From Jenny to Mei Ch. 18


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"I like you, Mei Chun. You're really lovely."

"Oh god, we are going to be the best sisters. It's going to be so great. We can wear the same clothes! Come meet Karla. She's something else. You'll love her."

Karla and Philip had kissed on the cheek, he with a bit more affection than she, and were seated and talking as they returned. Both stood again.

The girls returned smiling like it was the last day of high school. Karla was shocked at Ai's innocent beauty, not believing the girl was a prostitute. She greeted her warmly with a hug, but not enthusiastically as Mei had done.

They ate a companionable, friendly lunch; Mei making plans and Ai, at one point chatting about her design for a machine.

"Ai and I are going into business together," Philip announced. "We're going to make fuck machines like Otto and sell them online."

Mei and Karla were enthusiastic. "That thing nearly killed me last night," Karla effused. "I never thought..." she looked at Mei, then changed her sentence. "The operator took it a bit too far perhaps but I loved it. How did you get the idea, Philip?"

"I kinda figured that there had to be another man in the house."

"It's no substitute for you," Mei said. "But so sweet of you to think of us."

"I'm thinking about a tandem machine," Ai said, looking at Mei. She turned to Karla, "I might be able to do a three girl machine too," she turned her head to Philip, "That should be possible, right, I mean like a 'Y' y'know?"

"Sure, three or even four shouldn't present a problem, might get a bit heavy but we could assemble it on the second floor."

Looking at him, Mei lit off a smile, "Karla is moving in," she said excitedly.

"Oh, really," said Philip with delight. "That's great, Karla. What about Tim?"

"She wants to talk to you about that. Ai and I will get to know each other and you two discuss it."

He looked at Karla who was looking at her plate and slowly shaking her head. She had been assured by Mei that it was what Philip wanted and she had no difficulty in believing that. However, she didn't know him all that well and was still uncomfortable with the idea. Sleeping with Mei was great and she wanted many more nights with her, without the whips and fuck machine, but just jumping into his bed was now, in the light of day and her propriety in full flower, not as appealing a prospect as it had been at two in the morning.

Philip read the timidity in her face and posture.

"Yes, Philip. I need your help again. Just like with Kenisha, I have a problem that's too big for me. I don't want to hurt him."

"I've been thinking about it. Let's wander around and talk it through. Maybe we'll figure something out."

It made Karla feel better. He was older and for a young woman like Karla a confident and sincere older man was a comfort. She thought Philip might be 'a fixer'. Her father was a fixer, a man in her life that, well, fixed things, like her toys when she was a kid and cars and taxes when she was older. Philip had fixed the Kenisha situation with just a talk over coffee. Maybe he could fix the Tim problem as well.

She looked at Mei and thought about her deepening feelings for the pretty young woman who had tormented her to such ecstasy just ten hours ago. Then she took a moment to look back into Philip's eyes and hoped he would make what she wanted possible.

She knew, in a very real and profound way that he was, indeed, Mei's master. Master in the guardian sense of the word and not necessarily in the way people talked about kinky sex. The insight gave her a shiver of comprehension. And rather than anger she felt an odd sympathy for him. He had a responsibility for Mei Chun that she knew she wouldn't be able to shoulder. It added to her respect for him and she realized that she might grow dependent on him too, and not just because he was Mei's gatekeeper.

Mei, for her part, hardly took her eyes off Ai throughout lunch, noticing every movement, admiring her grace as she ate, seeing how she bashfully smiled and looked down when she noticed her stare.

Her looks had an effect on Ai. At first she felt self-conscious, like Mei Chun was picking her apart but she soon recognized the hunger in her eyes and knew it for what it was.

When the meal wound down Philip slid Mei the room key, signed the receipt and as he put down the pen, said, "I got a couples massage scheduled at one in the spa. Did you two want to take it?"

"No," Mei got up and took Ai's hand. "You two go. We'll be around when you need us. Call me or just pop in with Karla when you're done."

Ai looked at Philip with something like a, 'What am I getting into?' look in her eye but marched off with Mei, then glanced back and gave him a wink and a smile.


The President of France was on his knees shamefully stroking his cock telling Markéta how bad he was, how guilty he felt and how he was about to loose control and come on her shoes.

She had flogged him with the belt till his ass, still in his pants, was cherry red. She had stepped on his penis and crushed his sack with her pretty Manolo Blahnik ankle-strap pumps that she could not live without. She had run out of insults and had taken to speaking in Czech which had proven very effective. Now it was time for him to finish.

"I suppose, for the good of the republic I will have to allow your disgusting semen to stain my shoes but if you ever wish to continue your therapy you will have to lick it off, every revolting drop."

He nodded, his need to ejaculate the penultimate humiliation.

"Need to come? My little pervert?"

His eyes pleaded with her to stop but he did need to come. She was indeed the goddess Nemesis. He would do it, as sick and debased as consuming one's own semen was.

"Then do it before I change my mind," she said then turned away in mock disgust.

"You are my goddess," he said and spurted on her. She felt the warm droplets touch her ankle and lowered her eyes to see the gorgeous sight of his cock disgorging thick streams of white goo on the shoe he cradled in one hand. The white contrasting so nicely with the shiny black upper, like pearls on leather.

"Lick it off!" she screamed at him before his orgasm finished and before his attitude changed. "Clean my shoe of that filth."

And he did, at first with timidity and then with dedicated obedience. He was relieved to discover his cum wasn't battery acid that would burn his lips. And as he humiliated himself before this gorgeous woman, the tears washing into his mouth to make the salty cum that much more briny, he felt more depraved and worthless than he had since childhood. It made him think of his mother.

When he had finished she made him swallow and inspected his mouth. He knelt, mouth agape, a trace of white still on his tongue. His red, swollen eyes streamed tears and he shuddered with the blubbering.

Markéta's sympathy formed like a whirlpool centered on her solar plexus, sucking her heart into dark misery. She nearly wept at the sight of the broken and hurting man.

She knelt, gathered her legs under her on the floor of his wife's closet and calmly unbuttoned her blouse. She tugged the cup of her bra, baring a breast, and took his crying head to her chest.

His sobbing redoubled and her heart threatened to crack in two. She hadn't expected to see his emotional collapse. She figured he had a kinky side to him as most Frenchmen did, figured she would probe him to see exactly what a little domination would do for him. But she had not intended to turn him into a sniveling child. It was more than she had counted on or was prepared to deal with, but she adapted quickly. With a tenderness that surprised herself she began to coo to him in calming, motherly reassurance.

"Suckle me, Pierre," she stroked his cheek and forehead. "Tell your goddess everything. But first suckle me and close your eyes. Cry it all out."

With eyes closed yet streaming tears he cupped the tip of her conical breast with his mouth and pulled on her teat in just the manner a baby would. His tears wet her blouse. After quiet minutes of her comforting susurrations and fingers through his thinning hair he gave up her breast to say, "I am so ashamed of myself."

"You don't have to be ashamed, Pierre." Her voice sounded unfamiliarly like her mother's, "You can be honest with me. You can be the school teacher you are. The humble man who wanted to help people. Before all the arrogance and pride took hold of you."

"I was once a good man, maybe. A man my wife loved and my children admired." He looked up into her eyes, "They called me daddy and looked at me with love. And now, as you say, I am an incompetent pervert."

She took his head in her arms and guided his mouth back to her breast. "I will be here for you, Pierre. We will continue your therapy. You will find yourself again."


Earlier that morning Ms. Boyd entered the employee door of the clinic where Mei worked and asked to speak to the director of personnel. She was past middle age, wispy, pinkish blond hair in a business like bun, gray pink skirt suit and sensible shoes. "I'm here," she said when the director had joined her in the waiting room, "to replace Ms. Huang for the day."

The director was taken aback. She got a voicemail from Mei at seven telling her she wouldn't be in and apologizing but said she'd have someone cover for her. She thought Mei had meant the ladies would cover for her, figuring she'd left a message for Samantha as well, but this was different.

"I'm sorry, come again?"

"I've been assigned by my agency to fill in for a Ms. Mei Chun Huang, or perhaps that's Huang Mei Chun, presuming she is of Chinese heritage." Her style of speech was firm, clipped and professional. "I'm well versed with common office procedures, filing, interacting with the public and I catch on quickly. Where do you need me?"

"But we don't do that."

"What are her duties?"

"She receives patients and ... but we don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

"We don't just have someone come in and fill-in like that. We're a government agency."

"Are you over staffed?"


"Then let's put the taxpayers' dollars to work, shall we."


"I'm perfectly capable of fulfilling her duties. I've been an executive secretary and have worked in an office since I was seventeen. I am qualified."

"But you see..."

Ms. Boyd walked passed her and into the work area behind the reception counter. "Where does Ms. Huang sit?" She nodded at an astounded Judy who, with Samantha, had overheard the conversation.

"I've got it, Justine," Samantha said, figuring this had something to do with Mei's master. "She sits here honey and I'll show you what to do."

"But what about," the director said, "what about patient confidentiality? We can't just have..."

"It's ok. I'll take the patients today and Ms.? What was your name ma'am?"

"Ms. Boyd, or Tina, either is fine. You are?"

"Samantha," she looked at the director, "She'll do filing Justine or we'll find something. Don't worry about it."

The director walked off, leaving it in her hands and wondering what was going on with Mei Chun.


Philip hated lounging around a restaurant after eating, so he stood and reached for Karla's hand. "Let's take a walk." She took his hand but found cause to relinquish it a few moments later.

They walked a bit through the lobby shops then out to the street. Monday foot traffic was light but this wasn't the place to have their discussion and Philip suggested returning to the hotel. After a quick chat with the concierge they got on an elevator.

"I don't know about all this, Philip." She played with the bangle at her wrist and he let her wait to express herself without prompting or impatience. And, as the next words were forming, so to was an unusual feeling of déjà vu. It was as though the elevator ride was yet another metaphorical journey she was taking. Not one that she expected would match the emotional intensity of her experience last night with Mei, but one that was, perhaps, as fateful. "I'm not sure I'm the right girl."

Philip didn't respond.

When the elevator opened they were led out to a deck normally used for weddings and business receptions. However, due to the concierge's phone call, was now being quickly made up for two. A young man was putting a wrought iron table and chairs next to the railing and a quite attractive Asian woman was placing a table cloth and glasses atop it. San Francisco's most spectacular view, the white Transamerica tower predominate in the foreground, would be all theirs. Philip reminded himself to tip the concierge.

"Tell me at your own pace, Karla." They sat and he selected a tea service for both of them. Karla concurred with his choice with a nod to the waitress.

"You know how I feel about Mei Chun. I'm just so overwhelmed with the suddenness of all this and the intensity of what I feel." A light breeze whirled her hair about. It played the strands before her earnest gray eyes. "I'm not..." She paused to try again. "I have never been..." She stumbled despite herself.

"Slowly, Karla. We have all day."

"I love women, Philip, but I'm not a lesbian."

He displayed no reaction.

"I don't know if that makes sense. It doesn't make sense to me. I mean. I cannot describe what she does to me. Different. Different than ever before and it... There was an emotional element I never experienced before."

Karla went silent, drifting in thought, indifferent to his patience.

"It frightened you?"

She had been studying the tableware and her hands but when he spoke she snapped her eyes to his.

"Yes. Frightens and thrills me."

"Think this might be a tipping point in your life?"

"Maybe. Maybe but I love men too. I mean Tim. It's like." She curled her hair behind her ear to keep it out of her eyes. "You like football, right?"


"And you like baseball?"


"See," she said as though she had delivered the last word on one of life's enduring mysteries.

"Mei Chun is softness and sex and Tim is hardness and sex. Know what I mean? And the emotion is..., like, totally different."

Philip didn't know what she meant, he had a good idea but also knew that a confirmation that she was being clear in her description wasn't what she needed to hear.

"Karla," he held her right hand, "it's fine that you find women sexy. That you want to sink into her body and wallow in her warmth and affection. That you want to thrill her with your kisses and show your feelings for her through sex. In fact I can't imagine why all women aren't lesbian to one degree or another. I mean, what's not to like? You get a kind of emotional fulfillment that a guy like me or Tim just can't do well. And Mei is just so into it that she makes it fun and just ridiculously hot."

Karla was impressed with his perspicacity, but didn't want to acknowledge it just yet. Instead of asking him how he knew so much about the lesbian experience she asked, "Really? So you think it's normal?"

"Completely normal and healthy."

"Good. Thanks for the head check."

Karla did have a genuine concern because, even though she hadn't had an issue with bisexuality before, it was because she had never really loved another woman. And loving Mei Chun was so disorientingly different than loving a man.

"No problem," he said. "So what about you?"

"I know I don't want to miss out on this... you understand, I'm not as... how do I say... as enthusiastic as Mei Chun about the whole harem thing but I sense there is something happening that I want to be a part of and..."

"How was last night?"

She lowered her chin but looked up and into his captivating green eyes. "It was beyond anything I could have imagined." Her mouth formed the slightest hint of a grimace, just a stretching of her lower lip which caused a faint downturn to the corners. "The first half of the night, as you know, I... you had me. I mean she had me, like, take control."

"That's one way to put it," he said with a smile.

"I never thought I was capable of that and the thrill it gave me was the highest I've ever felt. It..." her mouth returned to its placid state, "... felt so fucking powerful. It scared the shit out of me."

Their tea arrived. Philip made them both a cup.

"Scared you?"

"I've always been passive. I've always allowed myself to... um... to be the object. I never took control like that and I think I let it run away. I think I hurt her and that's what scared me. That I was enjoying hurting her."

"It's intoxicating."

"Yes, and I don't want to be that kind of person."

"I won't let you be that kind of person, not until you can handle it, or not at all if you don't want."

"How do you control it? Mei hurt me when she had me on Otto but, like, seconds later it was ok. Later I realized that she didn't go overboard even thought at the time I thought she had."

"Did you enjoy it? Being the object of that kind of passion?"

Karla took a few moments to consider. "I don't think so. I mean, you wouldn't have known it by how I reacted last night but I think the idea of her hurting me makes me uncomfortable."

"That's understandable."

"She loved it and, I mean, I came like a epileptic I'm sure but just snuggling is better."

"Good. I am glad to hear that, Karla."

In what Philip thought was a rather disjointed segue, Karla said, "Then there is the issue of Tim."

"Tell me about Tim."

"He's sweet. He's twenty-seven, got an ok job in accounting. Nothing sexy mind you but it's steady, not always reliable but he's good and he loves me."

"Marriage material?"

"When he gets around to asking, yes."

"You are a spectacularly attractive woman, Karla. You'd be a great catch for a lawyer or investment manager."


"No... I don't mean it as a compliment. I want you to understand your worth. I could introduce you to fifty men who earn at least two-hundred thousand a year and in three months you'd have five offers of marriage. But I'm not trying to seduce you away from Tim. If he's the one you want and you're happy with the way your life is going then don't let me or Mei push you off your path."

"That's the problem. Since I met Mei... Mei Chun..." she stopped, "Is there any chance you'll just let me call her Mei?"

"Not for the present, it's a privilege that I kinda like having as my own. But we'll see in a few weeks."

"Since I met her I've lost touch with what I want. I think I want..."

"Don't tell me think, Karla, tell me what you know."

She understood his interruption and agreed that now was not the time to hedge or equivocate.

"I know I want to continue seeing her and last night just made that more clear and, I guess urgent. Waking up this morning was just so right... so comfortable and great."

"I know. So how do we give you what you want, Karla?"

She saw in his eyes he meant exactly what he said. She felt no expectation from him, that he had no real need for her, which was really odd. She had thought this was all about him, creating this fantasy harem so he could get all the sex he could stand. Now she understood that this man enjoyed making things good for people, that rather than some depraved pervert he was kind and gentle. After last night she was prepared to at least sympathize with his kinky desire to whip Mei Chun but now she understood that it really was a kind of therapy he was conducting on Mei.

"I don't know, Philip. Mei urged me to trust you."

"Ok... I'll ask and you answer."


"Do you want to live with us?"

'Well,' she thought, 'that's the crux isn't it? He goes right to the heart of the problem.' Karla saw that he was like her father that way. It was uncomfortable but she had to face the issue.

"Yes," she said.

"Ok, can he accept that? You staying with us, at least part of the time?"