From Jenny to Mei Ch. 23


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They left the restaurant and returned to work. Samantha thanked her for lunch and Mei promised they'd make it a weekly date.


They got more stuff from Ai's apartment. There was no sign of Hector skulking around the area but a note was taped to her door. 'Call me' was scrawled on a torn Jack-in-the-Box taco wrapper.

Two trash bags full of clothes, some textbooks and her laptop were trudged out to his car and they were off.

"Do you think we're doing this too quickly, Ai?" he asked with real concern evident in his voice.

"Doing what?"

"You know, falling in love, moving in together and all that."

"You're not the type to get cold feet, Philip."

"And another thing..." he looked over at her while driving the 880. "You're not twenty but you're the most mature girl I know."

"I'm wise, not mature."

"Oh, excuse me," he said, affecting indignation.

"It's ok. It's part of my nature. I mean, I can be silly sometimes. And I know Mei Chun and I are going to drive you crazy talking about nail polish and stuff."

"I'm really looking forward to that, actually."


"Yeah. I like women. And there's a vivacity of youth I like. I just don't like the stupidity."

"Stupidity comes from not knowing what you want."

"And you do?"


"Do tell."

"Nope. You tell me."

"Testing me already?"

"I'm a woman, aren't I?"

He contemplated Ai, thinking back to the emails he'd read, feeling quite guilty now for the unnecessary intrusion. He would tell her one day, maybe soon. He let the feel of her steep like tea leaves in hot water. When he was ready, he said, "You want your share in life and don't see the need for more. Fun is important to you but you're not the type to take a job just so you can afford to go out and have fun. Compromise to accommodate isn't a problem for you, but if you're asked to violate a principle you won't do it. You are loyal and enjoy being kind. People's opinions don't matter as long as those you respect don't look down on you. You are more proud of your mind and your skill than you are of your body. As for what you want... you want love, companionship, quiet evenings reading your textbook while Mei and I stick our tongues out at each other."

She laughed.

"You love being loved. The sex part of that is a bonus; it's the intimacy that you enjoy. Is that about right?"

An earnest adoration shone from her face as she silently nodded, halfway to tears, but just halfway.

"Oh... and what you want. You want to be married to the finest man in the world. Someone who knows every mood and thought in your head. A guy that opens doors for you, treats you like a princess when you want to be and a slut when you feel like a slut. He has to know by the look in your eye. You want four kids, at a minimum, and the money to never have to pick a school that's affordable. You would never live in a house that is one room too big or the slightest bit pretentious. Exercise and good eating will keep you fit until old age when you'll die in your sleep."

"And I thought I was wise. That's pretty much who I am."

"So why are you in love with me?"

She didn't waste a heartbeat before saying, "I've always known you... knew that we would meet, knew that it would be a dramatic revelation and that I would feel the way I do. I know the way the Universe thinks, Philip."

He responded with silence, wondering how it was that anyone could say that, be entirely serious and totally convincing in their statement. He was also shocked that instead of incredulity he felt as though she were understating herself.

She let him ponder.

"And you were wrong about the house."


"Yeah, the other stuff is right but the house can be as big as you want, just not gaudy."

"I have simple tastes. I've always wanted a big Victorian house, the kind with the wrap around porch and a big lawn."

She hummed, like it might be nice.

"So how do you feel about it all? You and me and Mei, Karla and Tim? Frankly my head spinning."

"I'm good with all of it. I'll at least be able to head down to the shop and get lost if things get ugly. I promise not to create any drama. I have a pretty gentle disposition, more like a cat than a dog, and I can't stand drama."

He hazarded another look at her while driving. "Ai, you are the perfect woman, aren't you."

She giggled again, with a hint of the bashful nineteen-year-old rising to the surface. Yet she surprised him again by saying, "Yep, I'm perfect," with a cheerful honesty that made very clear she agreed with him. And when he looked at her from the corner of his eye she continued, "What? Like you didn't know that? Expect me to lie?"


"It's easy, Philip. You and I are perfect for each other. It's love dummy. And you just drove by your house."

He made a quick U-turn and parked up front. They got the mail and found Mei's letter while still stealing playful glances at her. Following that impossibly cute ass he followed her upstairs and settled on the couch to read as Ai got out things for sandwiches.

He invaded the envelope with real excitement, appreciating the quality of the paper and the novelty of an old fashioned letter.

My Dearest Philip,

What a good suggestion it was you gave me. Writing a letter to you gives me the opportunity to reflect on you and on what you've given me. I feel I have changed so much in such a short time and it takes my breath away. I can hardly believe what kind of a person I was, how blind I was to the basic humanity of other people and what a horrible little world I had locked myself into. You forced me to see myself as I was and recoil at the sight.

You know how much I owe you. Only you really know because you were the only one who saw what I had inside. Even when I couldn't see my worth, you did.

Under all the rubble of an abandoned heart and under the junk I threw on the pile, you were able to find what I am now most proud of. You found love I didn't know I had and you own it and it's my gift to you. But really it's your conquest and your right for risking so much to find it.

Thank you for saving me. For dragging me out of my former self and letting me grow into this person that I was supposed to be. The person I was let herself become corrupted by temptation and the illusion of beauty. Once she began, she could not stop using people, feeling it was her right.

Once I felt the warmth of your love, and your hand ;), I learned what love really is and, like a person blind at birth who sees for the first time, I was confused and overwhelmed with the new experience. Now I am settling down but still need your guiding hand, perhaps more than ever.

You've shown remarkable patience with me, forbearance and kindness. Your gifts are so special to me but none more than another.

I love you Philip and calling you master is my joy.


It warmed his heart and he read it again, then a third time. He shared it with Ai and made them his favorite, simple ham and cheese sandwiches, lightly toasted and broiled.

"Wow, that chick's in love with you, Philip."

"Want a pickle?" he said with a full mouth.

"You're quite the romantic."

"Don't misunderstand," he said when he'd swallowed, "it's a very touching letter and I love it, but these are great pickles."


Mei had one more patient to translate for. This time, a couple had brought in their two-year-old son who was having trouble keeping his food down. There really was no opportunity for further discussion along the lines of their brief meeting in his office but she noticed his eyebrows rose when she winked at him when entering with the family.

He suspected lead poisoning and asked a lot of questions about where they lived and the age of the apartment. Not getting any conclusive answers he asked her to tell them to watch their son while he played and pay careful attention to what he put in his mouth. After thirty minutes of questions and answers he called for a battery of blood tests and left the room but not before he gave Mei a folded piece of paper.

She read it in the bathroom.

Mei Chun,

I want to thank you for your intention to help distract me from my present woes. I must admit to finding your solution an intriguing and inviting idea and wish I were thirty years younger. However, I must decline.

The last thing I wish to do is cause you difficulties in your private life and I know that upon further reflection you will realize that your suggestion will inevitably cause trouble in your current relationship that has benefited you so much.

Please know that this is not in any way a personal rejection. And our conversation very effectively moved my mind away from disturbing thoughts that have plagued me lately.

I am very touched and honored you would even consider it.

I will, of course, keep our conversation private, as I trust you will, and would appreciate it if you would shred this note before you leave today.

With warmest personal fondness, I remain.

Alan (Dr. K)

She was a bit disappointed but read between the lines and saw this as a noble gesture to let her withdraw her offer. It was really so sweet and she wanted to keep the note and show it to Ai, however she folded it and immediately shredded it in the machine next to her desk when she finished with the family.

"Where's Dr. K?" she asked Samantha as the machine ate his note.

"He just left early again."

'Hmm,' she thought, 'he'll think about it overnight and reach a different conclusion.'


Karla was at work checking inventory and making the following week's schedule. Despite her lack of sleep and the hour upon hour of talk with Tim, frequently acrimonious and repetitive, she felt good. Part of it was that finally her secret was out in the open and whatever happened with Tim she would find a home with Mei and Philip and that lovely little Ai girl. It would be so good if Tim would give it a try. The offer Philip had made him seemed very generous to her. He would get all the pussy he could want and they would be together most nights or at least some nights. It would rejuvenate their relationship and give them space. He would finally have the opportunity to consider if marrying her was what he wanted and come to a decision.

She finally got a hold of Mei Chun by looking up the clinic's number just after lunch and brought her up to speed with last night after she left. She told her that Tim had asked her if she would see Mei Chun this evening and she had stood her ground and said that she probably would and that if she wanted to they would take up where they had left off. She said that it was her body and she could share it with whomever she chose.

"His problem isn't with you, honey, it's with Philip. The idea of some other guy fucking me just makes him sick," Karla said.

"Yeah, why are guys like that?"

"I dunno." Karla moved some body scrub that was in the wrong place.

"Ai called and said he wants to see Philip tonight," Mei informed her.

"Yeah, they're going to meet for dinner."

"I guess we'll know tonight then. If he says no then what'll you do?"

"After the fighting I'm not so sure I'd miss him that much. I know it's just cause I'm angry with him and we did have a really good discussion, but I don't want to lose you." Mei heard her cover the mic and say something. "Listen, Mei Chun, I've got to get back to work. You coming in tonight?"

"Yeah, I miss my workout and my personal therapist."

"Great. See you."


Ai got a text a few minutes later, "Gym 2night?"

"Yep! He'll drop me on way to dinner."

"Super!" she responded. "Don't bring wkout stuff."



Hector Guzman was flopped on a ratty old mattress in a crack house in South Oakland. Some guy was making noise with a rock or something, trying to wrench the last copper pipe from the floor below while a skinny, red-eyed zombie sucked his dick.

He couldn't concentrate.

This was supposed to be one of the perks of gang membership: groupies who slavishly adored 'real men' like him. While growing up in the neighborhood he'd seen the girls who clung to their cholos and swore he would have a fine bitch on his arm after he joined up. It was the primary reason he wanted to become an Untouchable. It was why he could suffer the agony when four of them beat the shit out of him as an initiation rite. But all he had was this skinny slut who'd sucked off three of his friends before getting around to him.

Try as he might, he could not convince himself to believe the fantasy that had worked in the past. That it was Ai sucking him, moaning in pleasure, eager for his cum. If he could just shut off his mind, make even a fraction of it believe it was so, he could do it. But he couldn't.

He slowly deflated in her mouth.

Disgusted at her he pushed her off him, rolled off the mattress and stood. "You're good for nothing," he grumbled while she got out a pipe and, with shaky fingers scurried through the shopping bag for the tiny white lump of heaven she'd earned earlier.

Hector went to the window and looked out through the dirty pane. 'Life would be different with her. We could have started something. She could have built a business with me, gotten other girls and in a few years she could have retired and managed the whores. I could move up, or maybe sell on my own, or move us to Connecticut or something. New ground - sell crack to Wall Street fucks and get a big house.'

'Fuck!' that tattoo was burning his skin. It had grown red, swollen and scabbed but Mario, who had inked him, said it looked ok.

Even his expression of love for Ai had turned out wrong. 'Fucking upside down,' he thought, 'just like my life.' He'd had no idea until some chink kid laughed at him at the McDonalds. "Upside down! Upside down!" the little slant-eyed shit had said. "Your tattoo is upside down!"

That was Hector Guzman, he thought, 'I'm upside down.'

His anger at Ai smoldered like the infection under the tattoo. As his fists squeezed the blood from his hands he contemplated his revenge.


A special thanks to dan_kildall, GTDaytona and Michael.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

haha @asianToy - you rock! Now it’s hints at a physics lesson (3-body problem). Earlier it was hydraulic vs mechanical actuators for a fuck machine and Delrin bushings.

Not to mention transcendental sex…

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A great discovery

Don't know why none of the other comments mention the best thing in this chapter. It's right up there with the recent confirmation of Einstein's prediction of gravitational waves. I am referring to Mei's discovery of the perfect gift for older men. I hope the blowjob becomes THE gift for all occasions and not just for sympathy and condolences. Hallmark will have to come up with the appropriate gift card and invent a few more contrived holidays that merit this wonderful expression of your heartfelt feelings for poor old uncle Henry.

It's the ideal gift. No need to wrap it. One size fits all (or most anyway). It's as wonderful to give as it is to receive and nobody will want to return it. It's gluten free, very low in calories and can be given by males as well as females.

Now at last I know what to tell the grand kids when they ask me what I want for Christmas. It's not incest because they can't get pregnant and we have an ex president's sworn testimony that it isn't sex. God bless Monica Lewinsky.

I second all the sentiments expressed in the other comments.

One last observation: a torn Jack-in-the-Box taco wrapper as a calling card. Simply brilliant. That Hector is a real class act.

Again, nice job.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago
LMAO! Give the girl a number dummy!


"Oh my God!" She looked into those eyes of his. "Philip," she said in earnest, "you've got to fuck me into a coma like this and give me a number." ... "You HAVE to fuck me into wherever she is and give me a damn number!"


You've delivered some great laughs over these last 22 chapters, but this - with Ai's fervent, intense demand resounding along with her wide-eyed, earnest young face firmly fixed in my mind, well it was one of the best laughs I've had in a while.

I continue to stumble over how you lay out FACTS in regard to Ai and Philip. For everyone else - including those relating to Philip but not Ai - there are comments, concepts, thoughts and even plans, but for those two, your Ubermensch und your Goddess personified, you don't hold back. What a trippy artistic statement!

I was frankly shocked silent by his addition that she could fuck Dr. K as well as blow him. He definitely has grown past my expectations. I really hope Mei doesn't push things now that she's been rejected... yet I see how stubborn and almost... righteous? she is in her mission and feel pretty confident that it will not end well.

The letter could not have come at a better time... Still, I wonder how on edge Philip will be with Tim, having the issue of Dr. K floating around in his subconscious.

I like how you are not making everything easy. I mean, some things are almost ridiculous - like how well it has gone with the fuck machine design and the amazing being of Ai. Then there's this messy complexity - a very realistic broiler pit of emotions and complications with Karla and Tim. Really well done!

Thanks for sharing your time and talent :)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nǐ hǎo

asianToy you have delivered another masterful telling of this story. I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every chapter and look every week to see if you have given us another chapter to know these dynamic personalities.

Your gift of dialogue between characters surpasses most writers on this site. You have an exceptional gift of allowing your readers to feel in the moment during each conversation.

Another 5 stars 'cause it won't go to 6. Keep up the great work.


MorionMorionalmost 9 years ago
Continues to be great!

Another great instalment. I particularly liked the touch of the letter from Mai to Phillip. I felt, after the last chapter, it needed something like this. As always, I cannot wait for more :)

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