From Jenny to Mei Ch. 25


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Philip turned to her and calmly said, "Please don't do that."

"I'm sorry." She was embarrassed at the outburst. "But Philip..."

"You're going to have a very capital hungry business, Karla. You're going to burn through that in the first few months. Do you know what space costs downtown? Salaries and insurance, buildout costs and promotion?"

"Philip." She just looked, couldn't think of something to say, so didn't say it.

"Anyway, I don't want you to have to come back and ask for more. At least for a while."

"The second account is something different," he turned back to his banker, "It's a joint account with someone I'll have come in and see you later."

She listened and explained a product that might work.

"Is there a way to keep that kind of account at a minimum balance. Like an auto replenishment type thing?"

"Yes," she said, tucking a hair behind her ear, "if there's a related savings account."

"Does that have to be under the same account holder?"

"No. We have a product for kids in college mostly. There is an automatic draw from a parent's account if the balance reaches a preset amount. It's mostly to prevent overdrafts."

"But they have no access to the upstream account."

"That's right. And there are limits to the maximum daily withdrawal and the total draw on a monthly basis."

"Then let's do that. Use my personal savings for that, please, and let's make the limits one thousand and," he looked at Karla.

"I don't know," she said with a puzzled, 'why ask me,' look.

Ai chimed in, "Five thousand should do, I think. That's three times a week with a very well regarded provider."

"A bit of walking around money would be generous." He turned back to the banker. "Let's make it a ten grand limit on transfers and start it with ten thousand please."

"My god, Philip. You sure he won't kill himself?" Karla said with a chuckle.

He grinned. "You sure you can die that way?"

"If anyone is going to find out it will be you," Ai said.

"That's more than his salary," Karla said. "Do you trust him?"

"Do you?" Philip asked. Karla thought but didn't speak. "Anyway," he said, "it's a joint account and I can close it whenever I like."

He left them for a few minutes to make phone calls and let Ms. Cash get the paperwork ready for him to sign.

"Ai?" Karla turned to Ai.

"Yeah?" She saw the disturbance responsible for her worried look. "It's going to be fine, Karla. We are all going to be fine. Don't let it bother you. Right now your life is being changed and you are bound to be feeling all sorts of crazy emotions and fears but it's normal."

"Is he really that great? I just can't believe it. I thought he was a monster last week and now I find myself thinking about him all the time. And then this." She leaned forward in the tubular metal and fabric chair and reached for Ai's hand. Ai gave it to her and squeezed. "He's putting a million dollars in my hands. A million effing dollars, Ai."

"Yeah. Don't fuck up," Ai said without pity. Whatever reassurance Karla wanted, Ai wasn't interested in giving. She could sympathize with the pressure of being responsible for that kind of money but she knew what was happening to them. Philip was presenting them with a demarcation. An opportunity to transition from youth into maturity and to do it on their own terms. It was the end of childhood. She, for one, understood and wasn't going to waste the opportunity. Even if FMI didn't sell a single machine she was going to do this right. She was going to show him what she was made of.

"Will you kick me in the teeth when I'm down?"

"If that's what you need Karla, I'd be happy to."

"I see why he loves you so much, Ai. I'm sorry I had my doubts about you before."

"You're sweet, Karla. Kick my ass too when I need it."

Karla nodded, looking like she was starting on the 'all choked up' phase.

They both leaned into each other and hugged.

"So you're my mèimèi now too?" Karla asked.

"Yep, as soon as I teach you to pronounce it right."

Ms. Cash was sitting in front of them wondering what kind of private life the super rich had.

"Miss Ma?" she asked to get Ai's attention.


"I didn't ask yesterday but what kind of business is your company in?"

"Small scale manufacturing."

"Oh, I see. What product?"

She thought for a moment, then asked, "Is there a code of confidentiality between a banker and her clients as strong as between, say, between a lawyer and their clients?"

She was intrigued by the question and said, "Yes, in fact probably more so at one level."

"Would you mind putting that down on paper for me before I say? And I'll be right back. Just make it clear that if I tell you what the company does you won't divulge that to anyone."

Ai got up, found Philip outside on the phone and waited for a moment.

"Hold one sec," he said and lowered his hand. "She ready with the paperwork?"

"No, but I wanted to tell her what FMI makes. I'm having her write up a confidentiality agreement."

"Wow, you're sharp." He thought for a second. "Sure, go ahead."

She returned and sat down, read the paper Ms. Cash offered her and, satisfied, asked her to sign it. When she handed it over, she said, "We make fuck machines."

Ms. Cash didn't stir. After twenty seconds of silence Ai said, "Machines that a woman gets on and is sexually gratified by."

"It's amazing," said Karla with a smile that made her eyes thin slits.

The banker, prim in her business suit, looked from one young woman to the other, pushed a lock of hair behind her ear again and said, "You make fuck machines." It was a reaction, not a question.

Ai handed her her phone with a picture of Otto. "Like these."

"Oh my god," she whispered.

Ai smiled. Karla squirmed in delight.

Ms. Cash swiped the screen to present the next photo. "Oh my god," she said a little louder. She looked at Karla, shock evident on her face.

"Yeah, I know. Totally awesome!"

"And you sell them where?"

"Online, but we don't have a site yet. I'm going to see someone about making us one."

"And they're... how do I say... effective?" She was quickly swiping from one picture to the next and stopped at one showing Philip's dildo taking up the whole screen. "My god!"

"Hundred percent guarantee. Most amazing sex of your life or your money back."

"So no showroom or anything planned? I mean, these've got to be expensive."

"That's a good point, Ai. You should have a little boutique somewhere in the Tenderloin to let people at least see it. Videos online would be great but seeing the workmanship for something that expensive is a must."

"I agree, but not there," said Ms. Cash, "your natural market isn't young kids or men loitering around strip clubs. You'll sell more of these to women in their forties than women your age. That, and rich husbands."

"Yeah, you might be right."

"I'd have a showroom at the factory and distribute flyers where you know these women go."


"Like your salon," Ms.Cash said to Karla.

"Wow... What a great idea! That would be perfect," Karla said.

"Too bad you can't offer tests." Ms. Cash straightened her back a bit. "Like a sample."

"Would that be illegal?" Ai asked.

"I don't know. I mean if you're giving them for free. It couldn't be... you know... but some district attorney might want to try and convict you anyway. That's one for your lawyer."

"You want a test drive?" Ai asked. "I could use the feedback."

A smile and blush spread on the banker's face. "I don't know. That's kind of you but I'm not adventurous enough. I'm a republican for god's sake."

"So am I," Ai said, always glad to meet another one in California.

Karla looked at her in horror. "Ai, how could you?"

"What!? Hooker ok with you Karla but lower taxes and sound fiscal policy is where you draw the line?"

Philip returned at that point and Ms. Cash turned the phone upside down and said, "Here are the papers, Mr. Conners. The transfer will take place this afternoon and please have Mr. Jovanovich stop by at his convenience."

As he signed, saw Ai's cell phone in front of her, and asked her what she thought.

"I'm surprised, of course, but I'm also intrigued. I feel kind of strange saying it, but it's true."

"Wanna have a go? I'm sure Ai wouldn't mind and we'll get you one at cost if you like." He turned to Ai, "that'd be ok, right, for a prototype?"

"Sure. I was just telling her I would appreciate the feedback."

"Would Mr. Cash mind?"

"There is no more Mr. Cash."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Philip said, thinking perhaps death or divorce.

"He got religion and joined a monastery. He makes wine with the brothers these days."

"Oh... I don't have a comment for that."

"Yeah, kinda unusual but he's happy."

"Good," Philip said.

"That's nice," Karla said.

Ai just looked at her, took a slip of paper and wrote Philip's address and her cell number on it. As she gave it to her, she said, "Just give me twenty minutes notice."

They stood to leave, made pleasantries and exchanged handshakes and left.

"I think you have your first customer, Ai," said Karla.

"I'm thinking marketing director," Ai said, and let Karla have the front seat.


They kissed Karla as they dropped her off at the gym and just before pulling away from the curb he asked Ai to dial the property management number displayed next to the front door. He enquired about space available and was told that a two floor street level clothing shop location was going to be available next month. He asked about the rent as he parked the car again.

The space was large but he thought it about the right size. He wanted Karla to see it but she wasn't answering her phone so he asked Ai to run up and see if she could come down for a moment while he looked around.

He saw the two of them approach from the entryway a few minutes later, Karla a bit winded and looking confused.

"See why you have a million now? This place won't be cheap to build out."

"But it's too big," she said standing next to him by the escalator to the second floor, "way too big."

"Not for a flagship location."

"A what!?"

"If you're going to open other locations," he said, walking quickly and sticking his head through a 'staff only' door, "you're going to need a high profile flagship location."

"Other locations?"

"Sure. Once you get the template right it will be easy." He walked back toward the center of the store, looking up. Karla followed.

"Philip, you're freaking me out."

He stopped and looked at her. "Either take this as far as you can or we get a little shop somewhere in a strip mall and that's that. Your choice. But don't fear success."

"But... but?" She was wondering how many clients it would take to fill a space this big, how many staff she would need and if that spot over by the register would work for cardio machines.

"Let it sink in for a few days. Let your mind stretch."

"Um... ah..." she began to giggle with the realization that all of this was real. "Ah... er... but..." She stopped trying to communicate her fears and objections and focused on the now. "I've got to go. Can you... um. Listen, I'll think about?"

He smiled, understanding her hesitation. "Sure, think about it."

She leaned in and brought her face to his cheek and kissed it. "Thanks... really, thanks, Philip. Don't let me cry, ok?" She gripped his bicep. "I... " She wanted to say, "I owe you the blow job of your life," but figured that now might not be the best time. "I really... I so..."

"You're welcome, Karla. You're going to make me a lot of money with this place."

She rolled her eyes, allowing her body to show her skepticism and speak the feelings her mouth couldn't form. She smiled at him, turned and hurried back out the door.

Philip wandered around thinking about how heavy a pool was and if the second floor would support it. He didn't know what went into a woman's spa but figured a pool would be nice.

After a while he caught up with Ai browsing through the hangers looking at jeans.

"Let's go, Ai, I don't want to keep this guy waiting."

"M'kay, where we goin'?"

She was so cheerful, he thought, the happiest person he knew. "To see an interior designer my friend knows. He's probably already at the building."

They sped across town and found the young man in the penthouse suite making notes. He was dressed in dirty jeans and a t-shirt, looking much more like the computer guys he worked with rather than an interior designer.

"Hi, Philip?" he brushed back his hair and extended a hand. "Jeff Carter. Nice to meet you."

"Hi, Jeff, this is Ai Ma. I'd glad you could make it so quickly. Hope you weren't waiting long. Property management give you any issues?"

"No, they were fine. I love the space. Mitch told me you were in a hurry. Is it yours yet?"

"We settle tomorrow and I am in a hurry. What can you do with it?"

They walked around through the rooms, the heels of Philip's shoes lifting echoes off the somewhat dusty hardwood.

"I do mostly retail and the style I've grown accustomed to is stark and modern. Lots of chromes and blacks. Which, given these walls, fits the space."

"I like modern Japanese. Minimalist, elegant and masculine, please," Philip said.

"That's a good look I like too, I recently did some work with that style. I'll send you some photos."

"Rose reds and this pink." He held up Ai's hands

"Cherry blossom?"

"Peach," Philip said and cast a grin at Ai.

"Lovie Dovie" she said, returning Philip's smile with a playful smirk, "by Essie," she said, turning to smile at the decorator. "Ignore him, he's just being cute."

"Black, red and pink work very, very well together."

"Make it sexy and powerful. A surrounding that makes a girl feel like she wants to rip off her clothes," Ai added.

"Right," Jeff said, giving Ai a second look, "Shall I consider nudes when I'm thinking of artwork? Black and whites?"

"Sure," Philip said, "along that wall and no originals, just tasteful prints and send me a few to see if they fit."

"Sure, Japanese modern with a nude theme."

They talked for a half hour and it was apparent that they had similar tastes. He was comfortable with the ideas.

"What's your budget?"

"I'd like it to be first class. This will be something of a getaway for me and another guy is going to share the space as well but not at the same time. What can you do for three hundred and fifty thousand."

"Well, that might limit the artwork. The stone dragon might be four foot high and not six but that's a budget I can certainly keep to. Do you like the layout? I might suggest removing this wall for example."

He patted a wall separating a bedroom from the main space. "I don't think it's original and it would open the corner windows."

"Right, that would be dramatic. We don't really need more than one bedroom but make it spectacular. Maybe the bed on a bit of a platform with the best view possible. King size. Also, see what you can do with the rooftop space. That decking needs replacement."

"So furniture, appliances?"

"Yes, please. You've got a free hand. Let me look over your photos but I think you can start tomorrow afternoon. I know it's a rush but I'd like to have it ready in a week. Completely livable down to the silverware."

A week presented a problem but Philip promised a bonus if he could have it ready.

With the project laid out they left him to roam the space.

While waiting for the elevator they traded flirtatious looks. Ai's eyebrows raised, his followed. Her hand squeezed his, he squeezed back. When the door opened she kissed his cheek.

"Ai," he said, indicating with that one word that they couldn't possibly.

"Just a quickie."

"The last one was a quickie."

"Ok... just another quickie."


She squiggled under his arm. "Oh so seriously."

The bell chimed, the door opened. Ai moved left, Philip followed. The room was open and this time he held her off the floor, holding her ass in his hands and pumped her slow against the door.

"Fuck, you're magic!"

"I love you."

"God, you so love me!"

She came, he didn't.

Conversation was mutually neglected for a time, mostly because their smiles were busy taking all available communications channels.


Continued thanks to John Wane, GT Daytona, Mr. Bond and Dan Kidall for fixing so many errors (OMG.. so many)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
An impressive achievement

This series has the same effect as playing one of those computer games where you spend a lot of time creating a civilization or building an empire. As you introduce each new character you blend them into the story line like you are making a deliciously complicated cake and each new person is a new and unexpected ingredient that increases the anticipation of tasting the completed product.

You are an artist that paints with words. Your vocabulary is extensive enough to include classic English but unique in the way you can use slang, unusual phraseology, foreign words and even sounds to amplify and perfect the layers of subtle meaning you convey in each sentence. These linguistic nuances enhance your palette and gives you a richer mix of options to express your characters thoughts.

A wonderful example is the dialogue between Philip and Ai while he's fucking her. The 'pink' conversation. You not only know what the rules are but also precisely how to break them and make cohesive strings of elaborate images out of fragments that are full of information. That little scene is typical of how you draw a reader into the story and put them there as though they are in the frame. And you do it so comfortably. Not only do you let us see to the core of each character's personality, you dynamically modify these personalities so we can see the growth, confusion, incomplete categorizations and emotional changes as they occur.

You make spending time reading this story very enjoyable and worthwhile.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorover 8 years ago
Catching up and catching my breath

I wanted to read the latest, but of course I couldn't resist a 'refresher'.

The thing about catching up is that the sex has all 'been done', so I almost always skip it in favor of reacquainting myself with the characters, relationships and plot arcs.

Not so with this tale.

The lovemaking flows so naturally as part of the dialogue of their relationship that I find that I've read the whole thing and never once considered that I'd read it before.

I wanted you to know how special that is, for me, how much it means to be able to settle into your characters and just live their lives with them for a short time.


The prospect of some scene playing out in a café or a well attended soirée made Markéta's pancreas crinkle


'Pancreas Crinkle???' I was stuck between laughing in delight and cringing in revulsion - what a completely bizarre image!

I'm hoping you review Markéta a bit, I remember her in theory, but not exactly how she fits into the story or looks. I remember the stuff with the politician, but not enough about her mesh with Mei. I can always go back and find her plot arc, but I'm hoping she's more 'fleshed out' in the next chapter.


"What!? Hooker ok with you Karla but lower taxes and sound fiscal policy is where you draw the line?"


Laughed. Out. Loud!

What a finish... that was what made me add "catching my breath" to the subject line. The emotions just left me smiling and short of breath, thanks again Mei.


JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorover 8 years ago
So much love!

I could write a whole chapter on how much I love these characters and the slip'n'slide of emotions and relationships that Ai seems to have designed for safe-yet-fun and Mei simultaneously designed for maximum lust-yet-shock :D

I think this:

Karla wanted to make a quip about how filthy rich he was but remembered Ai's preference not to think of him that way. Philip wondered what Karla was thinking and Ai pondered what kind of tablecloth to get for the kitchen table in the 'big Victorian house' they would have in a few years.

about made me choke trying not to laugh uproariously and wake up the house. Your characters just keep drawing me in with how genuine they are. Even the whole Mei fucking the Dr. arc continues to give me chest pains with how badly it could hurt Philip - and in doing so genuinely hurt Mei.

I cannot see Sarah approaching him to be a sperm donor, in fact it seems as though she is considering asking him to be a father, but without her involved with him? She has to know he couldn't do that, it's not the kind of man he is, any more than he could 'simply knock her up'.

Unless I've misjudged him, if Philip is going to father a child, it's going to be with his wife. Is that Ai's vision? Does she realize that Mei is somehow unable to stay true to Philip? GAH! My mind spins in half a dozen other directions like this if I let it lol!

I'd read this right after you sent the email, but on my phone, sorry it took so long to come back and review.

Thanks tons,


MorionMorionover 8 years ago

Best chapter in a while, and this was already one of my favourite stories. Loved every scene and can hardly wait for the next instalment!

Dakahuna888Dakahuna888over 8 years ago
What I like

What I like is that there is an intelligence in the story. And plays to both sexes without pandering. A great couples story that gives them an opening to explore new things.

I cannot wait for next installment

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