Frugality Comes with a Price Ch. 01


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Still bubbling from the photos, we walked down the beach to a restaurant near the outskirts of town that I had previously spotted, and with few patrons at the early hour, we were able to sit outside and enjoy a nice breeze. Caitlin was wearing khaki shorts that came to her knees and a sleeveless shirt that made me think she was intentionally trying to look non-sexy. I sensed something was on her mind, and thought it likely it related to her indiscretion with the surfing instructor.

"Honey, the past few days have been weird and crazy. It's not like us. Can we just go back to normal?" she asked, with a pleading look on her face.

Her message was broader than just the Juan Pablo situation and encompassed Diego's and maybe even the photoshoot, too. She was right, as these things were not normal to our everyday life, but surprisingly I found them to be interesting, fun and non-threatening. Even her encounter with the young man didn't bother me as much as I realized it should. In fact, so far, I had viewed the events as an opportunity, a portal, into her inner secrets.

"Of course we can, sweetie. I love you and want you to be happy. I certainly don't want you upset," I replied.

My words brought a huge smile to her face, and I refilled her glass with the Chilean chardonnay we were enjoying while we waited for our dinner to arrive.

A few minutes of silence went by and I could tell that something was still on her mind. Finally, she let it out, "You know it wasn't all me. You kept pushing."

"How did I push hon?" I asked, purposefully putting on a confused look.

Of course, I knew exactly what she was talking about, and knew she was right. I had expected this from her at some point, so I had prepared myself.

"How? What about the little bikini for surfing? What about that man in the bar and the photos on the beach? Nude photos!" she challenged me.

"As I remember, you let the man fondle your bottom and I didn't even know it," I responded, referring to the strange man at Diego's, which brought a guilty look to her face.

"You know what I mean," she said looking down.

"I know what you mean, but the difference is that I don't feel bad about it. I'm glad I pushed. I've enjoyed it," I replied with a smile.

"But you said you wanted to stop," she answered, clearly confused.

"No, you said you did and I want you happy, so I agreed, but I'm not unhappy we had some fun," I explained.

"I see. Well, I think we've had enough fun," she said with some finality, then after a pause added, "We've done more crazy stuff in the last few days than in our entire marriage!"

Caitlin's nervousness made her drink fast and I was soon pouring the last of our bottle into her glass. We had our dinner, including dessert with after dinner drinks, then started strolling back towards the hotel.

"You're not jealous?" she asked from nowhere, as we walked with my arm around her shoulders.

"Jealous of whom? Of what? I'm the one that takes you home and makes love to you," I told her, although I knew she was likely referring to her encounter with Juan Pablo.

That brought another smile and I felt my words were having an effect, although I wasn't sure if it would prove enough to overcome her anxiety. Across from the hotel was an outdoor bar that looked to be half-full, and we decided to stop in for a nightcap. I felt that Caitlin really didn't want to call it a night, but her sensibilities had made her partly ashamed about her behavior. I had no interest in going to the hotel, even if it was to make love to my wife, as I far preferred another night at Diego's, but wanted Caitlin to suggest it.

"Can we walk around some?" Caitlin asked, when we were almost done with the drink.

I nodded my ascent and minutes later we were walking down the streets of the city which contained mostly shuttered businesses at this hour. Like playing on a Ouija board, we seemed to drift towards Diego's, and even though it took twenty minutes we finally found ourselves standing across the street.

"Want to go in?" Caitlin asked as we passed.

It was Thursday night and the place looked packed and boisterous.

"No honey," I responded, which brought a surprised look, before I continued with, "You're not dressed for it."

"I can change," she shot back, with some eagerness.

"If you want to," I said, trying to act indifferent, but thrilled at what was happening.

"I know you want to. Quit acting so smug," she responded, which made me laugh.

We walked back to the hotel, now with more purpose in our steps, and went up to the room where Caitlin hurriedly changed.

"Okay, let's go," she said, standing and putting on her sandals.

"Not like that," I said, not moving.

"Like what then?" she asked, quickly realizing where my mind was.

"How about your yellow sundress," I suggested.

"Okay, I like that dress," she answered, and began looking through her clothes.

Caitlin took off the outfit she had on down to her bra and panties and prepared to put on the dress.

"Hold on there," I said, knowing I was at a moment of truth.

"What?" she replied, with a confused look.

"No bra or panties," I said.

She didn't reply and stood still, staring at me for a moment. I thought maybe I had pushed things too far, and that events had taken the play out of her, but after a pause, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, shrugged it off and then pulled her panties down and off her ankles. Quickly, the dress was over her head which fell down her legs to mid-thigh. Since the top of it was loose and Caitlin's nipples are quite small, it was hard to tell she was braless, and if her nipples got hard, I thought it would come across more as a tease than an outright show. However, she moved to the mirror and spent several minutes performing an inspection before she turned back.

"You sure got pushy again," she stated, although I felt I saw some mischief in her eyes.

"It's just you and me sweetie. No one else is here. Besides, I think I've discovered your bad side," I responded, moving behind her and putting my arms around her waist.

"You do, huh?" she answered, while shrugging me off and stepping towards the door.

We got there quickly, but struggled to find a spot to sit, eventually having to settle for standing at the end of the bar. Senor Tejeda was in his same spot, and I wondered if he was a permanent fixture.

Caitlin looked for Maria and Daniela, but didn't spot them, so we sipped our drinks and inspected the crowd. There were more Anglo women in the bar than last time, but they were all older, probably accompanying their husbands on fishing trips. Tonight, there was a girl dancing onstage wearing a bikini who was quite attractive, so many of the men were watching her. In general, there was a nice positive energy in the place with everyone enjoying themselves.

"What time were you and Juan Pablo planning to meet?" I asked my wife, intentionally being provocative.

"Eleven," she said in a carefree way, not taking my bait.

Looking at my watch I saw that it was after nine and I wondered what was going through this young man's mind after being in an intimate situation with my wife earlier in the day. Had he been left highly excited and was he thinking that if he met her tonight, that somehow, he would get his tamer into her pussy?

I looked away for what I thought was just a moment and when I turned back Maria had slipped past me and was speaking to my wife. As before, she was in a tight miniskirt with low cut top that showed off most of her breasts. By the way they were talking, it looked like they were complimenting each other on their clothes. Caitlin gave me the sign to buy the young girl a drink, so I busied myself with this task while they chatted. With the drink in my hand, I made the few steps to where they were standing and handed Maria her cocktail.

"Hi Maria, how are you?" I asked smiling.

"Very good. It's good to see you again," she replied.

"Where's Daniela?" I asked.

"She will come later. Last night was very good for her," she explained.

"What happened?" my wife asked eagerly.

"She went with an American man and woman. She didn't get home until four this afternoon!" Maria explained.

"With both?" Caitlin followed quickly, then added, "She went to their hotel?"

"Yes, it was a good night for her," she replied.

"What did they pay... I'm sorry, never mind. It's all so crazy," my wife started, before realizing how inquisitive she was being.

"And you?" I asked, to change the subject.

"It has been a poor time for me. I have been unlucky," the girl replied, and then said, "Perhaps you and your wife will help my luck."

I had to laugh at Maria who was relentless in her determination to go home with us. Caitlin resumed her discussion with the young prostitute leaving me free to watch the people in the bar. While scanning the room, I noticed a table had come open and with a tap on my wife's arm, we grabbed it before someone else did.

"Much better," I said when the three of us were seated.

More drinks arrived and we chatted some more before the girls left to dance while I minded the table. The floor was full and the room was dark, so only Caitlin's bright dress allowed me to spot her. They stayed out a long time, and I finished one drink and started another before they finally returned, out of breath with a sheen of sweat on their bodies. While they were gone, I spotted several girls hooking up with men and in one case with a husband and wife. I also observed Senor Tejeda, stoic and still, moving only to drink his beer, and I wondered what he felt about having had the chance to briefly fondle a beautiful, young American woman.

"Daniela!" I heard my wife cry, and saw our other friend walk up to the table.

Daniela, like Maria, was dressed in a miniskirt with a low-cut top that advertised her ample bosom. She sat with us and Maria immediately engaged her in a conversation in Spanish that I couldn't understand. When she finished, they switched to English and Caitlin joined them, no doubt discussing the events of the previous night for both girls.

They finished their drinks then returned to the crowded dance floor, once again leaving me alone. Like before, I used the time to scan the room taking in all the lovely local girls, and the numerous ongoing interactions. It was maybe ten minutes later when Maria and Daniela returned to the table without my wife. They sat and began chatting in Spanish giving no indication where Caitlin had gone, which made me think it was to the bathroom. It was only when I spotted her dress through the crowd and saw her partner that I realized she was dancing with Juan Pablo.

"Let her have fun with her date," Maria said, putting her hand on my arm.

"Stay with us," Daniela joined in, and put her hand on my leg.

"Do I have a choice?" I said, laughing at the two girls which lightened the mood instantly.

"No!" they announced in unison, and joined in.

"I understand he has a nickname," I said to Maria.

"Oh yes. He is well known for his ability. Your wife should be proud to be his lover," she replied, as if it was already decided.

"I don't think she intends to be his lover," I laughed.

"I would say they are already lovers," Maria responded which let me know that Caitlin had confided in her, and I had to agree that there was an argument for her view.

My wife stayed out with him for what seemed like thirty minutes before finally returning to the table breathing hard and quite sweaty from her dancing. She sat and immediately asked that I get her a drink, so I flagged the waitress and bought another round for the table while Caitlin, Maria and Daniela had a whispered conversation with lots of giggling.

"What are y'all talking about?" I interrupted, after the waitress left.

"Your wife wants to experience a younger man," Maria said, which brought a shocked look and a slap on the arm from Caitlin.

"I didn't say that." Caitlin cried out.

"You didn't have to. It's in your eyes," Maria replied, with a wicked grin.

"It's not eleven yet," I said to Caitlin.

"He couldn't stay away," Maria answered before my wife could speak.

Her words made Daniela start to laugh and soon my wife joined in. It was clear it was going to be a situation of me against them.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know. When I said I needed to rest, he disappeared," she responded.

"He is young and worried about the husband. Not like the man at the bar," Maria announced.

Her words caused me to turn and look towards Senor Tejeda. It also let me know that my wife had confided in that interaction as well. Also, I saw that the seat next to him was now open, which evidently Maria noticed too as she decided to speak.

"Would you prefer she be with him as her lover?" she asked, nodding in the direction.

"Maria, please stop." Caitlin called out, which brought a nod from her, but made Daniela laugh.

"She is unsure how to stop," Daniela said after her laughing ended, which brought chuckles from the rest of us and a dirty look from Maria.

The drinks came, along with a bottle of water for my wife, and we chatted until they were mostly gone. A song came on that Daniela liked and it got her to stand and begin moving which inspired the others until they all headed back to the dance floor. This time, I kept an eye on Caitlin and within minutes she was joined by Juan Pablo who slowly separated her from the others until they were at a spot that was the furthest distance from the table.

Before long, I saw Maria and Daniela quit dancing and begin to work the men at the bar. Evidently, they had determined that nothing was coming from us but free drinks and they needed to get to work if they wanted to make some money. Maria struck up a conversation with an older tourist and it looked like she might have finally gotten lucky. Daniela, on the other hand, worked her way down the bar without making contact and ended up standing by herself just to the side of the entrance.

Even though Caitlin was dancing alone with Juan Pablo, as best I could tell nothing unseemly was taking place. It wasn't long before, once again, to catch her breath, she returned solo to the table.

"Where are Maria and Daniela?" she asked, panting and waving her hand over her face.

"They decided they needed to make a living," I explained.

"Can't we just pay them? I like talking to them," she whined.

"If it's that important to you, I'll see. You want them for an hour or all night?" I teased.

"All night of course," she shot back with an impish smile.

"You know this isn't turning out to be the budget vacation we planned," I replied.

"I guess we can just go back to the room..." my wife answered with a pouty look.

"What the hell," I said, and when I started laughing, she quickly joined in.

I had ordered her another drink and a bottle of water while she was gone which she quickly attacked. I was at a point where I was definitely feeling the liquor, but the dancing and sweating must have been helping Caitlin because she seemed in good shape. I was watching her take a big swig of water when our waitress appeared with four shots on her tray.

"What's this?" I asked.

"From a friend," the girl said, and when I asked who she just shrugged and walked off.

I put my finger in one and tasted it to determine the contents and found out it was tequila, and I assumed that either Maria or Daniella had decided to take a turn on the drinks.

"Looks like it's an all-in night," I said to Caitlin, then emptied the first glass.

"Is it good?" she asked when she saw my expression, and when I nodded my head, I saw her tilt her head back too.

The remaining two glasses were emptied in short order as we toasted our vacation, and then I decided it was time for a talk.

"What are your expectations with your guy?" I asked.

"Nothing, just dancing..." she answered, but the look on her face didn't match the words coming from her mouth.

"So, nothing more...just dancing..." I confirmed.

There was some silence as we looked at each other before she asked, "What do you want?"

"I want you to be honest," I said.

"I haven't thought that far ahead," she answered vaguely, and we ended the conversation with a lingering stare.

Following Caitlin's request, I found Daniela and asked her if I could pay her to keep company with us for the night. Instantly, her face broke into a smile and after a minute of negotiating she accepted $100. I told her the same deal went for Maria if she was interested and she set off to find her friend. Less than five minutes after I left Caitlin, we were sitting with both girls.

With their time settled for the night, the girls were much livelier, almost rambunctious, as they drank with us and chatted, mostly with Caitlin. A few minutes later, the waitress arrived with four more shots, and although I pressed for details, she claimed no knowledge of the buyer. Of course, now that it was clear it wasn't one of our friend's, I was left to ponder who might be our benefactor. Caitlin had one with me but Maria and Daniela declined which left two more. Caitlin said she was done, so I took another then left one for later. I realized I was getting truly hammered, but since it was vacation and we were only a couple blocks from the hotel, I ignored my brain's warnings. Looking around to see if I could spot who might be sending the drinks, I saw that the stool next to the strange man was empty again.

I took my wife by the arm and pulled her close to me and in a slurred whisper said, "Go sit on that stool."

Caitlin gave me a strange look wondering if I was serious or drunk before replying, "No honey."

"Come on baby," I prodded, unable to think of any rationale.

"No," she responded.

"Come on want to keep flirting with your boy-toy?" I challenged her.

We stared at each other for a long time before she silently stood and walked to the bar and sat on the stool making sure her dress covered her bottom. The two local girls were silent, but when I looked over, Maria was smiling at me, while Daniela had an odd, almost shocked, look. With the crowd constantly moving between us and them, it was difficult to see consistently, but I assumed the man would once again attempt to fondle my wife's ass.

"You want her to feel pleasure from him, "Maria stated, rather than ask.

"Let her be with Juan Pablo," Daniela said, with a tone of bewilderment.

While we watched, something strange happened. The man who heretofore had never shown expression nor spoke a word leaned towards my wife until his lips were against her hair and started saying something. By the posture of her body, we could tell that Caitlin was nervous, but she listened, occasionally nodding her head, before she responded. There followed a short exchange before we saw her get up and head back to our table.

"What happened? I asked when she was seated.

"I just got asked to go to the Mermaid Hotel," she told us.

"That is right around the corner," Maria said and then asked, "How much did he offer to pay?"

"$200," she said in a way that didn't provide any hint as to her state of mind.

"That is a very good price," Maria answered, and fortunately the comment made Caitlin laugh.

"I had to get him up from $150," she replied when the laughter had died, and now we all looked at her in surprise.

"You negotiated with him?" I asked, in shock.

"$150 just wasn't enough," she giggled.

"Did you accept to go?" Maria asked, looking very interested in the outcome.

"I told him I needed to ask my husband," Caitlin replied, and looked straight at me.

"Not for a penny less than $300," I responded sarcastically.

"Maybe he will accept, but it is unlikely," Maria quickly said.

I started snickering at my cleverness and shrugged, thinking the incident was over, when Caitlin suddenly rose from her chair and returned to the man. Now, I was completely stunned and confused about her intent, although I suspected she was trying to one up me for sending her over. Since her stool had been occupied, she leaned down and spoke to him while others around watched and after trading a few words, Caitlin returned to the table.