Galactic Slave Ch. 02

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Susan learns of slavery first hand.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 01/28/2007
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Chapter two Examination

"I don't know what you did to earn the enmity of such a cruel man, but let's see what you are really like. Follow me slave." The owner of the shop, my new master said. As we walked towards the back of his shop, he asked, "By the way, what was your name when you were free?"

"Susan Melnin, Sir."

"You're future owner may or may not allow you to keep that name. I see far too many slaves to be giving them new names. 'Susan' will do for now. Lie down on the scantron." He ordered, indicating a raised platform with a variety of scanning apparatus about it.

In getting on the platform, I started the arousal process again. I could feel my temperature rise and my nipples start to stiffen. He operated a control and a restraint web field pinned me immobile to the table. He used a small pressor beam to remove the color and limb restraints. As he continued operating the controls of the scantron, he commented, "I can see why you were rated Class Three. I haven't even touched you and you're already showing signs of low grade arousal. Does the very thought of being totally controlled turn you on?"

I couldn't answer, given the restraint field, but I was desperate to tell him about the Hydromel. Perhaps I could get my status changed if the authorities realized that my apparent pleasure at being enslaved was drug induced.

He continued to comment to himself, or maybe me, as the exam continued. "You seem healthy enough. There's a couple of organs missing, one from your throat and one from your abdomen. Ah, tonsils and appendix, vestigial organs, prone to infection. Never given birth, but clearly sexually active. What's this? Two subdermal drug ampoules? What have you been taking, young lady? Hold on, these were inserted less than five hours ago. What have you done to yourself?" he asked while manipulating a control, freeing my head from restraint.

"It wasn't me, master. It was Collin, the man who sold me to you. They release Hydromel and Trilotozene into my system."

"Hydromel, oh my. I'm afraid that someone is in trouble. It's a crime to use a drug to influence the classification of a slave. Stay right here. I have to make a call to the authorities."

Like I was going to go anywhere, trapped in a restraining web. I could only move my head, and even then I had to be careful. If I moved in such a way as to force a motion on my restrained neck, I could seriously injure myself. I lay there, immobile, naked and hopeful. If I was captured illegally, perhaps my status could be reversed.

He returned a quarter hour later. "Your 'friend' will rue this day, I'm afraid. Falsifying a slavery class is punishable by enslavement. I'm afraid that he will find himself a Class Three slave before the day is out"

"Does this mean that my status will be reversed?" the hope obvious in my voice.

"I'm afraid you have as little knowledge of our laws as your enslaver." He replied, shaking his head. Continuing while he operated some controls again, "He did not break ay laws in enslaving you. He falsified your classification. However, in spite of that, a slave's classification can only be altered downward, one to two or two to three. That is why the penalties for falsifying the classification are so severe. You are a Class Three slave, and that can never change."

While he was talking, the restraint web had modified again. It held my hands and feet in place, but left the rest of my body free. He had also lowered the intensity. I could move my wrist and ankle, just not enough to do anything. He touched my face, his fur feeling soft and silky. My arousal started all over again.

"I've never had to opportunity to study the effects of Hydromel. I may never get another chance. Enjoy the process." He explained.

By now, I had lost all hope. I was a slave and doomed to be one forever. Now I was once again being excited when I did not wish to be. He spent the next hour caressing every part of my body except my breasts and pussy. It didn't matter, I was driven wild with desire. My nipples felt rock hard and desperate for any touch. My cunt dripped juices and felt swollen. I was desperate for any touch there. I imagined that my clit felt like a man's dick when its been erect for a long time. My skin was flushed and I was breathing in short gasps.

"It's been well over an hour," he wondered aloud, "You should be able to climax. I wonder why you haven't?"

I tried to answer in between desperate moans and gasps, "I...ohhhh... can...gasp... need...please... tits...gaaahhhh...pussy.....ahhhhh......please!?"

"I think I see. The drug turns your entire skin surface into an erogenous zone, but orgasm is still only sparked by contact with your sexual organs. In theory, I could continuously arouse you until the strain killed you. An interesting experiment."

In desperation, I cried out, ""

"You're a slave girl, of course you'll do anything. If I wish, you will lie there and die in exquisite agony. But, you are an investment, and I need to recoup my expenses."

With that, he stopped touching me, leaving me helpless and frustrated. Slowly, oh so slowly, I began to come down from the dizzying height I was at. I could not help myself, I was crying in frustration and the unfairness of it all. I was just adjusting to normalcy again, when he started to caress me again.

"Let's see if it takes another hour to enable you to cum again. This time he concentrated on my tits and cunt. In no time it seemed, I was back where I started again. Desperate for an orgasm for the fourth time today, I begged and pleaded with him. He seemed unmoved.

"Its almost an hour and you still haven't cum. It must take an hour of arousal to enable a climax. Now lets see what a human orgasm looks like."

He continued, concentrating on my clit. I felt on fire. I craved his touch on my clit, but it was too sensitive. "Just five more minutes." He said. And then the chime from the front went off. He had a customer! He stopped and left me hanging again, while he went out front. I cried out in frustration, but he simply extended the field over my mouth to keep me quiet.

While I lay there, the door chime sounded several more times. He didn't return for over two hours. My sexual charge had faded, unsatisfied, once again. At first, I struggled to find some way to touch myself, but the energy webs around my limbs and mouth made that a fruitless activity. Have you ever tried to not move for a long time. It's not a normal activity for any person of any species. By the time the owner had returned, I was twitching, not for sex, but simply to be able to move.

"I have some questions for you Susan. How much experience do you have in sexual activity?" he asked, removing the restraint about my mouth.

"Master, I have had a couple of dozen lovers. The relationships have lasted anything from one night stands to a couple of years. I've never met anyone I would want to partner with permanently."

"The Hydromel makes you body receptive to sexual excitement from any touch. In your species, and yourself in particular, what is normal? What parts of your body are erogenous zones?"

"The primary female sexual organs are our breasts and vaginal areas. But we can be aroused by touch almost anywhere if we are physically or emotionally attracted to a partner."

If it seems strange for me to be so open about my sexual responsiveness, understand that I was experiencing the beginnings of Hydromel addiction. The drug was never intended to be given continuously to anyone. Repeated use, while it does not create physical addiction, creates a tremendous mental craving for the intense orgasms. I had one intense orgasm and been frustrated from one four times. I was already begging for it. I was desperate to convince the owner to remove the capsule from me. It was bad enough that I was a slave who had to do what ever I was ordered to do. But being a slave to a drug that causes people to agree to anything to get their next orgasm was terrifying.

"For myself, Master, when I am wanting sex or am attracted to a guy, I can be aroused by caresses to my face and arms, by kissing, by caresses one my back and legs. Once I become a little aroused, it seems like my entire body can become an arousal zone. My breasts are especially sensitive once aroused. Caresses and kissing there can make me really hot. Like most women, my pussy and clit are a center of sexual pleasure for me. Even without penetration, touch on my pussy and on my clit can quickly bring me to orgasm."

"Have you ever had mouth to genital sexual experiences? Both on the giving and receiving of such?"

"Yes master," I answered smiling, "It is one of my favorite types of sex. I love giving and receiving oral sex."

He turned and released the energy webs. "Show me how well you can perform. Get down on your knees and satisfy me." He ordered.

"Master, I would never have sex with an alien!"

"Slave! You forget your place! You don't question or hesitate when your owner gives a command. Stand up! Put your hands behind your head!"

I scrambled to obey his commands. He had been treating me so kindly that I had assumed that he was not a master, just an owner. Once I was in the position he demanded, he put the limb restraints back on, as well as the collar. My wrists were locked together and my legs forced a full four feet apart. Then my collar started to pull upwards. He had somehow linked it to the ceiling. If my feet slipped, I would be suspended by my neck, possibly strangling me. I was frightened. He could kill me in his rage and I could do nothing to stop him.

Then my vision blacked out! "The collar has far more uses than your 'boyfriend' had any idea of." He said. "It can selectively block or enhance nerve bundles. I've turned off your vision and enhanced your pain receptors. In the future, remember your place and obey without complaint or hesitation."

With that, fire exploded against my back. I tried to scream, but my voice wouldn't work. The fire hit me again and again. The restraints prevented me from even attempting to avoid whatever was causing the pain. I had never imagined that such pain was possible. In the back of my mind, I wondered why I had not passed out. Time had no meaning. There was just the waves of fire hitting me over and over again. Between the lashes of fire, there was still excruciating pain. I knew that I would do anything to avoid this pain again.

The fire stopped finally. Pain still wracked my body. The return of light should have hurt my eyes, but I was already overwhelmed by pain. He was standing in front of me holding, of all things, a large feather! He brushed it across my belly and the fire hit me again! My voice worked now and I screamed in agony. How could a feather cause such pain.

"Slave, you are new to the concept of being enslaved, so I was gentle(?) with you. You pain receptors can be made even more sensitive than this. At peak sensitivity, the burst of pain lingers for minutes. Multiple strokes can build the intensity. Long enough at very high levels and the pain can literally kill you. To make the punishment more effective, the collar prevents the loss of consciousness. Now, get on your knees and pleasure me orally, Susan, to both orgasms."

The collar and legs released, but the hands remained locked behind my head. I wasn't sure want he meant by 'both orgasms', but I assume that he was capable of multiple orgasms. (I knew a boyfriend or two that would love that ability) I crawled up to my knees as he parted his robe, revealing a fur covered sheath of some sort that I assumed was his penis. I kissed the shaft lightly. I felt a bulge of some sort on the inside of the shaft. He had a strange but pleasant musky aroma. I couldn't see any testicles, so I tentatively started to lick the shaft and the area around it. His taste matched his aroma and I did not get the mouthful of hair that I was afraid of getting (I'm not sure I could have stifled my gagging in that case). I was taking long slow strokes on the shaft with my tongue when I felt whatever was inside the shaft begin to swell and become more noticeable. That's when I realized that the shaft wasn't his penis, his penis was inside the shaft. As the hydromel spurred on my own arousal, I licked his with the whole of my mouth, sometimes engulfing a portion of the shaft in my mouth and gently nibbling on it.

From the sounds he was making, I assumed I was doing at least a passable job. The top of his shaft began to open up a little at the tip and some fluid (precum?) leaked out. I extended the action of my tongue to catch that little drop and found the taste pleasantly musky, though somewhat oily. His shaft had swelled to twice its diameter and the opening at the top was leaking fluid fairly liberally. He ordered me to not let any fluid go to waste, so I licked most of it into my mouth and spread some around my face. As the hole increased in diameter, I stuck my tongue into it to get even more fluid (I was really enjoying the taste, and it seemed to heighten the sensitivity of whatever it touched). As I did so, I felt the actual penis. It seemed to be resting in a bed of the precum and was throbbing. When he cried out at the touch I repeated it and prolonged it, licking the cock that I could reach.

As I did, it began to move, rising up out of the sheath, giving me better access to it. As it rose, I took it into my mouth to give it a blow job like I would a human. As it rose into my mouth, I noticed a small slit just below his fur covered belly button. I was too engrossed to wonder what the slit was, as his cock extended out a full ten inches from the shaft, completely filling my mouth. Only previous experience with deep throating kept me from choking on the huge member. From the way it was throbbing, I could tell he was close to climaxing.

My own arousal was getting serious as well. If only I could use my hands to rub my tits and pussy. My nipples felt rock hard and I was leaking juices from my cunt liberally. Turned on as I was, I could not help but moan around his cock. That seemed to excite him even more. He brought is hands down to hold me close to his body and not let me back out (not that I was planning to). I felt him tense and I braced myself for the flood. His cum was hot, not just warm. It jetted out with some speed, splattering against the back of my throat. I swallowed quickly and another jet erupted, even more voluminous that the first. I struggled to swallow before the next spurt, but failed and my mouth filled to overflowing. Some leaked out of my mouth and dribbled down his stomach.

While he continued to cum in my mouth, thankfully in reduced volume, that slit I had noticed earlier began to open up and some of his cum dripped onto it. As it opened, a second penis(!) started to emerge. In the back of my mind, I realized what he meant by 'both orgasms' now. He had two cocks. (I would later learn that Branchetian reproduction requires an activation fluid to enable the sperm to fertilize, enabling males to choose when to produce offspring and when not to) The second penis seemed to not want to come out all the way. On instinct, I released his first penis and, with cum still in my mouth, started to lick the second.

It responded in a flash and extended to a full six inches as the first re-sheathed itself. I was lost in pleasure by this point. The angle of this new penis allowed me to rub my tits against his leg, getting some desperately needed stimulation. My pussy still ached and throbbed, desperate for touch and filling. His new penis tasted different, though I can't to this day pace it. While it was shorter, it was also thicker, forcing my mouth to open at its widest to accommodate it. I pumped my mouth back and forth while my tongue swirled around it when there was room. It was sort of like starting a second blow job all over again. The sides of this penis produced a slick fluid that formed some sort of airtight seal with my lips. It pulsed and throbbed for some time as I bobbed back and forth. My instincts seemed to be right as his hands returned to my head and prevented me from varying my technique at this point.

With my breasts being rubbed by his fur, my own excitement reached fever pitch. Now I was aching for orgasm and still unable to reach it. My moans turned to moans of desperation and I began to cry in frustration. I had never tried to have sex six times in one day before and here I was on number six and fearful that it would end with no release again. I could feel my pussy lips swollen and protruding, as if to try to capture something, anything, to fill them. The puddle of juices that had leaked onto the floor had spread so I could feel it with my knees. Then his second cock stopped pulsing for a second or two. I prepared my mouth again and he unloaded a second time, while he let out a loud cry of ecstasy. His cum was oily and somewhat foul tasting and I might have tried to spit it out, but that seal that had formed on my lips turned out to my watertight as well. His hands held me tight so I couldn't pull away. The only thing I cold do was swallow for all I was worth. This second cumming was different in that it was not repeated spurts but a steady stream of fluid. He kept it up for what must have been a whole minute. Fortunately the pace was not too quick for my swallowing to keep up. Finally he released me and I pulled back, moaning in desire.

"Lick my fur clean, slave." He ordered.

I started to lick his fluids and my spit off of him while I begged, "Master, please let me cum this time. I don't know if I can take another frustration."

"Clean me first!"

I did as he asked, getting every last drop that I could extract off. When I did, he ordered me to stand. He re-set the restraints so I was spread legged and almost suspended by my collar. Then he reached down and began to stroke my pussy with his furry hand. Finally, my pussy had what it so desperately craved. Waves of pleasure and arousal spread from my pussy through out my body. I became incoherent as the pressure and need for release increased. I recall begging to be fucked and feeling something enter my pussy. I lost track of time until I exploded in orgasm, my whole body shaking and me screaming at the top of my lungs. As I came back down, he put something to my mouth, his hand I realized.

"Clean me up again slave. You make as much of a mess as I do."

I licked his hand, savoring the familiar taste of my own juices and basking in the afterglow of an incredible orgasm. Actually, I made love to his hand, treating each finger as a little penis deserving its own blow job. Once he was clean, he let me down and ordered me to clean the floor where I had leaked. I balked for a split second at licking bodily fluids off a floor, until I remembered the 'feather of fire' and quickly bent down to lick everything up.

Once I had finished, he ordered my back on the examination table, only on my stomach. He put the restraining web back on and explained, "The Hydromel will make you even more valuable, but not if it's always running. I need to modify the dispenser so that it can be turned on or off as your master wills it. Slaves are not just for sex, they also have other duties and being constantly aroused by mundane tasks will make you virtually worthless to any but a brothel."

"Yes, master" It was not what I wanted, but it was better than what I had now, as long as whoever bought me did not want it on all the time.

After he made the adjustment, he took me out to the showroom and used the restraints to pose me. He last thing I remember that night was his saying, "Good night."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
How is that treatment supposed to be gentle?

Why am I not surprised that the use of these drugs doesn’t invalidate her slavery?

Collin’s punishment would have been better if she got to witness it.

As for the gentle treatment? If nothing else then it’s stupid to beak the merchandise mentally or physically. There are plenty of sickos who delight in that kind of thing themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Got mixed feelings: I'm all-in for hot alien-sex but don't like all this master/slave thing

DryhillDryhillalmost 13 years ago

i am glad that Colin gets a just a proper punishment. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Not Bad

Good follow up.

Collin got off alot easier than I would have done, but this way at least doen't detract from the main story.

I'm curious on what the other drug does... she has 2 in her system, or did I miss something here.

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