Fun in the Hot Tub Ch. 02


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Alice's choice for swimwear was always daring, at times even outrageous. She had a gorgeous body, and she was going to show it off. Mother's costume, as you would expect, was more modest. The top covered most of her breasts, but like Alice, she was a busty woman, so there was still a lot of cleavage on display. And the bottom part wasn't anything like a thong, it was more like a sensible pair of panties.

"I hadn't realized how spacious it is. Four people can sit comfortably in it."

She was right. My Sister had spent hours researching Hot Tubs, and she'd definitely picked a good one.

"And you can get another person in if they are willing to stand in the middle."

She then stood up.

"I'll try it out."

She was now in the middle with her back towards me.

"If you lean back I'll hold you up so that you can float."

She then did, and quicker than I'd expected. I only just managed to catch her before her head was under the water. And I'd done it, not as intended, by holding onto her hips, but by pushing her bottom up with one hand. And the other one had ended up between her legs, pressing hard on her pussy.

When my hands had moved to where they should be, to ease the embarrassment for both of us, I made a joke of it.

"The last time that I did that to a girl, she slapped my face."

That got a laugh from her.

"Don't worry, you're not getting a slap from me. And I might even ask you to do it again."

She then laughed, and I joined in. But for her, my prim and proper Mother, it was a strange thing to say. It was the sort of remark that Alice might make, but for her, it was out of character.

When my arms got tired, I put her down, so that she was now standing. After returning to her seat, she said, "I can now see why you and Alice enjoy the Hot Tub."

I'd heard her, but I didn't reply because something had grabbed my attention. It was her naked tits. Somehow, her top had come off. Very soon she would notice that her large breasts were exposed, and she would freak out. Seconds later she did notice, but surprisingly, she wasn't upset. She was amused.

While smiling, she said, "That's always happening. I need to buy a new swimsuit."

I hadn't noticed anything wrong with her top, but if she was telling me that it had a fault, then I'd believe her. I could now understand why it had come off, but I couldn't understand why she wasn't quickly retrieving it and putting it back on. But I wasn't complaining, because I was enjoying what I was seeing in front of me. Especially her nipples, that looked to be even bigger than Alice's. And my cock was enjoying it as well, because it was now getting hard. That was wrong. I'd fucked my Sister in every position imaginable, but doing anything sexual with my Mother, was for me, a step too far. I did have some standards!

When I tried to hand it to her, she didn't take it.

"Please put it on for me."

I then did, while she had her back towards me. I didn't want to get any excitement from doing it, but for such a simple act it had been highly erotic, especially when I'd put the cups over her tits and my hands had accidentally brushed against her nipples. That had sent a surge of excitement through my body, and more blood into my cock.

"If the bottom part comes off, I'm definitely NOT putting it back on for you!"

That made her chuckle.

We were now as it should be, a Mother and Son together, enjoying each other's company. Not saying or doing anything that was inappropriate. And it would have stayed like that if she hadn't made a suggestion.

"Should we turn on the Optimum Mode?"

I was up for that. I always enjoy the extra pressure from the jets against my legs and bottom. But pressing the OM button turned out to be a mistake.

Yes, it was enjoyable, and for her as well. But I'd forgotten what the increased pressure could do to a woman when the water was going between their legs.

With a dreamy look on her face, she said, "This is soooo good."

I needed to act before it was too late.

"I think it's too powerful, I'll turn it off."

"NO, don't do that. It's perfect as it is."

I tried to look away, and I tried not to get excited, but I failed on both counts. After giving a deep sigh, I stopped resisting.

Her eyes were now closed, and all her rational thoughts had been pushed to one side. All that she was now concerned about was reaching it. Nothing else mattered. A marching band could come into the garden, playing loud music, and she probably wouldn't hear them. But if she did, then she'd certainly ignore them, and continue.

Sex is such a powerful emotion, I knew that because I was nineteen. Testosterone was always surging through my body, and consequently, I was always thinking about pussy. But what I hadn't realized until now, was that sex was still important to my Mother. She wasn't just a woman that cooked and cleaned for the family, she was a woman that had needs. And now, in front of her Son, she was frantically trying to fulfil one of those needs. She was desperate to come.

The hot water from the jets had started it, but now, it was going to be her hand that was between her legs that was going to finish it. And as well as fingering herself, her other hand was on her left breast, roughly pinching the nipple.

It was a performance that belonged in a porno film, but this wasn't acting, it was for real. And I had a ringside seat. But I wasn't just watching. My hand was on my cock, and I was stroking it. Keeping pace with her.

When the inevitable happened, and she boiled over, I wasn't far behind. Even though she'd been the first to climax, she was still going when I'd shot my load. I was impressed. Her orgasm was a big one, the equal of any that I'd seen my Sister have.

When she opened her eyes, and she saw me looking at her, her face changed. She was embarrassed, but she still managed to come up with a witty remark.

"Now I know why Alice picked a Hot Tub that had an Optimum Mode."

That made both of us laugh.

And that was the end of it, because we then acted as if nothing had happened. A week later, I was beginning to think that I'd imagined it.

On Saturday night, just as I was about to fall asleep, Alice burst into my room. She was excited.

"Is it true?"

I had no idea what she was talking about.

"You've been in the Hot Tub with Mother."

In a casual tone, I said, "Yes. And if you are wondering, nothing happened."

I must have sounded convincing, because disappointment was written large across her face. She then left my room without saying anything else. It would have been fun to tell her the truth, but in this family we have a golden rule.

What happens in the Hot Tub, stays in the Hot Tub.

The next day, we were alone again. Father was helping one of his mates fix their car, and Alice was out shopping with Hannah.

I was finishing off an essay that needed to be handed in tomorrow, when my Mother came to my room.

"I'm going into the Hot Tub, would you like to join me?"

I would, but I needed to complete this essay, and I still had a lot left to do.

"Sorry, I'm too busy with this."

I could see the disappointment in her eyes, even though she'd tried to hide it from me.

While smiling, but one that was forced, she said, "OK, I'll let you get on with your work."

She was putting on a brave face, and I felt sorry for her. When she turned to leave I changed my mind. I would work on the essay after we'd been in the Hot Tub.

"It doesn't have to be done now. I'll race you to the Hot Tub."

And of course, I got there first, and she made me wait. That had always happened with my Sister as well. Sometimes, when we'd been alone, she would arrive naked, but even then, I'd always got there at least a few minutes before her.

When she did eventually get here, I was shocked. She was wearing one of Alice's swimming costumes, and she'd picked the one that was the most daring. It was the one that my Sister had worn when our Uncle was with us.

While standing at the edge of the Hot Tub, and looking down at me, she said, "What do you think, does it suit me?"

I just laughed, and she took that as a yes.

She was now in the water, and we were facing each other.

"I keep asking your Father to come into the Hot Tub with me, but he always says no," and then, after averting her eyes, she added, "Recently, he's been saying no to lots of things, especially in the bedroom."

That explained a lot. I now understood why she had got carried away last weekend. It was because my Father wasn't performing in the bedroom. She'd been frustrated. And it was also why she was here with me now.

With a trembling voice, and no idea what it would lead to, I said, "Is there anything that you would like me to do for you?"

The silence was deafening, and it was a while before she spoke.

"Yes, you can help me take my top off, it's too tight."

I quickly removed it, so as not to give her time to change her mind. But what should I do now? Was she expecting me to touch her twin peaks? All my instincts said yes, but I might be wrong. Her top had really been tight on her, so that might be the only reason for asking me to take it off. It had also been tight on Alice, but for her, that had just been an excuse to be topless. Then I almost laughed. If a Mother asks her Son to take her top off, so that her breasts are exposed, it's never for an innocent reason.

I started by putting my hands under them, and then lifting them up so that I could feel their weight. They were heavy. I then caressed them, and that made her smile. They weren't as firm as Alice's, but for a woman that was forty three years old, they'd aged well.

What I'd done to them up to now was gentle, it could have been mistaken for a medical examination. But it changed when my fingers started playing with her big nipples.

They were everything that you'd want a nipple to be. Not just long, but thick as well. And very responsive. Nipples designed to give both her and her lover pleasure.

My mouth was now on her, sucking long and hard on one of her ripe nipples. That took us to another level. She was now moaning almost continuously, and my cock couldn't be any harder. This was good, but there was a greater prize that I could have, but only if I was bold enough to go for it. It was that sweet spot between her legs. Her pussy!

When my fingers brushed against her swimsuit, near to her opening, it startled her, and I thought that she was going to ask me to stop. But she didn't, and she, parting her legs even more, was confirmation that she wanted me to continue.

The small amount of material that was covering her pussy, offered very little resistance. It was easy to move it to the side so that I could slip my fingers into her. She got two, up to the knuckles, and with a speed that made her gasp.

"I wish your Father was as eager to finger me as you are."

It was fortunate for me that he wasn't, because if he was, then she wouldn't be in the Hot Tub with me now, and my fingers wouldn't be deep up her honeypot.

When I started fucking her with them, she started rocking her hips. Then her hand went under the water. She was now frantically clawing at my shorts so that she could get to my cock. With my free hand I helped her. It was now out, standing proud, and her hand was gripping it tightly.

"I need it inside me."

I wanted that as well, and like her, I wanted to do it as quickly as possible. She was my Mother, but I was now in charge.

In a firm voice, in case she was having second thoughts, I said, "Sit on the seat."

She then did what I'd asked, and with a speed that showed her eagerness to be fucked. What we were about to do was the ultimate taboo, we were crossing a line that society says should never be crossed. It was a bigger sin than fucking my Sister. But we didn't care what others thought about it, we were going to do it, and we were going to enjoy it.

I didn't want the bottom part of her costume to get in the way. I'd fingered her OK with it on, but I'd need more room for my cock. When I tugged on the side of it, it opened up. And the other side opened up just as easily. She was now ready to be fucked.

As I parted her large lips with the head of my cock, I also lifted her legs up, only stopping when her head started to go under the water. If we'd been on a bed, rather than in the Hot Tub, I would have put them over her shoulders.

When I was fully in her, she made a noise that was difficult to describe. A cross between a moan and a groan. I might not be able to name it, but I knew that she'd uttered it because of the pleasure she was getting from having my cock deep up her juicy pussy.

After giving a long deep sigh, she said, "I'd almost forgotten how good this feels."

So it had been a long time since they'd had sex, and that saddened me. I felt sorry for her. My Father was neglecting her, and that was wrong. I was now determined to give her what she needed, a good fuck that ends with her having a big climax.

Before I'd entered her, the water had been rippling, but now, while I was fucking her, it was almost going over the side. It was a testament to how hard I was doing it. I was putting my back into it. Giving it my best shot. And all my effort wasn't just for her, I was also doing it for myself. I was as eager as she was to come. To shoot my load into my Mother's sweet pussy.

When you haven't had sex for a long time, you don't last long. And from the noises she was now making, my Mother wasn't going to be an exception to this. However, as good as this was, I still had some way to go before I would be emptying my balls. And that might end up being a problem

Seconds later it was!

I'd been expecting it, but it still took me by surprise. Her body arched, and her head moved rapidly from side to side. Mission accomplished, I'd given her a big climax, but unfortunately, I wasn't going to get one.

I was now out of her, waiting for her to recover. When she opened her eyes I got a weak smile from her, and that told me that she was exhausted.

"That was," and then she paused, before adding, "Nice."

I was about to protest. I wasn't a novice. I'd done this enough times before, so I knew that it had been much better than that.

"Sorry, I meant to say wonderful, or even amazing."

Then she laughed, and I shook my head. She had got me.

But when she noticed that I was still hard, she stopped laughing. And now she was looking concerned.

"You didn't come?"

"No, but it's not a problem."

"Yes it is. Come here and let your Mummy deal with it."

Now that was an offer that I couldn't refuse!

I thought that she was just going to jerk me off, but I was delighted to find out that it was going to be a lot better than that. She made me sit on the side of the Hot Tub, with my feet dangling into the water, so that she could suck my cock.

"I can't remember the last time that I've done this, because it's so long ago. I might be rusty."

If she was, then I didn't notice. She gave a masterclass on how to service a cock with your mouth. She'd started with the head, licking all parts of it, and then she'd concentrated on the shaft. It had ended with her rapidly bobbing her head, as she took a large part of my cock into her mouth. That had made me come. And to make it even more special, she was a swallower.

That night, Alice got home late. Just after midnight. And I knew that, because as soon as she was in, she came to my room. I was still awake, trying to finish my essay. She looked tearful.

"It's over."

I didn't ask who had ended it, I just gave her a big hug. I wasn't going to tell her that it was for the best, because she wouldn't want to hear that, but it was. With her Uncle it had gone beyond sex, it had become a relationship. That was dangerous. Then I thought of something, and it made me smile.

I asked her, "Does that mean that you will be coming into the Hot Tub with me again?"

"On one condition."

"What's that?"

When she told me, I had to laugh. She wanted our Mother to join us!


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bxgmxnbxgmxn12 months ago

For some reason the stuff with the uncle hit a nerve with me, but it all ended well. Wouldnt mind a threesome finale.

MrTylerWpgMrTylerWpgover 1 year ago

Eagarly waiting for part 3!

bshell47bshell47almost 2 years ago

A surprise and exciting ending.

I can’t wait for what comes next.

Hurry with the next episode.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good Ending, I loved it... After reading a few bad endings on literotica, I'm happy to get this again...

Keep them cuming...

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 2 years ago

More, please... please.

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