Fulfilling My Wife's Cuckquean Fantasy Again


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"It was good. She knew what she was talking about and we respectfully shared ideas."

"That's great. Can you tell me if I'm doing this right?"

Jenny began to play the five different shapes of the pentatonic scale. I was happy for her progress. When she finished them, I congratulated her.

"Wow, you did it! Sounds good baby."


Jenny put her guitar back on its stand and got up to kiss me. After we kissed, I held her in my arms as I complimented her skill.

"You're getting a lot better with your fingers. I can see it."

"Yeah, but I wanna be as good as you one day."

"Don't compare baby, it's only because I've been playing longer. That's all."

"I'm happy with how skilled you are with your fingers. In fact, I'm very satisfied." She winked.

She grabbed my crotch and rubbed it sensually. I knew where this was going. I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. I let my cock free and Jenny immediately put it in her mouth. The wet touch of her tongue made me hard in seconds. I removed all of my clothes and she stopped blowing me for a brief moment to strip down herself. I was about to sit on the couch to get comfortable, but then I saw our bag where we keep our guitar equipment in. I had some dirty ideas going through my head. I opened it and pulled out two Kyser capos. I clamped them down on Jenny's breasts, on the area of her areolas. She moaned in pain and pleasure for a moment and then went back to sucking me. I was loving the blowjob, but I wanted to make her feel good too.

"Let's 69!"

She pulled my cock out of her mouth and stood up. I lifted the bag from the couch and put it on the carpet. I laid down on the couch and Jenny climbed on top of me, putting her beautiful white ass in front of my face. As her ass got closer to my face, it spread out more, exposing her cute little anus. I could smell the sweet fragrance of her pussy. The moment I felt her put me back in her mouth, I began to assault her clitoris with my tongue. I could feel the capos slipping off of Jenny's breasts, but it didn't bother me. Instead, I decided to reach around inside the bag and use something else. I was trying to feel around for a specific item.


I pulled out a whammy bar for one of my electrics and I put it in Jenny's pussy to lube it. I pulled it out and pressed it against Jenny's little pink asshole. It went in easily, being a thin object. Jenny gasped,

"What is that?! That's not your finger!"

"Just relax and enjoy it."

I began to move it in and out of Jenny's ass as I went back to licking her clitoris. Once I did this, Jenny let it go and went back to sucking me off. We did this for a few more minutes. I stuck two fingers into her pussy to add to her pleasure. It became so intense for Jenny that she had to stop sucking me and moan. Whenever I do what I like to call 'triple stimulation,' Jenny's helpless. This time was no different. She just humped my face as I fucked her pussy with my fingers and fucked her ass with the whammy bar. I licked with every ounce of strength my tongue had and I played her ass like a guitar with that whammy lodged in it. Jenny was going crazy from the pleasure and was humping my face so wildly that her pussy's juices were getting on my face. She was on the verge of climax, so she pinched her nipples hard then cried out one last time as she climaxed. She was panting after she was finished and she got off me once she caught her breath. The whammy bar was still stuck in her ass and she reached around to pull it out. She looked back and said in shocked,

"You shoved a whammy up my butt?!"

I wanted to laugh so badly, but I just said in a rebellious tone,

"What? You weren't complaining."

"Babe! God, I was wondering what that was you stuck back there!"

"Look, as far as I'm concerned, it still worked. I mean, it still made beautiful sounds when I moved it around."

"You ass! That's it, I'm not making you cum."


I got up and she gave me a cute pouty look. I begged for her to finish me off. I needed release, there was just no way I could go on without cumming after all that. She pushed me to the couch and said angrily,

"Get off me!"

My ass landed on the couch and I saw that pouty look turn to sincere anger. I remained silent, but then her face gave a smile and she got on her knees in front of me. She stroked me and giggled,

"You should have seen the look on your face! Come on babe, you know I can't resist your beautiful cock!"

'Man, she got me good.' I thought.

She sucked me off and I soon found myself approaching climax. She deepthroated me fast and hard. She looked into my eyes and I looked back, admiring how hot she looked with my cock in her mouth. I moaned and warned her that I was close. She continued for a few more seconds and then I released my cum into her mouth. She swallowed it all up, gulping every time I squirted. She opened her mouth and released my cock. She smiled at me and asked,

"There, happy now?"

I smiled and kissed her, then gave her a simple "Yup." I picked up my guitar and I spent the rest of the day helping Jenny with her music skills and jamming with her while we were both still naked. For whoever plays guitar, I have to say, try playing naked! Especially if your significant other plays too. It...is...awesome!

When Monday came around, I headed to work again to talk to Elizabeth about the project. She remained professional, but every now and then, she did things to get my attention. She'd drop something and bend over to show her ass to me or lean over on the table so her cleavage would be visible to me. I, however, remained professional. I just ignored it and continued to talk about work. She would continue to do this throughout the week and would make flirtatious compliment towards me. I kindly accepted, but did not flirt back. I wanted to keep our relationship platonic. The last thing I wanted is a rumor going around that I'm banging the new girl behind my wife's back.

Her behavior wasn't unbearable, but it got worse the moment she met Jenny. Jenny had come to visit me at work and surprised me in my office. She wanted to have sex during lunch. It was something we did once in a while. She was on my lap, putting her arms around me while I was sitting on my office chair. She rubbed her ass on my groin in an attempt to get me horny. It worked. I was about to ask her to get off so I could lock the door, but then Elizabeth came into my office without knocking. She said as she walked in,

"Hey Jack, this is an emergency, I need you to—"

She saw Jenny sitting on my lap with her arms around me and she froze. Jenny immediately got off and it was painfully awkward for a few seconds. I decided to break the ice and introduce them to one another.

"Uh, baby, this is Elizabeth, she's the new girl who joined us last week. Lizzy, this is Jenny, my wife."

"Oh, uh...nice to meet you." Elizabeth said politely.


Both of them exchanged friendly smiles—thank God—and the atmosphere didn't seem as awkward. Jenny grabbed her purse and gave me a quick kiss. She said while leaving,

"It looks like you're busy. I'll let you get back to work. See you at home honey."

"Bye babe."

Once Jenny was gone, I turned my attention to Elizabeth and said,

"Please knock next time."

"Sorry, it's just that this is an emergency. Things aren't going as planned."

"It's alright. We can fix it..."

Elizabeth and I talked for an extensive amount of time. Our discussion on the urgent matter took the rest of my lunch break. The day went on as usual and I was soon back at home with Jenny. Evening had come and we both went to bed. It was just another ordinary day. The next day, I met Elizabeth at work to ask if there were any other problems, but I noticed that she sat a lot closer to me. Her flirty remarks became a lot more bold and I'm pretty sure she showed her crack to me a couple of times on purpose. When it was the two of us alone again during the afternoon, I had finally had enough. She said as she looked to my crotch,

"...yeah, but I'm sure a guy like you has the stamina and can do it no sweat."

"Alright Lizzy, look, I am not interested in you in that way. I value our friendship, but I can't allow you to act this way towards me anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you're showing off your body to me. I'm not stupid."

"Look Jack, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Elizabeth was obviously denying and lying. I didn't want to make this into an argument, more than it already was. So I said,

"Please, just stop trying to tease me."

"Why, am I not pretty?"

"Yeah, but..."

Right when I said that, I shut my mouth right away. I'm always careful of what I say to a lady. At the time, my thought process was 'Uh oh! Saying yeah means answering yes to her not being pretty.' As comfortable as I was with her socially, I did not develop a sarcastic relationship with her. I tried to make a quick save.

"...but, but you are pretty. You're very beautiful, but I say that in the most innocent way."

"You think so?" Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Yes, but I'm not—"

"I think you're very attractive too." She said, interrupting me.

She began to caress my arm and I tried to slide my chair back, but the wheel got stuck for some reason. So I moved my arm away and said,

"Lizzy, please stop."

"Come on Jack, what your wife won't know won't hurt her."

That made me angry. I was about to raise my voice at her, but then someone knocked at my door.


Elizabeth retracted her hands and I told them to come in. It was Dale, he was one of our coworkers working on the project with us. He came to notify Elizabeth that everyone was in need of her assistance. She left with him, but before she exited my office, she turned to me and said,

"Just think about it."

'Jesus Christ! I should have just called her ugly...' I whined in my head.

Luckily for me, I didn't see her for the rest of the day. As I drove home, I began to worry. I didn't want Elizabeth getting more aggressive than she already had been. I planned to just tell her to stop, but what good would that do? Would she even listen? It's not like she'd been doing that previously. My worries all went away when I saw Jenny's face. She could always cheer me up with her beautiful smile. When we ate dinner, she mentioned to me,

"Oh honey, I forgot to mention, Lexi should be back in a week or so."

Aw Lexi, she was one of our good friends. She had recently taken a trip to Japan to visit her grandparents. She wasn't the type to settle down and I can respect that. I was once like that before I met Jenny. I guessed that Jenny wanted to bring it up as a way to inform me of an upcoming threesome.

"Oh that's wonderful baby."

"So how was your day honey?"

"Eh...I dunno. I'm a bit worried about the project. It's just that I dunno if I can work with Elizabeth anymore. She's gonna be here for a couple more days, but I don't wanna see her..."

"Why? She seems nice."

"Uh...well...she sorta...has the hots for me."

Jenny dropped her fork onto her plate and stared at me. I'm very honest with my wife. I don't believe in hiding secrets. Even things like this. Jenny remained quiet and it worried me.


"How do you know that she does?"

"She's been making flirty comments and it wasn't so bad. I brushed it off, but after you met her, it seems like she kicked it up a notch and she's trying even harder to get my attention."


"Don't worry honey, I told her off and if she continues, then I'll stop talking to her."

Jenny was silent. I saw that she had a nervous look on her face. It worried me. I tried to reassure her,

"Jenny, baby, I'd never cheat on you. You know that."

We didn't count the thing with Lexi as cheating since the whole threesome thing was actually Jenny's idea to begin with. Also, it really was a real threesome. It wasn't like I'd take turns with both of them. Jenny was full on pleasuring me and Lexi. Jenny's bisexual, although, she still denies it. She only dated women before she met me. She likes to say that she turned straight, but what kind of straight woman licks another woman's pussy during a threesome with her girlfriend and husband?


"Jenny? Please, don't be upset."

She reassured me that it was fine, but dinner still felt painfully awkward. The rest of the night and next two days to follow gave me anxiety beyond my wit. I spent the next couple of days avoiding Elizabeth. I somehow succeeded. Part of it was because our coworkers needed her help a lot. I was happy for that. Jenny remained in that upset state for a couple of days until one dinner she asked,

"...is...is it too late to take her up on her offer?"


"If you saw her tomorrow and...I dunno, invited her to our home. If you did that, then would she accept the invite and wanna do things with you?"

"Uh, I guess, but I won't do that baby."

"Jack, could you um...well...invite her here and..." Jenny broke eye contact with me and looked away. It was something she did when she was feeling embarrassed about something. She played with her food while looking at it as she continued, "...and maybe bring her up to our bedroom?"

"Uh...Jenny? Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"It...I was wondering if you could do that while..." Jenny looked to her side and tried to cover her face with one hand. She was starting to turn a bit red. "...while I...I could maybe hide in the closet...and watch."

"You want me to fuck her don't you?"

Jenny turned her head to face me and raised her voice, saying defensively,

"Just this once! It's fun with Lexi and I enjoy it, but in the end, it's all pretend! If you did this, it's more real! And she's leaving soon, so I don't have to worry about her trying to steal you."

"Babe, I dunno..."

"Please babe! The thought...it..." I could see Jenny's face turn a darker shade of red. She began to cover her face with both hands to hide her embarrassment. She then mumbled behind her hands, "...it makes me wet."

I got off my seat and walked up to Jenny. She was still covering her face. I crouched next to her and asked her sincerely,

"You really want this?"

"Please honey, I'm embarrassed to admit it. Could you do this for me?"

"I just don't wanna hurt you baby."

"You won't. Think of it like the times I'd watch you and Lexi."

When we had Lexi come over for threesomes, there were times when Jenny would watch me and Lexi have sex initially and then join in later. With much deliberation, I finally responded,

"Jenny...if it's what you really, really, really want, then...I'll do it."

Jenny took her hands off her face and asked,

"Really? You will?!"

"If it's what you want, I—"

Jenny kissed me before I could finish. When she broke our kiss, she said cheerfully,

"Thank you! Thank you honey! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I was curious, so I unbuttoned and unzipped Jenny's pants. I put my hand in to feel her pussy. It was wet. I then said,

"Wow! You really are wet."


I smiled at Jenny. She really was one of a kind. I've never been so blessed to have such a wonderful sexy woman with such a freaky fetish.

"Honey...I'm so horny right now thinking about you and her."

I got up and unzipped my pants. Jenny helped me remove my pants and my cock was now in front of her, fully erect. The thought of Elizabeth coming here and Jenny watching made me nervous for her feelings, but of course, my other head was thinking otherwise. She put it in her mouth and I looked at her plate. We were eating Chicken Alfredo. There was a lot of creamy white sauce. I took the spoon on the table and scooped up what I could from Jenny's plate. I pulled out of her mouth and spilled some of the cream onto my cock. I put the spoon down and offered my cock for Jenny to taste. She licked her lips and put it in her mouth again; she swallowed whatever made it in there. The rest smeared on her lips. She looked extremely sexy with that cream all over her mouth.

Jenny continued to suck my cock and I knew that I'd cum in a few minutes, give or take. However, I didn't want to cum just yet. So I pulled my cock out and moved back. Jenny got up and stuck her tongue in my mouth. We made out and started to take off our clothes. Once we were both naked, I moved her plate towards the center of our dining table. I lifted her and sat her on the edge where the plate once was. I spread her legs and licked away. Jenny cocked her head back and rested her palms on the table. She was really wet. I could tell that the talk of me and Elizabeth getting it on in our bedroom had really turned her on. Whatever secretions her pussy gave me, I licked it up and swallowed it.

I could see Jenny shifting her weight on the table. She had moved a spoon to my face and I could see that she was doing the exact same thing I did. I moved my face out of the way and she spilled the cream all over her clitoris and a bit on her pubic mound. Once she put the spoon back, I reverted back to eating her pussy. I licked the cream up and swallowed it along with the juices of her pussy. It was such a delicious mixture, it tasted like Chicken...Alfredo. Jenny kept moaning from the lashings my tongue was giving her. She moaned,

"Oh honey! Fuck the shit outta that bitch!"

"I'm gonna fuck her while you watch!"

"Mmm yeah! Oh honey, I want you to fuck her 'til her legs go numb!"

"Yeah baby! I'm gonna make her cum hard!"

"Oh honey, I'm gonna cum soon!"

I knew Jenny was extremely excited if she was already cumming after only a couple of minutes. I thought of something that would send Jenny over the edge. I stuck two fingers in her pussy and stimulated her G-spot while saying,

"When I'm done with her, I'm gonna shove my cock in your mouth and force you to taste her!"

"Oh! Oh! Jack! Honey! I'm cumming!"

I pulled my fingers out and Jenny began to squirt. I opened wide and took what I could. Most of it overflowed and spilled out of my mouth or ended up on my torso. I swallowed whatever was still inside my mouth. When I felt that she had finished, I stood up and began to aim my cock at her pussy. However, she stopped me and said,

"Wait babe, save your energy for tomorrow. I want you to bring her here after work. Okay?"

"Eeeeeh, baby, I wanna fuck you!" I complained. Hey, can you blame me? I haven't had sex in a couple of days.

"Just be patient, you'll do that soon enough after you fuck her. Okay? Please honey?"

I reluctantly agreed and Jenny got off the table. She attempted to pick up her clothes, but I grabbed her and said,

"You're not getting dressed! You're gonna sleep naked with me!"

"Oh, sounds fun!"

She smiled while saying that and screamed playfully as I threw her up in the air. I caught her and carried her to our bedroom. We both spooned on our bed and she fell asleep quickly. It took me a few more minutes, but I eventually joined her in dreamland. I supposed that it was because she had an orgasm prior while I didn't. It was hard, but I managed not to try and penetrate her before drifting to sleep with her. The next day, I got ready for work and Jenny kissed me as I left, saying to me,

"Good luck."

She smiled at me and I smiled back at her saying,

"Thanks baby."

Once I got to my office, it wasn't long before Elizabeth came to visit me.


"Hey." She said as she popped her head in.


It had been a while since we were able to talk like this again, but she wanted to get straight to the point.

"So what do you say?"

I decided to give her some resistance, but hint that she may still have a chance to sleep with me.

"Look Lizzy, the truth is, I do find you attractive, but I'm married and I must stay faithful."

Elizabeth liked that I said I was attracted to her. She walked up to me and sat on my desk, giving me a side view of her, obviously using her ass to seduce me. She asked,