From Jenny to Mei Ch. 20


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Time halted for Tim as the realization that something important was happening.

"So you're the master?" he asked.

"Yeah, well... I wish she'd stop calling me that."

With a disgusted smirk, he said, "Well, why don't you just hit her until she does?"

"I don't hit her, she made that up in the restaurant."

"How did you know?" Tim's eyes twisted in what looked like painful confusion and anger.

"Listen, Tim. It was a set up ok? The whole dinner thing, the confession, getting you here. It was Karla's way of convincing you to let her keep seeing Mei."


Now it all made sense; Karla's recent distraction, her impatience waiting for the taxi, the confession at the restaurant and the suite upstairs.


"Fuck yeah, I'm angry."

"Well, you can get pissed off, get self-righteous if you want but then Karla leaves you and instead of having two women you have none."

That was when it all caught up to Tim. Time crept like a sloth. He felt dizzy and raised an open palm at Philip to claim a moment to think and gather his thoughts. He was being steered into a life altering direction. His relationship with his girlfriend was being changed, his position threatened and it had an impact on his sense of self. Yet despite the threat, he thought of the thin, naked Asian girl with the great tits he'd just left behind. There was danger here but also promise, an opportunity that the accountant in him sensed.

"What about you?" he asked.

"Karla seduced my girlfriend at the gym and they've been going at it every chance they can." He drew on the scotch again. "I've come to terms with it."

"Jesus!" He paused for a moment, "Have you touched her?"

"Karla? No." By touched he figured Tim meant fucked.

"Good." His eyes fell to a candle floating in a broad brandy snifter at the center of the drinks table.

"Yeah, I'm not a dick. And they're not dykes but if you let Karla go, who knows."

He looked up at Philip and repeated the essence of his last question. "So you haven't fucked her?"

"No." He didn't volunteer to fill him in on what happened in the suite hours before.

"Are you going to?"

"Let's talk about that."

"What the fuck do you mean let's talk about it?" he snarled.

Ignoring his raised voice, Philip continued, "Tim, I'm not an asshole, your just going to have to accept that for right now. As difficult as that is to believe I'm asking you to believe it for the next ten minutes."

Philip paused for a moment to reestablish his calm and then changed gears.

"You can play this two ways." His voice was placid and reasonable. "Get pissed off and blow out of here and you lose Karla. I could send her to Paris with Mei for a month, put them in a hotel like this and let her shop until you're just a memory. Money can do that, Tim. Or you can accommodate."

He took another drink and watched the steam escaping from the poor guys ears. "You were at a strip club last night?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"You love sex as much as the next guy?"


"Ok, more. Let me paint a picture of what accommodating might mean. Let's say you spent time with Karla, as much as you want, and when you feel the need, you go to your other apartment, the one I help you set up, your own secret place, if that's how you want it, and you spend time with your other girl... or two." He let it sink in by silently counting to twenty. "Maybe you invite Karla over a time or two." He paused again. "Or maybe you don't.

"So we find you a girl. Or, as I said, maybe you have the need for more than one. Perhaps you crave variety. See that girl over there?" He pointed toward the girl Tim had noticed before. Ai waved back and began to get up but Philip gestured for her to stay another minute.

"Until day before yesterday it would only cost you four-hundred to have her full attention for an hour."

"A hooker?" Tim said with more antipathy that surprise.

Philip bristled but kept himself under control. "They call them escorts these days. So accommodating means is a new woman whenever you want. I don't know your familiarity with things like this, Tim, but some of these women, like Ai over there are stunning. They have their own websites and with an email and a text you set up a date. These girls are as hot as any centerfold and they are totally dedicated to their man's pleasure."

"I heard that some of those girls are five-thousand a night."

"Right, and they love their work. Turning a man on is how they get off."

His eyes snapped back to Philip's. "And you get to fuck Karla?"

"I don't like saying this Tim, but if I had tried I could have already." He took another sip and let the scotch burn his throat while watching Tim digest the thought. "But I didn't out of respect for you. Listen. It doesn't sound nice to hear but you're not competition for me. I sound like an asshole I know, but if I wanted to, Tim, I could just push you aside and if you don't negotiate with me that's what I'm going to do."

He refilled their glasses. "Let me bring her over."

Philip waived Ai over and in the pause, which in his state of disbelief and agitation felt like minutes, he felt the truth of the rich guy's assessment. He wasn't a looser, at least Tim had never felt like one before, but he was no great catch for Karla. He felt her value with more of an oppressive weight in those moments than he had since that first time at his brother's Halloween party where they had met. He didn't feel worthy of such a beauty then and now, with this handsome rich guy telling him he could entice her away, he knew it was true.

Philip stood as she approached. Tim did not. He introduced them and Ai took a seat in the swivel chair before the low round drinks table at their knees.

"I know this is a shock for you, Tim. You look like you've been hit by a car," she said with sympathy.

"Yeah, well it feels that way." He was still seething at Philip but thinking feverishly.

"I don't know what you've been talking about but let me say that Karla really does love you. I only met her this morning but she's not stopped talking about you. She's even wondering if you're ever going to propose."

"With the money I make we couldn't start a family." He was answering from his heart, his mind too busy to filter his thoughts. "And now that she's a lesbian I doubt she even wants kids."

"Don't be... " she was going to say, "a fool" but changed thoughts. She asked the candle, "Why are men so dumb?" Then she looked back at Tim, "Do you think any of us are real lesbians? Don't you think we want kids and normal lives. Did he tell you I was a prostitute on Saturday?"

"Yeah, which is probably more bullshit."

"Nope, a four-hundred dollar whore and worth every penny. Want to see my website?"

"No, I believe you."

"Now all I want it to do is shack up with him and Mei Chun and have his babies in a few years."

She saw the way Philip looked at her and said, "We'll talk about that later." Looking again at Tim she continued, "The thing is we don't know what life's going to give us and what it's going to take away. It's brought Karla into our lives and she's happy and she wants you to be happy too. Don't you think this is hard for Philip? He loves Mei Chun and sharing her with Karla makes him jealous."

Tim looked at Philip and downed his drink, "Then why does the 'master,'" he did that finger quote thing, "allow it?"

"Because, Tim, he loves her and wants her to be happy but he's jealous nonetheless."

"So he has you and Mei Ching..."

"Mei Chun."

He didn't correct himself. "And now he wants Karla."

"No. It's not like that. He has enough with Mei Chun and me. Anyway, we're going to keep an eye out for some cool girls to join us so he really has all he needs."

"It's not fair," Tim said, his eyes vacant. The shock wasn't so much at Ai's revelation that a rich guy was going to get a lot of pussy but it was that at that moment he was sure things were over between he and Karla.

Philip felt a mild disgust at hearing Tim say the phrase but conceded that he'd just been clobbered by a very disconcerting reality. With his motivation being equal parts a desire to leave his presence and to give Ai time to work on him in her own way, she said, "I'm going to the bathroom," and got up. He didn't really need to, but understood that Ai flying solo would be more persuasive with her feminine wiles.

When he had left Ai asked, "Tim, how old are you?"

"Twenty-seven," he answered in a flat voice, looking at the shadow the candle cast on the table.

"And you're still talking about fair? I mean, what's fair? Philip's dad dies and leaves him millions..."

"Hundreds of millions."

"Whatever, and you and I have parents that can't send us to college. So what? Life's not about money. Life is about love and experiences."

"I love Karla... I loved Karla."

"And Karla loves you, Tim. Why do you think we are here? I'd much rather be home in bed with my two lovers but I'm sitting in a bar where I can't drink, talking to you."

"Sorry about that." He said self-indulgently and with self-pity.

"That's not what I mean. We care about you because we care about Karla, because we care about Mei Chun. See?"

"He offered me hookers and an apartment to fuck them in." The shock hadn't quite worn off yet.


"A different one every night."

"Wow, he is so generous. If I were a guy I'd jump on it."

He raised his head and paused for a moment longer than necessary, "If they looked like you I might."

"I know lots of girls prettier than me who escort. I'd be happy to introduce you. And, Tim, we're all girls who love sex. That's the secret why most of us do it, but we can't tell the clients. They'd stop paying us if they knew how much we enjoyed it."

"What would Karla think?"

"What's she gonna say? She understands she doesn't have much room to complain at the moment..."

He listened with half an ear but most of his mind was reviewing Philip's offer. He knew a good deal when he was presented one. And anyway, Karla had cheated on him. It was the chance of a lifetime.

"... She wants your heart and can share your body. So if you and Philip can work something out then she'll go for it. Anyway, try it out for a few months and then see if you and Karla like it. Otherwise live an exciting lifestyle for a while."

"I don't... I need to talk to Karla about all of this."

"Of course you do but remember how much she loves you. And be sweet and understanding."

"Tell him thanks for the drink."

"Tim," she said with eyes both warm yet firm, "Philip's really a great guy and he takes care of his friends."

He looked at her and said, "Thanks," and walked out.


"You're probably right." Mei said into the phone while giving Karla a, 'sorry for the interruption - I'll be right with you,' kinda look. "Ok ... I'll be down in a few." Mei ended the call.

"That Philip?" Karla asked leaning up on her elbows to look at Mei through the valley formed by her legs.

"Nah, Ai. Said Tim's on his way. I need to scram. Philip spilled the beans."

"Oh shit."

"It had to come out." Mei saw her looking tense again, eyes scanning the ceiling. "Trust him, baby. She said something about a deal."

"Christ! A deal. I told him I'm not a horse."

"He knows men. Don't sweat it."

"This is MY relationship we're talking about. MY future husband, if he's smart enough."

"We wouldn't do anything to hurt you and Tim won't be able to resist. If we double team him once a month he'll let you do anything you want."

"Philip said he wouldn't let you."

"Yeah." She stood to dress. "He might change his mind if Ai and I fuck him enough. Anyway, Tim liked tonight. Even if it's just watching he'll be good with it and a hand job isn't sex."

Karla watched her quickly put on her bra and panties and wrap herself in that exquisite ivory blouse. "You two sure have hit it off."

"Jealous of Philip's little whore?"

"Of course."

Mei leaned on the bed, pulled at Karla's knees but couldn't budge the larger girl's body down the mattress. Karla didn't help by sliding down; she laughed instead.

"No good luck kiss?" Mei harrumphed, pouting with mock injury.

Karla shook her head with an impish smile so Mei fell between her legs and kissed one nipple, "Good," then the other, "luck."

Karla grabbed her head with her bent arm, rolled her over as Mei shrieked. She kissed Mei firmly. "Thanks. Thanks for everything," she said. "Last night and tonight and everything."

"I'd do anything for you," Mei said as she got up to put on her skirt and pearls, "you're my first girl."



"First girl."

"Hey. Don't get like that. It's your fault anyway. Had you not stuck your fingers in me we wouldn't be in this mess and I wouldn't be seeing every girl as a walking sex toy." She primped in the mirror for a second. "And, I love you, Karla."


Mei departed in the right elevator just as she heard the left one arrive. She didn't catch sight of Tim and was grateful for it. He was ok, she considered, not really sure what Karla saw in him, but reflected that some people might not know what Philip had to offer at first glance either. She hadn't, at least as Jenny she hadn't. 'What a total ass I was,' she reflected. 'How could I have been so stupid? So blind?'

She kinda liked Philip before the blackmail started, thought he might be worth a quick fuck or two. His persistence was charming in a way but it showed her he wanted her too much and that was an indication that it would be a brief affair. She would only get a month out of him before the 'I love you' stuff started and that would have been that.

She thought how fortunate she was to have misjudged him so. How he had given her no choice but to admit that she wanted love, how he had forced her to see how emotionally damaged she was and what life was like without a will of your own.

Now she felt like a new person. Nothing that had concerned Jenny interested Mei, except clothes and sex. The idea of hurting men had totally lost its appeal to be replaced by a real interest in people and their needs. For example she wouldn't have given Tim the time of day much less straddle his head while she rubbed her sweet little pussy for him. She chuckled remembering the look on his face while she searched for her phone in the descending elevator.

But there were unintended side effects, like Karla. The whole girl-sex thing just seemed to pop out of her. And, like the novice she was, her enthusiasm was still at a fever pitch.

She really did like Karla, and not just the sex. She saw a person inside, one that was tender and in need of protection and an unconditional love that she was starting to feel she could give. She was a novice at love too and her enthusiasm for it was perhaps even stronger than for her new found ardor for the female body.

Another side effect was the need she felt to request something from Philip that she dreaded asking for. It was this new need to love everyone which was the problem. She didn't think her motivation was selfish - she didn't need anyone but her partners to love her in return - but perhaps there was an element of self-interest involved. She did want to feel the pride of Philip noticing how she had changed - and that was selfish, wasn't it?

She kept looking for her phone then realized it was back in that suite that Philip had gotten Karla and decided to head to the bar.

She kept thinking about the favor she was going to ask and how reasonable it was. 'After all it's not for me,' she thought. 'He couldn't object. It won't cost anything and I'd do it for him. He wouldn't even need to ask permission.' Then, as the door opened and she walked into the lobby, it occurred to her that of course he wouldn't, she was his slave. That thought caused her coccyx to itch and her spine to quiver like a wave traveling up a chain. 'Slave. Sex slave." Her salivary glands tingled, 'I am so his sex slave.'

They weren't in the bar and the woman in her mid-thirties at the front desk wouldn't give out his room number. The woman called up but there was no answer so she figured they hadn't made it to the room yet. 'He's probably banging her in a utility closet,' she supposed.

She sat in the lobby for a few minutes imagining Ai's nice little breasts jiggling on her chest and her mouth excitedly panting as he drove into her from behind. She wondered if it were feasible to kneel down in front and lick her as he did her that way and figured that fantasy probably trumped reality in this instance. 'If she put her foot on a shelf, maybe, or he did her in the ass I'd have plenty of room.'

Mei had lots of fantasies like this, especially at the gym. She'd see some hottie on the Stairmaster and think about chloroforming her, tying her up in the Pilates room and watching Philip fuck her in the ass. For some reason he always did anal in her fantasies. She wondered why.

A few moments were spent pleasantly with this diversion until she heard, "Miss?" It was the blond at the counter calling over her shoulder. She turned to look. 'Do people really say miss anymore?' she wondered.


"I just spoke with Mr. Conners. He is staying in room four-twelve. Would you like me to show you the elevator?"

Mei declined, thanked her and walked through the lobby wondering if Philip would like that one. He seemed to like tits, Karla's especially, but without getting a look at her rump she didn't know if she were master-worthy and you could never tell about boobs while they were trapped inside a bra.

She had been on the lookout for recruits ever since he had let her take Karla as a lover. That act of kind forgiveness was the final tumbler that slid the lock of her heart open. She was now completely dedicated to his every gratification, and since sex was her passion, she would do what she did best for his benefit.

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DreaMajorDreaMajorabout 2 years ago

Five stars are precluded for this chapter by some annoying grammatical errors, e.g., “She“ and “her“ mixups and an absent antecedent or two.

Overall, a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Still reading

The scene with Marketa and Gisella was brilliant. So real and full of tenderness and honesty. The observation that men do things and women's love is the reward for their effort may be hard for some people to admit but fundamentally it's true.

I was going to scold you in Ch. 19 for neglecting Marketa but you have redeemed yourself by giving us a taste of her soul in this chapter. Now bring her narrow hips back to San Francisco and turn Ai and Mei Chun loose on her so we can be voyeurs and fill our fantasies with her.

The ending was a little strange. I thought for a minute you might leave Mei Chun in the lobby with no phone and no place to go. Might have been interesting to see what she would have done.

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