From Jenny to Mei Ch. 05


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"Yes, master," the pain was sharp but left quickly.

"With feeling and dedication?"

"Yes, master, whatever you want." She wondered if she could skip the pain part and just get fucked into being his Mei Chun but decided that he knew best.

"I want a lot."

She was ready, dying in fact to give it all to him. To lay her burdens on him and free herself of the weight that had oppressed her. Sure, it was a weight that he had put on her but... whatever.

"Take my cock up your ass?"

"Oh yes!" The pain of his fingers in her ass sprang to mind again and her debt to him that she was eager to start paying down no matter how many installments were required.

"Suck my cock whenever I order you to?"

"Oh yes... you don't even need this stuff for that?"

"You misunderstand. This room isn't for me. I built all this for you."


"Yes, this was storage space a week ago," his voice had lost that commanding tone for a moment.

'Oh my god,' she thought, 'this sick, crazy bastard built all this for me? That is so motherfucking sweet.' She was so touched that he would go to all this trouble just to torture her that she nearly started crying.

"Now I like your question and your answer so much, I'm going to reward you." He was back in character.

"Yes, master?"

"Oh yes." He went back over to the table and she couldn't see what he was doing. When he returned he had a couple of things in his other hand. One was a blindfold which he slipped over her head.

"Open your mouth," his voice was delicious.

She felt a plastic ball at her lips and lifted her teeth.


She thought she was cooperating but his voice made it seem like she was reluctant or hesitant. She opened wider as a proof of her surrender and felt him slip it past her teeth. She felt cold metal at the corners of her mouth as he pulled her head forward to attach it behind her. It was a gag and she wouldn't be able to talk with this ping pong ball in her mouth. She heard him retreat, his naked feet thumping gently on the wood floor.

"Since we are going all out this evening, let's not forget these."

He returned with something, clanking softly.

"I love your nipples Mei Chun. I think you'll like this. Just shake your head from side to side if it becomes too intense."

"Gutt Gizz Git?" she asked.

She felt a coldness on her left nipple.

"You've heard of nipple clamps? They crush your nipple and I'm led to believe the pain is outstanding."

She tensed her body, went on tip toes. 'Oh my. Oh this is going to hurt,' she thought as an increasing pressure became evident. It wasn't too bad at first but got uncomfortable quickly, then it became mind consuming fire on her tit.

"Ummm... Ummmm," she screamed through the gag. As much from fear as pain.

"Too much?"

"Umm Hmm."

"Let it burn you a bit and you'll get used to it." He paused a moment to watch and admire the pain contort her lips surrounding the gag. "That's better already isn't it."

"Mmmmm." She wished she could be looking into his eyes.

"The blood in your nipple is being forced away and a numbness will set in soon."

He did the other one with the same result, then she realized the left one didn't bother her half as much as at first.

"Now let's see if we can make the slut transfer from Jenny to Mei Chun."

He began to caress her body with the whip. Long slow strokes down her torso, from face to knee caps. She could only move her hips but rather than shying away from the leather tab she leaned into it, bringing her back off the table. The sensation of the whip tracing a path down her body helped her forget the twin fires burning on her nipples.

If she could see she could brace for the impact she knew would be coming.


"Uggg," she grunted, feeling the whip at her hip, then more strokes. The touch of the leather was exquisite, the pain less so.

'Smack!' This time just above her right knee. Then more stroking.

'Shit that thing really hurts!' she thought and reconsidered the whole thing for a moment. Then an idea came to her, 'That's Jenny talking.'

"We're going to whip that whore out of you Mei Chun."


"Is that what you want?"

"Uhhh Huummm," Which, translated, meant, 'Oh fuck yes. Whip that bitch out of me. Make me clean.'


'Oh shit that one hurt.' Right on the bottom of her right breast. 'Shit!'

"There is so much whore inside you this is going to take more than one treatment." He was lightly petting the hair over her pussy as he said it.

'Smack!' This one not as hard on her hip.

He moved his body in close, his hard cock pressing her belly as he pushed his body into hers.

'Oh Jesus, so warm. So romantic.'

"When I'm gentle it's for Mei Chun. When I'm cruel it's for Jenny." He was kissing her neck above the collar that held her. His chest against hers. He smelled her. For some reason him smelling her like that aroused her spectacularly. So intimate, him breathing her inside of himself.

'Oh how great it would be if he knelt and smelled my pussy!'

He licked her collar bone then her armpit. "Mei is sweet." 'Kiss - Smack!' on the outside of her calf. "Jenny is a bitch." He stepped back, withdrawing his warmth from her.

'This is so fucking hot I can't take it,' she thought, just as the next slap came on her thigh, inside, near her labia.

"Ouch, fuck!"

'Punishment,' she thought, 'love and punishment.' They had always been contradictions to her, mutually exclusive. One didn't punish the thing one loved, not in her world. One spoiled the thing they loved, indulged, excused, rewarded. But now Philip was punishing her. Or was he punishing Jenny for being the cold hearted whore she was. Then, simultaneous with the next slap on her tender thigh she felt an odd sort of snap in her mind and a disorientation commence. It was like that odd camera effect where the view of the actress in the foreground zooms closer while the background speeds away, she saw herself as Mei Chun and in the background was Jenny screaming in pain and protest. Mei Chun knew the pain was for Jenny and she was welcome to it, the sharp jolts of ecstasy were for Mei who relished them.

"Is that Jenny I hear cursing? There's so much whore to remove," he said again. "I need to whip Jenny into submission, don't I Mei Chun?" His voice was firm and not at all creepy, which, given what he was saying, surprised and comforted her.

She nodded without thinking. 'Whip her... Whip her!'

'Smack!' 'Smack!' Right on her nipples, the clamps shaking in a shower of sparkling pain.

"AAAhhhh!" 'Oh my god! Yes!' The pain was his love for her, just as he said, and it pierced her flesh like bee stings and brought tears to her eyes. Then she felt the clamp removed and warmth of his mouth enveloped her tit. She felt his hand on her pussy lips. Her mind screamed, 'Oh fuck! Goddamn that feels so good!'

"Jesus Mei Chun, you are wet."

'Oh god... oh god, keep doing that. Holy mother.' The tips of her tits were on fire, she felt the blood rush back to the tip of her breast and a million pinpricks scourge her nipple but his tongue was inverting the flame into beautiful ecstasy. His warm soft mouth sucked gently and his tongue made slow circles over her nipples. She gyrated her hips into his hand, felt his fingers against the core of her desire.

'Good god I'm going to come. Whip me one more time! More cleansing whipping! More heavenly sucking!'

"You're such a good girl Mei Chun. So warm and caring and lovely. I'm going to enjoy you."

Half of her mind screamed, 'I'm going to fuck you till you are dead motherfucker!' while the other half melted at his words like a third hand caressing her soul.

She focused on his hand gently, slowly, lovingly part her lips and circle round and round her pussy. Too slowly but just right. Too soft but still just right. A gentle keening came from behind the gag as strings of spit ran down her chin and dripped onto her.

'Oh my god. Oh my god. So... Fuck... just harder... harder and faster please... just fucking... Oh my god just make me come.' But still it was slow and light and so wonderful. Her need grew with each rotation, each soft caress.

He stepped back but still touched her.

'Smack!' Another one to the outside thigh, above the knee.

'Yes!' She was thanking him.

'Smack!' This one on her belly.

'Fucking beat me like you love me!'

'Smack!' This one right on her mound that caused her to jerk.


"Something more I think and he stepped away for a moment."

'Fuck, don't go, don't go... Fuck! You bastard!' She was trying to rub her knees together but couldn't. She was so goddamn close.

He returned and reattached the nipple clamp again, adding weights or something because this time the pull on them was heavier. It was exquisitely painful and, like an elevator, took her higher.

"You're almost finished for this round Mei Chun. Hold on while I convince Jenny it's time to leave."

"Ummh guggggal," she said and nodded her head vigorously again, panting like she'd been held underwater, her stomach muscles contracting, her nose whistling, drool in long strings dangling from the corners of her mouth. She was agonizingly sensitive. Her body was consumed by sensation and her mind was full of thoughts and emotions, dread and desire. She was so alive, her need so ripe.

The tracing of the leather tab transfixed her mind as she felt it run along her breasts, knock into the weights, and then the whip end left her body and she anticipated and longed for the strike.

'Smack!' Right on her mound, a millimeter from her clitoral hood. Then, his command. "Come!"

'Oh yes! Thank you... god, thank you!'

'Smack!' Now on her clit and the contractions started. It was just too much.

'Oh fuck. I'm coming!' The pain and pleasure fused into an indistinguishable amalgamation.

'Smack! Smack! Smack!' Like bullets hitting her clit, they impacted her flesh, ricocheted around her body, each accompanied by sparks in her vision.

'Smack! Smack! Smack!'

"Ohhhnmmm, Ohhhnmmm, Ohhhnmmm" The grunts and wailing erupted out of her as her body spasmed. Her knees shook, threatening to give way. She leaned forward, arching her back off the leather table, looking for him or at least the sting of the crop. She clinched every muscle as the pressure of the clamps came off her nipples, the wave of relief kicking her orgasm into high gear. She was high, so high, rolling and churning inside the heat and the helplessness of it.

Then her knees finally buckled, the weight of her body being taken up by the collar and the cuffs.

"Yes, Mei Chun, yes honey, I'm here, Mei Chun. I'm here. He kissed her, short loving touches of his lips as she hung by her wrists, her orgasm rolled on. "I'm here baby, keep coming for me."

She felt his hands caress her pussy, gently as before and she did, she obeyed and kept coming with the new tender sensation. His fingers, his warmth was all she could feel, all that existed in the universe. His heart, his words and his touch.

He felt her muscles spasm uncontrollably and he slid a finger inside her. Her head shot back as he reached into her, new grunts and moans vibrated her torso.

"Feel that Mei Chun. Feel me inside you."

That did it. 'This just wasn't fair,' she thought. Suddenly she was as light as a leaf falling from a tree.

Even more intensely her pussy gripped the second finger entering her, thrusting so gently, slowly but irresistibly inside of her.

'He is in me!'

With each new crashing of her being against his fingers she felt something grow stronger with in her. Something unknown and appalling. With each thrust inside of her it grew, with each mashing of his thumb against her clit, sparks flying, it emerged from the fog within her. She recognized it. It was love.

The realization broke on her just as she heard his voice at her ear. Just the simple words tenderly repeated with each push inside her, 'I love you Mei Chun, I love you Mei Chun.'

Like the dawn over a mountain top, she saw it clear and bright. Philip was the one. The one that wouldn't be intimidated by her. The one who loved her enough to treat her like the whore she was. Who loved her enough to blackmail and beat her. The one who saw the love inside her that she was seeing now for the first time.

There was peace amidst the turmoil of pushing fingers and waves of contracting muscles. The calm that descended on her was like a white out in a snow storm. 'I'm lost,' the thought occurred to her but with no apprehension. 'I'm lost but he will find me. And when he does I will be new. I will be his princess. He will love me because he has cleaned me and made me love him.'

She was now totally his. She would worship him, completely submit to his will and everything he wanted from her was his, to be presented freely and with pride.

Abruptly, her revelation completed, her mind cleared and her body's sensations replaced her thoughts. Still in the midst of her orgasm, she shook her head violently from side to side. Screaming at the top of her lungs, drool pouring from her mouth.

Philip got the signal, afraid she was cramping or in real pain. He lent her head forward and quickly undid the gag, removed the mask and threw them aside.

"Mei Chun!? Are you hurt?"

She tried to stand. He helped lift her. She looked into his eyes and, her voice a croak, said, "Fuck me right now or I leave here and never come back. Fuck me now goddamit Philip or I swear..."

He silenced her with a kiss and she began to cry. He began to undo the cuffs but she struggled clear of his lips and said, "No... leave them. Just put the table down and please, I am begging you goddamit. Please, please, please fuck me!"

In haste he laid the table near enough to horizontal, climbed onto it and entered her in one slow smooth glide.

"Oh god... yes... oh my... god, you're so thick. Oh my... uuuhhhhh" The words transitioned to a whaling moan.

Hot tears flowed as he thrust into her. She kept mumbling, 'Love, fuck, love, fuck." in an nearly unrecognizable gibbering. Then, "I love you, Philip," again and again. "I love you fuck, keep fucking me! I love you, Philip. You bastard."

His heart was tearing as he realized the breakthrough had come.

She struggled to wrap her arms around him but cherished the restraint, being controlled by him, being held down by him, totally subject to his power. Her orgasms started almost right away, great heaves of the ocean she was both riding on and was a part of. They came in swells, like sets of waves, three or four would lift her and let her down then another set would come and carry her higher. Nothing was ever like this. Just the simple fucking Philip was doing, slow steady, yeomanlike fucking was never like this. It seemed it could go on forever. One contraction after another lurching contraction of every muscle in her body, then utter relaxation. Then she would focus again on this, the first real man in her life, pushing her apart, filling her, owning her and it set them starting again.

Philip had heard of multi-orgasmic women but this was ridiculous. He'd been inside her for five minutes and every one of them had her tensing up, shivering and gripping his cock like she was trying to suck him with her pussy. A minute of quiet and then another one. This domination thing really has its merits, he decided. But he knew what the real reason was and it warmed him throughout. She was feeling love for the first time.

"Uhh, Philip. God it's beautiful," she said as she starred at the black ceiling over his shoulder. She was limp and crying, then went rigid, eyes clamping as another orgasm paralyzed her and lifted her higher. "God what a man!" Then more lolling and moaning, "Fuck me Philip, just like this until I die."

She didn't move. She just lie there receiving him. Each thrust was like the piston in a hydraulic car jack, pushing her higher. It wasn't fast, and it wasn't slow; just regular and steady. Thick at the opening, thick halfway along, thick in her belly. The rhythm, slow and methodical was just as consuming as the sensation. He never varied the pace, always on the razor's edge of maddeningly slow and pounding too fast.

About ten minutes into it, in the midst of an orgasm that was longer and more drawn out than any she'd experienced in her life as a whore, she felt her mind fade away. What followed existed in a realm outside of time. It was just movement and sound and Phillip dominating her body. She lost control, entirely lost control, like she had handed over the game controller of her very self, and laid back to watch the action. She knew he was thrusting, heard his grunts and words of affection, but they didn't penetrate, they just washed through her.

She thought to herself, like someone else was talking, 'Now this is getting fucked silly. I didn't realize it all that time but I was a virgin until now.'

Philip had struggled past her first few orgasms, biting his tongue to keep from coming. Now his cock was sufficiently desensitized that he could keep this pace. He felt a moral responsibility to keep her bumping along on this ecstasy hayride as long as he could. If she would just stop groaning and moving her head back and forth he might be able to last another twenty minutes, maybe longer.

He started laughing in flabbergastic amazement each time she came. Like clockwork she went rigid, held her breath, struggled a bit in her restraints and then, with a puff of air, went slack. After the third time he decided to count the thrusts. Forty-four. Then on the second count, fourty-four. For some absolutely unknowable reason every forty-forth time she came. He started speaking the count aloud, just for the hell of it, and like Pavlov's dog, she came on 'forty-four'.

This was the most fun he'd ever had but he was getting tired. She'd been semi-comatose for at least ten minutes, in a kind of orgasmic oblivion. What was the point of continuing? But he continued. When would this ever happen again?

He spoke to her. "Mei Chun. Are you there honey."

No coherent reply was forthcoming.

"Mei Chun, honey?"

Nothing, but this time her eyes opened just before she came.

"Philip," she said, spoken weakly.

"How are you doing honey?"

"Philip. Fuck..." Her eyes looked lost, unfocused and drugged. "How are you... oh fuck... what..."

"You're going to come again honey, this time really big."

"Tell me when."

He figured she was in a sort of hypnotic trance and he said, "When I say a number."

Her moaning resumed and he counted but intentionally mixed up the numbers. Seven, fourteen, thirty-five, thirty-nine, forty-nine, forty-seven, forty-two... She didn't seem to hear him until he said, 'forty-four' and she went tight, bucked her hips bouncing both of them off the table and started pulling at the cuffs and huffing.

"Stop," she said when she went slack again.

"What's that Mei Chun?"

"Stop," as weak as a kitten.

Hmmm... stop or not to stop?

"I can't take it."

He had more experimentation on the agenda. What a spectacular opportunity, not to be wasted.

He said, "I love you Mei Chun. I'm going to say a number honey?"

"I love you Philip."

"Forty-four." And sure enough she came on command and he just couldn't fucking believe it.

"God don't, I'm going insane."

"One more thing honey."

He started to believe her, maybe this wasn't healthy but just one more thing. Each time he reached the end of his thrust, deep inside her, he said in a whisper close to her ear, "forty-four." He sped up his tempo for the first time in forty minutes. With each new faster thrust he said louder, "forty-four."

She writhed, spasmed, bounced her head against the padded table, the grunting never ceasing, in this protracted orgasm. It went on for three, or four, minutes until finally her movements and groans began to subside. He kept chanting and she kept coming. But he'd finally reached his limit.