Full Moons Wish

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Fantasy: a mysterious device transforms a man's pet.
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Jessica sat on the rouge lounge chair at the side of the room watching them. She was a Cayan; a half-cat half-squirrel. She sat as the large, well-built man made love to the beautiful woman below. And she was truly beautiful. Elegant and statuesque after much time, and money, spent on all manner of beauty treatments; the lady would turn heads whenever she was seen amongst the aristocracy. The man above her was Lord Dyre Barrington; Jessica's master and owner whom she loved unconditionally. On-top the grand mahogany four-poster bed, Dyre's muscular body moved rhythmically back and forth, pushing in and out as he penetrated the Lady below. She moaned in pleasure as she expelled her debonair meaner and allowed her husband to enter her body. The large strong bed was old but well-made and bared the motion of their sex noiselessly. The room was filled with his deep sounds of pleasure that resonated around the large bedroom as he neared climax, the woman below clenching tightly to folds of scarlet bed sheets as she too edged towards her peak. The almost mantra-like sound of their sex fell into Jessica's ears as the two reached climax, their bodies tensing as they orgasmed. They slowed to a stop shortly after releasing their fluids into one another, the room reclaiming its usual quiet peacefulness as only the sounds of the two breathing remained.

Dyre lifted himself off Lady Barrington and climbed out of the large ornate bed that sat proud in the centre of his mansions master bedroom. He walked over to the chair Jessica was sat upright on and stroked her head affectionately as he stood naked before her.

"Hello Jessica you beautiful girl, watching us make love are you?" he said down to her with a smile as his hand worked around her head, knowing how to pleasured her. Jessica 'mewed' in reply as she closed her eyes and forced her head against his hand, allowing the man to stroke her.

"Sometimes I think you love that damned cayan more than me Dyre!" Lady Barrington called across to him from the bed, Dyre's penetration of her stiff outer character reserved only for love making; she had quickly returned to her usual stern tone.

"She's the second most beautiful woman in the world, of course I love her" he replied in his deep slow voice, knowing his wife well and avoiding stirring up any argument that she seemed to permanently keep on standby.

"Oh, and who's the first?" she replied quickly, her poisonous wit spitting out like a snake attacking its prey.

"You of course Darling" Dyre answered in his usual calm way. Just over a decade living with this woman had accustomed him to her more unpleasant characteristics; he knew how to deal with them. Still, she had become more and more unpleasant towards him in recent years, seemingly for no apparent reason.

Dyre walked into the en-suite bathroom to shower, the door left open. Jessica hopped off the chair and stood just inside the bathroom door, watching him as he washed.

"God doesn't that damn cayan ever leave your side Dyre?! She's like a damn dog!" Lady Barrington called at him, a slight jealous tone in her voice.

"I don't understand why Jessica bothers you so much Dear, she's just a pet" he said in a loud voice, ensuring he was heard over the rushing water of the hot steamy shower.

"I just don't like her! She's always there whenever I see you. I can't look at you for a moment without that...that thing following you" she called back in a hatred full tone. Dyre did not reply. "Stupid cayan" she muttered to herself.

Cayans are a rare species. Known as 'Fae's Cats', they have bright white fur and a large distinctive tail like a squirrel, yet they retain the body size and shape of a cat. Jessica had a tuft of yellow fur on the top of her head that looked a little like blonde hair. Her eyes were bright emerald green and quite enchanting with an indescribable depth to them. Cayans are very cautious and wild animals rarely seen in captivity. Once during a walk deep in his mansion grounds on the edge of the bordering wild forest, Jessica fell from a tree during a failed attempt to hide from the approaching stranger as she tried to avoid being noticed by him. Following a small broken branch, Jessica hit Dyre's shoulder and continued to fall to the ground in front of him. She lay at his feet bruised with a sprained leg and obviously in pain. Never seeing a cayan before, Dyre took her back to the house to take care of her. She has been by his side ever since.

Dyre finished his shower. He walked back into the bedroom with a towel around his waist to the bed where Elena, his wife's first name, lay ready to fall asleep. He looked straight ahead through the tall windows on the opposite side of the bed. It was night and a clear sky outside. He stared silently for a moment before looking down to his wife.

"I'm going for a walk in the garden" he declared as he began to get dressed.

"A walk?!" Elena replied in a surprised tone, "at 12 at night?"

"Yes" Dyre answered in a stern and already decided tone, "I feel like a walk." He seemed to confirm the notion to himself has he looked out once more, seeing the swaying silhouettes of large trees below a star-dotted sky.

Once dressed, Dyre went downstairs and out one of the numerous doors of his large mansion into the garden, followed closely by Jessica of course. She ran out ahead of him excitedly as he closed the door behind them. "Coming with me?" he asked as he stepped down the stone steps from the large patio onto the well-maintained grass of the large open garden. It was an almost stereotypical layout of large stately homes; pristine lawn and planting, fountains in large stone-lined ponds, shaped hedges and pathways through various parts of the planned trees and growths. Pretty and ideal for entertaining; it left little to inspire a thoughtful walk. Jessica ran ahead in her almost sensual cat-like strides, turning to ensure Dyre was following her and then continuing forward as he caught up.

She lead him down one of the paths under arches made from climbing plants and past various fruit-baring trees. As they got deeper into the garden they began passing larger trees and the signs of the gardener's craftsmanship lessened. After walking for nearly thirty minutes and now deep into the wild area of the garden, they got to a thick stone wall, covered in weeds, moss and climbing plants. An old and heavily rusted iron gate blocked an archway in the wall, crudely fixed in and obviously added at a much later date than when the wall was first made. It too was covered in plants and not much could be seen past it. Dyre shone the torch he had brought with him through to see a clearing, surrounded by the wall that appeared to curve round to form a circle. Without warning Jessica hopped through a hole in the base of the gate to the other side. "Jessica!" Dyre called in false despair; somewhat pleased knowing she was now an excuse for him to explore what was beyond the gate.

The combination of rust and the fact that Dyre was a strong man enabled him to easily open the locked gate, the vines offering more of a resistance than the once-strong metal. "I've never been to this part of the garden before Jessica" he said to her as he met her on the other side. He shone the torch about examining the surroundings. It was a circular area with a stone floor and surrounded by the wall. The wall curved all the way around to almost form an entire circle except for a large gap in the wall opposite the gate they had entered through, leading off away from the stone area. The radius couldn't have been more than about seven meters. In the centre was a small raised platform about a meter and a half in diameter. It shimmered in places as Dyre shone the torch over it, as if the light was being caught by reflective stones. There were also four stone pillars standing at what appeared to be odd positions inside the main circle. They were covered in vines and in the dark Dyre could not see any detail on the stone. Jessica seemed as equally intrigued by the place as Dyre, the torch light catching her eyes and making them glow beautifully green, their emerald sparkle making Dyre smile in fondness. She then turned and ran up the path opposite the one they had entered from.

"Where are you going now?!" Dyre called to her following in his calm relaxed stride. The path rose slightly from the level the stone room was on and about twenty meters away from it, ended abruptly. Stood at the end was Jessica, gazing outwards. Lord Barrington's mansion stood on top of a short but very steep mountain next to a large city. The path ended at a precipice overlooking the city below. Dyre was speechless as he walked to the edge, standing beside Jessica. The two of them looked out at the most beautiful, clearest, starry night sky you could possibly imagine. Complimenting the wonder of the sky above was the lights of the city below. Too high up to hear any noise; the cool summer-night wind caressed the two as they sat down next to each other just looking out at the contrasting natural and man-made beauty. Dyre gently stroked Jessica's head and back as she rested herself against his thigh, still looking out in equal awe as the man beside her. The moon was only a few days from being full and shone brightly; carpeting them in its gentle glow. "I have never seen anything more beautiful Jessica" Dyre said sincerely as Jessica climbed into the middle of his crossed-legs and sat looking out. He stroked her as he too gazed outwards.

An hour passed, Jessica had fallen asleep and Dyre had been thinking deeply about various things. He aroused Jessica as he picked her up in his arms while rising to a stand. He walked back to the stone circle and looking around he said to her "I think I'm going to clear this part of the garden up, I never knew it existed." It was about half two in the morning by the time they got back to the house, Jessica half asleep in Dyre's arms for the whole journey back. "I better not wake Lady Barrington Jessica, I'll sleep in the spare room" he whispered to her while quietly walking past the master bedroom where his wife lay asleep. He placed Jessica down on the corner of the lesser four-poster double-bed and after stripping down to his underwear, climbed into it. Jessica walked over him to the opposite side of the bed, lifting the duvet with her nose and crawling under it. Dyre moved his hand feeling for her and gave her a quick stroke as she walked close to him and rubbed her head against the side of his body. She lay down beside him as he put an arm around her and the two drifted off to sleep.

"There you are!" Lady Barrington said purposely loudly in order to wake him. "When I woke up and you were not there I wondered where you had gone last night" she continued as she walked into the spare bedroom over to the curtains, pulling them open to ensure the daylight helped waken him in-case her nagging voice wasn't working well enough. She was smartly casually dressed as though she was about to go out somewhere. Dyre woke, remaining his usual calm and relaxed self even though his wife's voice didn't make for a pleasant alarm call.

"I was out walking for quite some time last night Dear, I didn't want to wake you when I returned so I slept in here" he said, his eyes still half closed as he lay motionless in the bed.

"Well why you decided to go out for a walk so late I don't know Dyre, what got into you?" she asked, his decision to go out still confusing her as he had not done such a spontaneous thing for some time, not that she could recall anyway.

"I'm not quite sure Darling, I just had a strange desire to go for a walk is all." Dyre replied closing his eyes. Jessica had now woken and climbed onto Dyre's chest under the duvet, walking up towards his head to get out.

"No surprise you slept with that thing again" she exclaimed, noticing Jessica as she climbed out from under the duvet and sat on it next to Dyre.

"What's wrong with that Elena? Don't tell me you're jealous?" he said, a subtle mocking tone to his voice.

"I wouldn't be jealous of any woman you were with Dyre" she said in a rather light uncaring tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Dyre questioned, clearly confused by her statement.

"Nothing Dyre" She said brushing it off as a passing comment, "Anyway, I have to leave for a few days" she said as she headed to the door of the bedroom, a sense of urgency in her tone. "I'm travelling to Serington to see my Mother."

"You hadn't told me about this" Dyre replied, now sat up in the bed looking at her.

"I didn't see the need to Dyre, I'm only going for a few days, and I just told you now. I'm sure you and that cayan will manage without me." She neatened her outfit in front of a dressing table mirror at the side of the room.

"Do we have any gardening tools Dear?" Dyre asked in a new-subject tone.

"Why do you want gardening tools Dyre?" she asked him with a sigh.

"I want to clear up part of the garden I walked in last night."

"Dyre, we have a gardener, we pay him to do that for us" she said walking towards the door again.

"Well he doesn't do this part and I'd like to do it myself I think" he answered with a slight excitement in his voice from the thought of discovering more about the stone circle he had stumbled upon.

"Ok...whatever Dyre. We've got that high-quality Elwood tool set you spent a fortune on but never used, they're dumped in the shed by the green house probably. Now I must leave, the car is waiting for me outside. Goodbye." She walked out not waiting for a reply and left in the car.

Dyre got out of bed shortly after his wife was driven off. It was now late morning as he ate the large breakfast his cook had prepared for him. Returning to his bedroom, he dressed in some old clothes and went into the garden to the tool shed near the greenhouse, Jessica following. Gathering a variety of tools, he headed deep into the garden following his footsteps back to where he had found the stone circle the night before. Although it was now bright daylight, the route to the old rusted gate was still dark, shaded by a host of dense trees. A little way past the thick trees, he reached the arch in the stone wall that the iron gate feebly blocked. Pushing his way through it again, he walked towards the centre of the circle and dumped the equipment he had brought with him beside the raised platform.

The daylight made it much easier to see everything and the sun had a direct clear sight to the circle. The floor was covered in weeds, leafs, twigs and floral debris but parts of a pattern could be seen in the stone made from what looked like quartz crystal. There were four pillars in what seemed to be random positions in the circle room, each pillar about three meters tall and about half a meter by half a meter in length and width. One of the four pillars however, the one closest to the outer wall, seemed to have some form of mounted stone plate on top of it, mostly hidden by a climbing plant that had worked its way up the thing obviously over several years. The circular wall that surrounded the circle floor had ornate patterns painted and carved on it, but this too was covered in plants. Dyre looked around him in awe at the mysterious place, wondering what exactly it was.

Starting with the outer-most pillar, he began to cut away at the plants wrapped around it. He was a tall man but remembering the size of the pillars, had brought a short step ladder with him. As he cut and pulled away at the plants, he discovered that the pillars too had quartz-lined markings on them forming what were like pathways up the pillar itself, much like on a circuit board, and shapes and patterns painted in between the lines. Jessica clawed away with her paws at some of the weeds on the ground although she was being of little effect. As Dyre reached the top of the pillar and cut away the last of the climber plant from around the mounted disk, he found it to actually be a glass lens with a thin stone cover protecting it. The lens was in a fixed position so that it could not be moved and as he lifted the lens cover, the sun shone brightly into it, the lens focusing the sunlight onto the centre of the top of the pillar. Closing the lens cover, Dyre discovered a panel on the top of the pillar where the sunlight had been focused, that could be pushed to the side, guided by rails carved into the stone of the pillar. As he opened it, he revealed another lens built into the stone that blocked the hole and aimed straight down inside the pillar. Intrigued, he began to hack away at the weeds and plants clinging to the other pillars.

As the sun began to set, Dyre headed back to the house, the stone room a mess of cut plants and his tools left there overnight. He slept in the master bedroom this time. Jessica jumped up and crawled under the duvet, climbing on top of his chest as he stroked her below the cover. She fell asleep on him and he too drifted off shortly after, the days work taking its toll on him. Large grey clouds now haunted the sky, covering the stars that shone so beautifully the night before. They remained, making the following day coated in a gloomy grey haze. The humidity of the summer could be felt in the air as Dyre continued to work on renovating the stone circle and its pillars. He had got up early and took lunch with him, intending to work throughout the day.

As he cut away at the floor, swept and put all the cuttings into compost bags, the stone-circle room began to truly reveal its magnificence. The floor was intricately covered with patters of what seemed like stars, the sun and the moon, astral pathways drawn like constellations and rigid lines that seemed to connect everything together, all made from translucent quartz. The pillars stood surrounded by a circle each with thin spikes emitting from them, like larger versions of the smaller stars carved in various places. These carvings continued up the pillars with the rigid lines forming borders around small areas of pictures and patterns. Dyre was excited by the mystery of the room and the purpose of the lens and the light it reflected. He held himself back from exploring the stone pillars and examining the carvings and drawings closer until he had cut and cleared away all the weeds and plants first.

Sat on the raised circular stone in the centre of the main circle, he ate his lunch with Jessica, handing her morsels of his food and putting out a plate for her to eat from. He sat talking to her, although he didn't think she understood a word, it was more thinking out loud.

"I wonder what this place is Jessica. Do you think it is just for display, like a large ornament of some sort, or do you think it serves a function?" he asked her as she finished chewing on some chicken from his sandwich that he had given her.

"Mew!" she replied, obviously not helping Dyre find a solution, after all, he can't speak cayan.

"Yeah...you're right; it probably is just some kind of ornament. Although it would be quite incredible if this place had some sort of use, like a giant sun-dial of some kind." He said while evidently in a daydream of possible things it could be. She jumped onto his lap, waking him from his daze. "Oh sorry Jessica, I was just imagining all sorts of things it could be" he said looking down at her as he stroked her head.

The rest of the day Dyre continued to clear away the overgrowth. The many years it had taken the garden to hide the stone circle was putting up a gallant defence against the efforts of his high-quality Elwood brand cutting tools. Once again Dyre went back to the house as the sun set and, after a big meal, went to bed with Jessica snugly curled up on his chest. The following day Dyre was awoken by a tongue licking at his face, he opened his eyes to see the smiling face of Jessica looking at him happily. It was another warm summer day, the thick clouds had mostly moved on and only a few large ones lazily strolled across the sky. The clear blue summer sky almost glowed radiantly as Dyre and Jessica returned to the circle. The job was nearly complete and would only take a few more hours to clip and remove the last of the plants covering the mysterious room.