Fucking Fairytales: Cinderella


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The Sun laid down next her in the flower bed and pulled her to his chest, kissing her swollen red lips as the other revelers descended upon them. The graceful men and women kissed and stroked the couple, licking the pussy juice and cum from their bodies.

"Who are you?" Ella asked, her eye lids beginning to feel heavy. The Sun didn't answer her, as his eyes were already closing, lulled to sleep by the sighs of the crowd as the others finished their desperate lovemaking as well, falling to the ground together in groups of twos and threes. Ella fell asleep with them.

Ella's eyes flew open when she heard the bells ringing from the city, marking the midnight hour. She had to get back to the manor now, or Lady Maude would arrive home before her and know that Ella had gone to the party. She lurched to her feet, searching around her until she found her clothes, strewn in a heap a few feet away.

"Where are you going, my love?" the Sun asked sleepily, rising up to look for Ella.

She could only find one of her shoes, which was a shame for the slippers had been her prize possession, a gift from her godmother, whom she had only met the one time.

It had been at her father's funeral, the woman had embraced her, told her to be brave, and had given her a pair of shoes so beautiful, encrusted with crystals and made of glass.

Ella pulled her dress on, searching desperately for her other glass slipper. With a groan of frustration, she gave up the search.

"I must go! Goodbye, thank you for an amazing night," she whispered to the Sun, and then she started to run back towards the manor, her one shoe clutched in her hand.

As she sprinted through the crowd of the sleeping men and women she heard the Sun shouting behind her.

"No! You can't go! Stop her, wake up and stop her!" he cried, trying to rouse his companions as he staggered to his feet.

He was too late though, as Ella had reached the city. She disappeared down dark alley ways, taking the short cuts that she had learned as a child, racing towards the old manor house.

When she reached the backyard she vaulted over the short garden fence and raced into the house. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there weren't any lights in the big house.

Not yet out of danger of discovery, Ella ran into the kitchen and ripped the black gown back off, rolling it up with the mask and her remaining slipper and shoved it under a loose floor board.

She had just managed to pull her rough work dress on when she heard the front door open and close.

"Ella! You, miserable little vermin, where are you? There aren't any lanterns lit, I can't see," her stepmother shrieked. Ella grabbed a lantern and lit it quickly, rushing to help Lady Maude to bed.

Robin was angry, angrier than he had been in a long time. He shouted at his court, waking the sleeping fairies from their post-coital slumber.

"You let her get away! We have to find her!" he bellowed, grabbing his pants and pulling them on.

His assistant, Oak, pulled his mask off and stumbled up to Robin, shuddering as his skin warped back into its natural tree bark-like state, his hair once more filled with leaves and twigs.

"Who got away? Who do we need to find?" he asked, still partially asleep.

"The Night! The amazing girl with the golden hair, dressed as the Night!" Robin said through clenched teeth.

"What? Where did she go?" asked Mariposa, gliding up to Robin, shaking out the butterfly wings that sprouted from her shoulders now that she too had removed her human disguise.

"She ran back to the city, I don't even know her name," he groaned, pulling his own mask off, feeing the golden glow return to his skin as the spell that hid his true nature faded.

All around him the Court of the Fairy Queen woke up and removed their masks, a group of naked humans quickly shifted into a dazzling display of wild magic.

It made Robin sick. He had been looking forward to watching the Night's face as she saw his people transform. He had been looking forward to making love to the Night again when they woke. He hadn't intended to let her leave him... ever.

"My Prince! Over here! Look!" one of the fairies shouted, Robin turned to see a water sprite holding a dancing slipper out to him.

"What?" he asked, not sure why the stupid girl was handing him a ladies' shoe.

"It's one of her slippers, my prince!" the sprite squeaked in excitement. She had been one of the ones who had been most excited about Robin's new human friend, if he recalled correctly. He glanced down at the mask in her other hand and saw daisies. Yes, she had liked the Night very much.

"Why are you so happy about her footwear?" he asked, trying not to sound too annoyed, water sprites weren't very smart, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"It isn't made by humans!" she said forcing the shoe into his hand. As soon as it made contact with his skin he felt the magic in it, fairy magic.

Robin and his people held no sway in the human world, but if a fairy made this shoe, he could easily find them. And hopefully that fairy could help him find the Night.

"Well done!" He shouted kissing the silly little sprite on the forehead. He grabbed the shoe and started to run back into the forest to find his mother. Queen Mab would know exactly how to find this shoe-maker fairy.

A week after the Masquerade, Ella snuck out of the house a few hours before sunrise to walk through the meadow, looking for her lost slipper. The smell of the flowers reminded her of her wild night there and her body ached to feel that pleasure again.

As she searched through the flowers she was suddenly startled to hear a voice.

"She's right there, stupid boy! Right where you said you left her! I can't believe you made me go to all that trouble looking for her!" said a woman's voice.

"She wasn't here before! She had disappeared, it isn't my fault!" replied an oddly familiar voice that made Ella's nipples harden.

She twirled in a circle, searching for the source of the voices but saw nobody.

"Well, I helped you find her, can I go now?" another voice chimed in. How odd, that voice sounded like her godmother.

"Yes, Pricilla dear, we shall leave the boy to deal with the stupidity of young love," there was a popping noise and the voices faded.

It seemed like they had been coming from the forest. Ella cautiously made her way to the edge of the woods and peered into the darkness.

There was an odd golden glow, like somebody was walking towards her with a lantern, and suddenly, he was there, right in front of her. The Sun.

He looked more like the Sun than ever, even without his costume. His skin was the source of the golden glow and his green irises were ringed in golden fire. He had a strong jaw and a straight nose and he was currently walking towards her, approaching her like a man trying not to spook a flighty animal.

"Don't run again, I just want to talk," he said, his voice soft.

"I won't run, my stepmother is asleep, I don't need to be home until the sun rises," she said, somewhat stunned by the sight of him.

"Good," he nodded and stepped towards her with more purpose. Before she knew what was happening he had grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.

Ella squealed.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" she shouted, wiggling in his grip. He gave her bottom a playful slap.

"No, I can't let you get away again," he replied, as if that explained everything.

"What are you talking about? Put me down! And why are you glowing? Where are you taking me?" she began to babble, now starting to get scared.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Princess, I am Prince Robin of the Fair Folk, son of her highness the Fairy Queen Mab," he replied, lazily stroking a hand up her leg.

"Fairy? But the priests in the temple say that fairies aren't real... wait, did you call me princess?" she replied, getting incredibly frustrated.

"Ha! Priests! They are so easy to trick! We told them that we were gods a few centuries ago as a joke and they have been worshipping us ever since. Stupid fools deny the existence of fairies but dedicate their lives to gods who happen to be said fairies. Funny lot, those priests!" he laughed, patting her round, soft, ass.

"And yes, you are a princess, or at least you will be when we finish our wedding ceremony," he said, leaving his hand on her rump now, not even trying to pretend that he wasn't fondling her.

"Wedding? What are you talking about?" Ella was frightened now, surely this man was mad.

"Fairy weddings start with the couple making love together on the night of the full moon, that first coupling can be done as a group activity. The wedding is complete when they make love to only each other under the rising sun. We will have to wait a few hours for a good sunrise, but we can make love until then," he rambled, saying all manner of insane things, as if he weren't a raving lunatic.

"I don't believe in...fairies..." Ella's statement trailed off as she swung her head around and saw that they were in a place of indescribable beauty. Flowers the size of horses grew around them, and vines covered in gem stones dripped from the forest canopy. The ground was covered in iridescent moss, and all manner of gorgeous creatures were peeking at her through the trees.

"No? Well then, how do you explain me and my companions?" Robin asked, laughter in his voice.

"Fairies, those are fairies!" she muttered, completely in awe. Robin had turned a corner and now they were alone again, he gave her rear another squeeze.

"Yes they are, love, and so am I, and once we are married you will be as well," he replied. He let her drop to the ground, keeping his arms around her so she landed softly on her feet.

The reality of the situation began to dawn on Ella and she grinned like an idiot.

Either he was telling the truth or she was mad, either way, there was no reason not to enjoy herself.

She reached out and ran her hands up his body, drinking in the sight of his glowing skin. She wanted to see if he glowed all over and yanked his shirt open, sending little buttons that appeared to be made from acorns flying in every direction. He grinned and allowed her to push the shirt off, revealing his broad shoulders and very golden chest.

She leaned forward and ran her tongue over the golden hair on his chest, following the trail of the hairs downward. She was about to rip open his pants as well when Robin grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop.

"Wait, tell me your name. I asked your godmother but she said I would have to go to you for my answers," he said, looking down at her, his eyes clouded with passion.

"Ella, my name is Ella," she gasped.

"That is a far prettier name than "the Night" which is what I've been calling you," he said, stroking his hands through her hair.

"I was thinking of you as "the Sun",' she admitted.

He laughed.

"Do not tell the others that, for then when they tell our story they shall tell it as the tale of how the Sun seduced the Night and now chases his love through the sky," he responded.

"Oh how romantic!" she cooed, returning her attention to the bulge in his pants.

"Don't you think our actual story is just as romantic?" he asked, gasping as she pulled his cock out of his trousers.

"You and roughly two dozen of your friends had your way with me in a meadow, I don't think it was as romantic as it was lewd,"

"I thought it was both," he growled, twisting his fingers in her hair as she began to bob up and down on his hard dick, "Besides, you had your way with us just as much as we had our way with you."

"True, and I plan on having you again," she responded, letting his cock slide out of her mouth.

"I plan on having you forever," he replied.

He pushed her gently onto the shining moss and lowered himself down next to her so he could take her into his arms.

They made love again and again, stopping and resting from time to time. They didn't leave the little alcove where they were tucked away until the sun had risen completely.

Ella looked down at their joined hands as they walked through the forest. At first she thought that the sun must have been illuminating her skin, but realized quickly that they were standing in shadow. She held her hands to her face, marveling at the silvery luminescence of her skin.

Robin laughed, examining her hand as well.

"Look my love, our wedding is complete! You have joined the court of the fairies," he kissed the tender skin on her wrist, "How wrong I was, to call you the Night, for the night is blackness while you are brilliance. Indeed, it is clear to me now, if I am the Sun then you must be the Moon."

She laughed at his pretty words, but looked at his golden hand holding her silver one, and thought to herself that he was probably right.

The Sun and the Moon, once the fairy Prince and Ella the cinder girl, never again parted ways. They danced every night and made love to each other and the other members of the fairy court, and every year they dressed as humans for the Masquerade and danced in the city square then made love in the meadow.

And they lived happily ever after.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
keep them coming!

enjoying the idea and execution.

thanks for writing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love love love!!

I've loved fairy tales my entire life, this makes it even better now as an adult! I hope you continue retelling these stories!

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