's mound but her own was now bare.

Marlene helped her out of the jacket and reached out and touched a bare breast, "great boobs, Barbie."

"Yours are nice too." Then Marlene's hands were at her waist. Being a woman, she didn't fumble with the button and zipper, as Gordon had sometimes when he tried to undress her. Then she was standing in the hotel room with her naked husband and a naked call girl wearing only stockings and a garter-belt. Marlene's hands touched her tummy and then her sides. Marlene took her in her arms and softly touched her lips to her own. Barbara felt different, she didn't know what to do, this was the first time that a woman had kissed her, other than the platonic kisses of female friends and family, of course. Marlene knew exactly what she was doing and soon their lips were parted and their mouths open.

Gordon couldn't trust what he saw. This was beyond any fantasy he had. He was sure that when Marlene jumped out the bed and approached his wife, Barbara would recoil at her touch but she seemed to welcome it. Now, she seemed to be as much into the marathon kiss as Marlene was. Marlene broke the kiss, smiled at her, took her hand and led her to the bed. Marlene and Gordon began to suck her sensitive breasts. After a minute of these ministrations, Marlene worked her way down Barbara's body until her lips touched those moist, blood- engorged lips between Barbara's legs.

Oh, this is so different, thought Barbara. Marlene's technique was so dissimilar to Gordon's and the other men who had kissed her down there in the past twenty-four hours. It was if she knew exactly how much pressure to give, how long to concentrated on a certain erotic zone, how hard to pinch with the fingers that had joined the lips and tongue. My God! thought Barbara, am I gay? Am I a lesbian? She felt Marlene's finger as it was inserted into her pussy. It was joined by another, then another. The three fingers moved in and out of her clasping vagina. One of the digits gently scratched her G spot and brought her to a climax.