Fulfilling Destiny

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A young couple explore a new mutual kink.
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Warning: This story contains, weight gain, and pregnancy themes, if you're not into thick women you may not like it. Do not repost or copy this story. It is my own work and completely fictional.


My sex life drastically changed lately. I've never been too outgoing in that department, but recently my wife and I discovered a mutual kink. Well, I might be getting ahead of myself. In order for you to understand my situation I'll give you some background.

I'm a real quiet dude. I don't have many friends, I'm not social, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I'm practically a 31 year old kid. That may be a turnoff to most, however I am extremely kind and generous. The few friends I have absolutely adore me, even before I became rich. Oh, that's another thing, I have a lot of money... like a crazy, fuck you amount of money. I am big in the art industry. I specialize in paintings. Being wealthy is still new to me. It happened somewhat quickly and now I'm pretty sure people will buy anything I paint just because of my name, not the content. It's sad how that happens to art these days. If you ever see a painting that makes you say, "abstract? Hell, that's just shapes and nonsense, I can do that!" chances are you're looking at one of my paintings. It's a mystery to me how they took off though I'm so lucky they did. I can make thousands with little effort. Suddenly, I went from a quiet nobody to a rich "strong silent type."

My wife, Destiny, knew me before and after my paintings sold well but we didn't get married until last year. My family is still suspicious of her. She comes from a lower income background and my Mom warned me she's just in it for the money. She's not. She had a scholarship and worked her way through college. I do see where my family is coming from though, Destiny is 25 and she stopped working once I hit it big. She's completely dependent on me financially. As a woman she said she feels like it's wrong but she's so happy being taken care of and never having to work. I hardly have to work, I just paint here and there. I don't have a problem with Destiny's choice, I wouldn't work if the roles were reversed.

When Destiny first stopped working she invested all her time in her hobbies. She was constantly doing everything she wanted and buying anything she wanted. That didn't last long. Eventually, she got bored, tired and lazy. Destiny is a light brown Latina from the Dominican Republic with long black hair and dark brown eyes. She moved to the United States when she was ten yet introduces herself as being from D.R. Destiny is on the shorter side, about 5'2" but has a big personality. We met in the winter so it was her personality that drew me in. I didn't get to see her smoking-hot body until the summer of that year. She's got an amazing figure; C cup tits, a toned flat stomach, small tight butt, thin but strong legs, skinny arms and of course the face of an angel. Destiny took pride in her trim body and she worked hard to keep it that way. Unfortunately, she started to lose it after she quit work. Without work, Destiny rarely went out of the house. This meant a lot less exercise. This is when the dramatic change in our lifestyle took place.

Destiny gained around five pounds which didn't make too much of a difference, she's still unbelievably thin. The only change I noticed was in her stomach. I could no longer see her abdominal muscles when she took her shirt off. It struck me as strange but I realized I liked her body even more that way. She had a smooth, soft tummy. I found myself drawn to it when we had sex. As it grew bigger I became more and more into it. Pretty soon Destiny had gained around ten pounds total. It leveled off and she didn't gain anymore weight. I was amazed at her new figure. It was astounding. She didn't gain an inch anywhere except her stomach. It's like all the fat goes right to her belly, not her arms, neck, face, legs, ass, tits, thighs, just her belly and nowhere else. It became obvious to me that I had a belly fetish. I loved to feel and rub her smooth little tummy during sex. Sometimes I'd unknowingly rub her belly while we cuddled. There was something so sexy about the way it grew into a small golden pudge. Destiny hadn't gained weight for about a month but she was well aware of all the extra attention I'd been giving her belly and that's when things really heated up.

I got back late from an art show that Destiny didn't want to go to. It was ten at night when I finally made it home. I was starving and tired from being out all day. Destiny greeted me at the door with a kiss. She was still wearing her blue silk pajamas, she didn't change or go anywhere all day. I loved her pajamas not only were they soft, but they were from ten pounds ago which meant every slight movement would show off some of her sexy belly.

"I wasn't expecting you to be up," I greeted.

Destiny giggled. "It's only ten!" she laughed. I must have sounded stupid but it wasn't my fault she'd been lounging around the house all week, sleeping all day, staying up all night or doing the exact opposite and going to bed early and waking up late. "You must be starving, come have dinner with me," Destiny beckoned me into the kitchen.

"You didn't eat yet?" I questioned.

"Well I technically had dinner at five but that was five hours ago! Come, I have a special surprise for you," Destiny teased. Her voice sounded a little sultry. That was strange considering she was leading me into the kitchen for dinner. I didn't have to enter the room to know what the surprise was. I'd recognize that smell anywhere.

"You ordered pizza!" I cheered. Sure enough, two boxes of Giuseppe's Pizza sat on the marble countertop. Then I thought it over. I'm a skinny guy with a decent amount of muscle but the most pizza I could eat is three slices. "Oh are we expecting company?" I asked, staring at the two pizza boxes.

Destiny grabbed the boxes and a single plate before heading to the family room. "That's part of your surprise!" she called.

I was confused. I could hear our enormous television playing some random sports game. I watched as Destiny placed the pizza on a coffee table. There was a button on the side that raised the coffee table up to the height of a normal table. The lights were off but the tv illuminated the room quite well, it better because it took up the entire wall. Destiny seemed to be overflowing with joy. A bright smile spread across her face as she cut me a slice and slid it on a plate.

"Thanks! Want me to get you a plate?" I asked. She stopped me before I could stand up.

"No, it's time for your surprise. I won't need a plate and we aren't having people over, I'm gonna eat the whole pie!" Destiny announced.

I laughed. "Tiny, you're gonna eat an entire pizza pie?" Ironically I call her "Tiny" from time to time because of her being short and skinny. Even with the recent weight gain she's still pretty thin. The nickname also comes from "tiny" being in the name Destiny, although it's pronounced differently, the letters are all there.

Destiny pouted and opened a pizza box. She placed the box on her lap and took out a slice. "Watch me," she declared as she stuffed the slice into her mouth.

"There's no way you can eat a whole large pie," I laughed. Destiny ignored me and kept eating. I watched in stunned silence.

"I think I can do it!" she snapped. She had a playful, fake-angry tone. Destiny took another slice and began to chow down. There was already sauce on her face and grease running down her chin.

"What? Why? Why would you want to?" I looked at her in awe. She usually not only ate healthily, but ate normal portions. "Are you ok, honey?"

"I'm fucking great babe!" Destiny replied once she finished chewing. Her long, pink painted nails dug into the crust of another slice. "I've always wanted to see if I could eat a whole pie and now the timing just feels right."

Her explanation didn't make much sense. "What do you mean? What timing?"

She giggled while whipping her mouth with a napkin. "Oh please," Destiny spoke between bites. "Don't think I didn't notice all the attention you've been giving my belly recently. I'm starting to think you've felt up my stomach more than my tits in the bedroom these last few days."

I blushed. Destiny polished off another slice and stared me down. "It occurred to me that you must like the weight I've put on and that's why you rub my tummy now that it's a little bigger than before," she paused and glanced down, "and just as I thought you seem to really enjoy this," Destiny stated plainly. She was referencing the massive erection pressing against my pants. I did enjoy watching her stuff herself. I didn't know why. I never thought seeing a woman eat would turn me on but there was something so sexy about it.

"I, uh, yeah I confess I do find something kinky about the bigger belly but you don't have to do this for me," I assured.

"For you?" Destiny laughed while picking up another slice of pizza. "Have you had Giuseppe's Pizza before? You know this shit is amazing, I'd happily do this any day." Destiny crammed the slice in her mouth and chewed away. She continued to speak after she swallowed, "that's why I said the timing is right. I get to do this and eat what I want and at the same time I get to appeal to your fetish."

Finally, I understood exactly what she was doing and why. It clicked that this might be the skinniest my wife will ever be, yet that only excited me. I watched in awe as my beautiful wife wolfed down almost an entire pizza. The more she ate the more her belly bloated. When she only had one more slice to go she looked like she would explode. Her silky pajama top had rode up due to her stuffed tummy and now exposed her creamy brown skin. It was too tempting not to rub. I loved feeling it slowly fill up with each bite she took. I was impressed with how much she managed to eat. Destiny is such a short girl and had barely put on that much weight so to jump up to accomplish something like this was incredible.

Only one slice remained. Destiny readjusted herself on the couch and grabbed her swollen stomach. "Oh fuck, I'm so full," she moaned. Her hands squeezed her tummy tight and forced it up and down, "look at this!" she exclaimed. "I'm so fucking stuffed! You find this hot?!" Destiny yelled. She played with her tummy roughly.

"Yes?" I replied, unsure of how to respond.

"God, I'm a lucky woman then. I don't know if I've ever heard of a guy that would delight in watching his girl gorge herself like this. Better yet, I'm pretty sure that means I can eat whatever I want and you'd only find me sexier, huh?" Destiny remarked.

I started to stroke her belly. "Yeah, so are you gonna tease me all night or are we gonna take this full tummy out for a spin?" I asked.

Destiny sat up straight. "Not yet, I didn't finish my pizza," she whined.

"I thought you said you were full?"

"I am, but I was also full like three slices ago too!" Destiny replied. She was acting like an athlete that couldn't give up on the final lap. She gazed at the last lonely slice of pizza as if it were her enemy. "Fuck, I'm too stuffed I don't think I can physically bring myself to pick it up," Destiny groaned.

"Oh well, maybe you'll be able to eat a whole pie some other day?"

"No, I'm not giving up!" Destiny scoffed. "I said I'm so full my brain rejects even the thought of picking it up, but you still can. You can help me finish it! Pick it up and feed me, force it in if you have to! I'm fucking doing this." She seemed determined to achieve this odd goal of hers. There was no way I could refuse, she was so excited. I couldn't let her down.

"Alright, if you say so," I sighed while grabbing the last slice. Destiny winced as I brought the pizza closer to her face. I could tell by her swollen belly that she was really full. It looked like it was stretched to its limit. Despite this, she insisted on finishing. I forced the pizza in her slightly open mouth.

"Come on, open wide!" I commanded. Destiny groaned uncomfortably and forced herself to take in more pizza. I didn't let her stop. I shoved as much of the slice in her mouth as I could each time she swallowed. It was strangely erotic to me. Destiny moaned and squirmed as I forced her to eat more. The sounds she made were sexy, her bloated belly was sexy, me forcing her to do something was sexy, obviously I had her consent but her body was rejecting the actions which gave me the feeling of dominating her. I never thought anything like this could be so hot.

Finally all the pizza was finished. Destiny's tiny tummy was noticeably bloated. She now sported a cute little muffin top that hung over the waistband of her pajama bottoms. I stared deep into her hazel eyes. I'd never seen anyone eat like that. My cock pressed against my pants, it felt as swollen as Destiny's stomach. I couldn't resist and rubbed her beautiful tan belly. She used to be so toned, I never got to feel so much soft flesh in my hands before. It felt incredible, smooth, round and warm. The small bloated tummy kind of gave Destiny this milf-like quality which only made her sexier. Part of me wished it would be permanent, man if her stomach always looked this cute and plump I'd never take my hands off of it. Fortunately, with what Destiny just did and the fact that she had gained some weight recently, it wasn't so far fetched that she'd gain some more. I didn't want her to be obese or fat, but that bloated milf-belly sure was sexy. I thought it would be a shame to only experience it once.

"Wow, it's like my tits don't even exist," Destiny stated, interrupting my thoughts.

I gazed up from her midsection to look her in the eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You've been feeling up my tummy like they were my tits. From the last times we've been having sex it seems you focus more and more on my tummy. I think they're getting lonely, not getting as much attention as they used to," Destiny explained. She smirked at me seductively.

"Well I wouldn't want them to feel left out," I grinned, reaching for her shirt. I raised it up, Destiny helped me take it off of her. Now her belly was on full display along with her big brown C cup tits. Her belly formed a hot muffin top with her pajama bottoms while her lacy white bra created a similar effect with her boobs. "Huh, maybe they aren't so lonely after all, they look like they've grown a little too," I observed.

Destiny smiled and crawled on top of me, forcing me to lay down until I could go no further and her chest was pressed against mine. "Oh? Only a little bigger? If that's true then I just might have to keep eating like this, until they get a lot bigger," Destiny cooed. She knew just what to say. My cock throbbed. I wanted her so badly. She knew I liked her recent weight gain, she knew I was turned on watching her stuff herself for me, she knew exactly how to tease me.

"I don't know honey, I think it would all go to your belly before it would make your tits bigger," I joked.

Suddenly, Destiny grabbed my cock through my pants. "I'm sure you'd be fine with that," she teased. I couldn't take it any longer. I pulled her in tight. While we made out I removed her bra and she fumbled with my belt. She couldn't get it off so she got off of me for a moment. When I stood up to take off my belt and pants Destiny smacked my ass and ran off toward our bedroom. Her laugh echoed down the hall.

In the blink of an eye we were going at it in our king-sized bed. Both of us were completely naked, feeling the heat of our bodies against each other. I wasn't the only one with kinks. I knew exactly how to drive Destiny wild too. She might be incredibly sweet and caring but when it came to sex she liked it rough. I pinned her down on the bed. Her chest heaved in anticipation. The skin of her soft cheeks grew hot and red. I felt her warm breath wrap around my face as she stared into my eyes anxiously awaiting my next move. While keeping her wrists restrained in my strong grasp, I lowered my head to kiss her lips. She kissed me back for a moment before I started kissing her lower and lower. I planted soft gentle kisses down her body, across her perky breasts and down to her bloated belly. With Destiny laying on her back it was hard to see a difference in her tummy, it only looked slightly rounder than before her pizza stuffing. I was determined to drive her crazier than she did me. Destiny squirmed beneath me. My kisses on her lower belly were quickly approaching her pussy. She couldn't take it. I continued to hold her arms down, pin her in place. Several moans escaped her throat as I teased her. She struggled to escape my hold but couldn't.

"You were such a good girl, eating all that food just to get thicc for me," I praised. The words "good girl" sent a shiver down Destiny's spine that left her mouth open and speechless. It was one of her favorite things to be called in bed. Now she was shaking. We both had enough teasing. I forcefully flipped Destiny over and slapped her caramel-colored ass as hard as I could. She let out a sharp shriek-like moan. The bed shook from the sudden motion. I hovered over her body from behind. My right hand glided from her decently round booty, across her smooth back and finally rested on the back of her head. My fingers spread out as they traveled through Destiny's wavy, black hair. The silky texture taunted me to do exactly as I planned. Without warning, my hand stopped running through her hair. I closed my hand into a tight fist, capturing her hair in my grasp. Slowly, I pulled my hand back toward me, tugging on her flawless hair. Destiny's eyes closed with pleasure while her mouth hung open, gasping, moaning. The slight pain from pulling her hair turned her on more than almost anything. As I slowly pulled on her hair, Destiny's head lifted up. I leaned into her ear and whispered sternly, "get up! On your hands and knees." Destiny's whole body shook. She loved being treated like a slut in bed.

Destiny nodded and got to her hands and knees. I released my hold on her hair. Now that her sexy ass was presented right in front of me I couldn't help but give it another hard slap. This time I wound back with my left hand and really let her have it. A red hand print was immediately left on her tan skin. Her upper body collapsed from the unexpected pain and ecstasy. Her chest fell to the bed while her arms and hands retracted close to her breasts. The bed sheets strained to stay on as Destiny's fingers scrunched them up tightly into her grasp. Before she had time to recover from the sudden hit, I slowly entered her drooling, wet pussy. We usually didn't have sex doggy style but I really wanted to feel up her stuffed belly and give her the rough fucking she deserved.

"Oh, yessss," Destiny hissed. She was in heaven. I grabbed onto her hips, which finally had a little meat on them these days. "Fucking pound me!" Destiny begged. Gripping her tightly, I slammed my whole cock deep inside my stunning, kinky, wife. She made a high pitched yelp in response. Although I knew she liked it rough, I had never been this rough. It was probably from her stuffing herself with the pizza. I'd never been so turned on before. It brought out an animal inside me. I fucked Destiny harder than ever before. My cock plunged in and out like a piston. My movements were quick and forceful. It was like my dick had to be deeper, each thrust wasn't enough, it had to be deeper, stronger. An orchestra of noises emitted from Destiny. The sounds of her heavy breathing, moans, gasps, squeals, and outbursts of "yes!" and "oh God!" created a wonderful symphony. The melody of sounds combined with the soft feel of Destiny's skin encouraged me to go harder, go further.

I slapped Destiny's nice ass again. This time it barely made a difference with how rough I was being. The smack sent small ripples across her flesh. I enjoyed watching her body jiggle and quake. Destiny's ass and thighs did not grown much despite the recent weight gain. Everything she ate seemed to go only to her tummy, which was only a bit rounder than it used to be. Fortunately, after eating an entire pizza, Destiny's belly was much rounder than usual. It was only temporary bloating from the extreme stuffing and only really noticeable while bent over in her current doggy style position but that was enough to drive me insane. It didn't have to be permanent, I was just happy she ate all that for me in the first place. That being said, I wasn't going to cum before properly rubbing her distended belly all over.