Fucking the Boss(es)

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Working girl goes down to go up, with predictable results
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Author's note: The names of my co-workers have been changed, for the security of all concerned, as I don't know who will read this. I wouldn't want to ruin anyone's career, my own included. I hope you enjoy my continuing exploits.


I heard my name on the overhead pager.

"Uh-oh," my friend Keisha said. "What did you do now?"

We both laughed. She knew it couldn't be anything serious. Still, I was a little nervous. It was the first time in 2 ½ years I'd ever been paged overhead. My store frowned on using employee's names on the overhead. Instead, they used a numbering system for our ASM's, or department managers. My ASM was still on vacation.

"Maybe they're throwing you a birthday party," Keisha volunteered. I doubted that.

As I took the escalator to the upstairs offices where the store manager and her assistants had their offices, I thought about what had happened the week before.

* * *

I had been due for my annual evaluation, but my own department ASM had just left on vacation, so one of the managers from a department upstairs had given me mine. He explained that it was strictly against company policy to go past my deadline, since they didn't pay retroactively.

That was fine with me. The ASM, a guy named Bob Hanstine, was an attractive guy in his early thirties. He was someone my coworkers and I had fantasized about before, but until that day, none of us had ever had any real contact with him. That all changed, in one afternoon.

"Hi, Tori," he said, seating himself opposite me, his eyes holding mine. The room he had chosen for my eval was a part-time storeroom that was just large enough for a stack of files and a couple of chairs, when cleared out. We were having a clearance sale, so it was empty. Still, I thought it a little strange that we were doing this here, instead of one of the ASM's offices. I didn't really mind; I found the closeness very stimulating, especially with his knees touching mine. I let mine separate just a little; I'm a terrible tease, sometimes. My skirt was short, but not inappropriate, by store policy. Still, I knew he could see well up my thigh. He noticed.

"I hope you don't mind our meeting here," he said. "The other offices are just too busy this morning. Besides," he continued, "I like the idea of being face-to-face, so to speak; especially when the face is so nice." He smiled. He knew by my own smile that I had picked up on his meaning. I bit my lower lip, a gesture I've been told is very sexy in certain circumstances, and he smiled again.

"Ah. Good. Now, Tori...I'm looking at this review, and I'm thinking it's not really reflective of how you've performed this last year."

I waited, unsure of what to say, and he continued.

"I'm going to change these percentages upward by quite a bit," he said. "I'm also going to lower your quota expectations." He hesitated. "I don't know how your manager is going to take it, but I've been watching you for quite a while. Quite a while," he repeated, "and I know a good employee when I see one. You're also very attractive...and that's a plus, in this business." He let his words sink in. This wasn't normally done, I knew, and I wondered what my own manager would say when she found out. I imagined she would confront me, and certainly him. Bob didn't seem concerned about that at the moment; his eyes were on me. He'd been glancing down to where I had my hands in my lap, and now he reached out and took one of my wrists.

"You can relax, you know," he said very softly, and stroked my wrist once with his thumb. I let my knees part a little more, and took a deep breath. I was suddenly very aware of how turned-on I was, and I wondered if he could sense it. I smiled at him. He was watching my face closely.

"Mr. Hanstine," I said, finally. "I appreciate that. Is there some way I can thank you?" I spoke quietly; barely a whisper, but it sounded like a gunshot going off in the little room. He seemed much more calm than I was, and laughed softly.

"Tori, that's entirely up to you," he told me, but his knee was pressing against mine, now; pushing it subtly outward. I glanced at the door.

He started to rise, and I put my hand on his hip.

"I'll do it," I said. There was no doubt about where we were going, but I wanted to be in control. He sat back down, and watched me as I went to the door. I locked it and turned to him. Wetting my lips, I said, "One time only," and waited for his response. He nodded.

When I loosened his belt, I could feel him shaking slightly. His breath was uneven. It served to empower me; I knew he was at least as nervous as I had been. My lust had taken over, though, and I was ready for this. I wanted this. I unzipped his slacks, and I could already see his erection tenting his boxers. I slid my hands down over his hips, taking his underwear down at the same time. He raised himself off the chair, reaching for me.

I kissed him briefly as I slid his pants to the floor, then pushed him gently back in his chair. I wanted him to watch me. I unbuttoned the top 4 buttons of my blouse and slid it back off my shoulders, then unhooked the front snap on my bra. His hands went to my breasts as I settled to my knees, between his legs.

His cock was nice; not too big, but it filled my mouth as I slid my lips around it. He sighed loudly as my tongue swabbed the underside, and his hands kneaded my breasts gently, pulling at my nipples just enough to excite them. I began to suck him, wrapping my hand around the base of his shaft as I slid my lips up and down his length. In minutes he was panting.

I could already taste his precum, and I knew he wouldn't last long. I moaned as I sucked him, knowing the vibrations would speed things along. I wasn't in a big hurry, but I didn't want this to go on for too long, for fear someone would catch on. I didn't need my coworkers talking about us; there was already enough drama in my store, at any one time. The flexing of his hips told me he was close.

Suddenly, his hands left my breasts, and went to my shoulders. He uttered an "Ogod," and then his hips thrust upward, tensing. In another second, I felt his cock thicken and contract, and his first load exploded onto my tongue. I swallowed it and waited for the second, which was larger, and then the third. After swallowing that, I began to suck him more deliberately, and he moaned as I tortured him with pleasure. When he pushed me off his cock, he could barely speak!

"Th-thank you, Tori," he stammered, as I pulled my bra back together and rearranged my blouse. "That should be all." I nodded, licking my lips as I did.

"It was...nice," I told him, and left him alone to get dressed.

* * *

Now I wondered what might have come out of this. Had somebody seen us, and said something to the manager? When I got to reception, Sherri told me to go in, and that Mr. Hanstine was waiting for me. Great! I walked into the first office, and there were actually two men there; Bob Hanstine and Mr. J.W. Davidson, our West Coast Divisional Manager. They smiled slyly at each other.

"You see what I was saying, J.W.?" Bob walked over to me, took my arm in his hand, and pulled me into the room. Mr. Davidson was looking me up and down. His eyes were shining.

"She's lovely," he said in a deep, resonant voice. "Good choice, Hanstine."

I didn't know what to say. My initial fear, that I was going to lose my job, turned to wariness. What were they up to? It didn't take long to find out.

"Happy birthday, Tori," Bob said quietly. He went on. "I told Mr. Davidson what an exemplary employee you were. We wanted to honor you, so we're taking you out to lunch." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, right in front of the boss, and I suddenly knew what they had planned. The store bigwigs didn't come from Fresno just to take their employees out to lunch! I knew where this was going, and I didn't mind.

"Is this part of the new incentive plan?" I teased, looking directly at Mr. Davidson. He was watching me with the same look I used to eye my Christmas presents with, the day before we were to open them. It looks like Christmas is coming early this year, I thought. But for who? I wet my lips and smiled at J.W., then said, "I think I'm going to like working under you." He smiled back, his perfect teeth a brilliant white. I wondered, absurdly, if he was married.

J.W. Davidson was close to 60, I guessed; much too old for me, normally. However, he had a glint of mischievousness and youth in his eyes that made him look younger. His body was lean, and he looked like he worked out regularly. There was an undeniable sexual attractiveness to him. I could see myself with him. That thought, and the promise of being with both men, had me moist with anticipation. That I was whoring myself out never crossed my mind; Dan had already prepared me for a situation like this, and now I was going to do it. I couldn't wait to tell him about it, later!

* * *

There was no pretense. We took the boss's Mercedes directly to a motel, and J.W. made a point of asking for a suite. Turning to look at me, he told the registration clerk, "This lovely lady deserves the best room in the house." I avoided the clerk's look. I knew J.W. was showing me off. Meanwhile, Bob's hand was on my ass, stroking me softly through the material of my skirt, and I knew that other people in the lobby were watching. I was on fire with lust! J. W. made a point of saying loudly, "No bags. Not staying that long," when the desk clerk asked.

By the time we got to the door of the room, Bob was kissing me passionately, and I was really excited; I had my hands all over him. J.W. followed us, seemingly content to watch our passion grow. We practically fell into the room, and I backed to the bed without looking behind me, taking both men's hands as I did.

"You're an eager beauty, I'll give you that." J.W. smiled as my knees contacted the edge of the mattress, and I settled onto the bed.

I looked up at him. "I'm hot," I said simply.

"That you are, Tori," he told me. He laughed. Then he turned to Bob and said, "She's yours, first. I want her after she's sufficiently stretched." My cunt moistened at the thoughts that went through my head.

Bob wasted no time, murmuring to me as he reached for my stretch top, "God, I've wanted you for more than just the last week, Tori. I can't wait to fuck you." He pulled the top over my head, and I shook my hair loose as he unfastened my bra by the back snaps. I leaned back on my elbows on the bed, then, watching him.

"Mr. Hanstine, do you have condoms?" I asked.

He stopped in his tracks. I looked toward J.W., who was smiling broadly.

"Didn't prepare, did you?" he said, accusingly.

I sensed that Bob hadn't made any points there, and wondered what kind of evaluation he'd be getting! Winking, I retrieved my purse from where I'd dropped it on the floor, and emptied a half dozen packets onto the bedspread without a word. Then I looked at J.W..

He was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Hanstine, this girl is leadership material!" His laughter echoed through the spacious room as he settled onto a chair to watch. Bob, re-energized after his faux-paux, was tearing at his shirt and tie. I waited, content to let him undress us both, and knowing J.W. was watching me closely. I wondered what his cock looked like.

Once Bob was naked, he took my hand and pulled me up from the bed so that he could remove my skirt and panties. As I stepped out of both, I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down on them, watching J.W. the whole time. Bob dropped to his knees, his hands sliding down the backs of my legs, and I spread them for him.

"Eat me," I ordered, my voice husky with lust, and my eyes on J.W.. He was sitting, one leg crossed over the other, until I said that; then, he planted his feet and leaned forward, eager to watch. I saw his hand go to his lap, and run across the sizable lump in his trousers.

Bob worked his head up between my thighs, his tongue lapping eagerly at my labia. They were slick with anticipation. I put both hands on the back of his head. It was a position of power, and I knew J.W. would appreciate the irony. I began to work my hips back and forth as Bob licked me, watching J.W. through half-closed eyes. He was rubbing his cock through his slacks now, his eyes intent.

I let Bob eat me for a few minutes, but my mind was totally on J.W.. He finally unzipped his slacks and pulled his cock free, and I got to see it for the first time. It was big. It lay, still only half-hard, along his leg as he began to unfasten his tie, and it was already bigger than most of the cocks I had seen. I couldn't wait to feel it inside me.

At last I sank to the bed, and told Bob to put his condom on. As he did, I crawled backwards on the bedspread, pulling both pillows behind my head as he prepared to fuck me. I made sure I could see J.W. behind him. When he crawled up between my thighs and slid his cock inside my pussy, I made a face, like it was painful. As I expected, J.W. smiled.

"Do her right, now," he instructed Bob, who was already energetically rocking his hips into me. He supported his weight on his fists, on either side of me, and drove into me with long strokes. After a couple of minutes, I gave myself over to the sensations radiating up from my cunt and leaned back into the pillows. It didn't take long for my first climax to hit; I was already excited from being watched. I exaggerated it, for J.W.'s sake.

"Ohhhhh...oh, God!" I moaned loudly. "Oh...oh...ooooohhhh...GODDDDDDD!" ______ upped his pace, and I could see that J.W. was stroking himself just as rapidly. His cock was fully erect, now, and it was huge. He was standing, his hand gliding rapidly back and forth over the shiny surface as he watched us, his expression intent. Then he unrolled one of the condoms over it.

Within another minute, Bob exploded inside me, well before I could achieve another orgasm. His systematic stroking gave way to a series of disjointed thrusts, until he was spent; then he collapsed onto my chest with a huge sigh. I immediately felt J.W. moving onto the bed.

"Better clear out, bucko, unless you want me fucking your ass!"

It was an order, and Bob pulled from me without a word, rolling off to one side. I looked down to see J.W.'s enormous member bobbing between my legs. It was an angry red hue, and looked like it was ready to split me apart! I didn't expect much foreplay, but I was surprised when he thrust inside me with no warning. It hurt, and this time my face displayed real pain.

He laughed. "Now, that's a man," he boasted.

His cock stretched me to my limits, as he lay over me and began to fuck me. He grunted with every full thrust, and I grunted back. Thank god for lubrication, I thought. He was rolling his hips back and forth, pulling my labia out with each withdrawal, and folding them onto themselves with each thrust in. His mouth sought mine, and I realized his breath was peppermint-y. Points for hygiene, J.W.! I kissed him deeply, and felt his tongue invade my mouth, licking my own, and the backs of my teeth.

The pleasure his cock was giving me was undeniable, and I skated rapidly toward another orgasm. This was going to be a big one, I knew. I grasped his shoulders with my hands, turning my face to the side. I wondered how a man so much older than me could excite me so. As my groin exploded in pleasure and radiated up through my body, I arched my back and cried out. This time it was honest.

"Oh, god; oh, god; oh, GODDDDDDD!" I wailed. I'm sure anyone in an adjoining room could hear me, and it energized him. He fucked me harder yet, and my orgasm built.

"Ooooooooooeeeaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiwwwwww!!" I suddenly screamed. I felt like my body had exploded; the pleasure was that intense. J.W. bore into me with newfound enthusiasm. My whole body had gone rigid, and my jaw was clenched so tightly that it hurt, later.

His cock tore at my insides; he used it like a weapon on me, and it was a most effective one. I've never had anyone fuck me with so much relentless passion. His stamina was amazing; he fucked me through a couple of more orgasms without showing any sign of tiring. Suddenly, though, his body went stiff, and I knew he was going to cum.

"Oh, shit!" he yelled. "I'm gonna.....oh, GOD!!"

He slammed into me one last time, and I felt the condom bulge under the flood of semen he suddenly deposited into it. I was grateful he was covered; even with the pill, I thought he could have gotten me pregnant with sheer volume! I cried out as he filled the rubber, and I felt it backwash onto my thigh. His scrotum was flexing with the labor of pumping out another copious load of cum, and his hips began to move as he emptied his balls into me. I held onto his shoulders, unable to move my body, and let him fill me.

At last he appeared to be spent. I turned my face to him, and he was watching me, as always. He was smiling, the crinkles around his eyes like little ropes.

"Liked that, didja?" he asked rhetorically. The answer was written on my face.

"Oh, yeahhhhhh," I answered, and kissed him again. To my surprise, he began to kiss me more passionately, and I wondered if he was going to get hard again. His mouth worked mine, his lips surprisingly soft and supple. I slipped my tongue between his teeth and moved my hips under him.

When we broke, he laughed out loud.

"Goddam, you are a hottie!" he exclaimed, but he pulled from me and rolled off to one side. I looked across the room, and Bob was sitting fully dressed, looking away as J.W. reached for his slacks and underwear. I sank back into the pillows, trying to catch my breath.

When I got up, the trail of man-slime across the bedspread was unbroken, and I lay in a pool of our mixed juices. J.W., suddenly the gentleman, tossed me a towel from the bathroom, and I cleaned myself up as best I could. By the time I was ready to get dressed again, they were both seated, watching me.

"Hope you liked the show," I quipped. Bob didn't laugh. He knew that his elderly boss had outfucked him all over the place, and he wasn't happy. I didn't really care; I'd had him now, and my raise was secure. I knew that. I took J.W.'s arm as we left the suite. He had Bob return the keycard while we sat in the airconditioned Mercedes.

Back at the store, Keisha was full of questions. "Damn, girl...where you been all this time? I thought you got fired." She looked at me with worry on her face.

"They fuck you over, or what?"

I just smiled.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Yes, good fun short story, fun to read. Though, plot scenario is not really conclusive.

... Will she get the raise?

... Will Bob retaliate? And/or or her direct ASM?

... If Yes, does he/she succeed or can Tori bypass him/her ?

... Will she reconcile with Bob or move on to JW?

For my taste too many loose ends to make an outstanding short story. But maybe a sequel resolves that?

... Other thoughts / objections ?

Daryl8122Daryl8122over 10 years ago

I'll read more....

RawHumorRawHumorover 16 years ago
A slut and a whore

Such a nice fucking story of a good little whore. How much of a raise did you get beyond the original raise?

xusmwifexusmwifealmost 17 years ago
So Hot!

Tori, Your so *ucking hot g/f.

I just love this story.

You are the best baby!



gotwood49gotwood49almost 17 years ago
I loved it, blue!

It sounds like you've been busy! I didn't doubt it: a girl who looks like you isn't going to stay quiet for too long! Now I wonder why I don't come to California to buy my cologne! LOL

Great story, as always. :-)


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