Gaia's Champion Ch. 10


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"Why does shit like that never happen to me?" Russell griped.

"Because you're one of the hugest pervs I know," Danika commented while cuffing her cousin gently upside the head.

"Oh, shush you! Just because I keep an open mind about a lot of things, doesn't make me a perv," Russell shot back.

"You make a fair point there. Just don't be heading down the same road that Brad and his goons did, and I won't have to kick your ass," she chided him with a smirk.

"Speaking of Brad, anyone know what happened to that dickhead?" Kade wondered, his strong voice startling everyone.

"Last I heard, he was being charged on multiple counts of sexual assault, aggravated assault, kidnapping, the list is a long one! Over one hundred counts of those charges alone!" Terry answered, having kept up with the news.

"Holy shit! He hurt that many women?" Danika breathed.

"Word from a cop friend of mine, is that he's hurt far more over the years. More than triple that number! The charges being laid are only the ones who came forward to level these charges against him!" Terry clarified.

"How does scum like that stay undetected for years? I mean, the shit he pulled? How the fuck did he get away with it for so long??" Karen asked, shivering.

"Fear. The bastard is a master at using that what you fear against you. If he ever figures out how to do that to you, then he's got you dead to rights," Jason told the assembled bunch.

"You have experience dealing with that scumbag?" Danika asked knowingly.

"Yeah. The fucker gave me my share of problems in high school. Thankfully, he'll soon be locked up behind bars for good," Jason stated.

"I'll drink to that," Terry stated, and everyone agreed with him. "Though, it's no just Brad that the cops are after."

"What do you mean?" Kade asked aloud.

"Apparently, when I was being questioned, the cops asked me about the boys that Brad would hang with. Maybe they're involved in some way?" Terry replied.

"That would make sense. I was asked similar questions by the police," Wendy told them.

"Me too!" Karen piped up.

"It would stand to reason that they were not only involved, but that they were likely complicit in Brad's... activities. Joe and Henry told me how most of Brad's crew called in sick, then vanished," Jason informed them.

"I knew that something was off with them. I'm glad to see that my gut feeling was right about that," Wendy responded.

"You had a gut feeling about how wrong those guys were?" Danika asked incredulously.

"Yeah. From the day I met them all, something was telling me to stay away from those guys. They made passes at me and some were even telling me how I should give them a chance. I turned them all down flat, telling them how I had a big bruiser of a boyfriend who would turn them into red sauce if they tried anything," Wendy said.

"They bought that?" Jason wondered.

"Yeah. At the time, I was still dating Fletch," she responded.

Jason nodded, the whole point making sense to him. Fletcher Pearson, or 'Fletch' to his friends, was a man as big as he was fearsome. Towering over most people at six-foot-eight, he looked like the kind of man that only a fool would piss off. He would and had beat people to a pulp for trying to take what was his, but he only did so when necessary. Aside from that, he was a gigantic stuffed teddy bear, hiding a rabid grizzly inside.

The grizzly only came out when his friends or family were threatened. Or on the rugby field, as rugby was a sport the man loved. He was a well-liked sort of guy, always standing up for the little guy. From what Jason understood, the breakup was a bit hard on Wendy, as Fletch didn't want to stay in the city and Wendy did. Instead, he left to travel the world and last he heard; he was busy helping refugees out in Europe.

"No one would want to dare cross Fletch. Nice call!" Jason complimented her.

"Thanks!" Wendy replied.

"Why didn't you do or say anything about them?" Danika wondered.

"What was I supposed to say? That they don't feel right? Nothing can be done about that," Wendy responded.

"Why not at least report the lewd comments and how aggressive they were being towards you?" Danika went on, unflinching.

"I tried that once. We both did," Karen interjected. "It wound up being a 'he said, she said' sort of situation. Despite Joe and Henry believing our story, unless there were others witnessing the event other than us, there was nothing they could do. In some ways, it made things worse."


"They taunted us, telling us it was only a matter of time before were kneeling, sucking their dicks. They always made sure that no one else was around to witness it. Also, Wendy and I feared that they would try following us and attacking us when we least expected it. At least now, those fuckers are on the run, with the police chasing them," Karen replied with a tone of satisfaction.

"I still don't believe that shit like this still happens!" Danika fumed. "But you are right; they won't be hurting anyone anymore. Russell, didn't you say that most of them were caught?"

"Yeah Dani. Was on the news this morning. They nabbed all but one of the fuckers at the airport or train station. They had purchased tickets and were trying to flee the country," Russell informed her.

"Good! I hope those assholes get a nice lengthy sentence with a two-fifty pound fiancé named Duke!" Danika stated. This jibe cracked everyone up, and they were laughing so hard that some of them were crying.

"While I couldn't agree more with that assessment," Jason said while trying to control his laughing. "I will have everyone here know that behavior like Brad's and those of his friends, will not be tolerated."

"If anyone here has any grievances, you can come to me and we will straighten the problem out. Doesn't matter what the issue is, or what your gut feeling tells you; speak to me and I will resolve it," he finished.

Everyone was glad to hear this sort of thing coming from their new crew leader. With that, everyone bid each other a pleasant weekend and one by one, left the job site. Wendy and Karen only lingered long enough to whisper something into Terry's ear. It must have been something good, because Terry was wearing a shit-eating grin the whole time.

Jason chuckled as he made his way to the bus stop. He saw that Danika was still there, like she was waiting for something. She seemed to come to herself, before she, too, left the jobsite and headed home. Jason didn't have to wait long as the busses these days were better with their timing than they had been in the past. He walked aboard and his senses came alive as something, no, someone he knew was aboard the bus.

"Jason!" he heard a voice call to him. Following the sound of the feminine voice, he saw that it was Rosa, who was on the bus with him.

"Rosa! Fancy seeing you on the bus at this hour!" Jason said as he walked up and took a seat next to her. He was pleasantly startled by the hug she gave him, and he hugged her back and a part of him was glad to see her.

"How've you been?" she asked him. Jason could sense no angle and no deception with his Gaian senses, so he was honest with her. He left out the part about the Brad situation at work, as the unpleasantness of the situation was done and over with. He saw no need to bring it up and let it lie. Rosa vented about her day, mainly about some bitch of a blonde trying to upstage her at work.

"Sounds like you've had a rough day!" Jason replied.

"That's putting it mildly. But, I am glad that I have someone I can vent to. Would it be all right to say that I wanted to hang out you and your... lady friend?" she asked shyly.

"I'm more than all right with the idea! Let me talk to her and see what she says. I'm fairly certain that she wouldn't say no," Jason replied.

"What makes you think so?" Rosa wondered.

"Simply put, she had to break away from her family, as they were a toxic and controlling lot," Jason told her.

"Oh!" Rosa responded, before her face was sympathetic. Though there was nothing specific, Jason could tell that this woman had likely gone through something similar. Quite recently, as he could feel the anguish rolling off the woman.

"Yeah. So, I'm sure that she could always use a sympathetic friend to chat with," Jason said.

"Good friends are hard to find these days," Rosa nodded.

"Indeed! Looks like our stop is coming up!" Jason reminded her, as they been yammering for a quite a while. They got off at their stop and after promising to stay in contact over the next, went their separate ways.

Jason was in a cheery mood as he skipped along to his apartment. He took a beat to breathe in the air and just lived in the moment. He then walked into the building and bounded up the stairs, eager to see his Gaian lovers. He was also interested to see what they've been up to in his absence.

He walked on inside and saw that they had drawn the blinds. Both Xaera and Phalmina were busy bouncing some kind of energy back and forth between themselves. Xaera squeaked in surprise and handed the energy back to Phalmina, before jumping off the couch to mob him with a hug. Phalmina too jumped off the couch and raced to hug Jason, but only after she fired the energy at his garlic plant.

"I'm happy to see you ladies too!" Jason laughed as they sighed in his embrace. "Blinds closed to keep Xaera from getting torched I see."

"Of course! Xaera is a good friend, is she not?" his fairy lover asked.

"More than that. A great friend and an amazing lover!" Jason said simply. Xaera blushed and fidgeted with her hands as the women broke away from him.

"So, what have you two been up since I've been away at work?" he wondered.

"See for yourself," Phalmina snickered.

Jason looked over to where his plants were, sensing that something was up. What he saw surprised him, as they were not only in full bloom and loaded up with magic, but larger and more robust than he thought was possible! He even looked down at his garlic plant, seeing that there were multiple shoots were poking through the soil!

"You look like you went a little nuts with the magic here, Mina!" Jason commented.

"Oh, this wasn't me. Most of this was all Xaera. It turns out that she has a natural affinity for magic," Phalmina told the Druid.

"Wait, what? Xaera did all of this?"

"Yup. She is what I think is called a... saavang?" Phalmina replied, stumbling over the word.

"I think the word you're looking for is 'savant', which means they are naturally gifted at what they want to do," Jason supplied.

"That's it! Though Troll magic differs from Fairy magic, there are enough similarities that allowed me to train her in some basics," Phalmina told him.

"Ah, so opening the portal stone won't be an issue then?" Jason asked.

"Not at all, but it is still light outside, yeah?" Xaera wondered.

"Yeah. It will probably be that way for a few hours yet. What did you two want to do while we wait? I could whip up something to eat and we could watch some shows if you like," Jason offered.

"While that is a good idea, we have something else in mind for what to do," Phalmina said mischievously.

"Now?" Xaera asked excitedly.


Xaera stepped away from Jason and did a small chant, waving her arms intricately, one which Phalmina mimicked and echoed. He was confused and a little apprehensive on what they were up to but had little say in the matter. Both women finished their chant and stuck their hands towards Jason and a small bolt of energy flew from both of them These bolts struck Jason square in the chest and the force of them knocked him over.

"Jason! Are you OK?" both women said at the same time.

Jason's mind was blurry and woozy, but the resulting dizziness faded quickly. He could feel his blood pounding in his ears, and his heart hammered in his chest. Jason took a minute, waving the girls off, letting them know he was OK. In fact, he was better than OK and felt a primal rush overtake him. Looking down, he saw that he was harder than he'd ever been before and growled ferally.

Phalmina and Xaera heard his growling and felt themselves get wet at the thought of it. What they did worked, but they had no idea what they had unleashed in Jason. Both women had used their magic to ignite Jason's passion, fire and lust. What they were unaware of, is just how successful they were in doing just that!

Jason bounded to his feet and tore his shirt off, shredding the garment. Phalmina and Xaera were goggled eyed, never having seen a man do such a thing before, and were instantly turned on by the display. He closed the distance to Phalmina, taking her mouth in his as he also tore her clothing off her body. She squealed at the barbaric behavior, but soon was no longer in control of matters.

"My cock needs attention. To your knees, fairy whore!" Jason growled. Taken aback by the aggressive behavior, Phalmina did as she was told and sank to her knees. She then peeled off his pants, and his impressive cock almost slapped her in the face. Phalmina took a quick look at it, before taking it into her mouth.

She knew that moment she saw it; they had overdone it on Jason. Wanting only to stoke his desire to wanting them right then, Xaera and Phalmina had unintentionally supercharged it. By doing this, they had turned him into the very embodiment of a virile man who would likely go all night! There was only one cure that Phalmina knew of and that was to play it out and try to satisfy the man.

She deep-throated her Druid, taking his cock in the depths of her throat, using her neck muscles to squeeze it as she sucked. Jason growled in approval as he had Xaera in his arms and was currently fondling her, his hands roaming over every inch of her body. Xaera was practically vibrating, she was so turned on by the display of Alpha behavior. The shirt she borrowed to lounge around in for the day was a pile of rags at her feet.

Xaera could feel one hand on her ass, while the other played with her pussy lips. She was leaking copious amounts of fluid and was aching to have Jason's cock inside her again. She felt his mouth on her neck, her breasts and her nipples, hitting multiple nerves as he licked, sucked and nipped at her body.

Xaera didn't know how much more stimulation she could take, as she was suffused with desire. She whimpered as she could feel her need and want escalate beyond what she believed possible. Xaera then felt Jason's tongue on her neck, before his lips found hers, giving her a long and sloppy kiss.

"Go and lie on the couch, with your legs spread wide open," he commanded.

Xaera didn't hesitate and obeyed without question. She sat on the couch, then leaned back, while grabbing her legs, spreading them for her lover. Her chest heaved as she watched him pull his cock from Phalmina's mouth, walk over to her and push into her. Xaera moaned with delight as she felt Jason's thick dick spread her depths apart.

Jason groaned and growled; his cock sheathed in the woman beneath him. Taking Xaera provided some relief, but he needed to cum, badly! His balls were working overtime and setting him right on the edge, but not able to get over the peak. He roared as he vigorously plowed into Xaera, making the woman squirm and squeak at his ravaging of her.

"Mina, come here!" Jason called out as he pumped his cock in and out of Xaera's tight hole. Phalmina moved quickly, coming into his line of sight.

"Put your ass... in my face!" he told her.

Mina yipped in glee and positioned herself right over Xaera, with her ass right in Jason's face as he asked. Before she could say anything, she felt his fiery tongue invade her leaky quim, lapping at her juices. Mina sighed as she balanced herself over Xaera, enjoying the tongue lashing she was receiving. It certainly beat frigging herself while she watched Xaera get fucked hard.

Though, if she was being honest with herself, watching Jason hammer the blue-skinned woman like a fuck toy, was hot! She wouldn't have minded if she was never touched, as long as she could watch! But this, being eaten out with equal fervor, was certainly better. She looked down and saw Xaera writhing beneath her in bliss.

Phalmina bent down and drew Xaera's head up to hers, wrapping the woman's lips with her own. Xaera moaned in appreciation of this gesture, kissing Mina back and using her tongue creatively. Mina squeed in delight and kept kissing the troll woman beneath her, as Jason kept pumping her full of dick.

"Yes! Take that dick! Make our Druid fill you with his seed!" Phalmina said, egging her friend on.

"You want him to fill me? To mark me further?" Xaera replied, feeling the aggressive energy in the room.

"YES! Take his cock and let him mark you as his! Let him own you!" Phalmina crowed. Xaera then stared at Jason, letting him know in that moment that he owned her. The lust and adoration of such a look sent Jason into overdrive, smashing Xaera's puffed up quim. Her look changed from adoration to a woman on the verge of cumming and she did, just as Jason emptied himself into her.

His roar was long and loud, sounding an animal snarling as opposed to a human. He could feel his essence fill Xaera to the brim, some of it leaking out her as he kept firing load after load into her. Jason would have petered out, but the magic within him was far from done with his body. Instead of deflating as was normal, Jason's dick stayed hard as steel, aching and ready for more pussy.

Phalmina was about to move, as she had enjoyed a minigasm due to Jason's mouth being attached to her pussy, the moment he came. She then felt Jason's muscular hands on her ass and the small of her back, as he told her to not move. She was about to ask why, when she felt the reason pressing at her drippy quim, seeking a way into her. Phalmina shivered as she welcomed this intrusion, pushing against his cock, splitting her lips open.

Phalmina took a deep breath and set herself for the pounding that was coming. Once he had filled her cunt with his tool, Jason wasted no time in pillaging the fairy. Each thrust that slammed into her made her tits and ass jiggle. Xaera, though still recovering from her session, crawled away, and onto Jason's bed. She turned over onto her back, so she could watch the Druid who made her a woman, take his fairy guide.

Jason pounded his dick into Phalmina with everything he had, giving her just as good as he was getting. Phalmina thrust back into him, wanting this just as badly as he did. She shimmied and twerked her ass, doing whatever she could to make him cum. It was then that she felt one of his hands slide up her back, tracing along specific areas of her back. It was then that she heard his request and teared up upon hearing it.

"Uncase your wings. I want to hold them as I take you!" he growled.

Without a word or a second thought about it, Phalmina let her wings out of their magical confines. As Jason had promised her, his hands took hold of her wings gently and stroked them as he pumped into her. The resulting stimulation from this was sending Phalmina in fits of joy and ecstasy, as her wings being stroked and held like this, was enough to send her hurtling towards a massive orgasm.

"Arrrggghhh!! You want more, my little fairy whore?" Jason growled.

"Please!!!! Give me more!" Phalmina begged, as her pleasure levels soared to a precipice that defied all belief.

It was then that one of Jason's hands snaked down and cupped one of her tits, rolling her nipple between his fingers. This alone was enough to send Mina over the edge, but he also leaned into her, bring his mouth to her neck. It was then that Jason's mouth clamped down on her exposed flesh, biting like he was a vampire.

Phalmina howled like a wounded animal as she came, her mind nearly blacking out with the rush of it. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her wings buzzed hard enough to throw Jason back a bit. He remained inside her as she came, flying as her pussy clamped down on his cock. Jason could barely move his dick, she was gripping him so hard.