Gaia's Champion Ch. 15


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"Mmm! That... and this," she cooed, waving a hand over her belly. The magical energy she called into her hands settled over her, coalescing in her womb. The magic was green, but then deepened, going from dark green to blue and eventually settling on indigo.

"Does that mean..." he wondered as she snuggled into him.

"Your seed is strong."

* * * * *

Everyone else was busy snickering or laughing at what they knew Darren and Daelina were up to.

"So, you think Darren will stop being such a tight ass after he gets big again?" Amy giggled.

"Amy!" Eva chastised her.

"Your daughter isn't wrong. I don't like the guy, but if he stops being such a jerk, he might become likeable," Elizabeth agreed.

"I agree! The boy needed to get laid, bad!" Jason chuckled.

"Both him and Daelina are very lucky. To be fated like that, to know that you have found your mate like that..." Phalmina sighed, happy for her friend.

"I take it this means that we should expect wedding bells then?" Luke suggested.

"That's an understatement! Having Gaia pick out your mate like that... I can say without a doubt that those two won't be getting divorced. Ever," Sheena stated.

"It's that final?" Eva asked in amazement.

"Yup. There is no way they will ever be sundered or separated. Not even death can break that bond," Emalia piped up.

"Well, I guess I'd better get used to having a fairy as a daughter-in-law then," Eva replied, finding that she liked the idea.

"So, what do we do now?" Karla asked.

"I think..." Jason started before his stomach growled loudly. Sheena snorted a laugh, almost sounding like a pig when she did so. Jason was not amused and stared at her, waiting for her to finish her laugh.

"Sorry! Of all the things that have changed... that hasn't!" Sheena howled.

"It has. It's gotten worse, because now that I'm a Druid, I need more food. Hey Liz, you think we could still do the barbecue?" he wondered.

"Did you leave the meat out?" she asked.

"No, he did not. I made sure that it was put away in the fridge. Didn't want flies and God... Gaia only knows what pests go after it," Eva declared.

"I suppose we could, if you think you can fix my door and help with cleaning up the place," Elizabeth told him.

"A barbecue? You guys were going to have a barbecue?" Sheena queried.

"Yeah. You're more than welcome to join us, Sheena. I'm sure your belly could use a proper meal," Jason smirked.

"Damn straight! Where did you get the meat from?" she wondered.

"Miro's Deli. Though his son, Ante, runs it now," Jason informed her.

"Wait, you got cuts from Miro's?? Oh damn!" she moaned, licking her lips.

"Oh, and don't think you're going to be alone in helping, Jason. We'll all help with setting the house back in order," Amy told him.

"Well, you lot head on over to the house and get things ready. I'm just going to leave a note for those two lovebirds, when they wake up. If they wish to join us," Phalmina stated.

Hearing that, everyone nodded and walked back to the portal stone and vanished, while the fairy woman shrunk down to her regular size. She zipped over to where Daelina had made her home, finding the front door closed. She smirked and let herself in, careful to be quiet and not disturb the lovers.

They were both passed out, snuggled into each other as they lay on the bed. Phalmina smiled as she saw the residual energies that lay upon Daelina. She sighed happily as she knew that like her, Daelina was now pregnant. She carefully approached the sleeping pair and tugged at the blanket that lay at the foot of the bed. She then pulled it over them, covering the couple and keeping them warm.

Phalmina then walked over to Daelina's table and opened her diary, tearing a page out of the book. Using the pen she had brought back for her, Phalmina jotted down a quick note about where everyone was and what they were doing. She also included a brief set of directions for them to follow once they came out of the park. Certain that Darren could guide his fairy love, Phalmina stepped out and was off to Elizabeth's.

* * * * *

Everyone had arrived at Elizabeth's house and was already in the process of cleaning. Carlotta, Karla and Luke were the only ones absent, as they had volunteered to pick up some alcohol. Given the events of the past few days, everyone could use a good stiff drink.

Jason had already fixed the door with Sheena's help, and it looked like no one had kicked it in to begin with. Between everyone there, the house was tidied up in short order, most of the work having been done by the time Phalmina arrived from the glade. She pouted, as there was little left to do, but she perked up at the idea of helping in the kitchen.

Jason had walked out to the backyard, firing up the barbecue to get it ready for cooking. He was already busy with scraping and cleaning the grill before he could put any food on it. The ladies were busy in the kitchen, slicing up the vegetables and prepping dessert. Xaera was out back with Jason, enjoying the sun while she could, both her sunlight and disguise spells in use.

"It's amazing!" Xaera commented.

"What's amazing?" Jason wondered.

"This! Being here, enjoying the sunlight, like I never could before!" Xaera gushed.

"It is a nice feeling, having the sun on your skin in the evenings. The sun isn't too hot, and you can enjoy its warmth without sweating or burning your skin," Jason agreed.

"The sun can hurt humans too?" Xaera wondered, mystified by the thought. Jason chuckled and went into the finer details of how the sun could be harmful to humans. Xaera was intrigued and hung on his every word, curious about how humans dealt with things such as sunburn and other lingering side effects.

"Hmm! Fascinating! That humans can be hurt by the sun, if they're out in it for too long," Xaera said, thinking to herself.

"Yup. Just goes to show that everything needs to be taken in moderation. Too much of any one thing, and you could hurt yourself," Jason stated.

"Mmm. Do you think the grill is ready? I see smoke," Xaera informed him. Jason looked down and smiled as he saw the remnants were on the grill burning away.

"Close to it. Just need to scrape a little more, then close it, let the grill heat up some," he told her as he grabbed the wire brush and scraped the final layers away. Jason then closed the barbecue, taking a seat as he waited for the grill to heat up. He sat there for a few minutes, until Sheena walked out back, sitting next to him. Jason smiled as the woman leaned into him, glad to be back with him.

"So, how is old Miro these days?" Sheena asked, her parents having been regular customers at the deli.

"Sadly, Miro is gone. Cancer. This was a few years ago," Jason informed her.

"Oh no! I thought he had retired when you told me that Ante was running the place now!" Sheena replied, saddened at the passing of a friend.

"But there have been some good changes. Ante got married and is now a dad! He's been so busy, that he's been neglecting Brutus," Jason went on.

"Oh, Brutus is still around? I may have to pay a visit to the deli then! He was always a delightful dog!" Sheena smiled.

"He was surprised when he learned I was a Druid now. I can only imagine what he's going to be like when he sees you!" Jason chuckled.

"I'll bet!" Sheena agreed.

"Hey guys. I don't mean to interrupt, but I need your help with something," Phalmina interjected.

"I thought the food prep was done!" Sheena replied.

"It is. It's something else that I need help with. Protecting this house from any intruders," the fairy woman stated.

"Preventing another incursion from the Sons of Caesar or anything or anyone else then? I'm on board with that," Jason replied, getting to his feet.

"Same here. Is there any place that we should do it?" Sheena asked.

"The center most point of the house would be best. Xaera, we could use your help too," Phalmina implored her.

"More magical power behind the spell, the stronger it will be?" the troll woman asked.

"Exactly so."

Nodding, Xaera followed the trio into the house and walked into the living room. They were joined by Eva and Emalia, as Phalmina had also asked for their help. The six of them stood in the center of the room, shifting the coffee table out of the way. Once the area was clear, Jason began by drawing upon his Gaian power, letting the magic flow through him.

Eva paid close attention to how Jason was calling on his magic and did her best to emulate him. Seconds later, she was wreathed in the same energy he was. Though her hold on it was tenuous, she kept her will focused, and the connection strengthened. Smiling, Sheena embraced her Shamanistic gifts, feeling the sweetness of Gaia's magic flow through her.

"There we go. Now, Eva, you will need to focus for this. Picture what you want to happen, and how you want this place protected. Like with Darren, you will need to see it in your mind's eye," Phalmina instructed her.

Nodding, Eva closed her eyes and focused, wanting nothing more than to protect this place. To keep everyone who was not a friend or a fellow Gaian, out and away from there. Once the magic that swirled around her, the runes formed, each one needed for the spell of protection. Phalmina smiled at what Eva had brought forth, glad that the woman had the discipline to focus.

"Very good, Eva! You learn quickly! Everyone, focus and bring your own magics to bear!" Phalmina told them.

They all did so, each one of them using their magic to bring forth what they needed, to cast the spell of protection. The energies swirled around them as the spells came alive, ready to be activated. Phalmina used her magic to bind each spell together, crafting a unique enchantment of protection. She offered her own spell, empowering it further, building it all to a crescendo, before finishing it.

The power blossomed and took hold, the root of the spell now in the very bones of the house. The protection didn't stop there though, as it wound its way outward, in a large radius around the house. The energies of the spell then faded, having done their work in protecting this place from intruders.

"It's always wondrous to see you guys work!" Elizabeth said, awed at what she saw, standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Yeah! I wish I could do that!" Amy agreed, her eyes wide as saucers.

"You know... I think you can!" Sheena told her.

"I know have some magic, but I don't think I could do what you do," Amy scoffed.

"Come here a moment," Sheena asked her.

Shrugging, Amy walked up to her and stopped at the woman's outstretched hands. Sheena then moved her hands in a complex pattern as magic swirled around her arms. A ball of energy formed in the black woman's hands and she pushed it toward Amy, who absorbed it without issue. Magic then welled up from Amy, surrounding her body and heard something... animalistic, call out from within her.

"You can become a Shaman!" Sheena exclaimed, happy to have found a fellow Shaman.

"Really?" Amy gushed.

"Yes, really! I've always hoped to find someone else like me!" Sheena giggled.

"Wait, Amy can become a Shaman??" a male voice queried from the doorway.

Everyone turned to see Darren standing there, with his mouth open, carrying a case of beer. Daelina stood next to him, holding a few bottles of wine, as Karla, Carlotta and Luke filed in behind them. The young man snapped out of his stupor and stood aside to let those who were behind him pass. Daelina wore a look of shock, understanding the implications of this knowledge.

Jason got a good look at Darren and was glad to see the boy had the good sense to ditch the robes he'd been wearing. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts that appeared to be a little large for him. Knowing how fairies worked, he wouldn't have been surprised to learn that his old clothes had been burned. He recognized the shirt as an old favorite that Luke loved to wear and guessed where Darren had gotten his clothes.

"Of all the things that my father said, there was one thing he got right," Darren laughed.

"Oh?" Eva asked, fixing her son with a look.

"We truly are a blessed family," he replied.

"Now that's something that I can't argue!" Daelina giggled while kissing his cheek. Darren blushed, still getting used to the fact that he had a mate. He then followed behind Luke, bring the beer to the kitchen, with Daelina accompanying him.

"Thank you, Carlotta, for bringing the booze! I knew we were forgetting something when planning this barbecue!" Elizabeth said to her.

"You are most welcome! I should get going though, as there is still much to do with work," she stated.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? I know that you have a company to run, but what's a few hours?" Elizabeth asked.

Carlotta stood there and thought about it for a moment, before accepting the invitation. It had been a while since she'd let her hair down and enjoyed herself. The last time she remembered doing anything like this was when Mikkel was still alive. She walked along, following Elizabeth into the backyard where everyone was gathering.

"Wine, or beer?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'll have a beer," Carlotta replied, finding a lounge chair and making herself comfortable.

Jason was busy with Xaera and Sheena, carrying the meat out to be cooked on the grill. Elizabeth, Amy and Eva were busy discussing something, while Darren and Daelina were canoodling on a bench. Phalmina was flitting around in her fairy form, playing a game with Emalia, taking care not to fly too high, lest she be seen. Karla and Luke were relaxing in each other's arms, sighing contentedly.

Carlotta couldn't believe everything that had happened, but was no less entranced by it. That the faith she had in Gaia, the Earth Mother, was affirmed was nothing short of miraculous. This had to be a dream, and she pinched herself regularly to be sure that it wasn't. The Danish woman took a pull of her beer and sighed, enjoying the smell of ribs, steaks and burgers on the grill.

* * * * *

The wraith hovered nearby, just out of sight and beyond the bubble of protecting that had gone up around the home. It would have tried getting closer, but the shield went up before it could even get near. The sweetness that had leaked from the boy was gone, but that wouldn't deter it. The magic that he and the others held was far too much of a draw for it to just give up.

No, the wraith would bide its time, as it had no pressing need to feed just yet. It still possessed enough life force to wait for a while. If it ran low, it could just float around and search for someone who was on the brink of death and drain them. It wouldn't be much, but it would be enough to keep it going. It would have its chance with the boy and every other Gaian present. All it had to do was wait.

* * * * *

Thus ends chapter 15 of Gaia's Champion! One enemy down, but who knows how many left to go! With this chapter at an end, more will be on its way and things will advance at a much faster rate for everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying this story, as this was more of a prologue to the great epic that is to come! With that in mind, I hope everyone is ready for the twists and turns that this tale will deliver!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please feel free to rate and comment on my work down below. If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share, though your views, ratings and comments are quite enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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golasgilgolasgilalmost 2 years ago

This has been a fun read with some really good concepts. I've found myself skipping the sex to get to the story and as the story has become less focused and thought out I've lost interest. I'm well aware I'm not the normal Literotica reader as there are plenty here loving what you're doing, but you lost me on the first page of the next chapter by deciding that Amy's bond to Jason could be handed off somehow. I'd been wondering how come Amy was OK with all these other women but if you were always going to bring Sheena back why not work with the tension and friction? Give Jason a conscience and develop him. Sorry not to be more positive.

goo_neiggoo_neigover 2 years ago

this story has a different atmosphere then your Prometheus one.

This story is gentler.

raven_nomadraven_nomadabout 3 years ago

Absolutely love this chapter. Great story, looking forward to reading more.

Wildwood55Wildwood55about 3 years ago

Well written, well crafted work. You have talent, and put the effort in, and it shows.

Thanks for sharing your imagination, and especially, thanks for all the work it takes to produce a Lit submission of this quality.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Can't wait for more!

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