Fucked Up Family Pt. 04


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Still, he was reluctant to step away. Once Austin got in a rhythm, it was easier to go, go, go until it was all finished. Breaking his pace felt like climbing out of a warm pool into shockingly frigid air. Like waking from a wonderful dream to a small, lonely bed.

Austin carefully put his knife down. He honestly had no idea who had come to see him. Maybe one of his shit-head roommates had locked themselves out of the apartment again.

"I'll be right back," he told Luis. He didn't want the line cook reporting back to Chef Paul that he'd been shirking his duties.

Austin walked through the kitchen, dancing around the other workers all engaged in equally menial but necessary tasks. He pushed through the back screen door. It had rained out while he'd been inside, though he hadn't noticed when. Everything was slick and dark despite the fact it was mid-day. Austin looked up and saw who was waiting for him. He smiled, the grin overtaking his face.

Christine was standing by the dumpster, looking like a dream. She had on a long, navy dress and stockings. She was wearing high heels and sunglasses. Her straight hair shot golden out to just below her chin. She waved, shyly.

Austin practically skipped over and hugged his Mom before she could say hello. He knew he missed her, he thought about her all the time, but he hadn't realized how much until she was there. He took in a deep breath, let the scent of her perfume waft over him. She felt so small, yet still so strong, in his arms.

"I missed you," he said. The words burbling over.

"Me too," Christine said. "I had a little break between patients at work and I thought I'd come see you. I don't suppose we could grab lunch?"

Austin glanced back at the kitchen. He wanted to say yes so badly.

"You're busy," Christine said, "Of course you are."

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"Why? Because you're working hard? No, I'm proud of you. So proud."

"I want to spend time with you, too," Austin said, "It's just, we're in the middle of prep. I shouldn't even be out here right now. We get a little break before service. I'd be free in, like, a couple of hours?"

"No, that's OK," Christine said, "I have to be home by then. Making dinner." She laughed a little at the irony.

"OK, well I'm glad you came to see me," Austin said.

"Me too," Christine said. Even in heels, she had to stretch upward a bit to kiss her son. She kissed his cheek. His lips. They melted into each other. Both gasping at the strength, the overwhelming shock, of contact.

Christine pushed Austin back against the cement wall of the building. They were over to the side of the door. No one could see them unless they stepped out and turned all the way around. Remarkably private for standing in the middle of a restaurant parking lot in the center of town where anyone walking by could see.

If their public position concerned her, Christine didn't let it show. She broke the kiss and started to slide downward. She traced her son's chest.

"Mom?" Austin asked.

"Shhhh, baby. It's OK," Christine said, "Mommy will kiss it all better." She knelt down. The edge of her dress dipped into the wet ground. She took off her sunglasses and tucked them into her front, casual as anything. Then Christine reached up and undid Austin's pants. Just the top button and the zipper. She pulled out his rapidly stiffening shaft.

"Oh Mom," Austin said. He groaned as his mother engulfed him. She looked up and smiled at him. It was so hot, seeing his Mom's mouth wrapped around his cock -- the proper, powerful woman submitting to her son. Austin almost came right there.

It didn't take too much longer, though. Christine gave head the same way she did everything: with unified purpose and skill. What's more, Austin had been too tired from work to work himself these last few weeks, let alone hook up with someone else: he was already on a short fuse.

Christine licked up and down her son's shaft. She wrapped her fist around the base and stroked along with her sucks. Austin's knees went week. He put his hands on his mother's head. The dominant woman softened, letting her son slowly fuck her face.

Christine sat back and let him use her body. He tried to be gentle. Respectful of the power she'd granted him. Yet the pleasure of it all was all too much. His mother choked and gasped as his cock plunged forward. It only aroused him more.

"M...Mom? I'm getting close," Austin said.

"In my mouth, baby," Christine said. Austin's climax raced through him. Christine stroked his leg lovingly as his body bucked. As he filled his mother's mouth with his spend.

When he was finished, Christine gave his swiftly softening prick one last, loving lick. Then she carefully tucked his penis back into his pants and zipped him up. Like she used to when he was a little boy. She stood up. Austin, still coming down from his cum, took in the sight of his post-blowjob Mom.

Her face was red, lips puffy. Her stockings had rips at the knees from the gravel ground and her dress was sodden along the hem. Her perfectly straight hair hung askew. Christine looked like a woman who'd sucked a guy off in the back of a restaurant by the dumpster. Because, of course, she just had.

"Well, I did say I was running out for lunch," Christine said and giggled. She leaned over and gave Austin a kiss on the cheek. He could smell his own cum on her lips. "Sorry we don't have time for more."

"Me too," Austin said.

"Now get back to work, mister," Christine said. She swatted her son's ass.

Austin stumbled back into the kitchen. His things were right where he left them. He eyed everything like it was new.

"What was that about?" Luis asked, walking by.

Austin started to respond, then stuttered. A minute later he sliced his finger while cutting the broccoli.


Lexi sat in the car, staring at herself in the rearview mirror. Idly, she played with her earring. The diamond stud winked at her in the reflection.

This is so stupid.

Lexi had gotten herself all dolled up. Even more than usual. She never wore jewelry, but she put in diamond earrings and wore a thin, gold necklace with a cross pendant. She'd put on her little black fuck-me dress, a pair of dark stockings, even heels. Then she'd done her makeup: dark, dramatic eyes and bright red lipstick She looked like a girl heading out for a night on the town. She was going to visit her brother.

So fucking stupid.

Lexi had driven over in a rush. Didn't even call to let Austin know she was coming. Hadn't even paused to think about what she was doing. It wasn't until she parked that she realized the strange, surprise, sibling booty call she was staging. And suddenly it all felt just as odd as that sentence sounded.

How was she going to explain all this to Austin? To his roommates? Yeah, no, I'm here all dressed up to hang out with my brother? How would she justify it when they heard noises coming from Austin's room that were definitely not from a video game?

It had started to rain. It'd been raining all week. Lexi could see Austin's car parked across the street; she knew he was home. Christine had seen him at the restaurant a few days before, so Lexi knew this was Austin's day off.

This was so stupid. Dumb. A waste of time. Lexi turned the engine on. It roared to life. The raindrops turned yellow in the headlights. She clicked the car back off. Fuck!

Lexi looked at herself in the mirror again. Molly was right, she was a dumb slut. Fooling around with their Dad had been fun. Lexi didn't enjoy the whole dominance thing, the spanking, but it was neat to try something different. Was it weird that what Lexi liked best was that it felt like she and her little sister had really bonded over fucking their Dad together? It definitely wasn't normal. Of course, it was even weirder that sex with their father had inspired Lexi to get all fancy and head over to fuck her brother by surprise a few days later.

God, I'm so broken. But then why did this feel so much better than staying at home and acting 'fixed'?

Lexi got out of the car. She slammed the door behind her, like warning her better instincts to stay back. She hadn't brought an umbrella, so she scampered across the street -- rain splattered her head and bare shoulders -- and rang the bell. She heard an unfamiliar male voice across the com box.


"Lexi," Lexi said dumbly, "I'm Austin's sister?"

There was a long pause. Then a loud buzz. Lexi pushed open the door and stepped inside from the rain. The first floor was nothing but a row of beat up mail slots and a dirty, cracked-tile floor. Lexi was pretty sure her brother wasn't living in a crack house, but this wasn't much of an upgrade.

She went up the stairs carefully, like at any second the whole structure might collapse. People seemed to use the area outside their doors as closet space, based on how much stuff was piled in the hallways. The building smelled like beef stew, and not in a way that made her think that someone might actually be cooking it.

No rats, at least, Lexi thought to herself. She glanced around, nervously. No rats no rats no rats, she prayed silently with every step.

On the third floor, she found her brother's apartment: 3B. She stepped around a pile of clothes all wrapped in plastic and rapped on the door. It was opened by a short, dark haired boy that Lexi didn't recognize. He was wearing only a stained white undershirt and a pair of baby blue boxers. His eyebrows seemed to be in an ongoing campaign to conquer the rest of his face. The brows were winning.

"Hi!" Lexi said, forcing the cheer into her voice.

"Dmitri," he said gruffly. His accent came through on that one word. He stepped aside and let Lexi walk in. The apartment was... not as bad as Lexi feared? Totally not nearly as bad as her worst possible expectations. There were windows, for example. And furniture.

The kitchen was right there by the front door. Well, a stovetop, anyway. Behind that was a couch facing a sad, small TV. The whole place stank of boy, and not in the good way.

Austin was sitting on the couch with a game controller in his hand. Next to him was a tall, skinny boy wearing pajama pants and a torn, black t-shirt. He had thin blonde hair and a nose that could be in the dictionary under 'right angle.'

"Lexi!" Austin exclaimed as soon as he saw her. He dropped the controller and raced over. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, which made him practically formal next to his roommates. He immediately wrapped her in a hug. "You look amazing," he gasped in her ear.

Lexi stepped back and let her brother run his eyes over her. He grinned, then seemed to realize where he was -- who else was looking -- and turned away.

"This is, um, well Dmitri you already met. And this is Lucas," Austin said. The two guys said hello.

"Nice to meet you," Lexi said. She noticed that neither boy could take their eyes off her rack. Well, at least she knew the dress was working.

"So, you heading out somewhere fancy?" Austin asked.

"No, I just wanted to..." Lexi stopped herself. If she wasn't going anywhere nice, then why in hell was she dressed that way? "I mean, yes. That is, I was hoping we could, umm, go out to dinner. Just you and me. You haven't been around since you went back to work and, well, I thought it would be nice if we could hang out and do something. You know?" She was rambling. Stop rambling. "So, what do you think? Or not. I mean, I don't want to impose if you guys have plans."

"No plans," Austin said, finally interceding. "I should probably go get changed though."

"What you have on is fine," Lexi said.

"Are you sure?" Austin gestured at his outfit, "I think I'm going to look underdressed next to you."

"It's fine," Lexi repeated.

"Calm down, it'll be just a sec I promise," Austin said. He jaunted out of the common area and went back toward his bedroom. Lexi heard a lot of moving around back there, followed by a loud crash. "Almost ready!" he called from behind the door.

Lexi went over and sat down on the couch, holding her hands in her lap. Lucas looked over at her and grinned nervously.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," Lexi said.

Dmitri dropped into the lounger off to the side. He shared the same deep conversation with Lexi that she had just had with Lucas. Then they all sat there in silence.

"So, playing Destiny?" Lexi asked.

"Yep," Lucas said.

"Yes," Dmitri said.

Good lord. Lexi had had more scintillating conversations with their neighbor's pet dog. The boys' approval of her outfit that had seemed so satisfying before had taken a hard turn off to Creepy-ville. Conversation, miserable as it was, seemed the only way out. "What do you guys do?" she asked.

"Software engineer," Lucas said.

"I'm a programmer," Dmitri said.


"Austin?" Lexi turned around and called to the bedrooms.

"Just got to find shoes!" Austin said. There was another loud crash. Finally, his door opened. He was wearing a wrinkled white dress shirt and a pair of dark jeans. He still had hiking boots on. Still, her blond brother made it look good. He smiled that goofy half-smile of his and Lexi was almost ready to shove him back in the bedroom and rip those clothes right back off him. It wasn't fair, how easy it was for a boy to put himself together.

Lexi leapt off the couch. "Took you long enough," she said, leaning in and giving her brother a playful kiss on the cheek.

Austin looked at the floor, sheepish. Like he should have been prepared for his sister to surprise him with a formal dinner. Lexi practically dragged her brother out of the apartment. They got out into the hallway and she turned around and pushed him back against the closed door. She kissed him, hard on the mouth. She felt his body rise to meet hers.

Lexi broke the kiss and led her brother downstairs. The rain had only gotten harder. They sprinted across the street and scrambled into Lexi's car. She turned it on and set the heat to blasting.

"So, where are we heading?" Austin asked.

"I haven't the slightest idea," Lexi said. Austin looked at her, eyes creased with worry. He put his hand over hers. "I missed you. That's all."

"So, you got all dressed up and came to see me on a whim?"

"Sort of?" Lexi said.

Austin leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You know I'm starting to think I love you, big sis."

Lexi blushed. She took the car out of park and pulled out rather than find a way to respond.

They ended up at a pizza place on the far side of town. It was a little joint with real brick ovens and a forty-minute wait for a table. The siblings stood in the corner by the coat rack, hanging off each other like a couple. They stayed away from too much PDA for all sorts of reasons, but if anyone who knew them saw, there would still be plenty of questions. Fortunately, no one was familiar.

After they got seated, Lexi ordered a bottle of wine. They carded her, but thankfully not her brother who was still underage. They split a pizza and talked about dumb things, nothing things, all the things they wanted to say but couldn't speak aloud.

"How's Mom?" Austin asked.

"Still being Mom," Lexi said, "She said she visited you the other day?"

"Yes, we, ummmm."

"She told me," Lexi said, "It's OK."

"I guess," Austin said, "Dad and Molly are still being Dad and Molly?"

"Oh yes," Lexi said. She chuckled to herself. "You haven't been gone that long."

"Feels like it sometimes," Austin said, "And you? How are you?"

"I'm OK," Lexi said, "I got all dressed up for a date with my brother, apparently."

"How's that going for you?"

"Kind of amazing," Lexi said. She stopped herself. Focused hard on her pizza. "Sorry."

"Please don't be," Austin said. "You coming to the apartment tonight all... You? It was maybe the best thing ever. Like, I don't know if you realized my roommates almost had twin heart attacks when they saw you."

"Hard not to notice," Lexi said, "Do you ever let them outside, or do you just crate them while you're working?"

"They're good guys," Austin said, "Dmitri has a pretty serious girlfriend. They get nervous around strangers. Incredibly sexy strangers, especially."

The two of them finished the pizza and paid the bill. They walked out of the restaurant arm in arm. It was still pouring. Lexi thought it might never stop. They both stood on the curb, staring at her car like it was miles away instead of parked across the street.

"Seriously, Austin, how are you?" Lexi asked. She stared at the river of road as it flowed by. A car rushed past them and the splash just missed her toes.

"OK," Austin said, "Most of the time. I miss you guys though. Mom and Molly. You. Sometimes I miss you a lot."

"You could come home," Lexi said, "Not, like, forever. Be there for family dinner or whatever."

"I'd like that," Austin said, "I guess I just..."

"It's OK, Austin," Lexi said, "If there's one thing I've learned lately? It really is OK."

They didn't even drive somewhere else. Just piled into the backseat, soaking. Austin tore Lexi's stockings down. Pushed her dress above her waist. She ripped his cock out of his pants. He tackled her back into the cushions. Bumped her head against the door frame. Spread her legs roughly. Pink and dripping. Exposed.

Brother and sister became one.

It felt like finding light in the darkness. Water in the desert. Her brother's cock finally filled her. Panting and grunting. Red lipstick smeared on his cheek. The squealing protests of the backseat. Back and forth. The little golden cross bounced between Lexi's breasts, tangled in her brother's chest hair. Her thighs ached, squeezing around his waist as her pussy caressed his cock. The heat of her brother's shaft plunging again and again and again.

Lexi's rapture rose like the tide and overwhelmed her, a great undulating rush. Everything devolved into sounds. Sensations. "Austin -- inside. Pleeeeease."

Austin roared as he came. Lexi felt the hot liquid splash against her cervix. My brother's inseminating me. He's putting his seed in his sister. The thought sent Lexi over the top one last time. A short, sharp ecstasy that crescendoed into something expansively greater. The world went white. Then dark.

The siblings wrapped around each other in the backseat. Sticky with each other's juices. Lexi laughed. She kissed her brother.

"You're heavy," she told him. He disengaged, soft member slipping out of her. Lexi held back the urge to beg him to put it back. It felt necessary, like she was missing an organ without him there.

"You're covered in lipstick," Lexi said.

"I ruined your stockings," Austin said.

They put themselves back together as best they could and climbed back into the front seat. Lexi fired up the engine. She could still smell their sex, lingering. They drove through the rain, both still trying to catch their breath.

Lexi parked in front of Austin's apartment. Water beat a tattoo on her roof. Austin leaned over and kissed his sister on the cheek.

"Well, I had a lovely evening," Lexi said.

"Me too," Austin said.

"What will you tell your roommates?"

Austin shrugged.

He opened the door and stepped out.

"Austin?" Lexi called out. She hadn't intended to say anything. But seeing him go in that moment made her heart skip. His handsome face peered back into the car.

"I think I'm kinda sorta maybe starting to love you, too," Lexi said, "Little bro."

Austin nodded solemnly. Then he ran back into his building. Lexi drove off in silence, the music of the evening enough to get her home on its own.


James sat at his desk and stared at pictures of his family. The images he had brought to his office were about ten years out of date. Lexi, in her Alexis days, in a bright red uniform on a sports field. One leg resting on a soccer ball. Her eyes looked ready to burn through the frame. Austin in a batting stance, about to take a pitch. Even in the action shot a little cocky grin played on his lips. Molly, her teeth looking too big for her mouth, in a purple, velvet-y dress at a chorus recital.