Futa University Boy-toy

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Submissive freshman becomes Futa girl's property.
11.8k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/18/2022
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This is the first story I've submitted in quite awhile and is somewhat of a departure from my previous submissions. It reflects my fascination with the mythological Futa and my continuing fascination with dominance and submission. All characters are 18 or older. If you don't like Futa's or forced sex, then this is probably not the story for you.


The Interview

The intercom on Jane Johnson's desk buzzed to life.

"Yes, Mary," Jane said.

"There's a Ms. Winter here to see you ma'am." Mary replied.

"By all means, send her right in." Jane said happily.

The door to the principal's office was opened by Mary and in marched one of the most striking women Jane had ever known. Harriet Winter was in her early forties, but still had the figure of a twenty-something woman with proud 34 c-cup breasts and slim waist and legs that seemed to go on forever.

"Harriet! So good to see you again!" Jane said excitedly as she rushed to embrace her old college chum. "It's been much too long since we last met."

"Wonderful to see you, too, Jane. And it has been far too long. But you know, I've been really busy working for our old alma mater, FU-CT." Harriet responded as she warmly returned Jane's embrace.

"That will be all, Mary." Jane dismissed her admin. "So how are things at the old school?" Jane asked as she motioned Harriet to a seat in front of her desk.

"Things have been going really well. We're up to an enrollment of fifty girls now and the program to go co-ed is going even better than originally planned. We have fifteen boys enrolled and all of them are returning for the next semester. I'm out on a scouting and recruiting mission to hopefully get us ten more in the freshman class. I figured since I was visiting some of the larger high schools in the area that I'd stop in and say, 'Hi,' to one of my besties."

"I'm so glad you did." Jane responded. "It's been far too long since we've seen each other. I assume you've been hitting up all the boys' high schools in the area?"

"Of course. But I've also been scouting the co-ed highs. You never know when you're going to come across the right type of boy hidden in one of those institutions."

"True, very true." Jane mused. "You know, I may actually have a hidden gem right here at Southern High for you."

"Really!" Harriet replied lifting an eyebrow expressing interest. "Tell me about him."

"All right. His name is Christopher Morgan. He's just turned eighteen and is in this year's graduating class. He's a slight, slender lad; about five foot five, maybe a hundred -- hundred and ten pounds. I've seen him in the showers and he has very little hair on his body; and it's blond, so you hardly notice it. He's got a cute undersized little uncut penis, maybe five inches erect? And he's got the cutest little butt you've ever laid eyes on."

"Sounds delicious; and academically?" Harriet queried.

"Academically, he wants to go to college, but he doesn't have the grades. I've helped him apply to three stretch colleges, three 'maybe I can get in here' type colleges, and five sure-thing institutions. But the poor dear has been rejected by all of them. He's a very timid lad and not at all assertive. He's pretty much resigned himself to trying for community college as a spring-board to a four year institution."

"He does sound intriguing." Harriet mused. "Can you set up a meeting with him?"

"Of course, darling. Let me have Mary find out where he is right now and summon him to the office."

It turned out that Christopher was just starting his fifth period gym class when Mary summoned him. He asked if he could go change into his regular clothes, but Mary told him to just report as he was to the principal's office. Principal Johnson ushered him into her office and introduced him to Harriet, a recruiter from an East-coast university. Harriet smiled approvingly at the young boy standing before her. He looked very cute in his short gym shorts and wife-beater styled shirt. Harriet approvingly noted his thin arms and legs that lacked the muscle definition of more athletically gifted teen boys. The office was very cool and Harriet noted his perky little nipples straining against the satin-like fabric of the gym shirt. And Jane had not exaggerated when she described his cute, fuckable, little ass.

"Christopher, this is my good friend, Harriet Winter, who happens to be a representative of FU-CT college. She is scouting talent to join their freshman class and I suggested she talk to you. So, I'll leave you two to chat. Harriet, we can catch up when you're finished with Christopher." And, with that, Jane left the room and closed the office door behind her.

"Well, Christopher," Harriet smiled. "Jane tells me that you'd like to continue your education, but finding the right college has been somewhat of a challenge for you." Harriet motioned for him to sit in the chair opposite her.

"Yes, Ms. Winter. I've been rejected by all of the colleges I've applied to."

"Every college is looking for different qualities in incoming students. Let me tell you a little bit about FU of Connecticut. Perhaps you'll find it a good fit for you. Why the wry smile, Christopher?"

"CT, stands for Connecticut." Christopher exclaimed.

"What did you think it stood for?"

"I don't know. It's just that FUCT -- when you say it phonetically it sounds kind of dirty." Christopher responded bashfully.

"I see." Harriet laughed. "And you were worried that you were going to get fucked?" She said playfully.

"Oh no, Ms. Winter! I didn't mean to imply. . ."

Harriet cut him off with a raised hand and a smile.

"It's all right, Christopher. No offense taken. Of course, you'll find that you probably will get fucked at least once or twice in your lifetime. Life has a way of doing that to us."

"Thanks for understanding, Ms. Winter. I'd love to learn about FU."

"FU is a small school in rural Connecticut. It was originally founded as a private school for very special girls and has operated that way for most of its history. Enrollment has been kept very low due to the nature of the student body and our methods of instruction. The school remained girls-only until a couple of years ago. We determined that converting to a co-ed institution would help our girls develop the social skills they will need to succeed in the world and also give them an avenue to blow off a little steam, so to speak. We would like to enroll another ten boys in this year's freshman class, which is why I'm searching for the right type of boys that fit our profile. From everything that I've seen of you, I think you may be just perfect for our program."

"Wow! I never thought that I'd be recruited by an exclusive college like FU." Christopher said. "Why do you think I'd be a good choice? If you don't mind me asking.

"Of course not, Christopher. Your academic record, your social skills, and your general physical make-up fit our profile to a tee."

"What did you mean when you said your girls are "special, Ms. Winter?"

"To answer that question, I think we should set-up a trip for you to visit the campus. You can tour our facilities and meet some of the girls to form your own opinion."

"I don't have a lot of money to take a trip out East, Ms. Winter."

"Money is not an object, Christopher. FU-CT will pick up all the expenses of the trip. All you need do is come and check us out to see if our little college is a good fit for you. Shall I set up the trip for you?"

"Yes, please, Ms. Winter. I'm excited by the opportunity."

"I'll get right on it." Harriet smiled. "And do you mind if I call you 'Chris'? Christopher is a such a long name."

"No problem, Ms. Winter. 'Chris' it is."

Harriet stood and ushered Chris out of the office and stepped aside as Jane came back in.

"So? How did it go?" Jane asked.

"Swimmingly!" Harriet beamed. "He's just as you described. Not overly bright. Courteous and obedient with a touch of submission in his nature. Cute little ass just ripe to be fucked. I think he would make an excellent boy-toy for the girls of FUCT. I'm bringing him out for a visit next week."

"That sounds delicious." Jane cooed as she felt the large appendage between her legs begin to harden at the image of Christopher's ass being taken by some lucky, young futa at FUCT.

"I only wish that I could be the one to pop his cherry." Harriet sighed as she petted the hardening cock beginning to tent her skirt.

The Visit

When Harriet Winter told him that FUCT was in rural Connecticut, she wasn't kidding. It took Chris the better part of the day just to travel there. First a flight into NYC, followed by a limo ride into the rural area of Connecticut. Harriet met him in the center of the small town nearest the campus and they had dinner at a cozy little restaurant and then drove to campus in Harriet's sporty, little car. Chris dozed off on the ride and Harriet awakened him on arrival at the campus. It was already dark outside, so Harriet ushered him straight into a room in the campus guest house.

"You have a big day ahead of you, Chris." Harriet smiled. Get a good night's rest and I'll fetch you in the morning."

"Thanks, Ms. Winter; for everything."

"No problem, sweetie. Now get some rest." Harriet replied and gave Chris a playful little smack on his ass before turning and leaving the room.

Sweetie! Now that was unexpected, Chris thought to himself as he began to disrobe.

Harriet picked him up in the morning, as promised. After a large breakfast in the guest house, they toured the campus. For only housing fifty girls and fifteen boys, the campus was larger than Chris expected. There were four large buildings dedicated to academics, plus an admin building, a library, five dorms and the guest house Chris had spent the night in. The dorms were large and featured spacious rooms that were more like luxury suites than typical college rooms.

The fall semester had not yet started, but there were a number of students taking advantage of summer classes. When Ms. Winter had described the girls as being 'special', Chris had not expected all of them to be ravishing beauties. The first thing he noticed was that they were all tall. Like six feet or above. They definitely dwarfed his meager five-five height. They all looked very athletic and very feminine with well developed breasts that were generally not huge but nicely proportioned to each girl's shape and size. The girls he saw were wearing shorts, real short shorts, or short skirts showing off legs that seemed to go on forever. Chris only saw two boys in the tour of the campus. Both of them were about Chris's size and both of them were holding the hand of a tall beauty who seemed to have them confidently in tow.

On the way back to the guest house, Chris saw one more boy. He was with another Amazonian blond beauty and they were reading something on a campus bulletin board. As they read, the blond was idly caressing the boy's ass; squeezing his ass-cheeks and occasionally running her hand between his legs to tease his cock. Even from a distance, Chris could see the wet stain spreading across the crotch of the boy's khaki shorts and the slight quiver of the boy's knees. Chris could feel his own little cock awaken at the sight. Chris stopped and was mesmerized as the girl possessively wrapped both arms around the boy with one hand snaking inside his shirt and massaging his chest while the other hand manipulated the boy's cock. The boy moaned loudly enough for Chris to hear him and he ground his ass against the girl's torso. The boy shuddered and cried out as an orgasm violently shook his body.

"Aren't they just a beautiful couple?" Ms. Winter said and put her hands on Chris's shoulders. "Notice the way the boy surrenders to his girl and lets her control him and play with his body. That's the ideal relationship. But come. We must get you back to the administration building." Ms. Winter instructed as her hand drifted down Chris's back and gently squeezed an ass-cheek of the startled boy.

Ms. Winter led him back into the admin building and ushered him into a small, window-less room with one chair and one opaque glass wall. She guided him to stand in front of the glass wall.

"So, how have you liked the tour so far, Chris?"

"This place is really something, Ms. Winter. I-I could really see myself fitting in here."

"Before we decide whether you fit or not, Chris, you need to be fully aware of the 'special nature' of our girls. Two of our girls are on the other side of that glass wall, Chris. I'm going to clear the glass so you can see them. They won't be able to see you; it's one-way vision glass. But they know that you are here, looking at them. After you see them and I explain what you're seeing, we'll discuss whether or not this is the right place for you. Agreed?"

"Yes, of course, Ms. Winter."

Harriet flipped a switch on the wall and the gas in the glass wall began to dissipate, revealing the naked back-sides of two beautiful young girls. Chris could feel his cock begin to harden again as he drank in the site of their two lovely, well-formed asses. One girl had long, flowing auburn hair reaching down almost to her ass-cheeks. The other was a red-head with a short bob hairstyle. Both girls stood with their arms over their heads and then, as if on cue, began to slowly turn to face the glass wall. They were both very pretty. Chris was struck not only by their facial beauty but also by their pert, perfectly sized tits, nipples proudly erect. But their most prominent frontal feature was the huge cock hanging between each girl's legs above two balls that were probably twice the size of Chris's puny little pair. The redhead's cock was easily nine inches soft and the brunette's cock was slightly longer. And they were both much thicker than Chris's puny little pole. As he stared at the girls in shocked disbelief, he felt Harriet move behind him and place her hands on his shoulders.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Harriet breathed into his ear.

"Oh yes," Chris sighed deeply as Harriet wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Have you ever seen such beautiful cocks attached to the body of a goddess before?"

"N-no." Chris stammered as Harriet moved her hand between his legs and began to pet his hardening member.

"They know you are here, in this room, watching." Harriet whispered as she continued to stroke him.

As if on cue, the two beauties behind the wall began to stroke and fondle their growing pieces of meat. The lascivious looks on their faces as they pointed their throbbing members at Chris was driving him mad.

"They want you, baby. The girls of FUCT want you." Harriet whispered as she licked the inside of his ear and sped up the attack on Chris's throbbing cock. "They want you to join us. They want to use you and make you feel wonderful. They want you to be just like the boy you saw outside."

Chris felt his knees going weak and he slumped against Harriet as she rubbed and squeezed his aching member. She moved one hand up to his chest and began to tease and pinch his right nipple. Chris groaned and his knees went weak as he began to cum in his pants as he watched the two young goddesses cum and spurt their copious loads onto the glass in front of him.

"Oh, pleeeeease!" Chris cried out as load after load of cum erupted from his shaking, throbbing prick.

"Yes, baby. Cum! Cum for mommy! Shoot it all out of that pathetic, little prick!"

"Oooooooooooh!" Chris cried and with one last gasp, slumped helplessly against Ms. Winter.

The gas filled the viewing window again and the girls disappeared from sight as Harriet half-dragged Chris to the chair and helped him sit. She towered over him with a victorious smile on her face.

"Well, Chris?" Harriet asked.

"The girls, the girls at FU," Chris stammered. "Are they all like that?"

"Yes, Chris. The girls are what is technically know as 'futanari.' They were born that way. They were born all girl with one exception. Instead of female genitalia, they were born with male genitalia. But the rest of them is all girl. About ninety-nine percent of them crave sex with males. Why wouldn't they? Girls want boys, not other girls. We do have our lesbians and some girls will pleasure each other in the absence of boys. But generally, this is a heterosexual environment. Or perhaps 'futa-sexual' would be a more accurate descriptor. Before we were co-ed, the girls had no real outlet for their sexual urgings. It's why we recruit select boys now; to give the girls that outlet. The futas find boys who are smaller and submissive to be most attractive. Boys they can dominate and control easily. Boys they can fuck to their hearts' content. Bottom line -- they need somebody to fuck and we give them boys to fuck."

"But how can they fu -fuck a boy?" Chris wondered incredulously as his cock began to harden at what Ms. Winter was relating.

Harriet noticed and lascivious smile crept across her face as she moved her hand back between Chris's legs and began to fondle him again.

"Not that hard to comprehend, sweetie. A futa has a cock. A boy has a hole to put the cock into. And then they can fuck like rabbits." Harriet chuckled as she squeezed and stroked the boy's hardening little prick.

"Wha -what hole?" Chris gasped as Harriet spread the wetness from his first orgasm over the crotch of his pants.

"Your ass-hole, baby, your ass-hole."

"And if I came to school here, would I be expected to. . . to let a futa fuck me in the ass?"

"Most definitely, sweet thing."

"I don't know. . ." Chris wavered.

"Let's face facts, honey." Harriet responded rather harshly. "You're not much of a man. You're short and skinny and timid, just the kind of boy who should be dominated and controlled. Futas love vulnerable young boys like you that they can have their way with and make submit to their needs and urges. In the outside world you're basically a loser. Here you're a hot commodity. Join us and you'll have at least four years of wonderful, glorious sex as the plaything of some of the world's most beautiful girls. And, as icing on the cake, you'll march out of here with a diploma from a four-year accredited university."

"So, F U C T, really does mean fucked." Chris said as he felt his cum rising.

"Yes, baby. The question is will you be FUCT?" Harriet whispered in his ear, then rolling her tongue into his ear while her hand cupped his pulsating cock while another load of cum erupted into his pants thoroughly soaking him.


Chris spent the next few weeks getting over the shock of FUCT and wrestling with his decision to either go or not. The thought of sacrificing his virginity to a bevy of beautiful girls with dicks that put the average guy to shame had to be weighed against the sad fact that Harriet Winters was right. Outside of FUCT, he was a nobody. Inside, he would be a hot commodity and get a diploma in the end to boot. Of course, he would have to take a lot in his "end" to get there. He finally made up his mind to enroll. He figured if he hated it after a semester, he would just drop out.

Chris was one of ten boys who had matriculated for the fall semester. Orientation was in the main admin building led by Ms. Rectrix, a tall, imposing, authoritative woman who commanded your attention and compliance. On top of all that, she was a ravishing, blond beauty who wore tight pants, impossibly high heels, and a white dress shirt partially unbuttoned to expose her fulsome breasts. You could tell when she was aroused by the bulge in her pants that grew and seemed to hang down to her knee. Ms. Rectrix walked them through the completion of their paperwork and assigned them temporary rooms in the guest house along with required reading of material about the college. Throughout all of her instruction she walked around the room frequently touching the boys backs and shoulders and occasionally ruffling their hair. At the end of the first day, she instructed the boys not to leave the guest house and wander around the campus.