Future Pharming Ch. 02


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Gabby and Tom did not stay long. Both agents followed me into the basement and took the laptop. They confiscated my notepad and the formula I'd worked on and bid me Merry Christmas.

I was shell-shocked. What the hell was going on? I thought. I'd been caught out, and I figured both agents would arrest me or move me. But they seemed to be trying to protect me. They knew about the laptop as well.

I spent Christmas day pondering and moving all of Sarah's stuff to the spare bedroom when I wasn't on the house phone well-wishing family. Getting drunk was no longer on the menu, as I felt I needed my wits about me. I did as I was told.

Sarah wasn't supposed to arrive home until January second, so I was surprised when she walked in the door the next day, December twenty-sixth. She announced herself, pleasantly, while I remained in the living room.

"Hello, Steve," she said with an attitude and a sigh after finding me in my chair. "Couldn't be bothered to greet your wife?"

I just shrugged. She gave me a filthy look and wandered upstairs, dragging her luggage. Two entire innings passed in the ballgame I was watching before she reappeared.

"When can we talk?" she asked with a scowl, standing between me and the television.

"When the game is over," I told her flatly. "Now, if you don't mind." I waved at the TV and she went into the kitchen.

An hour and a half later, I decided it was time to get this over with. I'd had a month, while she was on her fucking spree, to lose all my love and other feelings towards her. I'd asked myself many times, if it was so easy to lose, did I ever truly love her at all? I got up and asked her to sit with me at our kitchen table. She brought out a bottle of wine and handed me a beer.

I guess I'll start," she said tentatively. "Since I can see you're still very upset."

I could have ended it right there - probably should have. I wasn't upset. I was way beyond that, and forgiveness would never come. At the same time, I was morbidly curious.

Seeing I wasn't going to stop her, Sarah plowed ahead. "First, I want to apologize. I know you're most upset about deceiving you - not the clinical sex." My wife felt like a stranger to me. She was carefully choosing her words, trying for delicacy, and strategy. It brought back feelings from that day on the island.

"I wasn't strong enough," she continued. "I couldn't tell you, and I foolishly thought that once we were on that island, I could convince you - show you - that what I was doing was for the greater good. Not only that but for myself too. Not telling you, was fiendish, and by far the biggest mistake I've ever made.

"I'd hoped Brian... Mr. Noxworthy would be able to better explain," she looked down then. "I still don't know the conversation they had with you, but clearly, it set you off even worse than I could have imagined."

She paused for a moment, gauging my reaction. I felt it was a good time to address something else.

"Be careful, Sarah," I said sternly, "about what you're confessing. The house is wired. People can see and hear everything we say."

My wife's face went white. She started looking around the room. She didn't get it.

"Why would you," she asked shockingly. "Why did you... you hired a security company to..."

I cut her off. "Not me," I told her, stone-faced. "The government. The FBI, specifically. I've been under twenty-four-seven surveillance from the moment I left the island resort. Every minute of every day."

"But why?" Sarah didn't seem to believe me. "Why? What have you done?"

"Quit the pretense," I was getting angry now. "I'm sure you know exactly why. Same reason I've lost my job, maybe even why I'll be black-balled or worse. I could go to prison."

"I don't understand," she replied. "If you've done nothing wrong. Mr. Noxworthy told me he wants to hire you. He asked me to broach the subject with you when I got home. Why were you fired?"

"I wasn't fired," my voice going up a few decibels. "I was put on indefinite leave. That means they don't want me to come back. Same here; the FBI is sitting right outside. I'm basically on house arrest, but they haven't told me why or filed any charges. My life is ruined, Sarah. You ruined my fucking life!"

I couldn't hold back any longer. My eyes bore into her, as I spat venom. Then a deep breath - which was hard to pull off.

"Sarah," I said more calmly. "Let's go out onto the deck. I'm saying things now that could make things worse for me than they already are." She didn't say a word but just followed me.

I thumped down into a patio chair, exhausted. Sarah was trying to put things together, I could tell after all these years. She'd always been so naïve, even when I'd explained things to her over and over.

"Listen to me," I said with no emotion. "They have it in for me, probably because I didn't stay on the island. Now, for reasons unknown, I'm the enemy. More likely, what they'd call a security threat. Because of my job and my skill set, they probably know I can put things together. Things that could cause them lots of trouble. People in my position are... expendable."

Sarah didn't want to believe that; it was written all over her face. "Put what together?" she asked skeptically. "What, some cock-eyed conspiracy theory? You could cause them trouble, where no trouble exists to begin with. I don't understand what you're saying!"

"Knock it off, Sarah," I said, "don't be so stupid. Something was wrong with the vaccine that caused the cancer. These trials, to me anyway, are just a formality - a way for them to cover their tracks. I know you believe you went there to save lives, maybe even your own. You're relying on science that isn't tainted by politics. That's always been your Achilles heel. You believe people are working for humankind because that's what you've always done.

"I'm not going to take this lying down," I continued. "I mean to fight back, even if it costs me everything. It probably will cost me everything, if there's anything left to take."

She looked pitiful. There was pity for me in her eyes. "But why?" she asked. "Forget, or at least try, and let's focus on us. I know I have a lot to make up for. I understand and am fully prepared for it to take a long time - even a very long time. Steve, I want to make our life good again, to help you heal from the hurt I've caused. If you go along with whatever they want, things can be good again."

My wife was truly lost - lost in her narcissistic delusions. "Okay," I answered sarcastically. "Let's play it your way. I forget, and I suppose, forgive too. How does that work? You and buddy Brian, get me back into the fold - wait? Is it Buddy Brian, or is it Buddy Brian with benefits? Were you screwing him on the island too, or just Dr. Prescott? I suppose sixteen young, fit guys weren't enough. Do you keep fucking him, while I keep you exiled to the spare room?"

Sarah's face was a mask of horror. Me knowing her secret was the very last thing she expected. Whatever the script was, now, it was in the trash. She caught a sob, just before a larger one came forth. She was already running back into the house, when I heard her sobbing and repeating, "No! No!"

The beer went straight down, and I went into the kitchen for another. Sarah came back about forty-five minutes later, once again dragging her luggage.

"For what it's worth," she said somberly. "I'm sorry. I know how hollow it sounds, but if you'd have stayed... if you weren't hell-bent on becoming some kind of criminal, in your game of twisted revenge, against me and Strategem, I'd stay. I'd prove myself to you. I do love you, but this is... all too much. Our home is under surveillance by the FBI, and I can tell you have no interest in Mr. Noxworthy's proposal. I'm going to stay with David... Dr. Prescott. He understands me - and the science - and you don't. If you have a change of heart, well, you know how to reach me."

The stupid bitch moved towards me as if expecting a hug. I supposed for all the good years. I slammed my beer on the table, spilling it everywhere. "Don't hold your breath, Sarah," I spat. "I'll have you served at work, which I think is apropos. Good luck not getting cancer. Now. Get. Out!"

Sarah stared at me, but only momentarily. She turned and left without fanfare, or even a word. I sincerely hoped to never see her again.

Sleep did not come easy that night, even though I'd gotten a lot off my chest. What hurt most was Sarah's lack of vision. It hurt because it had always been there, just below the surface. I'd been too in love to see it. Our entire marriage had been in the shallows, with sharks circling our ankles. Her belief system was unsurprisingly short-sighted. She spent her life trying to save lives, at least reduce suffering. She had no idea what I knew about the pharmaceutical companies, and it had never even mattered to her. She never gave me... gave us a chance.

In my thoughts, I heard some movement downstairs. I didn't have any weapon to defend myself with. The shuffling continued, and I heard footsteps coming upstairs. With nothing to do, and nowhere to run, I jumped out of bed and stood close to the door, hoping for some element of surprise.

"Steve, it's Gabriela," her voice was barely above a whisper, and I couldn't be sure it was her. "Do not turn on any lights. I'm coming into the room, where are you?"

She'd heard me scramble. I didn't want to take the leap of faith, but I did. "I'm here at the door," I whispered back. Gabby entered her gun trained on me. She lowered her weapon and got right into my personal space.

"If you want to live," she said. "Come with me. Don't bring anything. We're leaving now. I have everything you need in the car."

"Future Farming" is the conclusion to Steven's tale. It should post within a week of this story.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

"We understand. We do. Agent Wilcox, Tom, and I are only doing our job. How about redirecting your anger at the people responsible for this?"


I would have responded: “I’m sure that statement sounded just as pathetic in the original German at Nuremberg!”



Schwanze1Schwanze12 months ago

Fucking awesome

dawg997dawg9972 months ago

Like the originality of the storyline, and it seems there is another one going on in the comments.

Big Gov and Big Pharma in cahoots? Does anyone NOT believe that?

Back to the story, I am enjoying it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I understand that you know more about the s je ce than I do, but a story still has to make sense. The MC had some sort of plot related to neutralizing “the vaccine,” but it’s unclear whether he’s that’s the one that originally made people sick or the drugs Strategem was giving folks on the island. It’s not clear how neutralizing something bad would be “revenge” nor against whom. The whole plot seems fuzzy, poorly thought out and unclearly told. I’ve enjoyed the author’s previous stories and thought them told well. This one falls far short of the mark.

deependerdeepender10 months ago

BTW, why not discuss politics here? It's not happening anywhere else. And we are used to insulting each other...why waste it? Not one single person is required to read it.

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