Full Contact


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We moved our sessions downstairs because the mats were more comfortable for grappling, among other things. There was a large enough space in the middle because the weight machines lined the wall. Some black belt males habitually held 'boxing' matches down there to prove their manhood; at least that is what I thought they were trying to prove. They never invited me and I did not interfere.

Megan moved to the middle of the floor. Everything was probably a little too formal for her but we never discussed what we were doing. We did use smiles instead of bows though.

The uniforms had adapted to meet our needs. I used one of my looser ones with no belt. Her belt was longer than the one she used in class. It made for great handles; at time it had other uses. Her uniform was looser than the one she wore in class. I knew she would be wearing a sports bra underneath. The panties were probably white; thin strips at her hips and translucent over her mound.

Sometimes I did not take them off her; I ripped a hole for myself or like the first time pushed them aside. I smiled wondering if I could offer to start a panty fund so I could rip them off every time.

We moved towards each other slowly with hands outstretched in the testing. Our fingers touched and our breathing deepened. I had pushed in class so we were tired but the adrenaline and sexual need was driving us.

It was not a competition; we had the same unifying goal.

She grabbed the sleeve of my uniform and pulled down on it. Part of the fun was seeing where she took things so I never took over any move right away. I went with her pull and she hit me her hip to flip me. I relaxed into it but felt her hesitation when she had me down. I grabbed her arm and dragged her over my shoulder so that she was also down but in front of me. I wrapped my legs around her waist and set the hooks in; my feet and calves on the inside of her thighs to limit the range of movement. I wrapped one arm underneath hers and brought the other around her head.

Had we been doing it for real, I would have gone for a choke but we were playing and I kept escape possible. This position usually led to her first capitulation, which was always a bite to her neck reminding me of our first time.

I did not use small joint manipulations but she was allowed just about everything. She grabbed my hand to break the grip and realized I had left my pinkie out to dry. She grabbed it in a tight fist and bent it backwards. I rolled out, releasing my hold and freeing myself from hers. I stood up and her smile was wide knowing she had gotten to me. She stood up and watched as I shook my hand.

She had this look that screamed a very insincere 'Ahh... poor baby!'

I approached her again. She tried a loose thigh kick and was surprised when I turned into it instead of moving away. I took the kick followed her drawback so we were body to body. I tripped her backwards and dropped with her. I caught myself with my arms before my weight hit her. She was trapped and surprised by my move. I took advantage by dropping a kiss on her lips.

It lasted long enough for her to kiss back. I tried to deepen it but she slipped out from underneath my arm and pushed me away with her legs. She stood up quickly taking a few steps back. I tried to get up but she charged bowling me over.

Megan had tells for her charges so I knew what was happening. I rolled with her body contact and flipped her with my legs. I cringed when I heard her hit the mat. I flipped over to my stomach and looked at her. She knew how to take a fall so I was sure she was not hurt but it was not something I did to her regularly. She was lying on her back with her arms in a position that meant she had slapped the mat right. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at me.

I got up and took a couple of steps backwards. Megan was always dangerous when I did something like that. She had ways of getting even that I rarely avoided. She stood up slowly and her eyes burned into me. She walked me down the way I did students when they were being too cute in sparring. Maintaining eye contact, she approached me like nothing could get in her way.

I let her, wanting to see where she took it. She stood inches from me and got up on her tiptoes. I moved my face down to kiss her. Her hands grabbed my cock and squeezed me. The pressure was hard but I was harder.

"WOH!" I yelled when she applied the same ankle trip I used to take her down. I hit the ground well but she planned it perfectly landing on top of me in a full mount.

I should have known better since we had not gotten to the sex that quickly since the first couple of times. She punched my chest and I remembered I had someone sitting on my stomach. I put my hands up to protect my face.

Megan never hit hard but she still pounded on me when she had the upper hand. She was mostly aiming for my arms and chest but I knew the hits would get harder the longer she stayed up there.

I pushed my hips up hard to try to get her over my head. She grabbed my arms and rode me up. She wrapped her legs underneath when I did not bring my hips down immediately. She hugged herself close to me and brought her hand under my neck to prevent a bridge. I settled my hips and she pulled her legs out from underneath. She punched my chest again to point out her continued dominant position. I pushed up and turned to get on my knees with my elbows on the mat surprising her. She stepped up, thought better of it and hooked her legs around my waist. I felt her hands reaching for a reverse choke.

That REALLY surprised me, and she had it almost locked before I recovered. I turned my head and tucked my chin. Megan tried to dig her arm underneath but did not have the strength.

I rolled to my ass; rolled again to my knees; rolled to my ass and rolled to my knees. She rarely had my back so the motion was something new to her. With each roll, I turned more and more into her.

At the final roll, I had turned myself enough to be face to face with her. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and her arms were still around my neck. I grabbed her hips in a tight grip and pushed up against her. I could not get inside her with four layers of cloth between us but her pussy was butted with my need to tear through the barriers. I put my face against her neck and kissed it. She ground her hips on my need for a second before trying to push me away. I brought my hands from her hips to bury them in her hair. I kissed her hard, she tried to turn her face but I prevented it. She kissed me when she realized there was no escape. Her mouth opened and I invaded it with my tongue. We kissed hungrily for a minute until I reached to pull down her pants.

Megan was flexible and watched me carefully in grappling classes.

She brought her legs up and placed her feet on my hips. She pushed up with her legs and arms. I had taught her the move and it was the best she ever performed it. I let her push me away and escape again.

She tried to stand up but had to put her hand down as her legs weakened. I felt the same weakness in mine when I tried to stand up.

I needed to fuck Megan bad.

I always wanted to fuck Megan when I was around her but watching her try to regain control of her legs while my own betrayed me turned the want to almost desperate need.

I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. I could win at any time but taking her inch by inch was soulfully satisfying. It went on like that for a good twenty minutes. We wrestled until I was in a superior position and I took a kiss or a bite as the price for letting her go so we could continue.

I could feel her getting more and more excited.

She had me in a headlock when her pants came off. My head was tight in on her ribs but she had my chin not my neck. She squeezed me tightly and let out a little giggle since this rarely happened. She was kneeling on the ground and did not notice when I put my hands on her hips. She tried to stand up when I grabbed her pants. She would not let go of the hold instead she tried to squeeze my head to make me stop. I pulled on her pants; the loose knot at the waist did nothing to prevent them from coming down. I straightened up which caused her upper body to rise. This let me push her pants over her ass and hips. She finally let me go and reached for her pants but I pulled on them putting her on her back. She caught herself but this let me extend her legs and pull the pants off her body. I tossed them aside and they landed on top of a weight machine.

I pulled my top of my body and tossed it behind me. I slid my pants and briefs down my legs to step out of them. Each move was filled with the arrogance of my intent.


She had heard the message in my movements before and waited quietly as I moved towards her.

I wanted my fingers in her pussy.

Megan tried to dodge around me but I caught the belt. She pulled away from me but was not strong enough to stop me from pulling her down. I wrapped my arm around her waist and hooked my ankle around hers. I pushed her other leg way with my foot. Her panty covered pussy was open to my hungry fingers.

I hated those fucking panties in the moment that I felt her wetness. I pushed my fingers into her forcing the cloth inside and she arched her back. She pushed at my hand with her own and tried to slide off my body. I grabbed the sides of her panties and gave her a choice.

Move away losing your panties or stay cumming around my fingers.

Her body betrayed her in a moment of indecision and she froze halfway between losing her clothing and cumming. I turned her so she lay on her stomach on the mat, grabbed her panties and pulled them down her legs. She crawled away leaving them in my hands. I put them under my nose to take her scent inside me and tossed them aside too. She was on her feet and looking for a way out.

She chose to try through me even though the door was behind her.

I took her charge and fell backwards. I wrapped my arms around her waist to prevent her from getting away. She tried to crawl over me and ended up mounted again. I sat up fast, grabbed her asscheeks, spread them, and pulled her down hard.

It would have been painful had I missed but my dick found her spot perfectly. I impaled her on my dick with the force of my hips pushing upwards and my hands pulling her down. She gasped and grabbed two fistfuls of my hair pulling my head back painfully. I felt her desire to scream; the pressure of holding it in as her eyes opened wide.

She bit my shoulder.

I pulled her off me and fell backwards.

"NO!" she screamed in frustration and protest.

I turned so that she was on her stomach with my legs wrapped around her right leg. I moved downwards until I had my head on her ass. She tried to pull away from me but I used her upward movement to push a hand underneath her. I buried two fingers inside her pussy from beneath and used my position to flatten her on the ground.

"NO!" she screamed again and tried to crawl away. I pumped my fingers in and out her while I held her down. I bit her asscheek because I wanted to badly. I licked and kissed the spot asking for her forgiveness. She tried to get up on her knees and my fingers slipped out of her pussy to her clit. I brought my other hand around and took her pussy back with three fingers.

"Fuck!" she exclaimed as she felt my teeth on her other asscheek. She tried to get away but I turned onto my back pulling her on top of me. I pumped my fingers inside of her as my other fingers stroked up and down her clit. She stopped trying to move away and moved her ass to get my fingers deeper inside of her.

This time she let the scream out. It was full-throated and declared her body's release. She went wild on top of me as I continued to manipulate her pussy and clit during her orgasm.

I knew she needed recovery time so I stopped as soon as she came down from her high. I left my fingers inside of her and kept my contact with her clit but did not move. She crawled over me disengaging my digits from her body. She sat down a couple of feet from me and watched me. I stared back at her thinking that her gi top had to go.

I wanted Megan naked.

It was not a common occurrence; usually we were both too needy to wait until complete nudity. The times that we did though were the best. She knew what I was thinking and her eyes shined. I sat up and waited for her.

She sometimes did not want to continue wrestling and put her body in my care after her first orgasm. She stood up after a couple of minutes and nodded reading my intent again. It was not going to be one of those semi-clothed nights. I almost crowed my happiness at the news.

I moved towards her and she tried to prevent the contact knowing I wanted the top off. My first objective was getting the top out from under the belt.

The belt could stay; it let me do things that I really enjoyed.

She knew my most likely point of attack and my being naked helped in her prevention strategy. A quick stroke of my dick or testicles made me hesitate every time. I grabbed her sleeve finally but she went down on her knees. As I followed her, she licked the head of my dick.

Megan had a gifted mouth and I involuntarily froze. She rewarded my reaction by taking me into her mouth. She did it slow as if there was something to savor in having me inside her. I let go of her sleeve and she pushed me back and crawled backwards.

I let her get up. I wanted her and probably could have had her then but I really wanted her naked. It took another five minutes before I got my hand on her sleeve again.

There was a lot more laughing and giggling with a scream here and there whenever I got close to my objective. I grabbed her sleeve and knelt down pinning it to the ground. She went down to her knees and tried to push herself on top of me. I let her and grabbed the waist of her top. She grabbed my hair and tried to dissuade me by pulling my head back. She pulled hard but I got the top over her belt. She punched down on my shoulder in frustration and tried to back away from me. I had not let go of her top and she realized she was stripping it off. She tried to move forward but I put my feet on her hips like she had to push me off. She struggled to keep the top on as I pulled on it. I heard her sigh when she gave up and raised her arms so I could take it off. She escaped backwards leaving it in my hands. I smiled at her.

She glared angrily at me. It was false anger and the smile immediately after let me know that.

The inevitable charge came.

Megan used her charges to let me know she wanted more. When we made the wrestling/grappling a bigger part of our time together, I always stopped to ask if she was okay or if she wanted what was happening. She had come up with the charge into the face of hopelessness to prevent me from opening my mouth at key moments. I was bigger and heavier so I set and she bounced off of me. I could feel her pleasure as it took a second for her to regain her balance after the contact.

I moved to take the sports bra off. She went down as I put my hands on her. She knew what I wanted and tried to stop me again. Taking it off included a lot of rolling around, getting on top of each other, and her attempting to tickle me or stroke me out of my goal. None of it worked, although there was a long moment in her mouth that she came close sucking me into submission.

I finally got her bra off.

I rested my weight on top of her and grabbed her hair again. She was writhing underneath me and I was quickly losing focus. I kissed her hard and she scratched my back in reaction to my lips on her. We opened our mouths and our tongues collided. I liked the taste of Megan; I liked the smell of her; I liked the feel of her against my skin.

We broke the kiss and separated.

It was time for my fun.

Or maybe her fun.

I always played with Megan; letting her resistance have more effect than it really could. Neither of us was in the mood for that any longer. I moved fast and she gasped in surprise. She wrestled against me and I let her mount me. She realized the mistake and tried to stand. I slid downwards and tripped her. She landed with her knees on my chest. She tried to crawl over my head but I wrapped my arms around her thighs. She moved to stand up which only let me switch my left arm so that it wrapped from behind her. I forced her thighs apart and pulled her down. She leaned down putting her arms on the mat over my head.

I licked her clit.

She screamed in protest and tried to pull away hard. There was no give in my arms and I licked into the entrance of her body. She attempted a sideways roll but I bit her inner thigh. The feel of my teeth froze her movement. I licked her from the bottom of her pussy to her clit. I took her sensitive core into my mouth and sucked on it hard. She tried rolling to the other side so I bit that inner thigh. It froze her again. She settled her weight on my face trying to suffocate me but it let my tongue contact harder on her pussy. She rested there for a couple of minutes as her body's excitement climbed.

I turned my body and Megan rolled onto her back. I kept a tight grip on her legs and the small struggle she put up before she settled in proved my wariness correct. I rolled her hips upward and licked her pussylips.

Megan tasted sweet and tangy.

I feasted on her flavor as I felt her getting closer and closer to her second orgasm. Megan rarely came from my oral attentions but when her body wanted it I gave everything I could. I concentrated on her clit; sets of long, hard strokes followed by quick ones. She reacted in protest to the quick ones but I knew their light touches teased her a little closer to the edge.

She pushed at me with her legs as the orgasm began to overtake her. I pulled up on my grip around her thighs taking her leverage away. She was almost standing on her head but she could not break the contact. I took her clit into my mouth. I sucked it while licking it hard and fast with my tongue.

She made inarticulate noises that culminated in a scream.

I rested her hips back on the mat and gentled my attention on her pussy. I only used my tongue to cradle her fall from pleasure. I felt her relax and put my hand on her stomach. I moved my face up and kissed her belly button.

Megan felt her orgasms on a deep physical level so I had to be careful not to push her too hard. I massaged her stomach muscles with my hands willing her body to let me continue. I sat up and crawled back away from her. She rested on her back.

There were a couple of ways things could go from here but Megan always gave me a signal. It could be a gentle taking, a struggling fuck or my favorite.

She got up on her knees. She stretched her neck to the side and played with the ends of her belt. She looked at me through her eyelashes and smiled sex.

I smiled back knowing it was going to be my favorite.

It was the last thought I had for a long time. I stood up and walked towards her. She stood up and tried to dodge around me again. I slid to my knees and grabbed the end of her belt. She held on to it and tried to pull it out of my grasp. I dragged her down with my grip and she tried to get up. I grabbed her leg preventing it. She turned on her stomach and started to crawl away. I used my grip on her leg to pull her backwards until I could grab the belt at her waist. I pulled her back hard and straddled the back of her thighs.

She raised her hips and pushed against me. My hard cock touched her ass and I leaned down to harden the contact. She wriggled, half to get away but more to rub her ass against me. I reach a hand underneath her and pulled the knot of her belt to the small of her back. She tried to fight me but I was no longer paying attention to her struggles. She pushed up with her arms. I put my hand in between her shoulder blades and put my weight on her. It was only enough to combat her pressure. She grunted as she tried to push up.