From Jenny to Mei Ch. 12


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"I said it comes with a concierge. Someone to do things like make reservations for you and get concert tickets or fly in a camel to a cocktail party for all I know."

"A camel?" she said moments before her knees buckled and she fell squat on the floor.

"Jesus, Mei!" he said, squatting beside her, relieved to see she hadn't bumped her head on the way down.

She sat, legs crossed on the floor, her drink splashed beside her. "A camel?" she said again, looking miles away, "Why would I want a camel?"

"Are you in shock honey?" he felt her head, not knowing how that could indicate shock but at a loss for anything else to do.

"Shock... shock?" she said, "Of course I'm in shock. Just who are you, Philip?"

He helped her up and to the couch, then tossed a kitchen towel over the pool of Sea Breeze on the floor. "Just exactly who are you?"

"I'm really no one honey. Just a guy who is in love with you and wants you to have whatever you want."

"But they don't make black cards."

"Yeah, well, it's called a Centurion card and apparently they do. I got an invitation awhile back and ignored it for the longest time. I mean, what would I do with a concierge? Anyway, when you came into my life I thought it would be convenient for you. I mean, maybe you and Karla want to go shopping or to a concert or something, and if I can't make it you should be able to go. I mean, I can't just give you a stack of hundreds and say 'go have fun'."

"Just how much money do you have, and don't give me any bullshit answer like, 'enough' or 'don't worry about it."

"Twenty-two million."

"Jesus, ok... maybe you should have just said 'enough.'"

"Want another drink?"

She took his and downed it. "So, Mr. Blackmailer, where did you get such a pile?"

"Well, remember how I told you my dad was a failed real-estate investor."


"Well, I lied. He was a fabulously successful real-estate investor."

"So you really are stinking rich?"


He wasn't actually lying. He had twenty-two million, but that was the liquid assets, money he could turn to cash in thirty days. His father had owned a controlling interest in a real estate investment corporation that had regional properties in addition to its own local holdings. That trust is where the real money was. It owned at least part of several of San Francisco's most prestigious buildings including the landmark Transamerica pyramid, the Shell Building and the building that housed his favorite hotel, the Mandarin Oriental. When his father died he inherited the lot and while he decided not to sit on any boards, leaving that to his partners, he had the right to exert far more influence than he figured was wise or prudent. So in addition to the cash and financial instruments on hand, he held really staggering wealth if he ever decided to sell his stake in the trust.

"So... so why...?"

"Why don't I live like it?"

"Yeah, I mean, why no Bentley, valet, big house on Nob Hill? Jesus, twenty-two million..."

"Well, not my kind of thing I guess. Anyway, this place has special meaning to me. It was the first transaction my dad let me get involved in. I was a kid and I wanted to help him and one day he asked me what I thought a good place to buy was and I kinda just stuck my finger on a map. We came over here looking around, he was just humoring me, and I liked the look of the place. It was different back then, the area wasn't as run down and there was a hardware store here. I did research with some of his people for, like two months. It was kind of a class project, you know, teach the kid the fundamentals of dad's business. Anyway, the guy dad had me work with liked the property and thought it probably wouldn't loose money."

"So he bought it?"

"Yeah, well, it really was a good deal, he wouldn't have bought it if it weren't, not just to please me, anyway, he did, and he died and it's mine. It's actually worth a lot more than he paid for it."

"So you inherited all his money."

"Yeah, well that's the short of it. No brothers or sisters. His partners put up a fight but the will was straightforward and his lawyers made damn sure it all went according to his wishes and I got the whole lot just before I went in the slammer. I made a grand a day in jail just on the interest."

"Jesus Christ, Philip!" It was all she could say.

"Telling you this comes with strings, ok? You can never tell anyone about it. You can't tell Sarah or Karla or Carol, Judy or Samantha at work. I really mean this Mei. It would change my life if people knew I had that kind of money and I don't want my life to be changed like that. I don't really care what you buy, but I am trusting you with something more important than money, my privacy."

"Wow, did you really just say that?" She looked dreamily into his eyes, and nearly fainted again.

"What, about the privacy?"

"No, the 'I don't care what you buy' part."

"Keep it under a million, ok, I mean, not that you could in six months but just don't go crazy and buy diamonds and things. Let me do that, but get a car if you want. Try to keep it at a hundred thousand, at least at first."

"At first! Have you lost your mind? I couldn't spend a hundred thousand in a year."

"Yeah," he chuckled, "You don't know the power of that card."

"So if I buy a bunch of stuff, won't that blow your secret? I mean if I start driving around town in a BMW like Markéta has, people will start to ask questions."

"Tell them you won the lottery."

'Hmm,' she thought, 'yeah, I could do that.' "So why do you work?"

"You have to work, Mei, it's why I'm not an alcoholic or drug addict or something. I guess I don't need to for financial reasons but I need to in order to stay sane. Everyone does."

"So when you told me I could quit my job and do something else you weren't kidding."

"Nope, but you have to do something. And remember, I can take that away from you as a punishment, so it's got strings."

"So this was the surprise huh?"

"Oh no, I almost forgot, I made something for you." He got up and headed back toward the rear room. "You should pee first."

She did, wondering how he could top a black card for Christ's sake. Who the fuck had a black card? Saudi princes for one, Bill Gates probably. She could order a camel!

He was in the room standing before some rather large thing covered in a bed sheet, looking proud. "What is it?" she asked. He pulled off the sheet with a dramatic, "Ta da! It's a fuck machine!"

She thought of Samantha, her co-worker and her prediction as she gazed at it. "Wow," she said in a low voice.

"See, you sit here and grab these handles, they're like motorcycle grips that control the speed, and these two penetrate you from below." He was so thrilled to show it off to her and she immediately responded. "Wow, so I'll get fucked by both of those," she said, looking down at the business end of the device. "Can you tie me up in it?"

"Yeah, these are the straps. And I've got it controlled by this iMac and I've programed some routines that might require some fine tuning but should be pretty good."

"Oh Philip, I love it. You're all the fuck machine I need but this is so nice. God, I can't wait to try it out." There's no aphrodisiac like money, they say, and Mei was feeling it. She was really in the mood for some whipping, if only to give herself the feeling that she was worth the money but a good fuck by his machine while he jerked off would be fine too. It was what would make him happy, and at that moment, that was all she wanted.

"Show me how to use it."

"Well, sit here and... just throw this switch and turn the handles." The grips were Ai's idea but he wasn't going to tell her that yet.

"Can you lube me up a bit?"

He reached for the bottle. "No, not like that, with your tongue." He smiled, and without breaking eye contact, lowered himself slowly to his knees as her naked foot rose past his head to rest on the machine. She felt his warmth on her, the squiggling motion of his tongue surrounding and sucking her lips. She held his scalp through his hair and gently maneuvered him. It was fantastic. The contrast with Karla hours before only made her feel his masculinity more keenly. It was so fine to be worshiped like this, to feel his pleasure in sucking her.

"Oh god, this is too good to stop," she encouraged. "I'll come like this if you just don't stop."

"You'll come soon enough honey, and I want to see it happen. Oh, yeah," he turned her around and bent her forward to get at her ass, "Mind if I film it, honey?"

"No, please, I'd love to see it later."

He licked her ass with plenty of spit and a little insertion of his tip in to stretch the muscles a bit, then stood up. "You should be ready. Let me get the camera and lights on."

He moved over to the wall, brought out a nice looking camera on a tripod and turned on some lights with umbrella things that looked like the stuff pros used. "Ok, ready," he said a moment after bright lights hurt her eyes. After blinking a bit she mounted the machine and did the ankle straps.

"So I just," she gave the grips a slow turn, "Twist these?"

He walked around her, knelt down and threw the switch. "Make sure you start slow — and get them in first." She wiggled a bit to make sure the big one was spreading her thinner lips then pushed herself down on the one at her rear.

"Want me to get the anal one in first? You can just try the big one first if you want to add the other one in later."

"You're sweet, honey, but give me both."

He turned the hand crank to advance the anal dildo a quarter turn and watched her slide gingerly onto it. Good thing he got a small one.

"I did an enema at the gym hoping you'd fuck me there tonight. It was quite an achievement laying down in the shower without anyone walking in on me."

He stood, "You're the best, honey," as he kissed her, "You should be ready to go."

She gripped the handles and gave it a tentative turn a fraction and heard the motor start to hum. "Wish me luck," she said and felt the movement. "Oh."

He smiled.

"Oh my, that's... hmm"

"Like it?"

"Yeah, wait." She turned a bit more and it crawled through one revolution. "Oh... wow, good." Then, "Oh, wow, the anal one is... uh. Wow... so nice. I'm glad it's small, like thumb sized. I couldn't take two big ones at... Oh god," she interrupted herself as they both topped out simultaneously.

"Yeah, you've got to be ready for those I guess. The right grip controls the anal one and the left the big one."

She gave the left one a bit more of a turn and it quite responsively sped up to about fifteen RPM. "Oh Jesus, Philip, it's great."

She continued the ride, nudging the grips forward, feeling her control and setting in.

"God, every girl should have one of these." She saw him smile at her, a nice bulge in his jeans. "Can you take over?" she knew he wanted to. Then, with a demure smile said, "And strap me in a bit?"

Quick as a wink he wrapped her in the straps, tied her by the collar to the back rest and got out his iPhone. "I wrote a quick app to manage it. Nothing fancy but it works over Bluetooth to interface with the Mac and I can do most things with it."

"This dildo is great. A bit big but it really reaches inside me."

He told her about making it himself and the similarity to his own.

"I thought it felt familiar."

Her hands were tied by her side, she felt so pampered giving him control like this.

"This is an out of phase routine, with a twist." He touched a button and the machine slowed to a halt and started up again, the large dildo moving at 15 RPM, nice and slow and in each second revolution the anal dildo quickly thrust into her and back out. She made a long low grunt as her pussy got filled, then a short sharp cry as her ass was quickly stabbed.

"Faster?" he asked.


He slid the control and the numbers on the screen changed to 30 RPM. Like Ai had, Mei started undulating, like she was sitting on a surfboard in the swells past the breakers. Every second wave she pushed forward and then up and back riding the swell, letting it move her.

She was looking at the ceiling mumbling something between her grunts. Philip moved closer, sat in front of her and looked at her. She was so pure like this, he thought, so totally enveloped in the sensations he was giving her through this proxy.

He reached forward and pushed a breast flat against her chest, pinning her more firmly against the backrest. He looked down and saw the light tan of the cock entering her, reaching its full depth, pause and descend again, pause and repeat. He heard the smaller motor with its higher pitched hum engage and thrust quickly into her ass and each time she whined, eyes tightly shut.

In a husky, barely audible voice, she said, "It's fantastic," then closed her eyes again.

He placed the other hand on her mound, flicking her clit right and left in time with the thrusting, then leant forward and took a sweat bedewed nipple in his mouth. He considered the clamps and the hood he bought and the other thing for the mouth, but there would be lots of time for those. Now sucking on that spectacular breast and fiddling with her clit was just what he wanted.

"Oh my god, Philip, can I come please?"


"Yes, oh please and let me come!"

"So soon?" He doubled the speed to one thrust a second.

"Yeah, I can't stand it." Her voice raised a full octave, "Oh wow... oh my god... holy mother," she huffed out the words, like she was preparing to give birth.

"You can come when you feel the vibrations," he said, then started counting. "One, two, three..."

"This thing vibrates?"

"Nine, Ten..." he nodded his head to answer her question and bent forward to lick her breasts.

"Why are you counting? Oh fuck it... never mind, count if you want." 'What's with him and counting?' she wondered, then the abrupt drive into her ass made her forget the question.

From a purely physical perspective it was about the best thing she'd ever felt. The double filling was excruciatingly novel and perverse, the quick one up the ass alternating between the steady fucking of her cunt caught her off guard every time. She grunted in time; two low throaty growls, then a high pitched simpering, the pattern then repeated.

She thought, for just a second, that she was tied down and getting fucked by this inhuman machine and there was nothing she could do about it and that was the best part. So helplessly forced to experience the power of his machine, his creation. It dawned on her that, like it, she was his creation too and felt a strange bond with it as it mindlessly hammered her.

"Forty-one, forty-two..."

Mei Chun became aware that he was counting still and that it had some significance for her, but she didn't understand why. Then she felt the machine's vibrations start inside of her, energetic, hasty, urgent shaking that demanding something from her, like a scream in her ear saying, 'Come goddammit!'

At the final moment she looked at him, saw his excitement, his intense interest for her and she felt herself melt. She noticed, at the same time, that her vision begin to blur and her muscles start to convulse. The final thing she heard was him say, "Forty-four," then blackness flooded into the corners of her eyes. Her head went limp, neck muscles unable or uninterested in doing their job. Her shoulders sagged, arms hung in their sockets, yet she'd never felt her body with such clarity. It was as if her mind was peering down a microscope and was noting the passage of each signal sent to her brain, each command to twitch a fiber of muscle.

Time slowed in Mei's universe, the thrust of the giant phallus through its cycle taking an eternity and, like watching an explosion in slow motion, she felt her brain light up with the flood of dopamine. It was the most profound orgasm high ever and it just kept burning her.

Then, like someone turned the projector back to normal, everything came rushing back to her more clearly than before. She heard her own scream and the whirling of the machine and Philip's excited chatter all at once, as though the sounds had been stored in a bottle that had just been smashed. She felt her cunt gripping at the shaft in her pussy, desperate to keep it from leaving her. She felt her sphincter, now loose and soft, accepting the intermittent ramming, like a series of exclamation points after the X's and O's in a love letter.

Oddly, she couldn't recall actually orgasming, in the traditional sense. That sensation was missing or buried somehow. What had just happened was so much deeper, more mind orgasm than pussy orgasm.

She made to reach for the controls but her hands were bound at her sides. She had to get this thing to stop and prayed Philip wouldn't play at Dr. Evil and suddenly turn it up to a hundred and keep her going for an hour.

"Stop, please. Stop," she shouted, then whimpered. He recognized the desperation for what it was and killed the machine.

It came to rest with the big cock at her lips and the little one fully extended into her rectum, which was ok with Mei, as long as it didn't move.

She struggled to catch her breath and lower her heart rate. Short sharp gasps filled only the top half of her lungs, her head hung down over the collar and she shook her head slowly. After thirty seconds, her sounds loud in the quiet room, she involuntarily shuddered with such force it frightened Philip. Then she strained every muscle against her restraints and screamed.

Holy shit, Philip thought dumbfounded.

She raised her chin to look at him, hair stuck to her face. Slowly and with great moment, she said, "I don't know what that was, but do it again."

"Are you sure, Mei?" he asked timidly, genuinely fearful of the monster he created.

"Yeah, get me some water and can you hold my head still and fuck my face while this thing fucks me again."

'Jesus, what a woman,' he thought.

"And take this thing out of my ass please, just give it to me in my pussy this time."

He was in awe. Completely perplexed he walked over to the bench, picked up a few things and the bottle of water. He poured some into her mouth and left it dribble over her chin and down her body.

"Turn it on again, please, master," she said, not knowing why she wanted it so soon after not being able to endure it a moment ago, but there it was, the need was back. Perhaps the rest of her orgasm was waiting impatiently within her.

She saw the black leather bag he was raising over her head, and even as she thought, 'what's that?' she realized it was a hood. 'Great,' she thought, 'he thinks of everything I need,' as it slid snugly over her and she heard the zip as he encased her in it. It had slots for her nose and a hole for her mouth so she could breathe but couldn't hear well and everything went dark. A moment later she felt the anal dildo withdraw and the cock enter her pussy again, and heard the music, some classical thing that had a soft insistent rhythm.

He must have turned the music up because now she could hear it, or maybe there were holes in the mask. Whatever it was she'd heard it before, a long time ago, like in a college music appreciation class... then it came back to her; that college professor with the cats and the enormous prick, Mr. Wainwright or Wainscot or something. It was something Spanish and erotic she recalled.

The patient, slow, insistent marching drum beat sounded like one played for soldiers parading through some dusty Spanish crossroads. The flute, dancing above the rhythm, was a peasant girl erotically swaying her hips, in bare feet and dressed in a sweat-sticky blouse which clung to her breasts. She was the focus of a thousand eyes and she gathered their lust as though she would weave some spectacular garment from it's threads.

The driving rhythm was Philip's passion and she was the dancer. His lust was this machine pushing inside her, confident of its eventual triumph. It was up to her to perform for him, to tease as the dancer was and earn her man's desire. Being bound and hooded made it a bit more challenging for her than for the strumpet dancing in her imagination but she would work with what she had.